Number: S.B. 1819
Fann Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
Defense of State Election Laws
1. Asserts that the Attorney General (AG), among state officials, has sole authority to direct the defense of state election law or laws being challenged.
2. Removes the prohibition on the AG representing or providing legal advice to the Secretary of State (SOS) on any matters through June 30, 2023.
3. Removes the prohibition on the SOS making expenditures or incurring indebtedness to employ outside or private attorneys to provide representation or services.
4. Removes language asserting that the AG the sole authority to defend election laws and procedures and instead asserts that the AG has the authority to defend election laws and procedures.
5. Removes language asserting that the authority of the AG is paramount and not shared or delegated to the SOS or any other state official and instead asserts that in any disagreement between the AG and the SOS or other state official, the authority of the AG to defend the law is paramount.
6. Removes language asserting the AG has the sole authority in all election litigation to direct the defense of state election laws, appeal or petition any decision and to intervene on behalf of Arizona through January 2, 2023.
7. Asserts that the AG, in any proceeding in which the validity of a state election law is challenged, speaks for Arizona and must be allowed to intervene on behalf of Arizona if the AG determines that intervention is appropriate through January 2, 2023.
8. Exempts court challenges to the validity of the Citizens Clean Elections Act from language asserting the AG speaks for Arizona and must be allowed to intervene on behalf of Arizona if determined appropriate.
9. Removes language asserting the AG’s authority applies regardless of whether a state agency, political subdivision or officer or employee of Arizona, a state agency or political subdivision is or seeks to become a party and instead allows the AG to intervene at any state of a proceeding, including to appeal or petition any decision, regardless of whether any state agency, political subdivision or officer or employee is or seeks to become a party.
10. Removes the authorization for the SOS to hire one full-time equivalent position to serve as legal advisor and represent the SOS.
Special Committee on the Election Audit
11. Establishes the Special Committee on the Election Audit (Special Committee) consisting of the members of the Senate Government Committee.
12. Requires the Special Committee to:
a) receive and review the findings of the Senate audit of the 2020 general election in Maricopa county; and
b) recommend to the President of the Senate the appropriate legislative action based on the findings of the audit, including a call for a special session of the Legislature to implement the Special Committee's recommendations.
13. Repeals the Special Committee on January 1, 2021.
COVID-19 State Preemption
14. Prohibits a county, city or town from making or issuing any order, rule, ordinance or regulation related to mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic that impacts private businesses, schools, churches or other private entities, including an order, rule, ordinance or regulation that mandates the use of face coverings, requires closing a business or imposes a curfew.
15. Allows a county, city or town to set and enforce mitigation policies in a building that is owned by the county, city or town.
16. Asserts that the COVID-19 pandemic is a matter of statewide concern.
Vaccinations During Certain Public Health Emergencies
State Lottery
18. Prohibits the State Lottery from directly or indirectly spending, allocating or directing any monies under its control to advertise the lottery at a professional sporting event or in conjunction with any professional sports team or franchise.
19. Asserts that the prohibition applies to any contract or other agreement entered into, amended or extended on or after the effective date of this Act.
Arizona Game and Fish Voter Registration
20. Requires the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) to provide:
a) assistance with voter registration when accepting applications for a hunting, fishing or trapping license (license); and
b) an applicant with an online license application with a link to the Arizona Department of Transportation's voter registration webpage.
21. Requires each AZGFD office that accepts applications for a license in person to provide a voter registration form to an applicant.
22. Requires the SOS to provide AZGFD with voter registration forms and instructions to applicants to mail completed voter registration forms to the SOS.
23. Requires the SOS to forward completed registration forms to the appropriate county recorder to determine eligibility of an applicant and add the name of eligible applicants to the voter registration rolls.
24. Prohibits voter registration information that is public information and generated from applicants for a license from providing any public indication of the source of the registrations.
25. Specifies that persons who act to register applicants for a license to vote are not deputy registrars.
26. Defines department and license.
Study Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples
27. Renames the Study Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls as the Study Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples (Study Committee).
28. Requires the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives to each appoint three members, rather than four members to the Study Committee.
29. Removes the following members from the Study Committee:
a) one peace officer who works and resides on a federally recognized American Indian reservation;
b) one representative from the Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition;
c) one county attorney from a county with a population of less than 850,000 persons;
d) one county sheriff from a county with a population of less than 850,000 persons;
e) one chief of police who is from a tribal police department; and
f) one representative who works with a tribal, statewide or local organization that provides legal services to indigenous women and girls.
