Proposed Minnesota Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Minnesota carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: Minnesota Personal Protection Act amended to recognize the North Dakota permit to carry a pistol as being valid in Minnesota.
Description: Minnesota Personal Protection Act amended to recognize the North Dakota permit to carry a pistol as being valid in Minnesota.
Last Action: Second reading
Last Action Date: March 23, 2015

Title: Firearm notice of possession at the Capitol complex requirement amended.
Description: Firearm notice of possession at the Capitol complex requirement amended.
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 17, 2015

Title: Felon petition for restoration of ability to possess firearms required to be made in court of conviction.
Description: Felon petition for restoration of ability to possess firearms required to be made in court of conviction.
Last Action: Introduction and first reading, referred to Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance
Last Action Date: February 2, 2015

Title: Public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited.
Description: Public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited.
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 17, 2015

Title: Veterans exempted from firearms safety certificate requirement.
Description: Veterans exempted from firearms safety certificate requirement.
Last Action: Introduction and first reading, referred to Mining and Outdoor Recreation Policy
Last Action Date: February 12, 2015

Title: Firearm safety training required to include information regarding the use of alternative ammunition.
Description: Firearm safety training required to include information regarding the use of alternative ammunition.
Last Action: Introduction and first reading, referred to Mining and Outdoor Recreation Policy
Last Action Date: February 12, 2015

Title: Federal Gun Control Act; firearm sale and purchase permitted in any state where lawful under the act.
Description: Federal Gun Control Act; firearm sale and purchase permitted in any state where lawful under the act.
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 17, 2015

Title: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill.
Description: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill.
Last Action: HF indefinitely postponed
Last Action Date: April 25, 2015

Title: Crimes committed in a patient care zone penalties increased, and assaults by inmates in public institutions sentencing provisions amended.
Description: Crimes committed in a patient care zone penalties increased, and assaults by inmates in public institutions sentencing provisions amended.
Last Action: Committee report, to adopt and re-refer to Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Lead shot use prohibited.
Description: Lead shot use prohibited.
Last Action: Introduction and first reading, referred to Mining and Outdoor Recreation Policy
Last Action Date: February 26, 2015

Title: Right of individuals to keep and bear arms protected, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Description: Right of individuals to keep and bear arms protected, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Last Action: Author added Drazkowski.
Last Action Date: March 4, 2015

Title: Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others, centralized register of individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms for a self-determined period of time created and maintained, and rulemaking required.
Description: Firearms; law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others, centralized register of individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms for a self-determined period of time created and maintained, and rulemaking required.
Last Action: Author added Ward.
Last Action Date: March 4, 2015

Title: Firearm suppressor possession and use prohibition repealed, chief law enforcement officers required to complete federal certifications relating to suppressors in a timely manner, and appeal process for denial of certification provided.
Description: Firearm suppressor possession and use prohibition repealed, chief law enforcement officers required to complete federal certifications relating to suppressors in a timely manner, and appeal process for denial of certification provided.
Last Action: Author added Erickson.
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Defense of Dwelling and Person Act; use of force in defense of home and person modified, duty to retreat eliminated, and burden of proof placed upon the state relating to justifiable use of force.
Description: Defense of Dwelling and Person Act; use of force in defense of home and person modified, duty to retreat eliminated, and burden of proof placed upon the state relating to justifiable use of force.
Last Action: Authors added Green and Backer.
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Hennepin County; gun court establishment funding provided.
Description: Hennepin County; gun court establishment funding provided.
Last Action: Author added Fischer.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2016

Title: Firearms training prior to taking permanent possession of a firearm mandated, waiting period to receive a permit to purchase a firearm extended, transfer of pistols and semiautomatic military-style assault weapons and eligibility to possess a firearm provisions modified; safe storage of firearms and ammunition required; transfer of firearms requirements placed, and criminal penalties imposed.
Description: Firearms training prior to taking permanent possession of a firearm mandated, waiting period to receive a permit to purchase a firearm extended, transfer of pistols and semiautomatic military-style assault weapons and eligibility to possess a firearm provisions modified; safe storage of firearms and ammunition required; transfer of firearms requirements placed, and criminal penalties imposed.
Last Action: Author added Liebling.
Last Action Date: March 30, 2016

Title: Federal licensure of persons who regularly transfer firearms required.
Description: Federal licensure of persons who regularly transfer firearms required.
Last Action: Author added Kahn.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2016

Title: Local law enforcement agency grant program to purchase firearms from the public established, and money appropriated.
Description: Local law enforcement agency grant program to purchase firearms from the public established, and money appropriated.
Last Action: Author added Kahn.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2016

Title: Persons on the consolidated terrorist watchlist prohibited from possessing firearms.
Description: Persons on the consolidated terrorist watchlist prohibited from possessing firearms.
Last Action: Author added Slocum.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2016

Title: Federal firearm laws restricting or limiting firearms provided to be unenforceable in Minnesota.
Description: Federal firearm laws restricting or limiting firearms provided to be unenforceable in Minnesota.
Last Action: Author added Albright.
Last Action Date: March 10, 2016

Title: Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
Description: Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
Last Action: HF indefinitely postponed
Last Action Date: April 28, 2016

