House File 2360 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 598)

                                 (COMPANION TO sf 2189
                                     by committee on

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to nonsubstantive Code corrections.
    TLSB 5540HV (1) 86


  1  1                           DIVISION I
  1  2                      MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES
  1  3    Section 1.  Section 8.55, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
  1  4 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  1  5    a.  The first sixty million dollars of the difference between
  1  6 the actual net revenue for the general fund of the state for
  1  7 the fiscal year and the adjusted revenue estimate for the
  1  8 fiscal year shall be transferred to the taxpayers trust fund
  1  9 created in section 8.57E.
  1 10    Sec. 2.  Section 13.15, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  1 11 follows:
  1 12    13.15  Rules and forms == fees.
  1 13    1.  The farm mediation service shall recommend rules to the
  1 14 farm assistance program coordinator. The coordinator shall
  1 15 adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to set the compensation of
  1 16 mediators and to implement this subchapter and chapters 654A,
  1 17 654B, and 654C.
  1 18    2.  a.  The rules shall provide for an hourly mediation fee
  1 19 not to exceed fifty dollars for the borrower and one hundred
  1 20 dollars for the creditor. The hourly mediation fee may be
  1 21 waived for any party demonstrating financial hardship upon
  1 22 application to the farm mediation service.
  1 23    b.  The compensation of a mediator shall be no more than
  1 24 twenty=five dollars per hour, and all parties shall contribute
  1 25 an equal amount of the cost.
  1 26    3.  The coordinator shall adopt voluntary mediation
  1 27 application and mediation request forms.
  1 28    Sec. 3.  Section 16.92, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code 2016,
  1 29 is amended to read as follows:
  1 30    e.  "Mortgage" means a mortgage or mortgage lien on an
  1 31 interest in real property in this state given to secure a loan
  1 32 in an original principal amount equal to or less than the
  1 33 maximum principal amount as determined by the division board
  1 34 and adopted by the Iowa finance authority pursuant to chapter
  1 35 17A.
  2  1    Sec. 4.  Section 19B.2, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  2  2 follows:
  2  3    19B.2  Equal opportunity in state employment == affirmative
  2  4 action.
  2  5    1.  It is the policy of this state to provide equal
  2  6 opportunity in state employment to all persons. An individual
  2  7 shall not be denied equal access to state employment
  2  8 opportunities because of race, creed, color, religion, national
  2  9 origin, sex, age, or physical or mental disability. It also is
  2 10 the policy of this state to apply affirmative action measures
  2 11 to correct deficiencies in the state employment system where
  2 12 those remedies are appropriate. This policy shall be construed
  2 13 broadly to effectuate its purposes.
  2 14    2.  It is the policy of this state to permit special
  2 15 appointments by bypassing the usual testing procedures for any
  2 16 applicant for whom the division of vocational rehabilitation
  2 17 services of the department of education or the department
  2 18 for the blind has certified the applicant's disability
  2 19 and competence to perform the job. The department of
  2 20 administrative services, in cooperation with the department
  2 21 for the blind and the division of vocational rehabilitation
  2 22 services, shall develop appropriate certification procedures.
  2 23 This paragraph subsection should not be interpreted to bar
  2 24 promotional opportunities for persons who are blind or persons
  2 25 with physical or mental disabilities. If this paragraph
  2 26  subsection conflicts with any other provisions of this chapter,
  2 27 the provisions of this paragraph subsection govern.
  2 28    Sec. 5.  Section 26.13, subsection 2, unnumbered paragraph
  2 29 1, Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  2 30    Payments made by a governmental entity or the state
  2 31  department of transportation for the construction of public
  2 32 improvements and highway, bridge, or culvert projects shall be
  2 33 made in accordance with the provisions of chapter 573, except
  2 34 as provided in this section:
  2 35    Sec. 6.  Section 28F.10, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  3  1 follows:
  3  2    28F.10  Refunding bonds.