30. Adds one attorney general or judge from a Tribal jurisdiction appointed by the President of the Senate to the Study Committee.
31. Requires the Study Committee to continue to work with law enforcement to track and collect data on violence against indigenous peoples, rather than establish methods to track and collect data on violence against indigenous women and girls.
32. Requires the data gathered by the Study Committee to include the prevalence and contextual characteristics of violence against indigenous peoples, including variations by gender, age and sexual identity.
33. Removes the requirement that the Study Committee determine the number of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Arizona and identify barriers to providing more state resources in tracking violence against indigenous women and girls and reducing the incidences of violence.
34. Requires the Study Committee to gather information to understand the lived experiences among indigenous peoples surrounding missing and murdered indigenous peoples in an effort to ensure that policy recommendations are culturally accurate.
35. Requires the Study Committee to submit a report to the Governor and Legislature regarding the Study Committee’s activities and recommendations for administrative and legislative action by December 1 of 2022, 2023 and 2024 and provide a copy of the reports to the SOS.
36. Extends the termination date of the Study Committee from October 1, 2021 to October 1, 2025.
37. Allows the Director of the Department of Health Services to adopt rules regarding the collection of data from health care institutions.
38. Restricts, through June 30, 2022, when a condominium can be terminated to only:
a) by agreement of unit owners to which 100 percent of the votes in the association are allowed;
b) in the case of a taking of all the units by eminent domain; or
c) if the declaration specifies a smaller percentage and all of the units in the condominium are restricted exclusively to nonresidential uses.
39. Asserts that nothing relating to the restrictions on the termination of a condominium may impair or otherwise interfere with an existing contract.
40. Removes, for the purposes of publication of notice, the prohibition on a newspaper including a publication which has not been admitted under federal law as a second-class matter in the U.S. mails for at least one year.
41. Reinserts the Arizona Procurement Code exemption for contracts for goods and services approved by the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board of Trustees (PSPRS Board).
42. Removes language limiting the type of contracts the PSPRS Board may enter into to exercise its investment responsibilities to contracts to receive market data and other market information from securities, commodities, options and monetary exchanges.
43. Removes the requirement that the PSPRS Board establish and administer an Administration Account consisting of all monies for administrative purposes for all retirement plans and systems administered by the PSPRS Board.
44. Applies the requirement that the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) prepare a written statement with certain information before awarding a grant from the Major Events Fund to only when Major Event Fund monies are being used to negotiate and make grants to local organizing committees or equivalent organizations for the operating costs of major events.
45. Requires the ACA’s semi-annual report on the Major Events Fund to be sent to the Governor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting.
46. Makes technical and conforming changes.
First Regular Session S.B. 1819
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 3, between lines 5 and 6, insert:
"Sec. 2. Title 5, chapter 5.1, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 5-576, to read:
5-576. Lottery; advertising; professional sports; prohibition
The lottery may not, directly or indirectly, spend, allocate or direct any monies under the control of the lottery to advertise the lottery At a professional sporting event or in conjunction with any professional sports team or franchise."
Renumber to conform
Between lines 33 and 34, insert:
"Sec. 4. Title 16, chapter 1, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 16-132, to read:
16-132. Voter registration assistance; hunting, fishing, trapping licenses; definitions
A. The Arizona game and fish department shall provide assistance with voter registration when accepting applications for a license. The ARizona game and fish department shall provide to the applicant with any online applications for a license a link to the department of transportation's voter registration webpage. Each Arizona game and fish department office that accepts applications for a license in person shall provide a voter registration form to the applicant.
b. the secretary of state shall provide to the department voter registration forms and instructions to applicants to mail completed voter registration forms to the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall forward the COMPLETED voter registration forms to the APPROPRIATE county recorder to determine the eligibility of the applicant and, if found eligible, to add the applicant's name to the voter registration rolls.
c. Voter registration information that is generated pursuant to this section and that is public information as otherwise provided by law shall not provide any public indication of the source of these registrations.
d. Persons who act pursuant to this section are not considered to be deputy registrars under this title or any rules adopted under its authority.
e. For the purposes of this section:
1. "Department" means the Arizona game and fish department.
