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Georgia Lawmaker Want Concealed Carry Laws Suspended During Emergency
  Posted March 27th, 2020 11:58 am


Posts: 1,434

As Georgia gun sales surge in Georgia due to worries over the coronavirus, Georgia state Rep. Matt Gurtler, R-Tiger, wants to make sure people can carry weapons, concealed or open, without fear of arrest.

"It's imperative that we suspend the enforcement of those weapons licenses," Gurtler said.

The power to suspend the licenses would come from Gov. Brian Kemp. Under the current public health state of emergency, the governor can override state laws.

The Georgia General Assembly approved the executive order at a special called legislative session on March 16.

"We need to suspend enforcement especially during the state of emergency, when so many individuals need to be able to defend themselves and their families and their loved ones and their property," Gurtler said.

Georgia Lawmaker Want Concealed Carry Laws Suspended During Emergency