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Proposed Oregon Firearm Legislation SB698

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Legislation Overview

Title: Relating to the possession of firearms in certain public areas.

Description: The Act changes the public areas where a person with a CHL can possess a gun. (Flesch Readability Score: 79.5). Authorizes the governing bodies of certain public entities that own or control public buildings to adopt a policy, ordinance or regulation limiting the affirmative defense for concealed handgun licensees for the crime of possessing a firearm in a public building. Provides that in a prosecution for possessing a firearm in a building or on grounds subject to such a policy, ordinance or regulation, the concealed handgun licensee affirmative defense is not a complete defense, but results in a Class A misdemeanor conviction punishable by 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.

Session: 2025 Legislative Measures

Last Action: Referred to Judiciary.

Last Action Date: January 17, 2025


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

8 sponsors: Lisa Reynolds (D); Anthony Broadman (D); Sarah Finger McDonald (D); Floyd Prozanski (D); Dacia Grayber (D); Jason Kropf (D); James Manning (D); Ricki Ruiz (D);

Percentage of Senate sponsoring bill: 27% (8 of 30)

Chamber Date Action
Senate Jan 17, 2025 Referred to Judiciary.
Senate Jan 13, 2025 Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
Type Date State Link Text
Introduced not available state link bill text
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Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call

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Link: link to state bill page

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