2. "License" means a hunting, fishing or trapping license issued by the Arizona game and fish DEPARTMENT pursuant to title 17, chapter 3."
Renumber to conform
Page 6, between lines 12 and 13, insert:
"Sec. 6. Section 36-405, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
36-405. Powers and duties of the director
A. The director shall adopt rules to establish minimum standards and requirements for the construction, modification constructing, modifying and licensure of licensing health care institutions necessary to ensure the public health, safety and welfare. The standards and requirements shall relate to the construction, equipment, sanitation, staffing for medical, nursing and personal care services, and recordkeeping pertaining to the administration of administering medical, nursing, behavioral health and personal care services, in accordance with generally accepted practices of health care. The director shall use the current standards adopted by the joint commission on accreditation of hospitals and the commission on accreditation of the American osteopathic association or those adopted by any recognized accreditation organization approved by the department as guidelines in prescribing minimum standards and requirements under this section.
B. The director, by rule, may:
1. Classify and subclassify health care institutions according to character, size, range of services provided, medical or dental specialty offered, duration of care and standard of patient care required for the purposes of licensure. Classes of health care institutions may include hospitals, infirmaries, outpatient treatment centers, health screening services centers and residential care facilities. Whenever the director reasonably deems distinctions in rules and standards to be appropriate among different classes or subclasses of health care institutions, the director may make such distinctions.
2. Prescribe standards for determining a health care institution's substantial compliance with licensure requirements.
3. Prescribe the criteria for the licensure inspection process.
4. Prescribe standards for the selection of selecting health care-related demonstration projects.
5. Establish nonrefundable application and licensing fees for health care institutions, including a grace period and a fee for the late payment of licensing fees, and fees for architectural plans and specifications reviews.
6. Establish a process for the department to notify a licensee of the licensee's licensing fee due date.
7. Establish a process for a licensee to request a different licensing fee due date, including any limits on the number of requests by the licensee.
C. The director, by rule, shall adopt licensing provisions that facilitate the colocation and integration of outpatient treatment centers that provide medical, nursing and health-related services with behavioral health services consistent with article 3.1 of this chapter.
D. The director may Adopt rules regarding the collection of data from health care institutions.
D. E. Ninety percent of the fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the health services licensing fund established by section 36-414 and ten percent of the fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the state general fund.
E. F. Subsection B, paragraph 5 of this section does not apply to a health care institution operated by a state agency pursuant to state or federal law or to adult foster care residential settings.
Sec. 7. Section 36-787, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
36-787. Public health authority during state of emergency or state of war emergency
A. During a state of emergency or state of war emergency declared proclaimed by the governor in which there is an occurrence or imminent threat of an illness or health condition that is caused by bioterrorism, an epidemic or pandemic disease or a highly fatal infectious agent or biological toxin and that poses a substantial risk of a significant number of human fatalities or incidents of permanent or long-term disability, the department shall coordinate all matters pertaining to the public health emergency response of the state. The department has primary jurisdiction, responsibility and authority for:
1. Planning and executing public health emergency assessment, mitigation, preparedness response and recovery for this state.
2. Coordinating public health emergency response among state, local and tribal authorities.
3. Collaborating with relevant federal government authorities, elected officials of other states, private organizations and private sector companies.
4. Coordinating recovery operations and mitigation initiatives subsequent to public health emergencies.
5. Organizing public information activities regarding state public health emergency response operations.
6. Establishing, in conjunction with applicable professional licensing boards, a process for to grant a temporary waiver of the professional licensure requirements necessary for the implementation of to implement any measures required to adequately address the state of emergency or state of war emergency.
7. Granting temporary waivers of health care institution licensure requirements necessary for implementation of to implement any measures required to adequately address the state of emergency or state of war emergency.
B. In addition to the authority provided in subsection A of this section, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:
1. Mandate medical examinations for exposed persons.
2. Ration medicine and vaccines.
3. Provide for transportation of medical support personnel and ill and exposed persons.
4. Provide for procurement of medicines and vaccines.
C. In addition to the authority provided in subsections A and B of this section, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency in which there is an occurrence or the imminent threat of smallpox, plague, viral hemorrhagic fevers or a highly contagious and highly fatal disease with transmission characteristics similar to smallpox, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:
1. Mandate treatment or vaccination of persons who are diagnosed with an illness resulting from exposure or who are reasonably believed to have been exposed or who may reasonably be expected to be exposed. A person may refuse a vaccination required by this paragraph based on the person's personal beliefs.
