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2019-2020 Proposed Federal Legislation
  Posted January 27th, 2019 01:34 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated weekly with newly introduced federal bills. Please not we will only post bills here once the text has been released and we have rated them. We alos do not post bills here that we feel are neutral.

To see all federal bills for the current legislative session please click here

  Posted December 20th, 2019 06:46 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB1072 would forbid states to impose regulations on firearm manufacturers

HB1112 would require gun dealers to wait 10 days before transferring a firearm to a person if a background check has not been completed by NICS

HB1115 would repeal liability protections for firearm manufacturers

HB1116 would make anyone convicted within the past 10 years of any 'crime of violence', is under 25 and has been convicted in any court of a crime that would be considered a 'crime of violence' for an adult and has been convicted of an offense that has, 'as an element', the possession or distribution of, or the intent to possess or distribute, alcohol or a controlled substance (as so defined); or who has been convicted in any court of stalking a prohibited person

HB1134 is an attempt to stop the president from remove items from the munitions export list

HB1186 is a high capacity magazine ban bill

HB121 would set up an expungement process for non-violent criminals that includes restoring firearm rights

HB1222 would expand target practice and firearm safety on federal lands

HB1236 would provide grants to states that enact extreme risk protection orders

HB1262 would raise the age to buy a rifle or shotgun to 21

HB1263 would require all rifles that accept detachable magazines as NFA items requiring a full ATF background check and a $200 tax stamp

HB1266 would classify firearm kits as firearms

HB1279 would give money to the states to conduct gun buyback programs

HB1287 would set up grants to give to states that require firearms to be turned in during domestic abuse situations

HB1296 is an 'assault weapon' ban and high capacity magazine ban

HB1297 would add any firearm that can be concealed and can fire 'armor piercing' ammunition to the NFA

HB1339 would enhance penalties for theft of a firearm from a dealer and would would establish a mass violence prevention center

HB1397 would require NICS to notify immigration and border enforcement (ICE) when an illegal alien tries to buy a firearm

HB1412 would require NICS to notify ICE when an illegal alien tries to buy a firearm

HB1454 would require a three day waiting period for 'private transfers' of firearms

HB1531 would give the attorney general the power to stop the sale of a firearm to anyone that is a 'known to be' or 'suspected' of any conduct they consider to be deemed as terrorism or support for terrorists

HB155 would remove suppressors from the definition of firearms in so far as the NFA act, it would also preempt state laws regarding suppressors and would require all NFA records of suppressors to be destroyed

HB157 would repeal the gun manufacturers liability protection act

HB1585 would make misdemeanor crimes like stalking a prohibiting offense

HB167 would prohibit private firearm sales at gun shows

HB1670 is an attempt to restrict interstate shipping of firearms

HB1705 would require a permit to buy firearms and ammunition

HB1726 would exempt up to $3000 worth of firearms from federal bankruptcy laws

HB1745 is a federal version of an extreme risk protection order

HB175 would add ammunition to existing law regarding transporting firearm across state lines when the person is legal to own in their state and in the state they are traveling to

HB1761 would prohibit the use of federal funds to be used by states to create or maintain any firearm owner database

HB1817 would require NICS to make a final disposition on challenges within 60 days

HB2071 would allow users of medical marijuana to own firearms

HB2179 would increase penalties for theft of a firearm from a licensed dealer or a gun range

HB2251 would give spouses of military personnel the same rights as their spouse in receiving firearms at their duty station

HB2303 would create a 'gun offender registry' similar to the sexual predators registry

HB2364 would require any business that has to file with the SEC to report any investments in firearm or ammunition manaufacturers

HB2383 would prohibit any entity that receives a DHS grant from using those funds to purchase firearms

This legislation would allow the purchase of handguns across state lines between law-abiding individuals.

