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72 total bills, 1 anti-gun bills,
52 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed West Virginia Firearm Legislation

2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session

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note: Reintroduction of legislation applies only to House bills and may occur from odd-numbered to even-numbered years. Legislation does not carryover automatically; the sponsor or cosponsors of a bill or resolution must submit a request for the legislation to carryover. The request must be made to the Clerk of the House no later than ten days before the commencement of the Second Regular Session.

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Admitting certain counties and independent cities of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be admitted to the State of West Virginia as constituent counties

Description: Admitting certain counties and independent cities of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be admitted to the State of West Virginia as constituent counties

Last Action: To House Rules

Last Action Date: January 16, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Affirming The Legislature's commitment to the rights of West Virginia citizens under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

Description: Affirming The Legislature's commitment to the rights of West Virginia citizens under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 27, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Declaring West Virginia to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary State

Description: Declaring West Virginia to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary State

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 30, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Requesting that the State of West Virginia introduce itself as a firearms-friendly state to firearms manufacturers and manufacturers of firearms accessories who may be seeking locations for new or relocated manufacturing facilities

Description: Requesting that the State of West Virginia introduce itself as a firearms-friendly state to firearms manufacturers and manufacturers of firearms accessories who may be seeking locations for new or relocated manufacturing facilities

Last Action: To House Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Last Action Date: February 12, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Eliminating the permit requirement for storing of a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property

Description: The purpose of this bill is to eliminate the permit requirement for storing of a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property for persons over 21.

Last Action: To House Select Committee on Education Reform A

Last Action Date: June 18, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Permitting persons who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons to carry those weapons on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex

Description: The purpose of this bill is to permit persons who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex, except for the third and fourth floors of the east wing of Building One.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Permitting persons who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons to carry those weapons on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex

Description: The purpose of this bill is to permit persons who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex, except for the third and fourth floors of the east wing of Building One.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Permitting the carrying of concealed weapons on the campus of a state institution of higher education

Description: The purpose of this bill is to permit the carrying of concealed weapons on the campus of a state institution of higher education by individuals who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons pursuant to W. Va. Code, §61-7-4.

Last Action: To House Education

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Providing that any person lawfully entitled to possess a firearm may store a firearm in a motor vehicle on West Virginia State Capitol Complex

Description: The purpose of this bill is to provide that any person lawfully entitled to possess a firearm may store a firearm in a motor vehicle on West Virginia State Capitol Complex property and would allow for the carrying of a firearm outdoors on Capitol Complex property.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act

Description: West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act

Description: West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Right to keep and bear arms

Description: Right to keep and bear arms

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Right to keep and bear arms

Description: Right to keep and bear arms

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Reducing the cost of the fee for a state license to carry a concealed weapon

Description: The purpose of this bill is to reduce the cost of the fee for a state license to carry a concealed weapon.

Last Action: To House Finance

Last Action Date: January 10, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Reducing the cost of the fee for a state license to carry a concealed weapon

Description: The purpose of this bill is to reduce the cost of the fee for a state license to carry a concealed weapon.

Last Action: To House Finance

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Recognizing those in active military service as residents for the purpose of obtaining concealed carry permits while stationed at a West Virginia military installation

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow those in active military service, and their spouses, while stationed at a West Virginia military installation to be considered as residents of this state for the purpose of obtaining concealed carry permits.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 23, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating to the authority of municipalities to restrict firearm possession

Description: The purpose of this bill is to remove authority of municipalities to restrict possession of firearms without a valid concealed carry permit in certain areas during a brief temporary event.

Last Action: To House Political Subdivisions

Last Action Date: January 11, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating to permitting nonresidents to obtain state licenses to carry a concealed deadly weapon

Description: The purpose of this bill is to permit nonresidents to obtain state licenses to carry a concealed deadly weapon. The bill provides that concealed weapons licenses may only be issued for pistols and revolvers. The bill establishes a fee. The bill provides how that fee is to be used.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 16, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: The Campus Self Defense Act

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow a person who holds a current and valid license to carry a concealed deadly weapon to carry such a weapon on the campus and in the buildings of a state institution of higher education. It provides exceptions and immunity to an institution for a licensee’s intentional or unintentional use of a firearm while carrying it under the act. The bill seeks to acknowledge that violence against disarmed law-abiding citizens is an increasing, but unnecessary, occurrence. The bill is an attempt by the Legislature to reaffirm a law-abiding citizen's Second Amendment Right, the right to protect themselves by allowing legally licensed and permitted employees, staff, and students of public universities the right to legally carry a concealed weapon within specified limitations.