2. Isolate and quarantine persons.
D. Law enforcement officials of this state and the national guard shall enforce orders issued by the governor under this section.
E. Diseases subject to this section do not include acquired immune deficiency syndrome or any other infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus.
F. If during a state of emergency or state of war emergency the public health is not endangered nothing in this title shall does not authorize the department or any of its officers or representatives to impose on any person against the person's will any mode of treatment, provided that sanitary or preventive measures and quarantine laws are complied with by the person. Nothing in This title shall does not authorize the department or any of its officers or representatives to impose on any person contrary to his the person's religious concepts any mode of treatment, provided that sanitary or preventive measures and quarantine laws are complied with by the person.
G. At the governor's direction, the department may use reasonable efforts to assist the persons and institutions affected by the state of emergency or state of war emergency declared pursuant to this section in seeking reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of providing services related to the implementation of implementing isolation and quarantine under this article to the extent these services are not otherwise subject to reimbursement."
Renumber to conform
Page 17, lines 26 and 27, strike "Contracts for goods and services approved by the board are not subject to title 41, chapter 23." insert "Contracts for goods and services approved by the board are not subject to title 41, chapter 23."
Page 19, strike lines 37 through 45
Strike page 20
Page 21, strike lines 1 through 34
Renumber to conform
Page 24, between lines 30 and 31, insert:
"Sec. 15. Section 39-201, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
39-201. Definition of newspaper
A. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "newspaper" means a publication regularly issued for dissemination of news of a general and public character at stated short intervals of time. Such publication shall be from a known office of publication and shall bear dates of issue and be numbered consecutively. It shall not be designed primarily for advertising, free circulation or circulation at nominal rates, but shall have a bona fide list of paying subscribers.
B. "Newspaper" shall not include a publication which has not been admitted under federal law as second-class matter in the United States mails for at least one year."
Renumber to conform
Page 30, line 33, after the second "A" insert ", paragraph 2"
Line 39, after "COMMITTEE" insert "and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting"
Page 34, strike lines 4 through 45
Strike pages 35 through 37
Page 38, strike lines 1 through 34, insert:
"Sec. 26. Laws 2019, chapter 232, section 1 is amended to read:
Section 1. Study committee on missing and murdered indigenous peoples; membership; duties; reports; delayed repeal
A. The study committee on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls peoples is established consisting of the following members:
1. Four Three members of the house of representatives who are of indigenous descent or who attend meetings and actively work on issues relating to indigenous peoples. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint these members. The appointed representatives shall select by a majority vote one representative to serve as chairperson of the study committee.
2. Four Three members of the senate who are of indigenous descent or who attend meetings and actively work on issues relating to indigenous peoples. The president of the senate shall appoint these members. The appointed senators shall select by a majority vote one senator to serve as vice chairperson of the study committee.
3. The attorney general or the attorney general's designee.
4. The director of the department of public safety or the director's designee.
5. The following members who are appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives:
(a) One county attorney and one sheriff from a county with a population of eight hundred fifty thousand persons or more.
(b) One victim advocate.
(c) One peace officer who works and resides on a federally recognized American Indian reservation in this state.
(d) One representative who is from the southwest indigenous women's coalition, a tribal statewide organization that provides advocacy for or counseling to indigenous women and girls who have been victims of violence.
(e) (c) One member who works with the Phoenix or Tucson Indian center.
(f) (d) One member who works in the Phoenix area Indian health services.
6. The following members who are appointed by the president of the senate:
(a) One county attorney and one sheriff from a county with a population of less than eight hundred fifty thousand persons.
(b) (a) One representative of a tribal government.
(c) One chief of police who is from a tribal police department.
(b) One attorney general or judge from a tribal jurisdiction.
(d) (c) One social worker who works with a tribal, statewide or local organization that provides services to indigenous women and girls peoples.
(e) One representative who works with a tribal, statewide or local organization that provides legal services to indigenous women and girls.
B. The study committee shall meet quarterly or more frequently as the chairperson deems necessary.
C. Committee members are not eligible to receive compensation, but members who are appointed by the governor are eligible for reimbursement of expenses under title 38, chapter 4, article 2, Arizona Revised Statutes.
