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Proposed Virginia Firearm Legislation HB927

  this is an anti-gun bill
Legislation Overview

Title: Firearms magazines and firearms, certain; prohibition of sale, transfer, etc., penalties.

Description: Prohibition of sale, transfer, etc., of certain firearms magazines and firearms; penalties. Prohibits any person from importing, selling, bartering, or transferring a firearms magazine designed to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. A violation is a Class 6 felony. The bill prohibits a person from carrying semi-automatic center-fire firearms with more than 10 rounds of ammunition in a public place; under existing law, this prohibition applies only in certain localities and only to such firearms if the firearm holds more than 20 rounds of ammunition. The bill also increases from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony the penalty for carrying a semi-automatic center-fire firearm and a shotgun with a magazine that will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered in a public place. The bill redefines "assault firearm" by reducing from more than 20 to more than 10 the number of rounds of ammunition that a firearms magazine will hold in order to be defined as an "assault firearm" and prohibits a dealer from selling, renting, trading, or transferring from his inventory such an assault firearm to any person. The bill also reduces from more than 20 to more than 10 the number of rounds of ammunition that a firearms magazine will hold in order to be defined as an "assault firearm" for purposes of possession or transportation by a person younger than 18 years of age and increases the penalty from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony for a person younger than 18 years of age to possess or transport a handgun, an assault firearm, or a shotgun with a magazine that will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered, with some exceptions.

Session: 2018 Regular Session

Last Action: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

Last Action Date: February 13, 2018


Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

1 sponsors: Patrick Hope (D);

Percentage of House of Delegates sponsoring bill: 1% (1 of 100)

Chamber Date Action
House Feb 13, 2018 Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety
House Jan 25, 2018 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (4-Y 2-N)
House Jan 17, 2018 Assigned MPPS sub: Subcommittee #1
House Jan 9, 2018 Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/18 18104577D
House Jan 9, 2018 Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
Type Date State Link Text
Prefiled Jan 9, 2018 state link bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call

House: Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (4-Y 2-N)

Link: link to state bill page

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