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Proposed Delaware Firearm Legislation SB4

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Legislation Overview

Title: An Act To Amend Title 11, Title 13, And Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Criminal Justice System, Including Probation.

Description: This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 4, replacing Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 4. and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill No. 4. Like Senate Bill No. 4, Senate Substitute No. 1, and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill No. 4, this Act modernizes Delawares probation system, including by directing the courts, the Board of Parole, and the Bureau of Community Corrections to use the least restrictive probation and parole conditions and the most minimally intrusive reporting requirements necessary to achieve the goals of community supervision.

Session: 152nd General Assembly

Last Action: Amendment SA 1 to SS 3 - Introduced and Placed With Bill

Last Action Date: June 12, 2024


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

19 sponsors: Marie Pinkney (D); Bryan Townsend (D); Melissa Minor-Brown (D); Eric Morrison (D); Larry Lambert (D); Sherry Dorsey Walker (D); William Bush (D); Kyle Gay (D); Russ Huxtable (D); Elizabeth Lockman (D); Sarah McBride (D); David Sokola (D); Laura Sturgeon (D); Paul Baumbach (D); Stephanie Bolden (D); DeShanna Neal (D); Sophie Phillips (D); Cyndie Romer (D); Madinah Wilson-Anton (D);

Percentage of Senate sponsoring bill: 90% (19 of 21)

Chamber Date Action
Jun 12, 2024 Amendment SA 1 to SS 3 - Introduced and Placed With Bill
Jun 6, 2024 was introduced and adopted in lieu of SB 4
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Draft not available state link bill text
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Link: link to state bill page

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