D. The study committee shall:
1. Conduct a comprehensive study to determine how this state can reduce and end violence against indigenous women and girls peoples in this state.
2. Establish methods for tracking and collecting Continue to work with law enforcement to track and collect data on violence against indigenous women and girls peoples, including data on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls peoples.
3. Continue to review policies and practices that impact violence against indigenous women and girls peoples, such as child welfare policies and practices.
4. Continue to review prosecutorial trends and practices relating to crimes of gender violence against indigenous people peoples.
5. Continue to gather data on the prevalence and contextual characteristics of violence against indigenous women and girls in this state peoples, including variations by gender, age and sexual identity.
6. Determine the number of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in this state.
7. Identify barriers to providing more state resources in tracking violence against indigenous women and girls and reducing the incidences of violence.
8. 6. Propose measures to ensure access to culturally appropriate victim services for indigenous women and girls peoples who have been victims of violence.
7. Gather information to understand the lived experiences among indigenous peoples surrounding missing and murdered indigenous peoples in an effort to ensure that policy recommendations are culturally accurate.
9. 8. Propose legislation to address issues identified by the study committee.
10. 9. Submit a report regarding the study committee's activities and recommendations for administrative or legislative action on or before November 1, 2020 December 1, 2022, December 1, 2023 and December 1, 2024 to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and provide a copy of this report these reports to the secretary of state.
E. This section is repealed from and after September 30, 2021 2025."
Page 38, line 36, strike "; representation"
Line 38, after "pursuant" insert "to"
Line 41, strike "sole"
Line 42, after the period insert "In any disagreement between the attorney general and the secretary of state or any other state official concerning the defense of a state election law,"
Page 38, line 43, after "general" insert "to defend the law"; after "paramount" strike remainder of line
Line 44, strike "secretary of state or any other state official"
Page 39, line 3, after "B." insert "Except as otherwise provided in section 16-960, Arizona Revised Statutes,"
Line 4, after the third comma insert "in any proceeding in which the validity of a state election law is challenged,"
Line 5, after "general" strike remainder of line
Strike line 6
Line 7, strike "and" insert "speaks for this state and shall be allowed"; after "state" strike remainder of line
Strike lines 8 through 11
Line 12, strike "allowed to intervene on behalf of this state"
Line 14, after the period insert "The attorney general may intervene at any stage of the proceeding, including to appeal or petition any decision, regardless of whether any state agency, any political subdivision or any officer or employee of this state or any state agency or political subdivision is, or seeks to become, a party. Among state officials, the attorney general has sole authority to direct the defense of the state election law or laws being challenged."
Strike lines 15 through 21
Page 41, between lines 20 and 21, insert:
"Sec. 32. COVID-19; mitigation; state preemption
Notwithstanding section 26-307, Arizona Revised Statutes, the COVID-19 pandemic is a matter of statewide concern. A county, city or town may not make or issue any order, rule, ordinance or regulation related to mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic that impacts private businesses, schools, churches or other private entities, including an order, rule, ordinance or regulation that mandates using face coverings, requires closing a business or imposes a curfew. A county, city or town may set and enforce mitigation policies in a building that is owned by the county, city or town."
Renumber to conform
Page 43, strike lines 42 through 44, insert:
"Sec. 39. Termination of condominium; exception
Notwithstanding section 33-1228, Arizona Revised Statutes, until from and after June 30, 2022, a condominium may be terminated only by agreement of unit owners of units to which one hundred percent of the votes in the association are allocated except:
1. In the case of a taking of all the units by eminent domain.
2. If the declaration specifies a smaller percentage, but only if all of the units in the condominium are restricted exclusively to nonresidential uses.
3. That nothing in this section may impair or otherwise interfere with an existing contract.
Sec. 40. Special committee on the election audit; duties; delayed repeal
A. The special committee on the election audit is established consisting of the members of the senate government committee.
B. The special committee shall:
1. Receive and review the findings of the senate audit of the 2020 general election in Maricopa county.
2. Recommend to the president of the senate the appropriate legislative action based on the findings of the audit, including a call for a special session of the legislature to implement the special committee's recommendations.
C. This section is repealed from and after December 31, 2021."
Sec. 41. Applicability
Section 5-576, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, applies to any contract or other agreement entered into, amended or extended on or after the effective date of this act."
Amend title to conform