Proposed Nevada Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2015 Session2017 Session2019 Session2021 Session2023 Session2025 Session
Filter: Click on bill number for details. jump to upper chamber
note: Nevada does not have an even-numbered year session

Title: Revises provisions related to certain temporary and extended orders for protection. (BDR 3-417)
Description: AN ACT relating to orders for protection; revising provisions relating to service of process of temporary and extended orders for protection against domestic violence; increasing the duration that certain temporary and extended orders for protection remain effective; increasing the penalty for certain violations of temporary and extended orders for protection against domestic violence; renaming the Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection Against Domestic Violence to the Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection; requiring the Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection to include certain information and other records relating to orders for protection against a person alleged to have committed the crime of sexual assault, orders for protection against stalking, aggravated stalking or harassment and orders for protection against domestic violence; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Chapter 477.
Last Action Date: June 10, 2019

Title: Revises provisions governing the taxation of certain deliveries and transfers of firearms. (BDR 32-659)
Description: AN ACT relating to taxation; revising provisions governing the sales and use taxes imposed on the delivery or transfer of a firearm from outside this State under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.4, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: May 25, 2019

Title: Revises provisions governing the storage of firearms. (BDR 15-119)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; making it a crime to negligently store or leave a firearm under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: May 18, 2019

Title: Authorizes the possession of a handgun in a motor vehicle that is on the property of certain educational entities or child care facilities in certain circumstances. (BDR 15-97)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; authorizing a person who holds a permit to carry a concealed firearm to possess a handgun in a motor vehicle that is on the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education or a private or public school or child care facility in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Authorizes the possession of a handgun in a motor vehicle that is on the property of a community college under certain circumstances. (BDR 15-652)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; authorizing a person to possess a handgun in a motor vehicle that is on the property of a community college under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-860)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; requiring a sheriff to give priority in processing an application for a permit to carry a concealed firearm to an applicant who has a temporary order for protection; revising the deadline for submission of certain records to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for inclusion in all appropriate databases of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Makes various changes related to criminal law and criminal procedure. (BDR 14-564)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions relating to the duties of the Nevada Sentencing Commission; establishing provisions relating to the calculation and use of the amount of certain costs avoided by this State; establishing the Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council; revising the contents required in the report of any presentence investigation; requiring certain judges to receive training concerning reports of presentence investigations; making various changes concerning probation and parole; authorizing a court to defer or suspend judgment on a case in certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to specialty court programs; revising provisions relating to programs for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence; reducing the penalty for certain crimes from a category B to a category C felony; revising provisions relating to burglary; increasing the felony theft threshold and revising penalties for various theft offenses; making it unlawful to install or affix a scanning device within or upon a machine used for financial transactions under certain circumstances; making it unlawful to access a scanning device under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to habitual criminals; requiring the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Commission to develop and implement a behavioral health field response grant program; revising provisions concerning crimes involving controlled substances; repealing provisions relating to programs of treatment for alcoholics and drug addicts and the civil commitment of such persons; making appropriations to the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Corrections; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Chapter 633.
Last Action Date: June 17, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-84)
Description: AN ACT relating to concealed firearms; requiring a course in firearm safety to include training in suicide awareness and prevention; authorizing persons who possess permits to carry concealed firearms that were issued by certain other states to continue to carry concealed firearms in this State pursuant to those permits after becoming residents of this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Requires law enforcement agencies in certain counties to participate in the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network. (BDR 15-603)
Description: AN ACT relating to law enforcement; requiring law enforcement agencies in certain counties to participate in the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives of the United States Department of Justice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor. Chapter 176.
Last Action Date: May 28, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 3-759)
Description: AN ACT relating to public safety; establishing provisions governing certain orders for protection against high-risk behavior; defining certain terms relating to the issuance of such orders; prescribing certain conduct and acts that constitute high-risk behavior; authorizing certain persons to apply for ex parte and extended orders for protection against high-risk behavior under certain circumstances; providing for the issuance and enforcement of such orders; prohibiting a person against whom such an order is issued from possessing or having under his or her custody or control, or purchasing or otherwise acquiring, any firearm during the period in which the order is in effect; establishing certain other procedures relating to such orders; prohibiting the filing of an application for such orders under certain circumstances; making it a crime to violate such orders; prohibiting certain acts relating to the modification of a semiautomatic firearm; reducing the concentration of alcohol that may be present in the blood or breath of a person while in possession of a firearm; making it a crime to negligently store or leave a firearm under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Chapter 622.
Last Action Date: June 17, 2019

