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Virginia Governor Vetos Gun And Switchblade Bills
  Posted February 21st, 2017 11:56 am


Posts: 1,434

Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe on Monday vetoed a bill Monday that would have legalized the carrying of a concealed switchblade knife, carried for use in a lawful profession or recreational activity.

Del. R. Lee Ware Jr., R-Powhatan, sponsored House Bill 1432 at the request of a Richmond-area switchblade enthusiast, who said he worried that he and his colleagues in the Greater Richmond Knife Club are breaking the law by taking knives from their collections to monthly club meetings.

A second bill McAuliffe vetoed on Monday would expand eligibility for concealed handgun permits. It would allow military service members who are between the ages of 18 and 21 and on active military duty, or who have been honorably discharged, to apply for a permit.

Under current law, residents and nonresidents must be 21 to carry a concealed handgun.

Del. Jeffrey L. Campbell, R-Smyth, sponsored House Bill 1582. GOP proponents say that if young soldiers can be trusted with guns while fighting overseas, they should be allowed to carry concealed at home.

McAuliffe said in his veto message that "weapons familiarization training as a component of an individual's military basic training" does not qualify the person to carry weapons in follow-on service.

Virginia Governor Vetos Gun And Switchblade Bills