Proposed Wisconsin Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
Filter: Click on bill number for details. jump to upper chamber
note: Wisconsin carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: Law enforcement officers who are on duty, off-duty law enforcement officers, and former law enforcement officers and going armed with firearms.
Description: An Act to renumber 943.13 (4m); to amend 948.605 (3) (b) 1., 948.605 (3) (b) 2. and 948.605 (3) (b) 3.; and to create 943.13 (4m) (bm), 948.605 (2) (b) 2d., 948.605 (2) (b) 2f. and 2h. and 948.605 (3) (b) 5., 6. and 7. of the statutes; Relating to: law enforcement officers who are on duty, off-duty law enforcement officers, and former law enforcement officers and going armed with firearms.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Exceptions to the prohibition against firearms in school zones.
Description: An Act to amend 119.04 (1) and 948.605 (2) (b) 1m.; and to create 120.13 (35m), 948.605 (2) (b) 1n., 948.605 (2) (b) 1o., 948.605 (2) (b) 1p. and 948.605 (2) (b) 1q. of the statutes; Relating to: exceptions to the prohibition against firearms in school zones.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 175.35 (1) (b); to renumber 175.35 (2) (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 175.35 (2j); to renumber and amend 175.35 (2) (intro.) and 175.35 (2i); to amend 20.455 (2) (gr), 175.35 (title), 175.35 (1) (at), 175.35 (2g) (a), 175.35 (2g) (b), 175.35 (2g) (c) 4. c., 175.35 (2k) (ar) 2., 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. a., 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. b., 175.35 (2k) (g), 175.35 (2k) (h), 175.35 (2L), 175.35 (2t) (a), (b) and (c), 175.60 (7) (d), 175.60 (15) (b) 4. b., 938.208 (1) (b), 938.34 (4m) (b) 2., 938.341, 941.237 (1) (d), 941.296 (1) (b), 968.20 (3) (b), 971.17 (1g) and 973.176 (1); and to create 175.33, 175.35 (2) (bm), 175.35 (2) (cm) (intro.), 175.35 (2i) (b) 2., 175.35 (2j) (b), 941.29 (1) (dm), 941.29 (1) (dn), 941.29 (1) (do), 941.29 (2) (dm), 941.29 (2) (dn) and 941.29 (2) (do) of the statutes; Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Certification cards to carry concealed weapons for residents of Wisconsin who formerly were employed as law enforcement officers in another state. (FE)
Description: An Act to amend 175.49 (3) (title), (a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 4., (b) and (c), 175.49 (5) and 941.23 (3) (b) 2. a.; and to create 175.49 (1) (em) of the statutes; Relating to: certification cards to carry concealed weapons for residents of Wisconsin who formerly were employed as law enforcement officers in another state. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Prohibition on certain bullets and providing a penalty. (FE)
Description: An Act to amend 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a., 938.208 (1) (a), 938.34 (4m) (b) 1., 938.78 (3), 939.632 (1) (e) 1., 941.291 (1) (b), 946.82 (4) and 969.08 (10) (b); and to create 941.294 of the statutes; Relating to: prohibition on certain bullets and providing a penalty. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines and providing a penalty. (FE)
Description: An Act to amend 165.70 (1) (b), 938.78 (3), 939.632 (1) (e) 1., 946.82 (4) and 969.08 (10) (b); and to create 941.285 of the statutes; Relating to: ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines and providing a penalty. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
Description: An Act to amend 175.30 of the statutes; Relating to: purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
Last Action: Published 4-9-2014
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 813.122 (5m) (am), 813.122 (5m) (aw), 813.122 (5m) (b) and (c), 813.125 (4m) (cm), 813.125 (4m) (cw) and 813.125 (4m) (d) and (e); to renumber 813.122 (2); to renumber and amend 813.12 (4m) (am), 813.12 (4m) (aw), 813.12 (4m) (b) and 813.12 (4m) (c); to amend 48.25 (6), 813.12 (4m) (a) 1., 813.12 (4m) (a) 2., 813.122 (5m) (a) 1., 813.122 (5m) (a) 2., 813.125 (4) (a) 2., 813.125 (4m) (c) 1., 813.125 (4m) (c) 2., 813.125 (6) (c) and 938.25 (6); and to create 785.01 (1) (bp) and (br), 813.12 (2) (c), 813.122 (2) (b), 813.125 (4) (a) 2. a., b. and c. and 813.1285 of the statutes; Relating to: providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
Last Action: Published 4-17-2014
Last Action Date: April 16, 2014

Title: Resolving an ambiguity relating to carrying a firearm in certain public buildings (Correction Bill).
