Passed California Firearm Legislation SB1171

Legislation Overview
Title: Maintenance of the codes.
Description: An act to amend Sections 655, 1264, 2554, 2556.1, 2715, 2759, 3020, 4430, 6026.7, 6360, 6410.5, 7541.1, 7685, 7818, 19351, and 19861 of the Business and Professions Code, to amend Sections 48a, 52.5, 1770, 1798.29, and 1798.82 of the Civil Code, to amend Sections 437c, 472a, 527.6, 765.030, 832, 835, 1084, 1097, 2025.010, 2031.010, 2033.010, 2035.010, 2036.010, and 2093 of, to amend and renumber Sections 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, and 856 of, and to amend the heading of Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 850) of Title 10 of Part 2 of, the Code of Civil Procedure, to amend Sections 2105, 2207, 17708.02, 25100, and 25247 of the Corporations Code, to amend Sections 221.6, 1313, 8340.4, 17250.25, 17250.35, 33353.7, 41360, 41422, 42925, 44977.5, 44984, 45192, 46392, 48204.2, 51421.5, 51745.6, 66302, 69800.2, 70037, 84750.5, 84916, 87787, 88192, 89090, 89708, 89712, 92630, and 94925 of, and to amend and repeal Section 66749.5 of, the Education Code, to amend Sections 17, 1000, 1301, 2142, 2150, 2155, 2196, 2250, 2263, 2265, 2270, 2600, 3025, 3114, 6850, 6850.5, 6851, 6853, 6854, 6854.5, 6855, 6857, 6859, 6861.5, 6862, 6863, 7901, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7911, 7912, 7913, 7918, 7921, 7922, 7927, 12309.5, 13307, 14026, 14405, 18108, and 18108.1 of, and to amend the heading of Article 2 (commencing with Section 6851) of Chapter 5 of Part 1 of Division 6 of, the Elections Code, to amend Sections 980, 1010, 1106, and 1157 of the Evidence Code, to amend Sections 7612, 7613.5, 8811, and 8908 of, and to repeal Sections 20024 and 20039 of, the Family Code, to amend Sections 2022, 6440, 7704, and 12029 of the Fish and Game Code, to amend Sections 14651.5, 27581.1, 27583.2, 27583.4, 52332, 55631, 56109, 67132, and 76953.5 of the Food and Agricultural Code, to amend Sections 421, 1225, 5970, 6254.5, 7161, 8594.15, 8670.13, 8670.13.3, 8670.28, 14670.36, 17581.9, 19130, 19241, 22865, 34886, 53515, 56332, 82015, 83123.6, 87207, and 89506 of, to amend and renumber Section 8670.95 of, and to amend and renumber the heading of Chapter 15 (commencing with Section 5970) of Division 6 of Title 1 of, the Government Code, to amend Sections 1204.2, 1262.5, 1266, 1279.7, 1342.71, 1358.18, 1367.005, 1367.27, 1569.2, 1596.8662, 1760.2, 12640, 18080, 25150.7, 25180, 25250.15, 25270.6, 32132.8, 34191.3, 44017, 44559.4, 101853.1, 112895, 113789, 117945, 118330, 120375, and 129160 of, and to amend and renumber Section 110424 of, the Health and Safety Code, to amend Sections 38.6, 10082.5, 10112.27, 10123.193, 10133.15, 10169, 10192.18, 10489.2, 10489.3, 10489.96, 10489.99, 10603, and 12389 of the Insurance Code, to amend Sections 139.2, 1720, 2750.8, 3503, and 4663 of the Labor Code, to amend Section 451 of the Military and Veterans Code, to amend Sections 136.2, 186.2, 186.11, 186.12, 236.1, 241, 502.8, 670, 679.10, 832.3, 1214.5, 1524.2, 1526, 1546, 1546.1, 1546.2, 3000.08, 3016, 3056, 4030, 4031, 5065.5, 15003, and 33880 of the Penal Code, to amend Sections 1490, 1510.1, 1828, 1851, 4788, 5203, and 16062 of the Probate Code, to amend Section 20111.6 of the Public Contract Code, to amend Sections 541.5, 5002.2, 5071.7, 8750, 25401, 26003, 30411, 42023.1, and 71103.5 of the Public Resources Code, to amend Sections 274, 635, 873, 913.8, 1701, 2833, 2870, 7661, 8282, 21252, and 130350.7 of, and to amend and renumber Section 387.8 