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Hispanic El Paso Residents Seek Firearm Training For Concealed Carry After Shooting
  Posted August 18th, 2019 03:18 pm


Posts: 1,434

Following the deadly shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas that killed 22 people a few weeks ago, Hispanics in the city have flocked to the gun range to take concealed carry classes, Reuters reported. The course is required for Texas residents to obtain a License to Carry a concealed firearm.

According to Michael McIntyre, general manager of Gun Central, one of the biggest gun stores in El Paso, his classes have see a huge increase since the shooting earlier this month. Normally each of his concealed carry classes have seven people. Now they average 50 people per class. And the people who are seeking his services are predominantly Hispanic.

"I have over 50 for this Saturday class and approximately the same amount for the Sunday class, and I normally have approximately seven," McIntyre told Reuters.

In addition to an increase in a desire for training, McIntyre said his handgun sales doubled following the attack.

"We actually had two people buy guns here who were actually in the Walmart on the day of the shooting. The other people are just saying, 'Hey, you know I want to be able to protect myself in the event of something going on.'," he said. “This is not the last mass shooting we’re going to see.”

Hispanic El Paso Residents Seek Firearm Training For Concealed Carry After Shooting