Title: Revises the prohibition against carrying or possessing certain weapons while on certain property. (BDR 15-810)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting a person from carrying or possessing certain weapons while on the property of a public library; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions governing the criminal forfeiture of property. (BDR 14-717)
Description: AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; establishing a uniform procedure for the criminal forfeiture of property used or obtained in certain crimes; providing for the distribution of forfeited property and proceeds from the sale of such property; requiring the reporting of certain information relating to the forfeiture of property; revising provisions authorizing the forfeiture of property; repealing certain provisions governing the seizure, forfeiture and disposition of property and proceeds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (No further action taken.)
Last Action Date: June 4, 2019

Title: Eliminates the requirement to possess a permit to carry a concealed firearm. (BDR 15-992)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; eliminating the requirement to possess a permit to carry a concealed firearm; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in or on a vehicle which is standing or being driven on or along a public highway or other way open to the public. (BDR 45-209)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; revising provisions governing the carrying of a loaded rifle or shotgun in or on a vehicle which is standing or being driven on or along a public highway or other way open to the public; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor. Chapter 73.
Last Action Date: May 16, 2019

Title: Provides for the issuance of orders of protection relating to high-risk behavior. (BDR 3-112)
Description: AN ACT relating to protective orders; defining certain terms relating to orders for protection against high-risk behavior; defining certain conduct and acts which constitute high-risk behavior; authorizing certain persons to apply for certain orders for protection against high-risk behavior; providing for the issuance and enforcement of such orders; prohibiting a person against whom such an order for protection is issued from possessing or having under his or her custody or control, or purchasing or otherwise acquiring, any firearm during the period the order is in effect; establishing procedures relating to orders for protection against high-risk behavior; prohibiting the filing of an application for such orders under certain circumstances; making it a crime to violate such orders; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Repeals, revises and reenacts provisions relating to background checks for certain sales or transfers of firearms. (BDR 15-755)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; repealing, revising and reenacting provisions relating to background checks for certain sales or transfers of firearms; prohibiting a fee from being charged for certain background checks; requiring a licensed dealer of firearms to conduct a background check before a private party sale or transfer in certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor. Chapter 2.
Last Action Date: February 15, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to crimes committed with the use of a deadly weapon or tear gas. (BDR 15-261)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the length of the term of the additional penalty for crimes committed with the use of a deadly weapon or tear gas; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to domestic violence. (BDR 3-316)
Description: AN ACT relating to domestic violence; revising provisions relating to temporary and extended orders for protection against domestic violence; revising provisions relating to the crime of battery which constitutes domestic violence; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Chapter 479.
Last Action Date: June 10, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-21)
Description: AN ACT relating to public safety; prohibiting certain acts relating to the modification of a semiautomatic firearm; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to crimes. (BDR 15-1076)
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the penalties for certain acts related to discharging a firearm; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor. Chapter 46.
Last Action Date: May 14, 2019

Title: Authorizes the possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle that is on certain governmental property under certain circumstances. (BDR 15-643)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; authorizing the possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle that is on certain governmental property under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-926)
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; providing for conditional dismissal of a charge of unlawfully carrying a concealed firearm under certain circumstances; increasing the maximum penalty for unlawfully possessing a firearm under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2019

Title: Revises provisions relating to courts. (BDR 1-978)
Description: AN ACT relating to courts; revising provisions relating to the transaction of business by justice and municipal courts; revising provisions governing the jurisdiction of certain justice courts; revising provisions relating to the number of justices of the peace in each township; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Last Action: Chapter 603.
Last Action Date: June 13, 2019