Proposed Mississippi Firearm Legislation HB519

Legislation Overview
Title: Model Penal Code - "Truth in Sentencing"; enact to provide uniform sentencing guidelines.
Description: An Act To Create The Mississippi Penal Code; To State The Purposes And Applicability Of This Act; To Provide Classes Of Crimes; To Define Offenses; To Provide Time Limitations; To Provide For Prosecution Methods; To Define When A Prosecution Is Barred; To Define Certain Terms; To Specify General Principles Of Liability; To Require That Liability Be Based On A Voluntary Act; To Provide General Requirements Of Culpability; To Require A Causal Relationship Between Conduct And Result; To Provide The Defense Of Ignorance Or Mistake; To Provide For When Culpability Requirements Are Inapplicable To Certain Offenses; To Provide For Liability For The Conduct Of Another; To Provide For When Culpability Requirements Are Inapplicable To Certain Offenses; To Provide For Liability For The Conduct Of Another; To Provide For Liability Of Corporations; To Provide When The Defense Of Intoxication Is Applicable; To Provide For The Defense Of Duress; To Provide For The Defense Of Consent; To Provide For De Minimis Infractions And Entrapment; To Provide For General Principles Of Justification Including The Use Of Force; To Provide For Mistake Of Law As To Unlawfulness Of Force Or Legality Of Arrest; To Provide For Justification In Property Crimes; To Address Criminal Responsibility Including Mental Diseases Or Defects Which Exclude Responsibility; To Provide For The Admissibility Of Evidence Relating To Mental Condition; To Provide For Psychiatric Examinations; To Address The Determination Of When To Proceed Based On The Defendant's Fitness; To Provide For The Determination Of Irresponsibility; To Provide For The Legal Effect Of Acquittal On The Ground Of Mental Disease Or Defect Excluding Responsibility; To Address Immaturity Excluding Criminal Conviction; To Provide For Inchoate Crimes Including Attempt, Solicitation And Conspiracy; To Provide For Incapacity, Irresponsibility Or Immunity Of A Party To Solicitation Or Conspiracy; To Address The Use Of Weapons As Instruments Of Crime; To Provide For The Degrees Of Felonies; To Provide For Sentencing, Fines And Penalties Under This Act; To Provide For Sentence Revision; To Provide Criteria And Procedure For Sentencing And Imposing Fines; To Address Multiple Sentences; To Address Former Convictions In Other Jurisdictions; To Provide For Credit For Time Served Prior To Sentencing; To Provide For The Offense Of Criminal Homicide Which Includes Murder, Manslaughter, Negligent Homicide And Causing Or Aiding Suicide; To Provide For The Offenses Of Assault, Reckless Endangering And Terroristic Threats; To Provide For The Offense Of Kidnapping, Felonious Restraint, False Imprisonment, Interference With Custody And Criminal Coercion; To Provide For Sexual Offenses Including Rape, Sexual Assault, Indecent Exposure And Corruption Of Minors And Seduction; To Provide For The Offenses Of Arson, Causing Or Risking Catastrophe And Criminal Mischief; To Provide For The Offenses Of Burglary And Criminal Trespass; To Provide For The Offense Of Robbery; To Provide For Various Theft And Related Offenses; To Provide For The Offenses Of Forgery And Fraudulent Practices Including Tampering Or Destruction Of Records, Issuing Bad Checks, Credit Card Fraud, Deceptive Business Practices And Other Fraud; To Provide For The Offenses Of Bigamy And Polygamy, Incest, Abortion, Endangering The Welfare Of Children And Persistent Nonsupport; To Provide For The Offenses Of Bribery And Corrupt Influence Including Offenses Related To Public Officials; To Provide For The Offenses Of Perjury, False Swearing, Unsworn Falsification To Authorities, False Alarms, False Reports, And Tampering With Witnesses, Informants, Evidence And Public Records; To Provide For The Offenses Of Obstructing Governmental Operations, Resisting Arrest, Hindering Apprehension Or Prosecution, Aiding Consummation Of Crime, Compounding, Escape And Bail Jumping; To Provide For Offenses Relating To Abuse Of Office; To Provide For The Offenses Of Riot, Disorderly Conduct, False Public Alarms, Harassment, Public Intoxication, Loitering, Obstructing