Description: An Act Relating to: resolving an ambiguity relating to carrying a firearm in certain public buildings (Correction Bill).
Last Action: Published 3-28-2014
Last Action Date: March 27, 2014

Title: Affecting various provisions of the statutes to make corrections and reconcile conflicts (Corrections Bill).
Description: An Act Relating to: affecting various provisions of the statutes to make corrections and reconcile conflicts (Corrections Bill).
Last Action: Published 3-28-2014
Last Action Date: March 27, 2014

Title: Providing a grant to the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation. (FE)
Description: An Act Relating to: providing a grant to the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: The presumption of reasonableness in a criminal or civil case involving self-defense. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 895.62 and 939.48 (1m) of the statutes; Relating to: the presumption of reasonableness in a criminal or civil case involving self-defense. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
Description: An Act to amend 895.527 (3) and 895.527 (4); and to create 895.527 (8), 895.527 (9) and 895.527 (10) of the statutes; Relating to: liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: A firearm prohibition for an individual subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction and disclosure of and access to information regarding individuals who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. (FE)
Description: An Act to renumber 165.25 (12m); to amend 175.35 (1) (at), 175.60 (1) (f) 2., 175.60 (9g) (a) 2., 175.60 (11) (a) 2. f., 813.12 (4m) (b) 2., 813.12 (6) (am) 1., 813.12 (6) (am) 2., 813.122 (5m) (b) 2., 813.122 (9) (am) 1., 813.122 (9) (am) 2., 813.125 (4m) (d) 2., 813.125 (5r) (a), 813.125 (5r) (b), 938.396 (2m) (b) 2., 938.396 (2m) (c) 1p. and 941.29 (1) (g); and to create 165.63, 813.123 (5m) and 813.123 (8m) of the statutes; Relating to: a firearm prohibition for an individual subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction and disclosure of and access to information regarding individuals who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. (FE)
Last Action: Published 4-9-2014
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Marijuana possession, regulation of marijuana distribution, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, making an appropriation, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing penalties. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 23.33 (1) (jo) 5., 30.50 (10m) (e), 340.01 (50m) (e), 350.01 (10v) (e), 885.235 (1) (d) 5., 939.22 (33) (e), 961.14 (4) (t), 961.41 (1) (h), 961.41 (1m) (h), 961.41 (1q), 961.41 (3g) (e), 961.571 (1) (a) 7., 961.571 (1) (a) 11. e., 961.571 (1) (a) 11. k. and L. and 967.055 (1m) (b) 5.; to renumber 30.681 (1) (bn); to renumber and amend 961.01 (14) and 961.34; to amend 23.33 (1) (jo) 1., 23.33 (4c) (a) 4., 23.33 (4c) (a) 5., 23.33 (4c) (b) 3., 23.33 (4c) (b) 4. a., 23.33 (4c) (b) 4. b., 23.33 (4p) (d), 23.33 (13) (b) 1., 23.33 (13) (b) 2., 23.33 (13) (b) 3., 23.33 (13) (e), 30.50 (10m) (a), 30.681 (1) (b) (title), 30.681 (1) (bn) (title), 30.681 (1) (c), 30.681 (1) (d), 30.681 (2) (b) (title), 30.681 (2) (c), 30.681 (2) (d) 1. a., 30.681 (2) (d) 1. b., 30.684 (4), 30.80 (6) (d), 59.54 (25), 66.0107 (1) (bm), 85.53 (1) (d), 139.87 (7), 340.01 (50m) (a), 343.10 (5) (a) 1., 343.10 (5) (a) 2., 343.12 (7) (a) 11., 343.16 (2) (b), 343.16 (5) (a), 343.30 (1p), 343.30 (1q) (h), 343.305 (2), 343.305 (3) (a), 343.305 (3) (am), 343.305 (3) (ar) 1., 343.305 (3) (b), 343.305 (5) (b), 343.305 (5) (d), 343.305 (7) (a), 