Proposed Florida Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Florida does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Concealed Weapons or Concealed Firearms Licensing
Description: Requires applicant to have undergone mental health evaluation & been determined to be competent or provide letter from specified profession as to competency.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms
Description: Authorizes elected member of specified governing body who holds license to carry concealed weapons or firearms to carry concealed weapon or firearm to meeting of governing body of which he or she is member, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
Last Action: Died on Calendar
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Concealed Weapons and Firearms
Description: Prohibits concealed weapon or firearm licensee from openly carrying handgun or carrying concealed weapon or firearm into any child care facility.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Carrying of Firearms
Description: Removes requirement that license to carry concealed firearm is required in order to carry such firearm; limits areas in which concealed carrying of firearm is prohibited; revises criminal penalties; revises provisions relating to carrying of concealed weapons by nonresidents; provides for issuance of concealed carry licenses for reciprocity purposes; specifies that person not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing firearm may own, possess, & lawfully use firearms & other weapons, ammunition, & supplies for lawful purposes.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Sales of Ammunition
Description: Requires background checks for sale or transfer of ammunition.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition
Description: Provides exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Weapons and Firearms
Description: Provides that petition for involuntary examination serves as petition for risk protection order in certain circumstances and provides for confiscation of firearms & ammunition; requires minimum mandatory term of imprisonment for person convicted of felony while owning or having in his or her care, custody, possession, or control firearm, ammunition, or electronic weapon or device.
Last Action: Withdrawn prior to introduction
Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

Title: Weapons and Firearms
Description: Requires all sales or transfers of firearms be conducted through a licensed firearm dealer & persons involved in the sale or transfer subject to background checks.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Domestic Violence
Description: Revises prohibition on sale or transfer of firearms to persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence offenses; prohibits persons convicted of misdemeanor offense of domestic violence from possessing firearm or ammunition; requires persons convicted of misdemeanor offenses of domestic violence to surrender all firearms & ammunition; provides requirements for law enforcement officers carrying out court order & taking possession of firearms & ammunition; requires all law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies & procedures; authorizes defendant to elect to transfer all firearms & ammunitions that he or she owns to another person.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Safe-school Officers
Description: Requires district school boards to approve employment if school resource officers & school safety officers by specified charter schools; & authorizes district school boards to oversee & manage employment of school resource officers & school safety officers by charter schools within district & provide specified best practices.
Last Action: Died in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines
Description: Prohibits sale, transfers, or possession of assault weapon or large-capacity ammunition magazine; provides exceptions; requires certificates of possession for assault weapons or large-capacity ammunition magazines lawfully possessed before specified date; provides conditions for continued possession of such weapons or large-capacity ammunition magazines; requires certificates of transfer for transfers of assault weapons or large-capacity magazines; provides for relinquishment of assault weapons or large-capacity magazines; provides requirements for transportation of assault weapons; provides enhanced criminal penalties for certain offenses when committed with assault weapon or large-capacity magazine.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Pub. Rec./Personal Identifying Information of Assault Weapon or Large-capacity Magazine Possession Certificateholder
Description: Provides exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying information of person issued certificate of possession with respect to an assault weapon or large-capacity ammunition magazine; provides for access to exempt information for specified purposes; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms
Description: Revises requirements for storage of firearms; provides criminal penalties if minor access stored firearm & uses it in specified ways; revises definition of "minor"; requires seller or transferor of firearm to provide specified information; provides immunity for certain providers of information; revises standard for adults & minors to be criminally negligent in storage of firearms in certain circumstances.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms
Description: Reduces term and fee of license to carry concealed weapon or firearm; requires retention of fingerprints in specified state system; requires proof of completion of firearms training or safety course or class meeting specified requirements to renew license.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Inmate Conditional Release
Description: Revises conditional medical release program within DOC; establishes conditional aging inmate release program within DOC.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: State Preemption of Firearm and Ammunition Regulation
Description: Specifies that local government entity is not preempted from regulating sale of firearms or ammunition on property owned by that entity.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Safe Storage of Firearms
Description: Provides firearm storage requirements for licensed importers, manufacturers, & dealers in certain circumstances; authorizes inspections.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Description: Revises terminology & requirements relating to petitions & court procedures for involuntary treatment & assessment under Baker Act & Marchman Act.
Last Action: Died in Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Domestic Violence
Description: Requires court to order defendant arrested for act of domestic violence not to possess firearms or ammunition as condition of bail; prohibits individual with outstanding warrant issued for act of domestic violence from possessing firearm or ammunition; authorizes court to issue arrest warrant for act of domestic violence.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Safety of Religious Institutions
Description: Authorizes church, synagogue, or other religious institution to allow concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee to carry firearm on its property for certain purposes; specifies property owner who allows church, synagogue, or other religious institution to use his or her property may prohibit church, synagogue, or other religious institution from authorizing person to carry firearm on property.
