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2017-2018 Proposed Georgia Gun Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted December 19th, 2016 11:58 am

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Georgia.

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Georgia legislation click here

Starting off (prefiled):

HB10 is a full blown 'assault weapon' ban along with a large capacity magazine ban and a ban on armor piercing bullets.

HB11 would require anyone wishing to get or renew a carry permit to show proof of firearm training.

note: (if viewing before January 1, 2017 click on the 2017-2018 tab at the top of the page)

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 30th, 2017 04:36 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

New last week:

HB156 is a constitutional carry bill along with opening up reciprocity with any other state that recognizes Georgia's permit

SB84 would allow law enforcement to destroy seized firearms

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 14th, 2017 05:26 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

New this week:

SB91 would prohibit anyone on the terrorist watch list from buying a firearm unless they petition the courts and get approval

SB92 would allow police to stop and detain a person to see if they have a carry permit

HB232 would require proof of training when applying for or renewing a carry license

SB135 would require anyone applying for a carry permit to show proof that they have attended a state approved safety course that must be 8 hours long minimum

HB280 would permit those with carry permits to carry on school property with some exceptions

HB286 is a constitutional carry bill

HB334 would make anyone under a restraining order a prohibited person for the duration of that order

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 19th, 2017 11:46 am

dc dalton
Posts: 705

New this week:

SB163 would create a concealed carry holder database that would be available to law enforcement

SB177 is a constitutional carry bill

HB406 would change reciprocity laws to allow anyone from another state that is licensed in that state to carry weapons provided they are at least 21 years old

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted November 29th, 2017 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

HB651 would classify any firearm that has a bump fire stock as a machine gun

add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 26th, 2018 12:09 pm

dc dalton
Posts: 705

SB454 would outlaw bump fire stocks

SB472 would make anyone convicted of simple assault a prohibited person

  Posted March 14th, 2018 11:15 am

Posts: 1,434

HB1053 would require gun owners to have liability insurance

2017-2018 Proposed Georgia Gun Legislation