343.305 (8) (b) 2. bm., 343.305 (8) (b) 2. d., 343.305 (8) (b) 4m. a., 343.305 (8) (b) 5. b., 343.305 (8) (b) 6. b., 343.305 (9) (a) 5. a., 343.305 (9) (am) 5. a., 343.305 (9) (am) 5. c., 343.305 (9) (d), 343.305 (10) (em), 343.307 (1) (d), 343.307 (2) (e), 343.31 (1) (am), 343.31 (2), 343.315 (2) (a) 2., 343.315 (2) (a) 5., 343.315 (2) (a) 6., 343.315 (2) (bm) 2., 343.32 (2) (bj), 344.576 (2) (b), 346.63 (1) (b), 346.63 (1) (d), 346.63 (2) (a) 2., 346.63 (2) (b) 1., 346.63 (2) (b) 2., 346.65 (2m) (a), 346.65 (2q), 349.03 (2m), 349.06 (1m), 350.01 (10v) (a), 350.101 (1) (d), 350.101 (1) (e), 350.101 (2) (c), 350.101 (2) (d) 1., 350.101 (2) (d) 2., 350.104 (4), 350.11 (3) (d), 885.235 (1) (d) 1., 885.235 (1g) (intro.), 885.235 (1m), 885.235 (4), 895.047 (3) (a), 905.04 (4) (f), 939.22 (33) (a), 940.09 (1m) (a), 940.09 (1m) (b), 940.09 (2) (a), 940.09 (2) (b), 940.25 (1m), 940.25 (2), 941.20 (1) (bm), 961.41 (1r), 961.41 (3g) (c), 961.41 (3g) (d), 961.41 (3g) (em), 961.47 (1), 961.48 (3), 961.48 (5), 961.49 (1m) (intro.), 961.571 (1) (a) 11. (intro.), 967.055 (1) (a), 967.055 (1) (b), 967.055 (1m) (b) 1., 967.055 (2) (a), 971.365 (1) (a), 971.365 (1) (b), 971.365 (1) (c) and 971.365 (2); and to create 20.566 (1) (v), 23.33 (1) (k), 23.33 (4c) (a) 2g., 23.33 (4c) (a) 3g., 23.33 (4c) (b) 2n., 25.56, 30.50 (13p), 30.681 (1) (b) 1g., 30.681 (1) (bn) 2., 30.681 (2) (b) 1g., subchapter V (title) of chapter 139 [precedes 139.97], 139.97, 139.971, 139.972, 139.973, 139.974, 139.975, 139.976, 139.977, 139.978, 340.01 (66m), 343.305 (5) (dm), 346.63 (2p), 350.01 (21g), 350.101 (1) (bg), 350.101 (1) (cg), 350.101 (2) (bg), 885.235 (1) (e), 885.235 (1g) (ag), 885.235 (1g) (cg), 885.235 (1L), 939.22 (39g), 940.09 (1) (bg), 940.09 (1) (dg), 940.09 (1g) (bg), 940.09 (1g) (dg), 940.25 (1) (bg), 940.25 (1) (dg), 941.20 (1) (bg) and subchapter VIII of chapter 961 [precedes 961.70] of the statutes; Relating to: marijuana possession, regulation of marijuana distribution, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, making an appropriation, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing penalties. (FE)
Last Action: Fiscal estimate received
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: The return of a seized firearm to the person who owns the firearm. (FE)
Description: An Act to amend 968.20 (1m) (b) and 968.20 (2); and to create 968.20 (1m) (d) of the statutes; Relating to: the return of a seized firearm to the person who owns the firearm. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Possession of firearms by individuals who are habitual criminals. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 941.29 (2); to amend 941.29 (1), 941.29 (3), 941.29 (4) and 973.176 (1); and to create 941.29 (1) (bt) of the statutes; Relating to: possession of firearms by individuals who are habitual criminals. (FE)
Last Action: Fiscal estimate received
Last Action Date: May 22, 2014

Title: Providing information to a firearms dealer when purchasing a handgun, authorizing the Department of Justice to prosecute violations of certain laws regulating firearms, and providing penalties. (FE)
Description: An Act to renumber and amend 175.35 (3); and to create 175.35 (3) (b) and 175.35 (4) of the statutes; Relating to: providing information to a firearms dealer when purchasing a handgun, authorizing the Department of Justice to prosecute violations of certain laws regulating firearms, and providing penalties. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Prohibition against carrying firearms in the capitol. (FE)
