AMGOA Staff Pennsylvania

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The Virginia House of Delegates on Monday advanced an assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban to its third reading.
House Bill 961, which is sponsored by Del. Mark Levine, D-Alexandria, would prohibit the sale of assault weapons, but would allow a person who already owns such a weapon to keep his or her firearm. Any person who obtains a firearm before January 1, 2021, would be grandfathered in.
The prohibition on high-capacity magazines will not include a grandfather clause, which means that it will be illegal to possess a magazine that can hold more than 12 rounds of ammunition.
The legislation has support from most of the chamber's Democrats, but strong opposition from Republicans.
Although the initial language made it a felony to possess a high-capacity magazine once the law is in effect, a floor amendment weakened the penalty to a Class 1 misdemeanor. This could still land someone in jail for a year.
"No law-abiding citizen will be affected [by this bill]," Levine said on the House floor. "Virginians understand that laws change, and law-abiding citizens follow the law."