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Proposed Virginia Firearm Legislation HB2273

  this is an anti-gun bill
Legislation Overview

Title: Firearms; waiting period for purchase, penalty.

Subject: Appropriations: Crimes and Offenses Generally: Firearms

Description: Purchase of firearms; waiting period; penalty. Provides that no person shall sell a firearm unless at least three days have elapsed from the time the prospective purchaser completes the written consent form to have a licensed dealer obtain criminal history record information, with exceptions for (i) transactions between licensed firearms importers or collectors, manufacturers, or dealers; (ii) purchases by or sales to any law-enforcement officer or agent of the United States, the Commonwealth or any local government, or any campus police officer; (iii) sales of antique firearms or curios or relics, as defined in relevant law; (iv) sales to an authorized representative of the Commonwealth or any subdivision thereof as part of an authorized voluntary gun buy-back or give-back program; (v) sales that occur at a firearms show and the seller has received a determination from the Department of State Police that the purchaser is not prohibited under state or federal law from possessing a firearm; or (vi) sales of a service weapon to a retired law-enforcement officer.

Session: 2023 Regular Session

Last Action: Left in Public Safety

Last Action Date: February 7, 2023


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

16 sponsors: C.E. Hayes (D); Elizabeth Bennett-Parker (D); Jeffrey Bourne (D); Jackie Glass (D);Elizabeth Guzman (D); Dan Helmer (D); Patrick Hope (D); Kaye Kory (D); Michael Mullin (D); Marcia Price (D); Sam Rasoul (D); Don Scott (D); Irene Shin (D); Marcus Simon (D); Suhas Subramanyam (D); Angelia Williams Graves (D);

Percentage of House of Delegates sponsoring bill: 16% (16 of 100)

Chamber Date Action
House Feb 7, 2023 Left in Public Safety
House Jan 26, 2023 Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (6-Y 4-N)
House Jan 24, 2023 Assigned PS sub: Subcommittee #1
House Jan 11, 2023 Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/23 23102364D
House Jan 11, 2023 Referred to Committee on Public Safety
Type Date State Link Text
Prefiled Jan 11, 2023 state link bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Description Vote Date Yea Votes Nay Votes No Votes Absent Passed
01/26/2023 6 4 0 0 Yes
  • Ballard, Jason (R) Yea
  • Clark, Nadarius (D) Nay
  • Cordoza, Aijalon (R) Yea
  • Fariss, C. Matt (R) Yea
  • Freitas, Nicholas (R) Yea
  • Jenkins, Clinton (D) Nay
  • Kory, L. Kaye (D) Nay
  • March, Marie (R) Yea
  • Mundon King, Candi (D) Nay
  • Wiley, Bill (R) Yea
resort votes by: party yeas nays name

Link: link to state bill page

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