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Louisiana Proposal To Raise Age For Assault Weapon Purchase To 21 Passes Senate Committee
  Posted April 3rd, 2018 01:56 pm


Posts: 1,434

A Louisiana Senate Committee voted 4-3 for legislation that would restrict people from purchasing assault weapons until they are 21 years old. Currently, people can purchase any type of gun at 18 years old.

It is one of very few gun restrictions that hasn't been shot down in the Legislature immediately in recent years. Three Democrats and one Republican, Sen. Fred Mills of Breaux Bridge, voted in favor of the bill. The three other Republicans on the committee voted against it.

The bill had some powerful allies, including New Orleans Police Superintendent Michael Harrison, who traveled to Baton Rouge to testify in favor of the proposal. Robert Tasman, who speaks on behalf of the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops, also spoke in favor of House Bill 274.

"If we save one life, two lives, three lives, I would think this will have been worth it," said Sen. Troy Carter, D-New Orleans, the sponsor of the legislation.

Louisiana Proposal To Raise Age For Assault Weapon Purchase To 21 Passes Senate Committee