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Judge Temporarily Blocks Release Of 3D Gun Plans
  Posted August 1st, 2018 12:07 pm


Posts: 1,434

Federal Judge Robert Lasnik issued a temporary restraining order on Tuesday "blocking (the) federal government from allowing distribution of downloadable 3D printed" guns, according to a tweet from the Washington State Office of the Attorney General.

"The judge's rule is clear," Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said at a news conference. "We go back to the status quo, before the federal government made the disastrous decision to undo these protections for public safety."

The ruling blocked a settlement that Defense Distributed, a Texas based gun rights organization, and the federal government reached in June that made it legal to post 3D printable gun plans online.

Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson said the site has disabled downloads until he reviews the order.

Judge Temporarily Blocks Release Of 3D Gun Plans
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