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South Dakota Lawmakers Advance Bill Banning College Gun Free Zones
  Posted February 12th, 2019 02:22 pm


Posts: 1,434

A bill prohibiting South Dakota public universities and colleges from banning guns on their campuses received a Senate committee's approval over the objections from university administrators and students on Tuesday.

The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced in a 4-3 motion Senate Bill 122, which will prohibit the Board of Regents and the Board of Technical Education from adopting a policy that would restrict or limit a person's ability to carry a firearm on campus. The committee also attempted to send the bill to the 41st legislative day, which would have killed the bill, but the motion failed.

The South Dakota Gun Owners Association was the sole supporter during Tuesday's meeting. Jordan Mason, the association's political director, said the bill is "finally giving our students a chance to defend themselves."

The South Dakota Constitution guarantees citizens' right to bear arms, said Sen. Stace Nelson, R-Fulton, one of the bill's sponsors.

"Gun-free zones do not work," Nelson said during the committee's discussion.

South Dakota Lawmakers Advance Bill Banning College Gun Free Zones