Highways, Desecration Of Venerated Objects, Abuse Of Corpse, Cruelty To Animals And Violation Of Privacy; To Provide For The Offenses Of Prostitution, Loitering To Solicit Deviate Sexual Relations And Obscenity; To Provide For Treatment And Correction Of Offenders; To Provide Conditions Of Suspension Of Sentence Or Probation; To Provide For The Determination Of The Period Of Suspension Or Probation; To Provide For Modification Of Conditions; To Provide For Suspension And Probation Proceedings And Hearings Upon Notice; To Provide For Criminal Fines And Methods Of Payment Including The Consequences Of Nonpayment And Revocation Of Fines; To Provide For Short-term And Long-term Imprisonment And The Administration Of Prisoners; To Provide For Discipline And Control Of Prisoners, Working Prisoners And Reduction Of Sentences For Good Behavior; To Provide Compassionate Leave; To Provide For Release From Institutions; To Provide For Parole; To Provide For Reduction In Prison And Parole Terms For Good Behavior; To Provide For Parole Eligibility And Parole Hearings; To Establish Parole Criteria, Conditions, Supervision And Revocation; To Address The Loss And Restoration Of Rights Incident To Conviction And Imprisonment; To Create The Department Of Corrections And Provide For Its Personnel, Powers And Duties; To Create Divisions Within The Department; To Create The Commission On Correction And Community Services; To Provide For Inspection Of Institutions; To Create The Parole Board And Prescribe Its Duties And Powers; To Provide For The Administration Of Penal Institutions; To Create The Division Of Parole And Prescribe Its Duties And Powers; To Create The Division Of Probation And Prescribe Its Duties And Powers; To Repeal Sections 97-1-1, 97-1-7 And 97-1-9, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Criminal Offenses Of Conspiracy And Attempts; To Repeal Sections 97-3-3 And 97-3-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Criminal Offense Of Abortion; To Repeal Section 97-3-7, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For Criminal Assaults; To Repeal Sections 97-3-19, 97-3-21, 97-3-23, 97-3-25, 97-3-27, 97-3-29, 97-3-31, 97-3-33, 97-3-35, 97-3-37, 97-3-39, 97-3-41, 97-3-43, 97-3-45, 97-3-47, 97-3-49, 99-19-101 And 99-19-103, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For Various Homicide Offenses, Capital Cases Sentencing And Aiding Suicide; To Repeal Section 97-3-53, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Criminal Offense Of Kidnapping; To Repeal Sections 97-3-85 And 97-3-87, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Offense Of Criminal Threats; To Repeal Sections 97-3-65, 97-3-71, 97-3-95, 97-3-97, 97-3-99, 97-3-101 And 97-3-103, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crimes Of Rape And Sexual Assault; To Repeal Sections 97-17-1, 97-17-3, 97-17-5, 97-17-7, 97-17-9, 97-17-11 And 97-17-13, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Arson; To Repeal Sections 97-17-23, 97-17-25, 97-17-29, 97-17-31, 97-17-33, 97-17-35 And 97-17-37, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Burglary; To Repeal Sections 97-3-73, 97-3-75, 97-3-77, 97-3-79, 97-3-81 And 97-3-83, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Robbery; To Repeal Section 97-3-82, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Crime Of Extortion; To Repeal Sections 97-17-45, 97-17-47, 97-17-49, 97-17-51, 97-17-53, 97-17-55, 97-17-58, 97-17-59, 97-17-61, 97-17-63 And 97-17-64, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Larceny; To Repeal Section 97-17-67, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Crime Of Malicious Mischief; To Repeal Section 97-17-70, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Crime Of Receiving Stolen Property; To Repeal Sections 97-21-1, 97-21-3, 97-21-7, 97-21-9, 97-21-11, 97-21-13, 97-21-15, 97-21-17, 97-21-19, 97-21-21, 97-21-23, 97-21-25, 97-21-27, 97-21-29, 97-21-31, 97-21-33, 97-21-35, 97-21-37, 97-21-39, 97-21-41, 97-21-43, 97-21-45, 97-21-47, 97-21-49, 97-21-51, 97-21-53, 97-21-55, 97-21-57, 97-21-59, 97-21-61 And 97-21-63, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Forgery; To Repeal Sections 97-19-7, 97-19-9, 97-19-11, 97-19-13, 97-19-15, 97-19-17, 