HB2585 would create a gun violence advisory board but the bill is filled with so many lies about the amount of firearm related deaths it's absolutely anti-gun

HB2621 would direct DHS to assess the threat of terrorists using 'ghost guns'

HB2634 would prohibit sales of long guns to non-residents of the state they are trying to buy them in

HB2670 would regulate the FN Five-Seven handgun and would require testing of all ammunition to see if it's armor piercing

HB2671 would make flamethrowers NFA items

HB2674 would add a myriad of new restrictions on gun dealers

HB2708 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor 'hate crime' a prohibited person

HB2786 would create grants for states that pass red flag firearm confiscation bills

HB282 is an 'assault weapon' ban bill

HB2867 would require gun owners to lock up their guns if there is a child in the home

HB2959 is an 'assault weapon' and 'high capacity' magazine ban bill

HB3076 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB3200 would repeal the federal gun free school zone act

HB3214 would repeal the protection of lawful commerce in arms act

HB3234 would add more burdens on licensed firearm dealers

HB3265 would outlaw the distribution of 3D printed firearm plans

HB3285 would provide federal grants to states that require a handgun license prior to purchasing a handgun

HB33 would restrict the interstate sales of firearms

HB3404 would allow local law enforcement to hold an NFA application for up to 90 days, making the process even longer than it already is

HB3420 would require local police departments to store all unused firearms safely

HB3435 encourages the states ti allow local government to implement their own gun laws

HB3450 would prohibit the secretary of veteran's affairs from transmitting any data to the department of justice, for use in the NICS system, based solely on a determination by the Secretary, that a person has a service-connected disability.

HB3454 would outlaw ownership of suppressors by civilians and create a buyback program to collect them

HB3495 is a bill to provide support for vets considered at high risk of suicide, the problem is one of the 'conditions' deeming them to be high risk is the presence of firearms. The bill does not specify how it's to be determined if they own firearms

HB3553 would ban the sale of 80% receivers, parts kits and 3D printed gun parts

This legislation would expand the duty and liability of mental health professionals to report mental health issues 'without' their patient having the right of due process and violates the patients rights act

HB3569 would create grants for states that require a license to purchase a firearm

HB3599 would provide grants to states and tribal nations if they enroll gun owners in the federal 'snap back' program which is a national database of gun owners

HB3606 would outlaw bump stocks and trigger activators

HB38 is the national concealed carry reciprocity act reintroduced

HB3826 would prohibit the department of veterans affairs to transmit any data about a veteran's ability to handle their finances to the department of justice for use in the NICS system

HB4062 is an anti-gun person's dream come true. It contains just about every anti-gun proposal you could think of including universal background checks, state licensing requirement and a 'high capacity' magazine ban (among others)

HB4080 would require firearms and ammunition to be locked up if anyone under 18 lives in the home or a prohibited person lives there

HB4081 is a full blown, mandatory firearm registry without no exceptions. Not only a registry but it requires a list 'specifying the identity of any person to whom, and any period of time during which, the firearm will be loaned to the person.'

It also requires a license from the Attorney General to own firearms, a required psychological evaluation before getting a license, training and an insurance policy.

It even requires a license from the AG to 'display an antique firearm' in ones own home! There are also 'special rules' for owning a so-called 'military style weapon'.

The bill also outlaws all ammunition .50 cal or greater and 'large capacity' magazines over 10 rounds.

It gives every gun owner 3 months from passage to register their firearms or face a $75,000 - $100,000 fine and imprisonment of not less than 10 years but no more than 15.

HB4082 is a universal background check bill

HB4116 would make straw purchases 'more illegal'

HB4177 would create a 'firearm safety board'

HB4199 is a feeble attempt to 'do something' about 'gun violence' by re-implementing programs that have already been implemented, and failed, by re-authorizing the CDC to study gun violence and by making more people that have sought treatment for mental health issues prohibited persons

HB4255 would require gun manufacturers to add a second 'hidden' serial number on firearms, it would also require ATF to hold background check data for 180 days as well as to eliminate the limitations on 'gun trace' data

This legislation requires the release of certain records by the Department of Defense of the legality to own firearm status which is already required under Federal law.

