Proposed Ohio Firearm Legislation HB237

Legislation Overview
Title: Makes changes regarding off-road vehicles
Subject: Crimes, Corrections, and Law Enforcement : Law Enforcement: Public Safety: State and Local Government: Transportation: Transportation : Drivers' Licenses: Transportation : Motor Vehicles: Transportation : Traffic Offenses: Transportation : Vehicle Equipment: Transportation : Vehicle Registration and Titling: House Homeland Security Committee
Description: To amend sections 1531.01, 1533.01, 1533.103, 1533.18, 2131.12, 2131.13, 2744.01, 2911.21, 2921.331, 2923.16, 4501.01, 4501.13, 4503.01, 4503.038, 4503.04, 4503.10, 4503.191, 4503.312, 4504.01, 4505.01, 4505.06, 4505.09, 4505.11, 4510.036, 4511.01, 4511.214, 4511.713, 4513.02, 4513.221, 4513.263, 4517.01, 4519.01, 4519.02, 4519.03, 4519.031, 4519.04, 4519.05, 4519.08, 4519.09, 4519.10, 4519.11, 4519.20, 4519.21, 4519.22, 4519.401, 4519.41, 4519.42, 4519.43, 4519.44, 4519.45, 4519.46, 4519.47, 4519.48, 4519.511, 4519.512, 4519.52, 4519.521, 4519.53, 4519.54, 4519.55, 4519.551, 4519.56, 4519.57, 4519.58, 4519.59, 4519.60, 4519.61, 4519.62, 4519.63, 4519.631, 4519.64, 4519.65, 4519.66, 4519.67, 4519.68, 4519.69, 4519.70, 5553.044, 5739.02, and 5815.36; to enact new section 4519.40 and sections 4519.041, 4519.23, 4519.402, 4519.403, and 4519.99; and to repeal sections 4511.215, 4511.216, and 4519.40 of the Revised Code to make changes to the laws governing all-purpose vehicles, off-highway motorcycles, snowmobiles, utility vehicles, and mini-trucks.
Session: 135th General Assembly (2023-2024)
Last Action: Referred to committee: Homeland Security
Last Action Date: September 12, 2023
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
5 sponsors: Kevin Miller (R); Phil Plummer (R); Thomas Hall (R); Mark Johnson (R); Roy Klopfenstein (R);
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 5% (5 of 99)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Sep 12, 2023 | Referred to committee: Homeland Security |
House | Jul 11, 2023 | Introduced |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | Jul 13, 2023 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
There have not been any votes on this bill
Link: link to state bill page