Description: An Act to renumber 941.235 (2) (c), (d) and (e); to renumber and amend 941.235 (1); to consolidate, renumber and amend 941.235 (2) (intro.) and (a); to amend 175.60 (2g) (a), 175.60 (5) (a) 6. and 943.13 (1m) (c) 4.; and to create 941.235 (1) (b) and 941.235 (2) (b) (intro.) of the statutes; Relating to: prohibition against carrying firearms in the capitol. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 175.35 (1) (b); to renumber 175.35 (2) (a), (b), (c) and (d) and 175.35 (2j); to renumber and amend 175.35 (2) (intro.) and 175.35 (2i); to amend 20.455 (2) (gr), 175.35 (title), 175.35 (1) (at), 175.35 (2g) (a), 175.35 (2g) (b), 175.35 (2g) (c) 4. c., 175.35 (2k) (ar) 2., 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. a., 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. b., 175.35 (2k) (g), 175.35 (2k) (h), 175.35 (2L), 175.35 (2t) (a), (b) and (c), 175.60 (7) (d), 175.60 (15) (b) 4. b., 938.208 (1) (b), 938.34 (4m) (b) 2., 938.341, 941.237 (1) (d), 941.296 (1) (b), 968.20 (3) (b), 971.17 (1g) and 973.176 (1); and to create 175.33, 175.35 (2) (bm), 175.35 (2) (cm) (intro.), 175.35 (2i) (b) 2., 175.35 (2j) (b), 941.29 (1) (dm), 941.29 (1) (dn), 941.29 (1) (do), 941.29 (2) (dm), 941.29 (2) (dn) and 941.29 (2) (do) of the statutes; Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
Description: An Act to amend 175.30 of the statutes; Relating to: purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Conveyance of information from a firearms dealer to the Department of Justice to request a firearms restrictions record search before transferring a handgun.
Description: An Act to amend 175.35 (2g) (c) 1., 175.35 (2g) (c) 4. (intro.), 175.35 (2j) and 175.35 (2k) (ar) 2. of the statutes; Relating to: conveyance of information from a firearms dealer to the Department of Justice to request a firearms restrictions record search before transferring a handgun.
Last Action: Published 12-14-2013
Last Action Date: December 16, 2013

Title: Resolving an ambiguity relating to carrying a firearm in certain public buildings (Correction Bill).
Description: An Act Relating to: resolving an ambiguity relating to carrying a firearm in certain public buildings (Correction Bill).
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Affecting various provisions of the statutes to make corrections and reconcile conflicts (Corrections Bill).
Description: An Act Relating to: affecting various provisions of the statutes to make corrections and reconcile conflicts (Corrections Bill).
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Fixing an incorrect cross-reference under the statute of limitations for repeated sexual assault of the same child; numbers of subsections; sexual assault of a child; suspension of license to carry a concealed weapon if the person is prohibited from possessing a dangerous weapon as a condition of release when charged with a felony or misdemeanor (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Justice).
Description: An Act to renumber 968.375 (2), 968.375 (3), 968.375 (6), 968.375 (7), 968.375 (9), 968.375 (10), 968.375 (11), 968.375 (12), 968.375 (13) and 968.375 (14); to renumber and amend 968.375 (4), 968.375 (5) and 968.375 (15); and to amend 175.60 (14) (a), 939.74 (2) (c) and 948.02 (1) (e) of the statutes; Relating to: fixing an incorrect cross-reference under the statute of limitations for repeated sexual assault of the same child; numbers of subsections; sexual assault of a child; suspension of license to carry a concealed weapon if the person is prohibited from possessing a dangerous weapon as a condition of release when charged with a felony or misdemeanor (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Justice).
