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2 WHEREAS, Lead is a potent neurotoxicant that is unsafe for
3humans, wildlife, and the environment; lead ammunition
4needlessly exposes humans and other animals to this
5life-threatening poison; the Centers for Disease Control
6states that there is no safe level of lead exposure; lead has
7been removed from various paints, gasolines, pipes, and many
8other items to protect human health and the environment; and
9 WHEREAS, Lead ammunition is a threat to wildlife; more than
10130 species, including humans, have been exposed to or killed
11by ingesting lead shot, bullet fragments, or prey contaminated
12with spent lead ammunition; animals can fall victim to spent
13lead ammunition through two avenues; primary poisoning occurs
14when an animal ingests spent ammunition directly from the
15environment, usually when foraging for food on the ground;
16secondary poisoning occurs when an animal consumes wounded or
17dead prey or scavenges gutpiles contaminated with lead
18ammunition left behind by hunters; and
19 WHEREAS, Lead ammunition is toxic; a single ingested
20shotgun pellet or bullet fragment is sufficient to cause brain
21damage in birds, resulting in inhibition of critical
22neuromuscular, auditory, and visual responses; lead poisoning
23can induce lethargy, blindness, paralysis of lungs and the

HR0398- 2 -LRB101 12407 ALS 60481 r
1intestinal tract, various organ failure, seizure, and death in
2wild animals; and
3 WHEREAS, The effects of spent lead ammunition are evident
4in dove hunting; since doves are small and have an erratic
5flight path, it often takes an average of five to eight shots
6to hit the animal; according to the United States Fish and
7Wildlife Service, an estimated 15-20 million mourning doves are
8harvested annually; if every hunter is shooting with lead, this
9would equate to roughly 5.2-7 million pounds of lead dispersed
10into the environment every year; and
11 WHEREAS, Lead ammunition is a threat to human health; lead
12is a potent neurotoxin, for which no safe level of exposure has
13been identified; individuals who consume meat from animals
14killed with lead ammunition are at risk for lead exposure;
15several studies using x-ray imaging have shown that lead
16ammunition is highly fragmentable and nearly impossible to
17completely remove from meat; and
18 WHEREAS, Effective alternatives to lead ammunition are
19widely available and effective; for shot, the United States
20Fish and Wildlife Service has approved a dozen nontoxic shot
21types; steel, copper, and bismuth are among the most common
22non-lead materials and are readily available at major
23outfitters; and

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1 WHEREAS, Ammunition regulations are effective; the
2mandated use of non-toxic ammunition has proven to be an
3extremely effective management approach to lead poisoning; in
41991, United States Fish and Wildlife Service required the use
5of non-lead shot for the hunting of waterfowl nationwide;
6within just six years, researchers found significant
7improvements in the blood and bone lead levels in a variety of
8waterfowl species; and
9 WHEREAS, Restrictions on ammunition are commonplace; 34
10states have increased restrictions on lead ammunition beyond
11the 1991 federal waterfowl regulation; as a result of its
12success, the National Park Service announced in 2009 that they
13would begin eliminating the use of lead ammunition; the United
14States Army has invested resources and intelligence toward
15creating and switching to non-toxic ammunition, citing
16environmental and animal welfare concerns; and
17 WHEREAS, Scientists resoundingly agree that spent lead
18ammunition poses a significant risk to human health and
19wildlife; toxicologists, veterinarians, pathologists,
20physicians, epidemiologists, biologists, and other experts
21have advised against the use of lead in ammunition due to its
22toxic effects; switching to non-lead ammunition is an easy way
23to protect wildlife and people from the dangers of spent lead

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1ammunition; therefore, be it
4we urge the General Assembly to support all efforts to restrict
5the use of lead shotshells to take wildlife.