Last Action: Died on Calendar
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms
Description: Removes provision prohibiting concealed carry licensees from openly carrying handgun or carrying concealed weapon or firearm into college or university facility.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Firearms
Description: Removes provisions authorizing seizure of firearms from persons in certain circumstances, prohibition on firearms ownership or possession until removal of firearm possession & firearm ownership disability, prohibition on persons younger than 21 years of age from purchasing firearms, certain exemptions from firearms purchase waiting period, ban on bump-fire stock, & statute authorizing risk protection orders.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Repeals provisions preempting the field of regulation of firearms & ammunition to Legislature, to exclusion of local jurisdictions.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Death Penalty
Description: Repeals provisions providing for death penalty for capital felonies and associated provisions.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person
Description: Repeals provisions relating to home protection & use of deadly force, which creates presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances & provides that person has no duty to retreat & has right to stand his or her ground & meet force with force in certain circumstances.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Transfers of Firearms
Description: Requiring transfers of firearms to be conducted through a licensed dealer; requiring deposit of the firearm with the licensed dealer under certain circumstances; providing for disposition of the firearm if the licensed dealer cannot legally complete the transaction or return the firearm to its owner; requiring law enforcement agencies to report to the Attorney General any violation by licensed dealers, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Repealing a provision relating to the preemption of the field of regulation of firearms and ammunition to the Legislature, to the exclusion of local jurisdictions, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms
Description: Revising the locations and circumstances in which a loaded firearm is required to be kept or secured with a trigger lock; deleting conditions that pertain to the crime of failing to safely store, leave, or secure a loaded firearm in a specified manner, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Sale and Delivery of Firearms
Description: Requiring the parties, if neither party to a sale, lease, or transfer of a firearm is a licensed dealer, to complete the sale, lease, or transfer through a licensed dealer; authorizing a licensed dealer to charge a buyer or transferee specified fees; deleting provisions authorizing a licensee to complete the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person without receiving certain notification from the Department of Law Enforcement informing the licensee that such person is prohibited from receipt or possession of a firearm or providing a unique approval number under certain circumstances, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Three-dimensional Printed Firearms
Description: Prohibiting a person from printing, transferring, importing into this state, distributing, selling, possessing, or giving to another person certain 3D-printed firearms as of a specified date; providing criminal penalties; requiring persons in possession of such firearms to relinquish them to a law enforcement agency or to the Department of Law Enforcement or to destroy them before the prohibition takes effect, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Concealed Weapons and Firearms
Description: Prohibiting a concealed weapon or firearm licensee from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a concealed weapon or firearm into any child care facility, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms
Description: Revising the locations where a concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee is prohibited from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a concealed weapon or firearm, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Sales of Ammunition
Description: Citing this act as "Jaime's Law"; requiring background checks for the sale or transfer of ammunition; providing exceptions, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Public Records/Buyer or Transferee/Ammunition
Description: Providing an exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to a buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Firearms
Description: Requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to include on a standard form certain questions concerning a potential firearm buyer's or transferee's criminal history and other information relating to the person's eligibility to make the firearm purchase; requiring the department to notify certain law enforcement agencies when a potential sale or transfer receives a nonapproval number; prohibiting the sale or transfer, or facilitation of a sale or transfer, of a firearm to a person younger than a certain age by any person or entity, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Large-capacity Magazines
Description: Defining the term "large-capacity magazine"; prohibiting the sale, transfer, or possession of large-capacity magazines; providing criminal penalties; providing exceptions, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Firearms
Description: Requiring that, if neither party to a firearm sale or transfer is a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, all other sales or transfers may be conducted only between two persons who have valid concealed weapons or firearms licenses; requiring such a seller or transferor to retain a copy of the buyer's or transferee's concealed weapons or firearms license and the serial number of the firearm sold, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Weapons
Description: Prohibiting a person from owning, possessing, and lawfully using firearms and other weapons, ammunition, and supplies while engaging in certain lawful uses if he or she is within a specified distance of the real property of certain locations, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Domestic Violence
Description: Prohibiting certain acts of domestic violence and dating violence; revising a prohibition on the sale or transfer of firearms to persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence offenses; prohibiting persons convicted of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence from possessing a firearm or ammunition; providing for the return of surrendered firearms, ammunition, and licenses to their lawful owner under certain circumstances, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Threats
Description: Decreasing the criminal penalty for threatening to throw, project, place, or discharge any destructive device with intent to do bodily harm to any person or with intent to do damage to any property of any person; prohibiting threats to use a firearm or weapon with specified intent; providing criminal penalties; redefining the term "violence" to include incidents of cyberstalking, etc.
