dc dalton Pennsylvania

Posts: 705
About damn time!
The Defense Department has released guidelines that effectively allows troops to carry privately-owned and concealed firearms on military bases like Fort Hood, the scene of mass shootings in 2009 and 2014. The directive comes out in spite of public objections by Gen. Mark Milley, the Army Chief of Staff, who commanded Fort Hood during the 2014 killings. "Arming and the Use of Force," which came into effect on November 18, states Department of Defense firearms policies for military personnel during official duties. But, the DoD document also lays out the procedures that will allow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines to carry privately-owned weapons on military bases. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/local/the-observation-post/article/Defense-Department-releases-plan-allowing-troops-10629442.php