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Wisconsin Governor Proposes Changes To Background Checks
  Posted August 18th, 2019 03:13 pm


Posts: 1,434

Governor Tony Evers and Democratic lawmakers proposed an expansion of background checks for gun sales in Wisconsin on August 15.

Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, Attorney General Josh Kaul, Representative Melissa Sargent, and Senator LaTonya Johnson attended the press conference with the Governor to call on Republicans who control the Legislature to pass the measure, even though GOP leaders have said they do not support such a move.

"We have to stop ignoring the problem of gun violence in our state and our country, and it's time for our elected officials to find the courage to do what is right," said Governor Evers at a news conference to announce the bill. "Addressing gun violence doesn't have to be a false choice between the 2nd Amendment and keeping our kids and our communities safe. We can walk and chew gum at the same time, and a majority of Wisconsinites agree that no matter what kind of firearm is being purchased or where it's being purchased from, the process should be the same."

Only licensed gun dealers must conduct background checks when selling a firearm under the current law, which means that someone attempting to purchase a firearm can circumvent the background check process by purchasing a firearm from an unlicensed seller. LRB-3949 unifies the background check process under the Wisconsin DOJ for all firearm purchases, including requiring the Wisconsin DOJ to conduct background checks on frames and receivers.

Wisconsin Governor Proposes Changes To Background Checks