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Passed Delaware Firearm Legislation SB1

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Legislation Overview

Title: An Act To Amend Title 4, Title 7, Title 10, Title 11, Title 14, Title 16, Title 18, Title 19, Title 21, Title 24, Title 25, Title 28, Title 29, Title 30, And Title 31 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Technical Corrections.

Description: In every December in the years 2010 through 2015, the Code Revisors provided the General Assembly with a list of potential technical corrections they identified as they revised the Delaware Code to reflect legislation enacted that year. While technical in nature, these changes are beyond the authority of the Code Revisors to make and can only be done by the General Assembly through legislation. After reviewing the 148 items provided for the years 2010 through 2015, the following changes included in this Act are identified as technical in nature and in need of correction. Of the other 99 items, many had already been corrected, some statutes no longer existed or were subsequently amended so that the correction is no longer necessary, and some would be substantive changes.

Session: 149th General Assembly

Last Action: Signed by Governor

Last Action Date: July 17, 2017


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

10 sponsors: David McBride (D); Peter Schwartzkopf (D); Margaret Henry (D); Nicole Poore (D); Gary Simpson (R); Gregory Lavelle (R); Valerie Longhurst (D); John Viola (D); Daniel Short (R); Deborah Hudson (R);

Percentage of Senate sponsoring bill: 48% (10 of 21)

Chamber Date Action
Jul 17, 2017 Signed by Governor
May 16, 2017 Passed By House. Votes: 40 YES 1 ABSENT
May 10, 2017 Reported Out of Committee (House Administration) in House with 5 On Its Merits
May 3, 2017 Assigned to House Administration Committee in House
May 2, 2017 Passed By Senate. Votes: 18 YES 3 ABSENT
Mar 29, 2017 Reported Out of Committee (Executive) in Senate with 1 Favorable, 4 On Its Merits
Mar 16, 2017 Introduced and Assigned to Executive Committee in Senate
Type Date State Link Text
Draft not available state link bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call

Senate Third Reading

House Third Reading

Link: link to state bill page

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