  3  3    Refunding bonds may be issued by an entity in a principal
  3  4 amount sufficient to provide funds for the payment (including
  3  5  payment, including premium, if any) any, of bonds issued by
  3  6 said entity pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to be
  3  7 refunded thereby and the interest thereon and in addition for
  3  8 the payment of all expenses incident to the calling, retiring,
  3  9 or paying of such outstanding bonds to be refunded, such
  3 10 refunding bonds may also finance the construction of a project
  3 11 or projects authorized by this chapter or the improvement,
  3 12 addition, betterment or extension of an existing project or
  3 13 projects so authorized. Said refunding bonds shall not be
  3 14 issued to refund the principal of and interest on any bonds to
  3 15 be refunded unless such bonds mature or are redeemable under
  3 16 their terms within ten years from the date of delivery of the
  3 17 refunding bonds. The proceeds of said refunding bonds to be
  3 18 used for the payment of the principal of, interest on and
  3 19 redemption premiums, if any, on said bonds to be refunded which
  3 20 will not be due and payable immediately shall be deposited in
  3 21 trust for the sole purpose of making such payments in a bank or
  3 22 trust company within the state. Any moneys in such trust fund,
  3 23 prior to the date such funds will be needed for the payment
  3 24 of such principal of, interest on and redemption premiums, if
  3 25 any, of such outstanding bonds to be refunded, may be invested
  3 26 or reinvested as provided in the resolution authorizing said
  3 27 refunding bonds. Refunding bonds shall be issued in the same
  3 28 manner and detail as revenue bonds herein authorized.
  3 29    Sec. 7.  Section 29B.6, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  3 30 follows:
  3 31    29B.6  Imposition of restraint.
  3 32    1.  Arrest "Arrest" is the restraint of a person by an order,
  3 33 not imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the
  3 34 person to remain within certain specified limits. Confinement
  3 35  "Confinement" is the physical restraint of a person.
  4  1    2.  An enlisted member may be ordered into arrest or
  4  2 confinement by any commissioned officer by an order, oral or
  4  3 written, delivered in person or through other persons subject
  4  4 to this code or through any person authorized by this code to
  4  5 apprehend persons.
  4  6    3.  A commanding officer may authorize warrant officers
  4  7 or noncommissioned officers to order enlisted members of the
  4  8 officer's command or subject to the officer's authority into
  4  9 arrest or confinement.
  4 10    4.  A commissioned officer or a warrant officer may be
  4 11 ordered apprehended or into arrest or confinement only by a
  4 12 commanding officer to whose authority the commissioned or
  4 13 warrant officer is subject, by an order, oral or written,
  4 14 delivered in person or by another commissioned officer. The
  4 15 authority to order such persons apprehended or into arrest or
  4 16 confinement may not be delegated.
  4 17    5.  This section does not limit the authority of persons
  4 18 authorized to apprehend offenders to secure the custody of an
  4 19 alleged offender until the proper authority is notified.
  4 20    Sec. 8.  Section 29C.23, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  4 21 follows:
  4 22    29C.23  Iowa radio interoperability platform.
  4 23    The Iowa radio interoperability platform shall be under
  4 24 the joint purview of the department of public safety and the
  4 25 department of transportation. The departments shall jointly
  4 26 submit a biannual report to the Iowa statewide interoperable
  4 27 communications system board established in section 80.28,
  4 28  beginning July 1, 2016.
  4 29    Sec. 9.  Section 39.17, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  4 30 follows:
  4 31    39.17  County officers.
  4 32    1.  There shall be elected in each county at the general
  4 33 election to be held in the year 1976 and every four years
  4 34 thereafter, an auditor and a sheriff, each to hold office for a
  4 35 term of four years.
  5  1    2.  There shall be elected in each county at the general
  5  2 election to be held in 1974 and each four years thereafter, a
  5  3 treasurer, a recorder, and a county attorney who shall each
  5  4  hold office for a term of four years.
