AMGOA Staff Pennsylvania

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Strict gun laws passed in two states to require background checks for every firearm sale had virtually no effect, a new study has found.
Gun violence experts from the Center for Gun Policy and Research and the Violence Prevention Research Program conducted a study in Washington state, Colorado and Delaware to analyze whether state laws requiring more background checks actually resulted in more checks.
The results, published in medical journal Injury Prevention, suggest the laws had little impact.
Delaware was the only state that saw apparent results, with an increase ranging from 22 to 34 percent based on the type of firearm. But according to the study, "no overall changes were observed in Washington and Colorado."
The study said data "external to the study" suggested Washington saw a "modest, but consistent" increase in background checks for private party sales, and Colorado saw a similar increase in checks for non-gun show sales.
"These aren’t the results I hoped to see. I hoped to see an effect. But it's much more important to see what's actually happened," Garen Wintemute, one of the study’s authors, told The Guardian.