of, the Public Utilities Code, to amend Sections 408, 423.3, 12206, 17052.6, 17255, 18805, 18807, 18808, 19136, 19161, 19255, 19533, 19772, 20640.3, 21021, 23156, 23610.5, and 24356 of, to amend and renumber Section 24355.5 of, to add the heading of Part 13.5 (commencing with Section 31020) to Division 2 of, and to repeal Sections 18035.6, 18036.6, and 41030 of, the Revenue and Taxation Code, to amend Sections 13003 and 14200 of the Unemployment Insurance Code, to amend Sections 2404.5, 11102.6, 16377, 21294, 22507.1, and 40215 of the Vehicle Code, to amend Sections 377, 10608.34, and 50906 of the Water Code, and to amend Sections 290.2, 366.21, 786, 4474.1, 11203, 11469, 11477, 14094.3, 14126.022, 14126.027, 14132.06, 14132.275, 14138.21, 15657.03, 16501.1, 17603, and 24005 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, to amend Sections 325 and 330 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 2015, and to amend Section 8 of Chapter 590 of the Statutes of 2015, relating to the maintenance of the codes.
Session: 2015-2016 Regular Session
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 86, Statutes of 2016.
Last Action Date: July 22, 2016
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
7 sponsors: Hannah-Beth Jackson (D); Joel Anderson (R); Bob Hertzberg (D); Mark Leno (D); William Monning (D); John Moorlach (R); Bob Wieckowski (D);
Percentage of Senate sponsoring bill: 18% (7 of 40)
Chamber | Date | Action |
Jul 22, 2016 | Approved by the Governor. | |
Jul 22, 2016 | Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 86, Statutes of 2016. | |
Senate | Jul 13, 2016 | Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 4 p.m. |
Senate | Jun 30, 2016 | Assembly amendments concurred in. (Ayes 37. Noes 0. Page 4654.) Ordered to engrossing and enrolling. |
Senate | Jun 22, 2016 | Ordered to special consent calendar. |
Assembly | Jun 16, 2016 | Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. |
Senate | Jun 16, 2016 | In Senate. Concurrence in Assembly amendments pending. |
Assembly | Jun 13, 2016 | Read second time. Ordered to consent calendar. |
Assembly | Jun 9, 2016 | From committee: Do pass. Ordered to consent calendar. (Ayes 9. Noes 0.) (June 8). |
Assembly | May 16, 2016 | From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on JUD. |
Assembly | Apr 28, 2016 | Referred to Com. on JUD. |
Assembly | Apr 7, 2016 | In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. |
Senate | Apr 7, 2016 | Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 38. Noes 0. Page 3430.) Ordered to the Assembly. |
Senate | Mar 31, 2016 | Read second time. Ordered to consent calendar. |
Senate | Mar 30, 2016 | From committee: Do pass. Ordered to consent calendar. (Ayes 7. Noes 0. Page 3336.) (March 29). |
Senate | Mar 17, 2016 | Set for hearing March 29. |
Senate | Mar 3, 2016 | Referred to Com. on JUD. |
Senate | Feb 19, 2016 | From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 20. |
Senate | Feb 18, 2016 | Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To print. |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Chaptered | Jul 22, 2016 | state link | bill text |
Enrolled | Jul 5, 2016 | state link | bill text |
Amended | May 16, 2016 | state link | bill text |
Introduced | Feb 18, 2016 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar 2nd SB1171 Committee On JUD. (Jackson)
Do pass, to Consent Calendar
SB 1171 JUD. Consent Calendar Second Day Regular Session
Special Consent # SB1171 Committee On JUD. (Jackson)
Link: link to state bill page