  5  5    Sec. 10.  Section 46.6, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  5  6 follows:
  5  7    46.6  Equal seniority.
  5  8    If the judges of longest service (other service, other than
  5  9 the chief justice) justice, of the supreme court or of the
  5 10 district court in a district are of equal service, the eldest
  5 11 of such judges shall be chairperson of the particular judicial
  5 12 nominating commission.
  5 13    Sec. 11.  Section 80B.14, Code 2016, is amended to read as
  5 14 follows:
  5 15    80B.14  Budget submitted to department of management.
  5 16    The Iowa law enforcement academy council shall annually
  5 17  submit estimates of its expenditure requirements to the
  5 18 department of management, annually and in such form as required
  5 19 by chapter 8 estimates of its expenditure requirements. Such
  5 20  The estimates shall include the costs of administration,
  5 21 maintenance, and operation, and the cost of any proposed
  5 22 capital improvements or additional programs.
  5 23    Sec. 12.  Section 84A.4, subsection 1, Code 2016, is amended
  5 24 to read as follows:
  5 25    1.  A regional advisory board shall be established in
  5 26 each service delivery area as defined in section 84B.2. The
  5 27 members of the each board shall be appointed by the governor,
  5 28 consistent with the requirements of federal law and in
  5 29 consultation with chief elected officials within the region.
  5 30 Chief elected officials responsible for recommendations
  5 31 for board membership shall include, but are not limited to,
  5 32 county elected officials, municipal elected officials, and
  5 33 community college directors. The membership of each board
  5 34 shall provide for equal representation of business and labor
  5 35 and shall include a county elected official, a city official, a
  6  1 representative of a school district, and a representative of a
  6  2 community college.
  6  3    Sec. 13.  Section 89B.8, subsection 2, Code 2016, is amended
  6  4 to read as follows:
  6  5    2.  The division of labor services shall administer this
  6  6 division of the chapter subchapter. The division may exercise
  6  7 the enforcement powers set out in chapter 88 and the rules
  6  8 adopted pursuant to chapter 88 to enforce this division of the
  6  9 chapter subchapter.
  6 10    Sec. 14.  Section 89B.12, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2016, are
  6 11 amended to read as follows:
  6 12    2.  The division of labor services shall receive and handle
  6 13 requests for information and complaints under this division
  6 14  of this chapter subchapter which involve employer information
  6 15 covered under division subchapter II of this chapter. The
  6 16 labor commissioner shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
  6 17 regarding requests for information and the investigation and
  6 18 adjudication of complaints.
  6 19    3.  Requests for information under this division of this
  6 20 chapter subchapter are confidential.
  6 21    Sec. 15.  Section 92.5, subsection 9, Code 2016, is amended
  6 22 to read as follows:
  6 23    9.  a.  Work in connection with motor vehicles and trucks if
  6 24 confined to the following:
  6 25    a.  (1)  Dispensing gasoline and oil.
  6 26    b.  (2)  Courtesy service.
  6 27    c.  (3)  Car cleaning, washing, and polishing.
  6 28    b.  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to include
  6 29 work involving the use of pits, racks, or lifting apparatus or
  6 30 involving the inflation of any tire mounted on a rim equipped
  6 31 with a removable retaining ring.
  6 32    Sec. 16.  Section 96.7, subsection 1, Code 2016, is amended
  6 33 to read as follows:
  6 34    1.  Payment.  Contributions accrue and are payable, in
  6 35 accordance with rules adopted by the department pursuant to
  7  1 chapter 17A, on all taxable wages paid by an employer for
  7  2 insured work.
  7  3    Sec. 17.  Section 96.7, subsection 2, paragraph a,
  7  4 subparagraph (4), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  7  5    (4)  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter
  7  6 17A prescribing the manner in which benefits shall be charged
  7  7 against the accounts of several employers for which an
  7  8 individual performed employment during the same calendar
  7  9 quarter.