97-19-19, 97-19-21, 97-19-23, 97-19-25, 97-19-27, 97-19-29 And 97-19-31, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Fraudulent Use Of Credit Cards; To Repeal Sections 97-19-55 And 97-19-67, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Fraud For Issuing Bad Checks; To Repeal Sections 97-29-13 And 97-29-15, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Bigamy; To Repeal Sections 97-29-5, 97-29-27 And 97-29-29, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Incest; To Repeal Section 97-29-31, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Crime Of Indecent Exposure; To Repeal Sections 97-9-5, 97-9-7, 97-9-9, 97-9-10, 97-11-11, 97-11-13, 97-11-53, 97-13-1 And 97-13-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Bribery; To Repeal Sections 97-9-59, 97-9-61, 97-9-63 And 97-9-65, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Perjury; To Repeal Sections 97-9-45, 97-9-47 And 97-9-49, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Escape; To Repeal Section 97-29-47, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Crime Of Public Drunkenness; To Repeal Sections 97-41-1, 97-41-5, 97-41-7, 97-41-9 And 97-41-11, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For The Crime Of Cruelty To Animals; To Bring Forward For Purposes Of Amendment Sections 47-1-1, 47-1-3, 47-1-5, 47-1-7, 47-1-9, 47-1-11, 47-1-13, 47-1-15, 47-1-17, 47-1-19, 47-1-21, 47-1-23, 47-1-25, 47-1-27, 47-1-29, 47-1-31, 47-1-33, 47-1-35, 47-1-37, 47-1-39, 47-1-41, 47-1-43, 47-1-45, 47-1-47, 47-1-49, 47-1-51, 47-1-55, 47-1-57, 47-1-59, 47-1-61 And 47-1-63, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provides For The Incarceration And Administration Of County And Municipal Prisons And Prisoners; To Bring Forward For Purposes Of Amendment Sections 47-4-1, 47-4-3 And 47-4-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For Privately Operated Correctional Facilities; To Amend Section 47-5-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Correct The Reference To The State Fiscal Management Board, Which Is Now Referred To As The Department Of Finance And Administration; To Amend Section 47-5-28, Mississippi Code Of 1972, For Purposes Of Making A Grammatical Correction In Punctuation; To Amend Section 47-5-37, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Correct The Reference To The State Fiscal Management Board, Which Is Now Referred To As The Department Of Finance And Administration; To Reflect The Name Change Of A Standing Committee Of The House Of Representatives To The Corrections Committee; To Amend Section 47-5-54, Mississippi Code Of 1972, For Purposes Of Making A Grammatical Correction In Punctuation; To Amend Section 47-5-138, Mississippi Code Of 1972, For Purposes Of Making A Grammatical Correction In Punctuation; To Amend Section 47-7-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, For Purposes Of Clarifying Reference To A Certain Provision Of The Section; To Bring Forward Sections 47-5-1, 47-5-3, 47-5-4, 47-5-8, 47-5-10, 47-5-20, 47-5-23, 47-5-24, 47-5-26, 47-5-35, 47-5-49, 47-5-99, 47-5-101, 47-5-103, 47-5-104, 47-5-110, 47-5-119, 47-5-120, 47-5-121, 47-5-126, 47-5-139, 47-5-140, 47-5-142, 47-5-173, 47-5-177 And 47-5-901, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Create The Correctional System For The State Of Mississippi And Prescribe The Duties And Powers Thereunder; To Bring Forward Sections 47-7-1, 47-7-5, 47-7-9, 47-7-17, 47-7-23, 47-7-25, 47-7-27, 47-7-29, 47-7-31, 47-7-33, 47-7-35, 47-7-37, 47-7-41, 47-7-47, 47-7-49 And 47-7-53, Mississippi Code Of 1972, Which Provide For Probation And Parole And Specify The Powers And Duties Related Thereto; And For Related Purposes.
Session: 2014 Regular Session
Last Action: Died In Committee
Last Action Date: February 4, 2014
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
1 sponsors: Deborah Butler Dixon
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 1% (1 of 122)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Feb 4, 2014 | Died In Committee |
House | Jan 20, 2014 | Referred To Judiciary B |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | Jan 20, 2014 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
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