Title: Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted.
Description: Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted.
Last Action: Authors added Moran and Mahoney.
Last Action Date: April 27, 2016

Title: Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted.
Description: Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted.
Last Action: Authors added Hausman, Ward, Yarusso, Fischer, and Liebling.
Last Action Date: March 30, 2016

Title: Military personnel stationed outside the state permitted to obtain extensions of their permit to carry a handgun.
Description: Military personnel stationed outside the state permitted to obtain extensions of their permit to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Joint rule 2.03, Deadlines, re-referred to Rules and Legislative Administration
Last Action Date: April 14, 2016

Title: Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others, human services commissioner required to create and maintain a centralized register of individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms, and rulemaking provided.
Description: Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others, human services commissioner required to create and maintain a centralized register of individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms, and rulemaking provided.
Last Action: Author added Slocum.
Last Action Date: April 7, 2016

Title: Judicial restoration of ability to possess firearms and ammunition petition clarified.
Description: Judicial restoration of ability to possess firearms and ammunition petition clarified.
Last Action: Introduction and first reading, referred to Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance
Last Action Date: April 1, 2016

Title: Cell phone cases resembling a firearm possession, manufacture, or sale prohibited.
Description: Cell phone cases resembling a firearm possession, manufacture, or sale prohibited.
Last Action: HF indefinitely postponed
Last Action Date: May 9, 2016

Title: Second Amendment Preservation Act
Description: Second Amendment Preservation Act
Last Action: Author added Kiffmeyer
Last Action Date: January 12, 2015

Title: North Dakota permit to carry a pistol in Minnesota recognition
Description: North Dakota permit to carry a pistol in Minnesota recognition
Last Action: Author added Kiffmeyer
Last Action Date: January 29, 2015

Title: Right to carry a firearm without a permit authorization
Description: Right to carry a firearm without a permit authorization
Last Action: Author added Kiffmeyer
Last Action Date: April 7, 2015

Title: Firearms sale and purchase in any state
Description: Firearms sale and purchase in any state
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 16, 2015

Title: Capitol complex firearm possession notice requirement modification
Description: Capitol complex firearm possession notice requirement modification
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 19, 2015

Title: Firearms possession restrictions court petition; centralized register creation; providing for red flag orders for protection from gun violence
Description: Firearms possession restrictions court petition; centralized register creation; providing for red flag orders for protection from gun violence
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 2, 2015

Title: Firearms suppressors prohibitions repeal and chief law enforcement officers certification requirements
Description: Firearms suppressors prohibitions repeal and chief law enforcement officers certification requirements
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 5, 2015

Title: Felon firearms possession restoration petition in court of conviction requirement
Description: Felon firearms possession restoration petition in court of conviction requirement
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 9, 2015

Title: Controlled substance crimes committed in patient care zones penalties increase; assaults by inmates in public institutions sentencing modifications
Description: Controlled substance crimes committed in patient care zones penalties increase; assaults by inmates in public institutions sentencing modifications
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Firearms confiscation and seizure authority modification
Description: Firearms confiscation and seizure authority modification
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 17, 2015

Title: Defense of Dwelling and Person Act of 2015
Description: Defense of Dwelling and Person Act of 2015
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: May 8, 2015

Title: Firearms transfer, eligibility to carry in public, and possession modifications; firearms eligibility restoration and judicial challenge judicial process modification; firearm loss or theft false report crime establishment
Description: Firearms transfer, eligibility to carry in public, and possession modifications; firearms eligibility restoration and judicial challenge judicial process modification; firearm loss or theft false report crime establishment
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Firearms dealer federal licensure requirement
Description: Firearms dealer federal licensure requirement
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Firearm transfer and training requirements establishment; certain firearm possession eligibility modification; ammunition safe storage requirement; criminal penalties imposition
Description: Firearm transfer and training requirements establishment; certain firearm possession eligibility modification; ammunition safe storage requirement; criminal penalties imposition
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Persons named on the consolidated terrorist watchlist firearms possession prohibition
Description: Persons named on the consolidated terrorist watchlist firearms possession prohibition
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 8, 2016

Title: Cellular telephone cases with firearm resemblance possession prohibition
Description: Cellular telephone cases with firearm resemblance possession prohibition
Last Action: Second reading
Last Action Date: May 9, 2016

Title: Criminal background checks for firearm transfers requirement
Description: Criminal background checks for firearm transfers requirement
Last Action: Author added Marty
Last Action Date: April 6, 2016

Title: Military personnel stationed outside the state permit to carry handgun extension authorization
Description: Military personnel stationed outside the state permit to carry handgun extension authorization
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 14, 2016

Title: Gun buyback grant program and appropriation
Description: Gun buyback grant program and appropriation
Last Action: Referred to Finance
Last Action Date: March 14, 2016

Title: Voluntary firearm transfer and gun violence protective orders; voluntary database for firearms permit denial
Description: Voluntary firearm transfer and gun violence protective orders; voluntary database for firearms permit denial
Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 21, 2016

Title: Revisor's bill
Description: Revisor's bill
Last Action: Governor approval
Last Action Date: May 22, 2016