Proposed Maine Firearm Legislation LD380

Legislation Overview
Title: An Act To Clarify the Law Concerning the Threatening Display of Dangerous Weapons
Subject: Weapons: Possession
Description: An Act To Clarify the Law Concerning the Threatening Display of Dangerous Weapons
Session: 126th Legislature
Last Action: Placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
Last Action Date: June 26, 2013
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
7 sponsors: Gattine;Haskell;Dickerson;Farnsworth;Gideon;Peoples; Russell
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 5% (7 of 151)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Jun 26, 2013 | ROLL CALL NO. 408V 79 having voted in the affirmative and 69 in the negative, with 3 being absent, and accordingly it was the vote of the House that the Bill not become a law and the veto was sustained. |
House | Jun 26, 2013 | Placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD) |
House | Jun 26, 2013 | This Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the House proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" |
Senate | Jun 14, 2013 | PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
House | Jun 13, 2013 | The House RECEDED and CONCURRED to PASSAGE TO BE ENGROSSED Committee Amendment "A" (H-204). |
House | Jun 13, 2013 | ROLL CALL NO. 307 (Yeas 81 - Nays 67 - Absent 3 - Excused 0) |
House | Jun 13, 2013 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Jun 13, 2013 | PASSED TO BE ENACTED. |
House | Jun 13, 2013 | ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
Senate | Jun 12, 2013 | On motion by Senator JACKSON of Aroostook, the Senate INSISTED to ACCEPTANCE of the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report and Passage to be Engrossed as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) |
Senate | Jun 12, 2013 | Ordered sent down forthwith for concurrence. |
Senate | Jun 12, 2013 | TAKEN from the Table by the President. |
Senate | Jun 11, 2013 | (Unfinished Business) |
Senate | Jun 11, 2013 | On motion by Senator GOODALL of Sagadahoc TABLED until Later in Today's Session, pending FURTHER CONSIDERATION. |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | Speaker laid before the House |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | In NON-CONCURRENCE and sent for concurrence. |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) as Amended by House Amendment "B" (H-410) thereto |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | ROLL CALL NO. 248 (Yeas 85 - Nays 58 - Absent 8 - Excused 0) |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) as Amended by House Amendment "B" (H-410) thereto ADOPTED. |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | ROLL CALL NO. 247 (Yeas 82 - Nays 61 - Absent 8 - Excused 0) |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | On further motion of the same Representative, House Amendment "B" (H-410) to Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) was READ and ADOPTED. |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | On further motion of the same Representative, under FURTHER suspension of the rules, the House RECONSIDERED ADOPTION of Committee Amendment "A" (H-204). |
House | Jun 10, 2013 | On motion of Representative McCABE of Skowhegan, under suspension of the rules, the House RECONSIDERED its action whereby the Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-204). |
House | Jun 7, 2013 | Unfinished Business |
House | Jun 6, 2013 | Unfinished Business |
House | Jun 5, 2013 | Unfinished Business |
House | Jun 5, 2013 | On motion of Representative BERRY of Bowdoinham, TABLED pending PASSAGE TO BE ENACTED. |
House | Jun 5, 2013 | Later today assigned. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | TAKEN from the Table by the President. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | Ordered sent down forthwith. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED by Committee Amendment "A" (H-204), in concurrence. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) READ and ADOPTED , in concurrence. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | READ ONCE. |
Senate | May 30, 2013 | On motion by Senator GERZOFSKY of Cumberland, the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report ACCEPTED in concurrence. (Remarks Made) |
Senate | May 29, 2013 | (Unfinished Business) |
Senate | May 28, 2013 | (Unfinished Business) |
Senate | May 23, 2013 | Senator GERZOFSKY of Cumberland moved to ACCEPT the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report, in concurrence. |
Senate | May 23, 2013 | (Unfinished Business) |
Senate | May 23, 2013 | On further motion by same Senator, TABLED until Later in Today's Session, pending his motion to ACCEPT the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report, in concurrence. |
Senate | May 23, 2013 | Reports READ. |
House | May 22, 2013 | On motion of Representative DION of Portland, the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report was ACCEPTED. |
House | May 22, 2013 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | May 22, 2013 | The Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-204). |
House | May 22, 2013 | Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING without REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading. |
House | May 22, 2013 | Committee Amendment "A" (H-204) was READ and ADOPTED. |
House | May 22, 2013 | The Bill was READ ONCE. |
House | May 22, 2013 | ROLL CALL NO. 119 (Yeas 84 - Nays 57 - Absent 10 - Excused 0) |
House | May 22, 2013 | Reports READ. |
House | Feb 12, 2013 | The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY. |
Senate | Feb 12, 2013 | On motion by Senator Gerzofsky of Cumberland, REFERRED to the Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY and ordered printed, in concurrence. |
House | Feb 12, 2013 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Feb 12, 2013 | Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety suggested and ordered printed. |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Amended | not available | state link | bill text |
Introduced | not available | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Acc Maj Otp As Amended Rep RC #119
Adopt Hbh-410 To Cah-204 RC #247
Adopt C A As Am By Hbh-410 RC #248
Recede And Concur RC #307
Reconsideration - Veto RC #408
Accept Maj Otp-a Rpt RC #128
Link: link to state bill page