  7 10    Sec. 18.  Section 96.7, subsection 2, paragraph c,
  7 11 subparagraph (2), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  7 12    (2)  A construction contributory employer, as defined under
  7 13 rules adopted by the department pursuant to chapter 17A, which
  7 14 is newly subject to this chapter shall pay contributions at the
  7 15 rate specified in the twenty=first benefit ratio rank until the
  7 16 end of the calendar year in which the employer's account has
  7 17 been chargeable with benefits for twelve consecutive calendar
  7 18 quarters.
  7 19    Sec. 19.  Section 96.7, subsection 4, paragraph c, Code 2016,
  7 20 is amended to read as follows:
  7 21    c.  A hearing on an appeal shall be conducted according to
  7 22 rules adopted by the department pursuant to chapter 17A.  A
  7 23 copy of the decision of the administrative law judge shall be
  7 24 sent by regular mail to the last address, according to the
  7 25 records of the department, of each affected employing unit or
  7 26 employer.
  7 27    Sec. 20.  Section 96.7, subsection 10, Code 2016, is amended
  7 28 to read as follows:
  7 29    10.  Group accounts.  Two or more nonprofit organizations
  7 30 or two or more governmental entities which have become
  7 31 reimbursable employers in accordance with subsection 7 or
  7 32 subsection 8, paragraph "a", may file a joint application
  7 33 to the department for the establishment of a group account
  7 34 for the purpose of sharing the cost of benefits paid which
  7 35 are attributable to service in the employ of the employers.
  8  1 The application shall identify and authorize a group
  8  2 representative to act as the group's agent for the purposes
  8  3 of this subsection. Upon approval of the application, the
  8  4 department shall establish a group account for the employers
  8  5 effective as of the beginning of the calendar quarter in which
  8  6 the department receives the application and shall notify the
  8  7 group's agent of the effective date of the account. The
  8  8 account shall remain in effect for not less than one year
  8  9 until terminated at the discretion of the department or upon
  8 10 application by the group. Upon establishment of the account,
  8 11 each employer member of the group shall be liable for benefit
  8 12 reimbursements in lieu of contributions with respect to each
  8 13 calendar quarter in an amount which bears the same ratio to the
  8 14 total benefits paid in the quarter which are attributable to
  8 15 service performed in the employ of all members of the group,
  8 16 as the total wages paid for service performed in the employ
  8 17 of the member in the quarter bear to the total wages paid for
  8 18 service performed in the employ of all members of the group
  8 19 in the quarter. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to
  8 20 chapter 17A with respect to applications for establishment,
  8 21 maintenance, and termination of group accounts, for addition
  8 22 of new members to, and withdrawal of active members from group
  8 23 accounts, and for the determination of the amounts which are
  8 24 payable by members of the group and the time and manner of the
  8 25 payments.
  8 26    Sec. 21.  Section 96.7, subsection 11, paragraph a, Code
  8 27 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  8 28    a.  If on the first day of the third month in any calendar
  8 29 quarter, the department has an outstanding balance of interest
  8 30 accrued on advance moneys received from the federal government
  8 31 for the payment of unemployment compensation benefits, or is
  8 32 projected to have an outstanding balance of accruing federal
  8 33 interest for that calendar quarter, the department shall
  8 34 collect a uniform temporary emergency surcharge for that
  8 35 calendar quarter, retroactive to the beginning of that calendar
  9  1 quarter. The surcharge shall be a percentage of employer
  9  2 contribution rates and shall be set at a uniform percentage,
  9  3 for all employers subject to the surcharge, necessary to pay
  9  4 the interest accrued on the moneys advanced to the department
  9  5 by the federal government, and to pay any additional federal
  9  6 interest which will accrue for the remainder of that calendar
  9  7 quarter. The surcharge shall apply to all employers except
  9  8 governmental entities, nonprofit organizations, and employers
  9  9 assigned a zero contribution rate. The department shall adopt
  9 10 rules pursuant to chapter 17A prescribing the manner in which
  9 11 the surcharge will be collected. Interest shall accrue on all
  9 12 unpaid surcharges under this subsection at the same rate as
  9 13 on regular contributions and shall be collectible in the same
  9 14 manner. The surcharge shall not affect the computation of
  9 15 regular contributions under this chapter.