HB4271 would require gun manufacturers to add a suicide prevention label to all firearms or the boxes they come in

HB4324 would require dealers to report the sale of two or more firearms to a single person to ATF

HB435 would create the national gun violence research program funded by taxpayer dollars

HB4490 would require the department of justice to report annually how many NICS denials for the transfer of a firearm occur and how many of those denials were referred to ATF for investigation / prosecution

HB4594 would outlaw all bump stocks and binary triggers and any other device that can accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-auto firearm and would require anyone owning one to turn it in to the government or to destroy it within 90 days of the law going into effect

HB4691 would require the consumer safety commission to set standards for firearm locks and gun safes

HB4730 would create grants for companies to develop 'smart gun' technologies

HB4740 would require the CDC and the national institute for health services to study gun violence

HB4759 would prohibit the secretary of the Army from creating or enforcing any regulation prohibiting the legal carry of firearms at water resource development projects

HB4825 would provide secure firearm storage for judges at their duty station

HB4836 would throw more federal tax dollars at programs designed to stop gun violence when in fact these type things should be handled at the local / state level. Just more bloated bureaucracy

HB4872 would prohibit gun dealers who lose their federal license to transfer their inventory to themselves (which is standard practice when a dealer shuts down)

HB49 would require ATF to report to congress all firearm background checks that failed to complete within 3 days

HB4926 would create a federal tax credit equal to 10% of the cost of specified firearm safety devices such as gun safes

HB4951 would provide funds to 'strengthen school security' while stating none of the funds could be used for firearms or firearm training

HB511 would make more people prohibited persons due to misdemeanor crimes

HB5132 would use the financial institutions to track firearm, ammunition and firearm accessory sales under the premise of stopping 'domestic terrorism'

HB5289 would remove short barreled rifles from the NFA, would preempt states from banning them and would require all records pertaining to them with ATF would be destroyed

HB5301 would amend the gun free schools act to allow carrying firearms on school property if the person has a carry license

HB569 would make more people prohibited persons under domestic abuse laws

HB606 would require ATF to record all tests when determining whether an item is a firearm or not and be required to maintain those videos in a database where they can be requested by the owner of the item

HB664 would protect citizens 2nd amendment rights on property controlled by water resource development projects

HB674 would fund 'gun violence research' by the CDC

HB686 would require all sales of ammunition be face to face, would require all businesses that sell ammunition to be licensed, require record keeping of all ammunition sales and require all bulk sales (more than 1000 rounds in a 5 day period) of ammunition to be reported

HB687 would create a handgun licensing and registration system

HB717 would raise the age to buy any semi-auto center fire rifle that can accept a magazine that holds more than 5 rounds to 21

HB719 would require semi-auto firearms to be fitted with micro-stamping technology

HB744 would create a national extreme risk protection order

HB775 would take suppressors of the NFA list and treat them like firearm accessories

HB8 is a universal background check bill

HB820 would require background checks on all firearms sold at gun shows

HB821 would allow the government to keep records of of NICS checks

HB822 would require firearm owners to have liability insurance

HB869 is another 'ghost gun' bill

HB930 would require manufacturers to incorporate micro-stamping into their firearms and would require lost or stolen firearms to be reported within 48 hours

HB939 would require firearms dealers to lock up all firearms when they are closed

HB942 would mandate smart gun technology

HB952 is a backdoor means of banning ammunition by changing the definition of armor piercing ammunition and allowing the attorney general to decide if ammunition is not 'primarily used for sporting purposes'

HB971 would make anyone convicted of misdemeanor animal cruelty a prohibited person

HR145 is a resolution that would waive almost all the rules of the house pertaining to HR8 (universal background check bill)

HR231 is a resolution clarifying that federal funds may not be sued to train and arm teachers

HR391 would designate June as 'gun violence awareness month'

HR555 requests the senate to vote on HR8 (universal background checks) which passed the house in the Spring

HR702 is a resolution calling for reducing gun violence by regulating manufacturers, limiting firearm production and sales, a permanent ban on assault-type weapons and a mass gun buyback program

SB120 would make a conviction for misdemeanor stalking a prohibiting offense

SB1331 would protect veterans from being label mentally defective without proper evidence

SB1352 would create a federal advisory council to support victims of gun violence

SB1395 is an 'assault weapon' ban for anyone under 21

SB1442 is a school safety funding bill that specifically state no funding can be used to buy firearms or for firearm training

SB1462 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor 'hate crime' or an enhanced sentence because of a 'hate determination' a prohibited person