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: March 1, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: The Campus Self Defense Act

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow a person who holds a current and valid license to carry a concealed deadly weapon to carry such a weapon on the campus and in the buildings of a state institution of higher education. It provides exceptions and immunity to an institution for a licensee’s intentional or unintentional use of a firearm while carrying it under the act. The bill seeks to acknowledge that violence against disarmed law-abiding citizens is an increasing, but unnecessary, occurrence. The bill is an attempt by the Legislature to reaffirm a law-abiding citizen's Second Amendment Right, the right to protect themselves by allowing legally licensed and permitted employees, staff, and students of public universities the right to legally carry a concealed weapon within specified limitations.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting honorably discharged veterans of the from payment of fees and costs for a license to carry deadly weapons

Description: The purpose of this bill is to exempt honorably discharged veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States from payment of fees and costs required by this section for a license to carry deadly weapons. This exemption already applies to former law-enforcement officers who are honorably retired.

Last Action: To House Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting honorably discharged veterans of the from payment of fees and costs for a license to carry deadly weapons

Description: The purpose of this bill is to exempt honorably discharged veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States from payment of fees and costs required by this section for a license to carry deadly weapons. This exemption already applies to former law-enforcement officers who are honorably retired.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 15, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Providing that a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon expires on the holder’s birthday

Description: The purpose of this bill is to provide that a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon expires on the holder’s birthday.

Last Action: Chapter 264, Acts, Regular Session, 2019

Last Action Date: April 11, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Authorizing certain investigators and first responders to carry firearms

Description: The purpose of this bill is to authorize supervising entities to authorize reserve deputies, ambulance crew members, firefighters, rescue squad members and emergency service personnel to carry firearms. It specifies the training required for them to be eligible to carry a firearm and allows them to be reimbursed for the cost of the training.

Last Action: To Health and Human Resources

Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Allowing firearms-qualified tax division investigators to carry firearms

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow firearms-qualified tax division investigators to carry firearms.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 30, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Allowing firearms-qualified tax division investigators to carry firearms

Description: The purpose of this bill is to allow firearms-qualified tax division investigators to carry firearms.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relating to the right of certain persons to limit possession of firearms on premises

Description: The purpose of this bill is to provide a limitation on certain persons possessing firearms upon property owned or leased by a chemical manufacturing facility or oil and gas refinery operating under an air quality permit issued by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality on which the primary business conducted is the manufacture, use, storage, or transportation of hazardous, combustible, or explosive materials.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 12, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Relating to the right of certain persons to limit possession of firearms on premises

Description: The purpose of this bill is to provide a limitation on certain persons possessing firearms upon property owned or leased by a chemical manufacturing facility or oil and gas refinery operating under an air quality permit issued by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality on which the primary business conducted is the manufacture, use, storage, or transportation of hazardous, combustible, or explosive materials.

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Eliminating the permit requirement for storing a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property for persons 21 or older

Description: Eliminating the permit requirement for storing a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property for persons 21 or older

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting county airport authorities from making or adopting rules prohibiting possession of firearms in public

Description: Prohibiting county airport authorities from making or adopting rules prohibiting possession of firearms in public

Last Action: To House Political Subdivisions

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Creating a cause of action for injuries suffered in a gun- free zone

Description: Creating a cause of action for injuries suffered in a gun- free zone

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Removing the permit requirement for a person over 21 to possess a concealed handgun in a motor vehicle on school property

Description: Removing the permit requirement for a person over 21 to possess a concealed handgun in a motor vehicle on school property

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Eliminating the prohibition against carrying firearms on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex

Description: Eliminating the prohibition against carrying firearms on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 10, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Second Amendment Sanctuary Law

Description: Second Amendment Sanctuary Law

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 10, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions

Description: Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions

Last Action: To House Government Organization

Last Action Date: January 13, 2020

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Title: Relating generally to hunting and fishing

Description: Relating generally to hunting and fishing

Last Action: To House Agriculture and Natural Resources

Last Action Date: January 13, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Firearm Protection Act

Description: Firearm Protection Act

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 13, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Preserving and protecting the right to keep and bear arms

Description: Preserving and protecting the right to keep and bear arms

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 14, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting sales of small arms and small arms ammunition from state sales and use taxes

Description: Exempting sales of small arms and small arms ammunition from state sales and use taxes

Last Action: To House Finance

Last Action Date: January 15, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting municipalities from limiting the rights of persons to purchase, possess, transfer, own, carry, transport, sell or store deadly weapons

Description: Prohibiting municipalities from limiting the rights of persons to purchase, possess, transfer, own, carry, transport, sell or store deadly weapons

Last Action: To House Political Subdivisions

Last Action Date: January 16, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizing home incarceration supervisors to carry firearms

Description: Authorizing home incarceration supervisors to carry firearms

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 16, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating to deadly weapons for sale or hire

Description: Relating to deadly weapons for sale or hire

Last Action: Chapter 93, Acts, Regular Session, 2020

Last Action Date: April 15, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Permitting persons who routinely shoot or discharge firearms at a public shooting range to assist in its maintenance and upkeep

