Proposed Minnesota Firearm Legislation HF661

Legislation Overview
Title: Law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat outside the home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights available to a person in that person's dwelling extended to others defending against forced entry.
Description: Law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat outside the home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights available to a person in that person's dwelling extended to others defending against forced entry.
Session: 93rd Legislature 2023-2024
Last Action: Author added Murphy
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
10 sponsors: Peggy Bennett (R); Mary Franson (R); Shane Mekeland (R); Matt Bliss (R); Peggy Scott (R); Chris Swedzinski (R); Joshua Heintzeman (R); John Burkel (R); Krista Knudsen (R); Tom Murphy (R);
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 7% (10 of 134)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Mar 9, 2023 | Author added Murphy |
House | Jan 30, 2023 | Author added Knudsen |
House | Jan 25, 2023 | Author added Burkel |
House | Jan 23, 2023 | Introduction and first reading, referred to Public Safety Finance and Policy |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | Jan 20, 2023 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
There have not been any votes on this bill
Link: link to state bill page