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2021 Proposed Texas Firearm Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted January 1st, 2021 02:15 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Texas .

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Texas legislation click here

  Posted January 1st, 2021 02:26 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB395 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB185 would require all firearms not in use to be locked up

HB218 is a universal background check bill

HB112 would bar all state and local governments from enforcing any federal firearm-related law passed after 2020 or from accepting any money from the federal government to enforce such laws.

HB241 is an 'assault weapon' ban

HB118 is a universal background check bill

HB164 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB52 would require all firearms sold at gun shows to go through a background check

HB603 is an attempt to shut down reciprocity of carry licenses from other states

HB210 would require anyone convicted of an offense in family court or anyone under a family violence protection order to surrender their firearms

HB223 would make anyone convicted of a 'violent misdemeanor' a prohibited person

HB635 would bar all state and local governments from enforcing any federal firearm-related law passed after 2020 or from accepting any money from the federal government to enforce such laws.

HB231 would make it illegal to sell, rent or lease an 'assault weapon' to anyone under 21 years old

HB234 would outlaw any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds

HB524 would make 'firearm safety devices' sales tax exempt

HB245 would require all firearm sales at gun shows go through a background check

HB238 repeal preemption of firearm laws by local and county governments

HB235 would make anyone convicted of 'family violence misdemeanors' a prohibited person

HB172 is an 'assault weapon' ban bill

HB201 would repeal the state's campus carry law

HB208 would make it illegal for anyone other than a licensed FFL to manufacture a firearm

HB127 would outlaw open carry of rifles

HB336 would prohibit the recognition and enforcement of extreme risk protective orders

HB670 would create new law regarding the 'reckless discharge of a firearm'

HB26 would repeal the governor's ability to control the sale, transportation and use of firearms and ammunition during a declared emergency

HB304 would add more places where carrying firearms is prohibited

HB340 would remove the ability to regulate firearms and ammunition by the governor when an emergency has been declared

HB347 would make it a crime to make a 'misleading' statement when buying a firearm

HB367 would make anyone convicted of a 'hate crime' prohibited from possessing a firearm for 5 years from they date of their release

HB606 is a universal background check bill

HB629 would remove the ability to regulate firearms and ammunition by the governor when an emergency has been declared

SB110 would create extreme risk protection orders

SB162 would make it a crime to make a 'misleading' statement when buying a firearm

SB163 is a universal background check bill

SB84 would create what they call a 'lethal force protection order' which is in fact an extreme risk protection order

HB821 would gut restrictions for getting a concealed carry permit

HB781 would allow school marshals to carry handguns

HB825 would remove the fee for carry licenses

HB880 would make it illegal to 'knowing making misleading statements' during the purchase of a firearm

HB883 would make it a crime to 'knowing making misleading statements' during the purchase of a firearm

HB213 would outlaw open carrying rifles

HB918 would allow people 18-21 to get a special carry license if they are under the protection of a court order

HB760 would require background checks for all firearm sales at gun shows

HB196 would gut the state's castle doctrine law by requiring a person to flee if there is an intruder in their home, it would also remove robbery and aggravated robbery from the crimes that deadly force could be used against

HB915 would make firearms and accessories manufactured and kept in the state exempt from federal law

HCR16 is a resolution asking congress to pass a universal background check bill

SB242 is a universal background check bill

HB799 would make it a crime to carry a firearm while 'intoxicated'

HB919 would prohibit local governments from assisting in enforcing federal firearm laws

HB791 would make it illegal to display a firearm while attending a public demonstration or within 500' of a demonstration

HB328 would designate June as firearm safety awareness month

HB178 would outlaw all magazines that carry more than 10 rounds

SB60 would make firearm safety equipment exempt from sales tax

  Posted January 6th, 2021 02:30 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB957 would prohibit any state or local agency from enforcing federal gun laws and would legalize suppressors within the state

SB283 would require firearms to be surrendered after a conviction in family court

  Posted January 12th, 2021 12:56 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1039 would create an online database of revoked and suspended licenses to carry a firearm and would require dealers to check if a person has had their license revoked or suspended before transferring a firearm

SB313 would make firearm safety equipment exempt from sales and use tax

HB1040 would prohibit anyone seeking treatment for a chemical dependency from owning a firearm

SB311 would make it illegal to displaying a firearm at or near a public demonstration

  Posted January 20th, 2021 12:33 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1069 would allow first responders to undergo training and then carry firearms while on duty

HB1094 would allow those under the protection of a court order to carry a firearm without a license

  Posted January 26th, 2021 01:39 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1253 would create county task forces to seize firearms from people under certain court orders

HB1238 is a constitutional carry bill

  Posted February 3rd, 2021 02:01 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB546 would make it illegal to carry firearms at polling places

SB514 would allow for carrying firearm on school property with a carry license

HB1387 would reduce storage restrictions on firearms in certain foster homes

SB499 would prohibit any local or state employee from assisting in the enforcement of unconstitutional federal firearm laws

SB513 would prohibit any local or state employee from assisting in enforcing any federal firearm law

HB1407 would clarify that having a firearm in a holster in a motor vehicle is not a crime so long as the owner is in the vehicle and has a carry permit

SB541 would prohibit state and local governments from assisting in the enforcement of federal firearm laws

SB542 would make firearms and parts made an kept within the state exempt from federal laws with very minor exceptions

SB543 would make suppressors and suppressor parts made and kept within the state exempt from federal law

HB1378 would roll back regulations for restaurant owners in regards to firearms and businesses that derive 51% or more of their income from alcohol sales

SB545 would allow those under the protection of a court order to carry firearms without a license

SB540 would severely restrict carrying handguns

SB547 would edit the section of law regarding the governors power during an emergency to the ability to control firearms and ammunition

SB554 would require the reporting of lost or stolen firearms

SB555 would make anyone convicted of a 'hate crime' a prohibited person

SCR8 is a resolution declaring gun violence a public health crisis

SB548 would prohibit extreme risk protection orders in the state

  Posted February 13th, 2021 01:37 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1690 would remove the ability to regulate firearms by the governor during a declared emergency

HB1768 would make it a crime to carry on any school property and at any amusement park

HB1857 would allow prohibiting carrying firearms on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities.

