Proposed Kansas Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Kansas carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: Senate Substitute for HB 2056 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
Description: Senate Substitute for HB 2056 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
Last Action: Senate Died on Senate Calendar
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Allowing courts to prohibit possession of a firearm in a temporary custody order pursuant to the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
Description: Allowing courts to prohibit possession of a firearm in a temporary custody order pursuant to the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Enacting the Kansas public investments and contracts protection act concerning environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against companies based on such ESG criteria in procuring or letting contracts, requiring KPERS fiduciaries to act solely in the financial interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the system, indemnifying KPERS with respect to actions taken in compliance with such act, restricting state agencies from adopting ESG criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria and providing for enforcement of such act by the attorney general.
Description: Enacting the Kansas public investments and contracts protection act concerning environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against companies based on such ESG criteria in procuring or letting contracts, requiring KPERS fiduciaries to act solely in the financial interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the system, indemnifying KPERS with respect to actions taken in compliance with such act, restricting state agencies from adopting ESG criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria and providing for enforcement of such act by the attorney general.
Last Action: House Will become law without Governor's signature
Last Action Date: April 25, 2023

Title: Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
Description: Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Creating the gun violence restraining order act to authorize the issuance of protective orders prohibiting the acquisition and possession of firearms by certain individuals.
Description: Creating the gun violence restraining order act to authorize the issuance of protective orders prohibiting the acquisition and possession of firearms by certain individuals.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Standardizing firearms safety programs in school districts.
Description: Standardizing firearms safety programs in school districts.
Last Action: House Motion to override veto failed; Veto sustained; Yea: 83 Nay: 41
Last Action Date: April 26, 2023

Title: Requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to establish a Kansas voluntary do-not-sell firearms list to prevent the purchase of firearms by any person who voluntarily registers to be placed on the list.
Description: Requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to establish a Kansas voluntary do-not-sell firearms list to prevent the purchase of firearms by any person who voluntarily registers to be placed on the list.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Creating the crime of unlawful storage of any firearm including a rifle, shotgun or machine gun or stun guns and the crime of unlawful storage of a large magazine capacity rifle or shotgun or machine gun where a minor has access.
Description: Creating the crime of unlawful storage of any firearm including a rifle, shotgun or machine gun or stun guns and the crime of unlawful storage of a large magazine capacity rifle or shotgun or machine gun where a minor has access.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
Description: Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Removing state agency fees for concealed-carry licenses.
Description: Removing state agency fees for concealed-carry licenses.
Last Action: Senate Died in Senate Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Requiring firearms and stun guns to be stored in locked containers, establishing crimes for failure to store such weapons where a person under 18 years of age has access to such weapons and creating more severe penalties for firearms with large-capacity magazines.
Description: Requiring firearms and stun guns to be stored in locked containers, establishing crimes for failure to store such weapons where a person under 18 years of age has access to such weapons and creating more severe penalties for firearms with large-capacity magazines.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Senate Substitute for HB 2436 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.
Description: Senate Substitute for HB 2436 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion and providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.
Last Action: Senate Motion to override veto prevailed; Yea: 28 Nay: 10
Last Action Date: April 29, 2024

Title: Creating the anti-red flag gun seizure act to prohibit the enforcement of any law, regulation or order that prohibits the possession of a firearm in violation of amendment II to the constitution of the United States.
Description: Creating the anti-red flag gun seizure act to prohibit the enforcement of any law, regulation or order that prohibits the possession of a firearm in violation of amendment II to the constitution of the United States.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the infringement of Kansas citizens' constitutional right to keep and bear arms by the federal government.
Description: Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the infringement of Kansas citizens' constitutional right to keep and bear arms by the federal government.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Enacting the second amendment financial privacy act, prohibiting financial institutions from using a firearms code to engage in certain discriminatory conduct and surveilling, reporting or tracking the purchase of firearms and ammunition, authorizing the attorney general to investigate and enforce violations of such act and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
Description: Enacting the second amendment financial privacy act, prohibiting financial institutions from using a firearms code to engage in certain discriminatory conduct and surveilling, reporting or tracking the purchase of firearms and ammunition, authorizing the attorney general to investigate and enforce violations of such act and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the commandeering of state resources to enforce federal gun control against law-abiding citizens.
Description: Creating the Kansas gun rights preservation act to prohibit the commandeering of state resources to enforce federal gun control against law-abiding citizens.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Proposing a constitutional amendment to amend section 4 of the Kansas bill of rights to recognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right that includes the possession and use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm components, and that any restrictions on such right are subject to the strict scrutiny standard.
Description: Proposing a constitutional amendment to amend section 4 of the Kansas bill of rights to recognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right that includes the possession and use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm components, and that any restrictions on such right are subject to the strict scrutiny standard.
Last Action: House Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Prohibiting the prescribing of drugs intended to cause an abortion using telemedicine and restricting the governor's power during a state of emergency to alter such prohibitions.
Description: Prohibiting the prescribing of drugs intended to cause an abortion using telemedicine and restricting the governor's power during a state of emergency to alter such prohibitions.
Last Action: House Died in House Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Authorizing federally licensed firearm dealers, in addition to county sheriffs, to receive applications for concealed carry licenses and forward such applications to the attorney general, prohibiting sheriffs from assessing any fee related to application services and allowing dealers to assess a fee related to application services not to exceed $20.
Description: Authorizing federally licensed firearm dealers, in addition to county sheriffs, to receive applications for concealed carry licenses and forward such applications to the attorney general, prohibiting sheriffs from assessing any fee related to application services and allowing dealers to assess a fee related to application services not to exceed $20.
Last Action: Senate Died on Calendar
Last Action Date: June 18, 2024