SB1506 would give people in constitutional carry states the same exemptions as permit holders as far as coming in within 1,000 feet of a school zone

SB1519 would improve the NICS system

SB1779 would repeal the federal law that protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the misuse of their products

SB1788 would increase penalties for theft, burglary or robbery of a gun dealer or distributor

SB1795 is an attempt to further regulate (harass) licensed gun dealers

SB1831 would outlaw the distribution of 3D printed firearm plans

SB1844 would provide grants to states that require a license to purchase handguns

SB1884 would create a tax credit for 'smart gun' technology research

SB1924 would require background checks, or licensing, on ammunition sales

SB193 would require all firearms to be secured when children live in the home

SB1943 would outlaw civilian possession of suppressors including a section requiring all currently owned suppressors to be sold to the government

SB2013 would allow carrying firearms on water resource projects controlled by the Army

SB2014 would set up grants for states that require a license to purchase a firearm

SB202 would remove suppressors from the NFA and would make any state laws regulating them null and void

SB2272 would require all firearm owners to be licensed and would create a firearm owner database

SB2376 would make interstate gun trafficking 'more illegal' than it already is

SB2449 would require a federal license to own a firearm

SB2554 would appropriate 75 million dollar for 4 years starting in 2020 to study mass shootings

SB2671 is another grant program to help gun violence reduction programs

SB2843 would make anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of stalking a prohibited person

SB320 would require dealers to lock up all firearms when their business is not open

SB42 is a universal background check bill

SB443 would update the definition of an antique firearm

SB447 would ban the future sale of any magazine that can hold more then 10 rounds

SB459 is an attempt to stop the oversight of the US munitions list from being transferred to the department of commerce and to restrict the removal of certain firearms from that list.

SB506 would provide grants to states that enact extreme risk protection orders

SB66 is a full blown 'assault weapon' ban and a large capacity magazine ban that would also ban many rifles not considered 'assault weapons' in the 1994 ban and would ban so-called 'assault pistols' that weigh over 50 ounces when unloaded (that would be any handgun that weighs more than 3.125 pounds)

SB69 is the concealed reciprocity bill of 2017 reintroduced

SB7 would give grant money to any state that has an extreme risk protection order law enacted and it's sponsored by two Republicans

SB730 is an attempt by Kirsten Gillibrand to shut down interstate commerce of firearms by adding vague language about sales between private parties

SB817 would remove suppressors from the NFA and would prohibit states to add additional fees for suppressor purchases. The bill would also mandate the destruction of all ATF records of suppressor tax stamps

SB875 would require NICS to contact state and local officials when a prohibited person attempts to buy a firearm

SB94 would provide funds to expand and promote target practice and marksmanship training on federal lands

SR110 is a resolution clarifying that federal funds may not be sued to train and arm teachers

SR217 would make June national gun violence awareness month and June 7-9 as national gun violence awareness weekend

  Posted January 1st, 2020 11:33 am

Posts: 1,434

SB3065 would require the consumer safety commission to set standards for firearm locks, safes and safety devices

  Posted January 10th, 2020 11:31 am

Posts: 1,434

SB3130 would allow service members to carry firearms on base

SB3139 would rewrite federal law regarding transporting firearms across state lines from a place they can legally possess them to another place they can legally possess them to allow for more protections for gun owners

  Posted January 13th, 2020 11:29 am

Posts: 1,434

HB1114 would require the surgeon general to report to congress about the effects of gun violence on public health on a yearly basis

  Posted February 3rd, 2020 10:17 am

Posts: 1,434

HB5713 would direct the department of defense to create and issue concealed carry licenses for all active duty military personnel that are not prohibited

HB5716 would drop the minimum age to buy a handgun to 18

  Posted February 14th, 2020 01:09 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB3254 is literally an anti-gun Democrat 'wish list' of unconstitutional laws that would eviscerate the 2nd amendment. From requiring licenses to own a firearm to 'assault weapon' and 'high capacity' magazine bans, extreme risk protection orders this bill has everything a gun hater could ever want

  Posted February 24th, 2020 03:16 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB5866 would require lost or stolen firearms to be reported within 48 hours when the person 'discovers or should have discovered the theft'