HB1856 would prevent hotels and motels from prohibiting legally carry firearms by guests

SB637 would prohibit hotels and motels from prhibitiing the legal carrying of firearms

HB1587 would outlaw open carry of a handgun

HB1771 would outlaw 3D printed firearms and parts

HB1767 would change law regarding carrying handguns on government property to require that property to be occupied by a government agency

HB1548 would provide civil liability relief for businesses that allow concealed carry on their premises

HB1769 would make it a crime to carry a firearm on college campuses

HB1772 would outlaw procedures required to post businesses that prohibit carrying firearms

HB1770 would allow municipal governments with populations of 750,000 or more to restrict open carrying firearms

HB1765 would require all firearm sales at gun shows to go through a background check

  Posted February 26th, 2021 01:02 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1948 would require the state police to publish a list of revoked carry licenses and would require dealers to check the list before selling a firearm

SB18 would prohibit further regulations on firearm and ammunition manufacturers during a declared emergency

HB2169 would remove current law that prohibits a person from getting a carry license if they have delinquent taxes

HB2249 would prohibit further regulations on firearm and ammunition manufacturers during a declared emergency

HB2229 would scale back the prohibitions on carrying firearms at polling places

HB1500 would prevent any restriction of firearm or firearm related manufacturers during a state of emergency

HB2141 make it a crime to not report a lost or stolen firearm

HB3 would prohibit further regulations on firearms, firearm manufacturers during a pandemic disaster

HB2143 would allow local governments to regulate carrying 'modern sporting rifles'

HB2105 would make it a crime to refuse to give law enforcement your name and other information when being stopped for carrying a firearm

  Posted March 11th, 2021 04:03 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB1253 is a stand along bill to the constitutional carry bill that provides for carry licenses for use in reciprocity with other states

SB892 would allow school boards to adopt policies to allow school employees to carry firearms

SB1287 would impose additional taxes on firearms, accessories and ammunition

HB2900 is a constitutional carry bill

SB1289 would make it illegal to carry on property used or leased by private school or colleges

HB2878 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB1911 is a constitutional carry bill

HB2282 would prohibit any district or county attorney from being counsel in federal court for any activity involving the enforcement of federal firearm, ammunition or firearm accessory laws

HB2402 would prohibit local governments from applying additional taxes on firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories

SB19 would prohibit the state from entering into contracts with businesses that discriminate against firearm related businesses

HB2622 would prohibit the state from assisting the federal government in enforcing any federal law that does not exist in state law

HB3587 would require firearm licenses to be processing in a timely fashion during a declared emergency

HB2675 would allow for expedited concealed carry licenses for those at risk of violence

HB2440 would remove several provisions under current law that would make a person ineligible to get a carry license

HB2910 would add an additional 1% sales tax on firearms and ammunition

HB2558 would prohibit the state from entering into any contract with a business that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries

HB3361 would make all firearms, accessories and ammunition manufactured and kept in the state exempt from federal law

  Posted March 24th, 2021 02:20 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB2281 would expand gun free zones for schools to all property used by a school

HB3806 would expand campus carry to public junior colleges

HB3124 would allow government employees to carry handguns on government property while at work provided they have a carry license

SB20 would prevent hotels and motels from preventing their guests from carrying and storing their firearms in their room

HB4346 would prohibit restrictions on carrying firearms on an easement

HB4386 would repeal current law that allow carrying of firearms during a declared and would and make it a crime 'to intentionally display' a firearm

SB1742 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB3671 would make anyone convicted of 'family violence' a prohibited person

HB3779 would make firearm tax exempt from the last full weekend in August

HB4125 would prohibit the governor and local government from regulating the sale and transportation of firearms and ammunition during an emergency

HB4259 would require gun dealers to hand out suicide prevention information with gun sales

  Posted April 20th, 2021 10:39 am

Posts: 1,434

HB1927 is a very confusing bill but in essence it legalizes open carry (holstered) for anyone not prohibited and 21 or older with exceptions and it completely repeals section 46.035 (Unlawful Carrying Of Handgun By License Holder). It also redefines things like amusement parks in relation to carrying

  Posted May 13th, 2021 01:15 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB2247 appears to remove fees for firearm related license, especially for vets

SB2224 is a constitutional carry bill

  Posted August 23rd, 2021 03:55 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB222 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB173 would limit the governors ability to regulate firearms and ammunition during a declared emergency

HB56 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB38 would require all firearms sold at shows to go through a background check and would require the promoter to hire a licensed dealer to do the checks

HCR8 is a resolution urging congress to pass a universal background check bill

HCR5 is a resolution urging congress to pass universal background check legislation

HB288 would require background checks at gun shows

HB55 is an 'assault weapon' ban bill

2021 Proposed Texas Firearm Legislation