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Proposed Virginia Firearm Legislation HB1758

  this is an anti-gun bill
Legislation Overview

Title: Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk, penalties.

Subject: Crimes and Offenses Generally: Criminal Procedure: Weapons: Firearms

Description: Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk; penalties. Creates a procedure by which an attorney for the Commonwealth or law-enforcement officer may apply to a circuit court judge for a warrant to remove firearms from a person who poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others. If firearms are seized pursuant to such warrant, the bill requires a court hearing within 14 days from execution of the warrant to determine whether the firearms should be returned or retained by law enforcement. Seized firearms may be retained by court order for up to 180 days or, with court approval, may be transferred to a third party chosen by the person from whom they were seized. Persons who have been served with a warrant to remove firearms until such warrant has been dissolved by a court or who are the subject of an order to retain firearms are disqualified from having a concealed handgun permit or purchasing a firearm from a licensed dealer and may not be employed by a licensed firearms dealer. The bill also provides that a person who transfers a firearm to a person he knows has been served with a warrant or who is the subject of an order is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

Session: 2017 Regular Session

Last Action: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

Last Action Date: February 7, 2017


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

1 sponsors: Richard Sullivan (D);

Percentage of House of Delegates sponsoring bill: 1% (1 of 100)

Chamber Date Action
House Feb 7, 2017 Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety
House Jan 19, 2017 Subcommittee recommends laying on the table by voice vote
House Jan 17, 2017 Assigned MPPS sub: #1
House Jan 9, 2017 Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/17 17102461D
House Jan 9, 2017 Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
Type Date State Link Text
Prefiled Jan 9, 2017 state link bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call

There have not been any votes on this bill

Link: link to state bill page

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