Description: Permitting persons who routinely shoot or discharge firearms at a public shooting range to assist in its maintenance and upkeep

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Better Safe than Sorry Act of 2020

Description: Better Safe than Sorry Act of 2020

Last Action: To House Health and Human Resources

Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating to persons from another state storing firearms in this state

Description: Relating to persons from another state storing firearms in this state

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 11, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relating to reducing the cost of fees for state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons and provisional state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons

Description: Relating to reducing the cost of fees for state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons and provisional state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons

Last Action: Chapter 148, Acts, Regular Session, 2020

Last Action Date: April 15, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Protection of the Right to Bear Arms Amendment

Description: Protection of the Right to Bear Arms Amendment

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting certain armed forces veterans from payment of fees for license to carry deadly weapon

Description: Exempting certain armed forces veterans from payment of fees for license to carry deadly weapon

Last Action: To House Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security

Last Action Date: January 28, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Protection of the Right to Bear Arms Amendment

Description: Protection of the Right to Bear Arms Amendment

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 24, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Removing municipalities' authority to restrict firearm possession without carry concealed permit during brief temporary events

Description: Removing municipalities' authority to restrict firearm possession without carry concealed permit during brief temporary events

Last Action: To Government Organization

Last Action Date: January 8, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Relating to crimes committed on State Capitol Complex

Description: Relating to crimes committed on State Capitol Complex

Last Action: Chapter 68, Acts, Regular Session, 2019

Last Action Date: April 16, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Allowing WV Board of Medicine investigators to carry concealed weapons

Description: Allowing WV Board of Medicine investigators to carry concealed weapons

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 27, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Defining "pepper spray" and exempting from definition of "deadly weapons"

Description: Providing certain persons be allowed to carry pepper spray in State Capitol Complex

Last Action: Chapter 81, Acts, Regular Session, 2020

Last Action Date: April 14, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting municipalities from limiting persons' rights to possess certain weapons

Description: Prohibiting municipalities from limiting persons' rights to possess certain weapons

Last Action: Chapter 64, Acts, Regular Session, 2020

Last Action Date: April 14, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Correcting code references in regard to persons exempted from prohibitions against carrying concealed weapons

Description: Correcting code references in regard to persons exempted from prohibitions against carrying concealed weapons

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting certain veterans from concealed weapons license fees

Description: Exempting certain veterans from concealed weapons license fees

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 31, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting certain veterans from carry concealed permit fees

Description: Exempting certain veterans from carry concealed permit fees

Last Action: To Military

Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Exempting firearm safe storage products from consumers sales tax

Description: Exempting firearm safe storage products from consumers sales tax

Last Action: To Finance

Last Action Date: January 9, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Providing certain persons be allowed to carry pepper spray in State Capitol Complex

Description: Providing certain persons be allowed to carry pepper spray in State Capitol Complex

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 10, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Creating tax credit for persons who successfully complete firearms safety course

Description: Creating tax credit for persons who successfully complete firearms safety course

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 10, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Exempting pepper spray from dangerous weapons

Description: Exempting pepper spray from dangerous weapons

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Allowing certain persons carry pepper spray in State Capitol Complex

Description: Allowing certain persons carry pepper spray in State Capitol Complex

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 15, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Removing authority of municipalities to restrict firearm possession

Description: Removing authority of municipalities to restrict firearm possession

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 21, 2019

watching this bill


Title: Relating to higher education campus police officers

Description: Relating to higher education campus police officers

Last Action: Chapter 134, Acts, Regular Session, 2019

Last Action Date: April 16, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting county airport authorities to regulate possession or carrying of firearm

Description: Prohibiting county airport authorities to regulate possession or carrying of firearm

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 15, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Eliminating permit requirement for storing concealed handgun in vehicle on school property for persons over 21

Description: Eliminating permit requirement for storing concealed handgun in vehicle on school property for persons over 21

Last Action: To House Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 7, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Eliminating restriction to carry firearm on State Capitol Complex grounds

Description: Eliminating restriction to carry firearm on State Capitol Complex grounds

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 15, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Authorizing certain officers carry firearm in official duties

Description: Authorizing certain officers carry firearm in official duties

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Clarifying county airports may not prohibit carrying or possessing of firearms by those allowed to by law

Description: Clarifying county airports may not prohibit carrying or possessing of firearms by those allowed to by law

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: January 20, 2020

watching this bill


Title: Permitting WV Board of Medicine investigators carry concealed weapon

Description: Permitting WV Board of Medicine investigators carry concealed weapon

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Campus Self Defense Act

Description: Campus Self Defense Act

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 7, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Preserving and protecting right to keep and bear arms

Description: Preserving and protecting right to keep and bear arms

Last Action: To Judiciary

Last Action Date: February 13, 2020

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