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: The Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
Description: An Act to repeal 806.247 (title) and 813.128 (1) (title); to renumber 806.247 (1) (intro.), 806.247 (1) (a), 806.247 (2) (title), 806.247 (3) (b) and 813.128 (1) (b); to renumber and amend 806.247 (1) (b), 806.247 (2) (a), 806.247 (2) (b), 806.247 (3) (title), 806.247 (3) (a), 806.247 (3) (c), 813.128 (1) (a), 813.128 (2) and 813.128 (3); to amend 175.35 (1) (at), 175.60 (9g) (a) 2., 806.245 (6), 813.12 (6) (am) 1., 813.128 (title), 940.20 (1m) (a), 941.29 (1) (f), 968.07 (1m), 968.075 (2) (am), 973.075 (1) (b) 1m. f. and 973.075 (1) (bm); and to create 813.128 (1g) (b), 813.128 (1g) (c), 813.128 (1g) (d), 813.128 (1g) (f), 813.128 (1g) (g), 813.128 (2g) (a) 3., 813.128 (2g) (a) 4., 813.128 (3g) (b) 3., 813.128 (3g) (c) to (i), 813.128 (6) and 813.128 (7) of the statutes; Relating to: the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: The presumption of reasonableness in a criminal or civil case involving self-defense. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 895.62 and 939.48 (1m) of the statutes; Relating to: the presumption of reasonableness in a criminal or civil case involving self-defense. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
Description: An Act to amend 895.527 (3) and 895.527 (4); and to create 895.527 (8), 895.527 (9) and 895.527 (10) of the statutes; Relating to: liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
Last Action: Published 4-9-2014
Last Action Date: April 9, 2014

Title: A firearm prohibition for an individual subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction and disclosure of and access to information regarding individuals who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. (FE)
Description: An Act to renumber 165.25 (12m); to amend 175.35 (1) (at), 175.60 (1) (f) 2., 175.60 (9g) (a) 2., 175.60 (11) (a) 2. f., 813.12 (4m) (b) 2., 813.12 (6) (am) 1., 813.12 (6) (am) 2., 813.122 (5m) (b) 2., 813.122 (9) (am) 1., 813.122 (9) (am) 2., 813.125 (4m) (d) 2., 813.125 (5r) (a), 813.125 (5r) (b), 938.396 (2m) (b) 2., 938.396 (2m) (c) 1p. and 941.29 (1) (g); and to create 165.63, 813.123 (5m) and 813.123 (8m) of the statutes; Relating to: a firearm prohibition for an individual subject to an individuals-at-risk injunction and disclosure of and access to information regarding individuals who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
Description: An Act to repeal 813.122 (5m) (am), 813.122 (5m) (aw), 813.122 (5m) (b) and (c), 813.125 (4m) (cm), 813.125 (4m) (cw) and 813.125 (4m) (d) and (e); to renumber 813.122 (2); to renumber and amend 813.12 (4m) (am), 813.12 (4m) (aw), 813.12 (4m) (b) and 813.12 (4m) (c); to amend 48.25 (6), 813.12 (4m) (a) 1., 813.12 (4m) (a) 2., 813.122 (5m) (a) 1., 813.122 (5m) (a) 2., 813.125 (4) (a) 2., 813.125 (4m) (c) 1., 813.125 (4m) (c) 2., 813.125 (6) (c) and 938.25 (6); and to create 785.01 (1) (bp) and (br), 813.12 (2) (c), 813.122 (2) (b), 813.125 (4) (a) 2. a., b. and c. and 813.1285 of the statutes; Relating to: providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014

Title: Removing from records and from the Consolidated Court Automation Programs Internet site a criminal conviction if the person who was convicted has been pardoned.
Description: An Act to amend 304.11 (3), 939.62 (2), 939.62 (2m) (bm), 939.621 (1) (b), 941.29 (5) (a) and 973.12 (1); and to create 304.112 of the statutes; Relating to: removing from records and from the Consolidated Court Automation Programs Internet site a criminal conviction if the person who was convicted has been pardoned.
Last Action: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
Last Action Date: April 8, 2014