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Biden Looks To Bans Sales Of Excess Lake City Ammo
  Posted June 18th, 2022 08:56 am


Posts: 1,434

President Joe Biden is planning to shut down the sale of excess ammunition used for semi-automatic rifles in Lake City, Missouri, potentially putting hundreds of American jobs on the chopping block. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the move also puts national security and military readiness at risk.

"NSSF has been on contact with officials at Winchester Ammunition regarding the Biden administration’s consideration of halting sales of excess M855/SS109 ammunition. Winchester was informed that the government is considering restricting the manufacturing and commercial sale of legal ammunition produced at the Lake City, Mo., facility," NSSF Public Affairs Managing Director Mark Oliva tells Townhall. "This policy to deny the sale of excess ammunition not only would freeze over 30 percent of the 5.56 mm/.223 caliber ammunition used by law-abiding gun owners, it risks the ammunition industry’s ability to surge production capacity for national defense if the costs to maintain the present workforce isn’t recouped through sales to the civilian market."

Biden Looks To Bans Sales Of Excess Lake City Ammo
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