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Texas Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill
  Posted May 7th, 2021 10:44 am


Posts: 1,434

A controversial proposal to allow Texans to carry handguns in public without obtaining a license or training passed the state Senate Wednesday, putting Texas on track to potentially join a handful of others that have passed permitless carry laws this year.

More than a dozen states have introduced measures this year to allow residents to carry guns in public without a license, according to Brady, a gun control advocacy group. Gun safety advocates said it's not unusual for states to introduce such proposals but said the measures appear to be gaining steam.

So far this year, five states; Iowa, Tennessee, Montana, Utah and Wyoming; have passed legislation allowing some form of permitless carry. The bills are an indication of how conservative lawmakers and gun lobbyists are making inroads at expanding gun rights at the state level, even as lawmakers in Washington debate more gun restrictions.

The Texas Senate passed the bill in an 18-to-13 party line vote after hours of debate on Wednesday. The permitless carry bill already passed the Texas House, but the legislation will have to return to the House before a reconciled bill can make its way to the governor's desk.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has already indicated he would sign the bill if it's passed.

Texas Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill