Proposed New Hampshire Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Eligible legislation from odd-numbered is reintroduced in even-numbered years. Legislation that was re-referred to or retained by the committee in the first year session may be reintroduced. If legislation was deemed inexpedient to legislate, it is not reintroduced.

Title: Urging Congress to enact legislation regulating and banning certain semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
Description: Urging Congress to enact legislation regulating and banning certain semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 181-162 02/23/2023 House Journal 7 P. 27
Last Action Date: February 23, 2023

Title: Relative to possession or discharge of a firearm in a safe school zone.
Description: Relative to possession or discharge of a firearm in a safe school zone.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 199-174 03/09/2023 House Journal 8 P. 14
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023

Title: Requiring a background check prior to any commercial firearm sale.
Description: Requiring a background check prior to any commercial firearm sale.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 197-175 03/09/2023 House Journal 8 P. 17
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023

Title: Imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm.
Description: Imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote 03/16/2023 House Journal 9 P. 27
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: Relative to extreme risk protection orders.
Description: Relative to extreme risk protection orders.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 198-172 03/09/2023 House Journal 8 P. 22
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023

Title: Restoring firearm ownership rights to ex-felons.
Description: Restoring firearm ownership rights to ex-felons.
Last Action: Retained in Committee
Last Action Date: February 15, 2023

Title: Relative to armor piercing ammunition.
Description: Relative to armor piercing ammunition.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote 02/22/2023 House Journal 6 P. 5
Last Action Date: February 22, 2023

Title: Relative to voluntarily surrendered firearms.
Description: Relative to voluntarily surrendered firearms.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 237-121 02/22/2023 House Journal 6 P. 65
Last Action Date: February 22, 2023

Title: Relative to exceptions for violations related to Presidential Executive Orders governing the keeping or bearing of arms.
Description: Relative to exceptions for violations related to Presidential Executive Orders governing the keeping or bearing of arms.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote 03/22/2023 House Journal 10 P. 7
Last Action Date: March 22, 2023

Title: Relative to the negligent storage of firearms and relative to firearm safety devices.
Description: Relative to the negligent storage of firearms and relative to firearm safety devices.
Last Action: Indefinitely Postpone (Rep. Janvrin): Motion Adopted DV 202-183 03/22/2023 House Journal 10 P. 53
Last Action Date: March 22, 2023

Title: Prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place.
Description: Prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 202-167 03/16/2023 House Journal 9 P. 31
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: Relative to enforcement of federal firearms laws and establishing penalties.
Description: Relative to enforcement of federal firearms laws and establishing penalties.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Voice Vote 03/09/2023 House Journal 8 P. 4
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023

Title: Exempting firearms manufactured in New Hampshire from federal laws and regulations.
Description: Exempting firearms manufactured in New Hampshire from federal laws and regulations.
Last Action: Retained in Committee
Last Action Date: March 13, 2023

Title: Relative to the definition of a "child" for the purpose of negligent storage of firearms.
Description: Relative to the definition of a "child" for the purpose of negligent storage of firearms.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate, Regular Calendar 14Y-10N, Motion Adopted === BILL KILLED ===; 03/09/2023; Senate Journal 9
Last Action Date: March 9, 2023

Title: Repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition.
Description: Repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition.
Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate, Regular Calendar 14Y-10N, Motion Adopted === BILL KILLED ===; 03/16/2023; Senate Journal 10
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023