Passed Maine Firearm Legislation LD600

Legislation Overview
Title: An Act To Prohibit a Person Convicted of a Crime of Domestic Violence from Possessing a Firearm for a Period of 5 Years and To Better Align Maine Law with Federal Law Regarding Persons Prohibited from Possessing Firearms
Subject: Weapons: Possession
Description: An Act To Prohibit a Person Convicted of a Crime of Domestic Violence from Possessing a Firearm for a Period of 5 Years and To Better Align Maine Law with Federal Law Regarding Persons Prohibited from Possessing Firearms
Session: 127th Legislature
Last Action: LD 600 In Senate, June 30, 2015, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 34 In Favor and 0 Against , accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
Last Action Date: June 30, 2015
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
10 sponsors: Richard Pickett; David C. Burns; Kevin Battle; Sheldon Hanington; Jeffery Hanley; Lloyd Herrick; Jeffrey Mccabe; Matthew Peterson; Thomas Skolfield; Paul Stearns;
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 7% (10 of 151)
Chamber | Date | Action |
Senate | Jun 30, 2015 | LD 600 In Senate, June 30, 2015, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 34 In Favor and 0 Against , accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN. |
House | Jun 30, 2015 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Jun 30, 2015 | ROLL CALL NO. 420V 103 having voted in the affirmative and 43 in the negative, with 5 being absent, and accordingly it was the vote of the House that the Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor, since two-thirds of the members of the House so voted. |
House | Jun 30, 2015 | This Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the House proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" |
Senate | Jun 16, 2015 | PASSED TO BE ENACTED, in concurrence. |
Senate | Jun 15, 2015 | Reports READ |
Senate | Jun 15, 2015 | On motion by Senator ROSEN of Hancock The Majority Ought to Pass As Amended Report ACCEPTED, in concurrence. |
Senate | Jun 15, 2015 | READ ONCE |
Senate | Jun 15, 2015 | Committee Amendment "A" (H-389) READ and ADOPTED , in concurrence. |
Senate | Jun 15, 2015 | Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED by Committee Amendment "A" (H-389) , in concurrence. |
House | Jun 15, 2015 | PASSED TO BE ENACTED. |
House | Jun 15, 2015 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | The Bill was READ ONCE. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | Committee Amendment "A" (H-389) was READ and ADOPTED. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING without REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | The Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-389). |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | On motion of Representative FOWLE of Vassalboro, the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report was ACCEPTED. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | Reports READ. |
House | Jun 12, 2015 | ROLL CALL NO. 227 (Yeas 109 - Nays 33 - Absent 9 - Excused 0) |
Senate | Mar 5, 2015 | On motion by Senator Rosen of Hancock, REFERRED to the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, in concurrence. |
House | Mar 3, 2015 | The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY. |
House | Mar 3, 2015 | Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH. |
House | Mar 3, 2015 | Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety suggested and ordered printed. |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Chaptered | not available | state link | bill text |
Amended | not available | state link | bill text |
Introduced | not available | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Acc Maj Otp As Amended Rep RC #227
Reconsideration - Veto RC #420
Veto Override (2/3) RC #406
Link: link to state bill page