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Dangerous New Threat to Gun Ownership, Gun Violence Taxes
  Posted August 17th, 2017 10:50 am


Posts: 1,434

Thanks to a tortured ruling by the Washington State Supreme Court, the gun prohibition lobby has reloaded to use this tax for an assault on gun ownership.

On August 10 Washington's high court sided with the City of Seattle, which adopted a "gun violence tax" in a strategy to slither around the state preemption law that placed exclusive authority for regulating firearms in the hands of the State Legislature. And this new scheme could be coming to any city that has an anti-gun rights Mayor and City Council.

In Seattle's case, the tax is $25 on the sale of each firearm, plus two to five cents for each round of ammunition sold. This threat takes on even more sinister dimensions when one considers the potential for cities to simply up the fee. Seattle started with $25 per gun, but what if they want to raise that to $100, $500 or even $1,000?

It opens the door wide to making gun ownership prohibitively expensive for average citizens. Essentially, Washington's Supreme Court just handed the gun prohibition lobby and its allies in government a new strategy: If they can't ban or regulate gun ownership out of existence, they will simply tax it into oblivion.

The ruling creates a new battleground for groups like the National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Dangerous New Threat to Gun Ownership, Gun Violence Taxes
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