Title: Exempting the sale of firearms, firearms accessories, ammunition, firearm safes and firearm safety devices from the retatilers' sales tax.
Description: Exempting the sale of firearms, firearms accessories, ammunition, firearm safes and firearm safety devices from the retatilers' sales tax.
Last Action: Senate Died on Calendar
Last Action Date: June 18, 2024

Title: House Substitute for SB 116 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Removing state agency fees for licenses to carry concealed handguns.
Description: House Substitute for SB 116 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Removing state agency fees for licenses to carry concealed handguns.
Last Action: Senate Approved by Governor on Thursday, April 20, 2023
Last Action Date: April 24, 2023

Title: Creating the responsible gun ownership act and establishing the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm.
Description: Creating the responsible gun ownership act and establishing the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Repealing statutes that prohibit, limit and otherwise restrict municipal regulation of firearms.
Description: Repealing statutes that prohibit, limit and otherwise restrict municipal regulation of firearms.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
Description: Enacting the Kansas protection of pensions and businesses against ideological interference act, relating to ideological boycotts involving environmental, social or governance standards, requiring KPERS to divest from and prohibiting state contracts or the deposit of state moneys with entities engaged in such boycotts as determined by the state treasurer and prohibiting discriminatory practices in the financial services industry based on such boycotts.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Removing state department fees for concealed-carry licenses.
Description: Removing state department fees for concealed-carry licenses.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Modifying self-defense and use of force provisions related to the initial aggressor standard, changing immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action to an affirmative defense and requiring reporting and publication of certain data related to use of force cases by the Kansas bureau of investigation and the judicial administrator.
Description: Modifying self-defense and use of force provisions related to the initial aggressor standard, changing immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action to an affirmative defense and requiring reporting and publication of certain data related to use of force cases by the Kansas bureau of investigation and the judicial administrator.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Prohibiting insurance companies from using environmental, social and governance criteria in the process of writing contracts of insurance, indemnity or suretyship, authorizing the attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney where a violation occurred to enforce such prohibition and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
Description: Prohibiting insurance companies from using environmental, social and governance criteria in the process of writing contracts of insurance, indemnity or suretyship, authorizing the attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney where a violation occurred to enforce such prohibition and providing a civil penalty for violations thereof.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
Description: Clarifying the eligibility requirements to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun under the personal and family protection act.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Requiring a concealed carry license to lawfully carry a concealed handgun and exempting colleges and universities from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
Description: Requiring a concealed carry license to lawfully carry a concealed handgun and exempting colleges and universities from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Requiring criminal history record checks for all sales of firearms and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
Description: Requiring criminal history record checks for all sales of firearms and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Prohibiting persons under 21 years of age from purchasing and possessing semiautomatic rifles with high capacity ammunition magazines.
Description: Prohibiting persons under 21 years of age from purchasing and possessing semiautomatic rifles with high capacity ammunition magazines.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Creating the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
Description: Creating the crime of unlawful storage of a firearm and providing criminal penalties for violations thereof.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Proposing a constitutional amendment to amend section 4 of the Kansas bill of rights to recognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right that includes the possession and use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm components, and that any restrictions on such right are subject to the strict scrutiny standard.
Description: Proposing a constitutional amendment to amend section 4 of the Kansas bill of rights to recognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right that includes the possession and use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm components, and that any restrictions on such right are subject to the strict scrutiny standard.
Last Action: Senate Died in Committee
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024