HB5917 would repeal the Tiahrt Amendments that require ATTF to destroy records creating a permanent firearm purchase database

SB3299 would repeal the Tiahrt Amendments essentially creating a permanent database of all firearm sales

  Posted February 27th, 2020 01:08 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB5935 would strengthen the lawful transport of firearms act by clarifying who may transport, what they may transport, stops they can make and would make any state or local official that attempts to charge a person for transporting as described civilly liable for damages and 'such other relief the court deems appropriate'

HB5949 would allow ATF to retain transfer records as long as it takes to verify a transfer is legal

  Posted March 14th, 2020 03:28 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB5717 is an anti-gun dream bill that has ever anti-gun proposal you could think of wrapped up in one bill

HB5836 would provide grants and information from ATF to states to prosecute prohibited people that attempt to buy firearms

HB6006 is another attempt to create a firearm registry

SB3348 would create a searchable national database of all firearm sales and transfers

  Posted March 27th, 2020 04:00 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB6110 would add firearms into the consumer protection safety act

HB6126 would require no more than 90 wait on a suppressor transfer from ATF

  Posted May 13th, 2020 12:34 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB6318 would create all sorts of new gun laws, including more limits on the sale of 2 or more firearms, require the CDC to produce yearly reports on gun violence, new prohibitions on certain persons not to be allowed to buy firearms and more

HB6453 is a nonsensical bill directing the FBI to compile a list of all background checks that happened after Jan. 31 2020, including how many were not completed within 3 days and went to 'default proceed', basically so they can then start screaming about requiring longer wait periods before the default proceed happens

SB3493 would allow services members and their spouses to be treated as residents when buying firearms while deployed to another state

  Posted June 18th, 2020 03:36 pm

Posts: 1,434

HR977 is a resolution supporting making June 5, 2020 National Gun Violence Awareness Day

HR993 is a resolution supporting making June 2020 National Gun Violence Awareness Month

SB3743 would ban 'ghost guns', regulate unfinished receivers, require anyone selling unfinished receivers or other parts to be licensed by the federal government.

SR592 is a resolution supporting June 5, 2020 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Day" and June 2020 as "National Gun Violence Awareness Month"

  Posted July 28th, 2020 01:50 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB6637 would fund the CDC to begin researching gun violence

HB7468 would ban sale and ownership of 'gun manufacturing machine' to anyone except a licensed business. They obviously mean 3D printers so private ownership of them for any reason would then also be prohibited

HR1013 would require cities that are looking to dismantle or reduce funding to their police to make sure none of their rules burden citizens rights to defend themselves

SB3815 would allow ATF to hold up background checks indefinitely

SB4040 would prohibit the storage of legal gun owner information

SB4068 would eliminate 922(t)(1)(b) that allows a firearm sale to proceed if 3 days have elapsed since the background check was done and the dealer has not received an answer

SCR40 is a resolution stating that restrictions on carrying firearms outside of the home are unconstitutional

  Posted August 18th, 2020 04:15 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB7547 would prohibit the use of lead ammunition on federal lands

HB7715 would allow members of the military to renew their carry permit by mail when they are deployed outside their home state

HB7742 would stop state and local governments from infringing on constitutional rights using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse

SB4271 would implement all of the anti-gun laws passed in Virginia this year on a national level

SB4301 would allow members of the military that are stationed out of their home state to renew their carry permit by mail

  Posted October 25th, 2020 04:10 pm

Posts: 1,434

HB7702 would set up grants for states to create point of contact systems for firearm purchases and would mandate how they operate

HB7716 would add justifiable use of deadly force to self-defense law

HB7930 would make anyone subject to an order for protection a prohibited person (which is already law), it would also make anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence a prohibited person and would expand the definition of an 'intimate partner'

HB7977 would require dealers and manufacturers of firearms to have annual training and a set amount of liability training

SB4443 would expand federal laws preventing those convicted of domestic abuse to include those served with a 'ex parte' order (extreme risk protection order) and would expand the list of those that could file such orders

SB4718 appears to a way to shut down firearm related manufacturers and importers by making it illegal to advertise their products and if they do hold them liable for anything the government feels is fraudulent

2019-2020 Proposed Federal Legislation
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