Last Action: Died on Calendar
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Large-capacity Magazines
Description: Prohibiting the importing into this state, or the distributing, transporting, transferring, selling, or giving within this state, of large-capacity magazines; providing criminal penalties; prohibiting the possession of large-capacity magazines; providing exceptions; specifying circumstances in which the manufacture or transportation of large-capacity magazines is not prohibited, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Description: Requiring that respondents with a serious mental illness be informed of the essential elements of recovery and be provided assistance with accessing a continuum of care regimen; authorizing the state to establish that a transfer evaluation was performed by providing the court with a copy of the evaluation before the close of the state's case in chief; revising the requirements for when a person may be ordered for involuntary inpatient placement; authorizing the court or clerk of the court to waive or prohibit any service of process fees for an indigent petitioner; expanding the exemption from the requirement that a respondent be present at a hearing on a petition for involuntary treatment services, etc.
Last Action: Died in Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines
Description: Prohibiting the sale or transfer of an assault weapon or large-capacity ammunition magazine; providing conditions for continued possession of such weapons or large-capacity ammunition magazines; requiring certificates of transfer for transfers of assault weapons or large-capacity magazines; providing for relinquishment of assault weapons or large-capacity magazines; providing enhanced criminal penalties for certain offenses when committed with an assault weapon or large-capacity magazine, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Safe Storage of Firearms
Description: Providing firearm storage requirements for licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, and licensed dealers under certain circumstances; authorizing agents or employees of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to perform inspections under certain circumstances; providing noncriminal penalties, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Assault Weapons
Description: Prohibiting the importing into this state, or the distributing, transporting, transferring, selling, or giving within this state, of an assault weapon; prohibiting the possession of an assault weapon; requiring certificates of possession for assault weapons lawfully possessed before a specified date; specifying circumstances in which the manufacture or transportation of assault weapons is not prohibited, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms
Description: Authorizing elected members of specified governing bodies who are concealed weapon or firearm licensees to carry a concealed weapon or firearm to a meeting of the governing body of which he or she is a member, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Domestic Violence
Description: Requiring a court to order a defendant arrested for an act of domestic violence not to possess firearms or ammunition as a condition of bail under certain circumstances; requiring the Department of Law Enforcement, upon receipt of a request for a criminal history record check, to review available records to determine if a potential firearm buyer or transferee has been charged with a crime of domestic violence or has an outstanding warrant issued for an act of domestic violence and is prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Concealed Weapons or Firearms Licensing
Description: Decreasing the number of years that licenses to carry concealed weapons or firearms are valid; specifying that experience with a firearm through military service in the Armed Forces of the United States meets the requirement of demonstrating competence with a firearm; requiring that the full set of fingerprints submitted as part of an application for a license be retained by specified entities; requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to bear the licensee's fingerprint retention fee, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Firearms
Description: Authorizing a law enforcement officer acting in accordance with certain provisions to serve and execute a court order on any day and at any time; authorizing a court to remove the right to purchase, own, sell, or possess firearms or ammunition or to possess a license to carry concealed weapons or firearms of a person found to be incapacitated; requiring the Department of Law Enforcement, in certain cases, to investigate individuals upon whom a firearm disability is imposed on or after a certain date and, if the individuals are in possession of firearms or ammunition, to seize the firearms and ammunition by following specified procedures, etc.
Last Action: Died in Infrastructure and Security
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Description: Revising the definition of "mental illness"; requiring that respondents with a serious mental illness be informed of the essential elements of recovery and be provided assistance with accessing a continuum of care regimen; prohibiting the court from considering substantive information in the transfer evaluation unless the evaluator testifies at the hearing; revising the requirements for when a person may be taken to a receiving facility for involuntary examination; requiring that the state attorney represent the state as the real party of interest in an involuntary proceeding, subject to legislative appropriation, etc.
Last Action: Died in Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person
Description: Repealing a provision relating to home protection and the use or threatened use of deadly force, which creates a presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances and provides that a person has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force in certain circumstances, etc.
Last Action: Died in Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020

Title: Public Safety
Description: Requiring emergency medical technicians and paramedics to disclose certain confidential communications to law enforcement agencies to communicate a threat under certain circumstances; requiring specified licensees, rather than psychiatrists, to disclose certain confidential communications to law enforcement agencies to communicate a threat under certain circumstances; authorizing a person who is not a licensed importer, a licensed manufacturer, or a licensed dealer and who chooses to not use a licensed importer, a licensed manufacturer, or a licensed dealer to facilitate a private sale of his or her firearm to sell the firearm if he or she complies with specified requirements, etc.
Last Action: Died in Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 14, 2020