AMGOA Staff Pennsylvania

Posts: 1,434
We rarely wage into politics but the events of today force us to speak. What has happened today with this two bit hack NY DA indicting former president Trump requires us to respond.
This is NOT just an assault on president Trump, this is an assault on the US justice system. This attack on a former president has turned this once fine nation into a 'bandanna republic'.
This can NOT be tolerated because if it is we are doomed as a nation. We will become a 3rd world country that can be over run by any nation that feels like it.
We ALL need to stand together, and stand with president Trump and stop this before it is too late, Our forefathers built this great nation on principles and a sense of fairness .. today ended that.
We urge you to contact both you state and federal legislators and DEMAND they speak out against this political hit, tell them to either speak up or step aside.
If this isn't stopped our country is doomed to a very dark future over the next few year, if not forever