  9 16    Sec. 22.  Section 96.9, subsection 5, Code 2016, is amended
  9 17 to read as follows:
  9 18    5.  Administration expenses excluded.  Any amount credited
  9 19 to this state's account in the unemployment trust fund
  9 20 under section 903 of the Social Security Act which has been
  9 21 appropriated for expenses of administration pursuant to
  9 22 subsection 4 of this section, whether or not withdrawn from
  9 23 such account, shall not be deemed assets of the unemployment
  9 24 compensation fund for the purpose of computing contribution
  9 25 rates under section 96.7, subsection 3, of this chapter.
  9 26    Sec. 23.  Section 96.14, subsection 3, paragraph k, Code
  9 27 2016, is amended to read as follows:
  9 28    k.  If a political subdivision or a political subdivision
  9 29 instrumentality becomes delinquent in the payment of
  9 30 contributions, any payments owed as a government employer,
  9 31 penalty, interest, and costs for more than two calendar
  9 32 quarters, the amount of such delinquency shall be deducted
  9 33 from any further moneys due the employer by the state. Such
  9 34 deduction shall be made by the director of the department of
  9 35 administrative services upon certification of the amount due.
 10  1 A copy of the certification will be mailed to the employer.
 10  2    Sec. 24.  Section 96.19, subsection 4, Code 2016, is amended
 10  3 to read as follows:
 10  4    4.    "Benefit year".  The term "benefit "Benefit year" means a
 10  5 period of one year beginning with the day with respect to which
 10  6 an individual filed a valid claim for benefits. Any claim for
 10  7 benefits made in accordance with section 96.6, subsection 1,
 10  8 shall be deemed to be a valid claim for the purposes of this
 10  9 subsection if the individual has been paid wages for insured
 10 10 work required under the provisions of this chapter.
 10 11    Sec. 25.  Section 96.19, subsection 16, paragraphs b, d, and
 10 12 g, Code 2016, are amended to read as follows:
 10 13    b.  Any employing unit (whether, whether or not an employing
 10 14 unit at the time of acquisition) acquisition, which acquired
 10 15 the organization, trade, or business, or substantially all of
 10 16 the assets thereof, of another employing unit which at the time
 10 17 of such acquisition was an employer subject to this chapter, or
 10 18 which acquired a part of the organization, trade, or business
 10 19 of another employing unit which at the time of such acquisition
 10 20 was an employer subject to this chapter. Provided, that
 10 21 such other employing unit would have been an employer under
 10 22 paragraph "a" of this subsection, if such part had constituted
 10 23 its entire organization, trade, or business.
 10 24    d.  Any employing unit which, together with one or more
 10 25 other employing units, is owned or controlled (by, by legally
 10 26 enforceable means or otherwise) otherwise, directly or
 10 27 indirectly by the same interests, or which owns or controls one
 10 28 or more other employing units (by by legally enforceable means
 10 29 or otherwise) otherwise, and which, if treated as a single unit
 10 30 with such other employing unit, would be an employer under
 10 31 paragraph "a" of this subsection.
 10 32    g.  Any employing unit not an employer by reason of any
 10 33 other paragraph of this subsection for which, within either
 10 34 the current or preceding calendar year, service is or was
 10 35 performed with respect to which such employing unit is liable
 11  1 for any federal tax against which credit may be taken for
 11  2 contributions required to be paid into a state unemployment
 11  3 fund; or which, as a condition for approval of this chapter for
 11  4 full tax credit against the tax imposed by the federal Federal
 11  5  Unemployment Tax Act, (26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3308) 26 U.S.C. {3301
 11  6 = 3308, is required, pursuant to such Act, to be an "employer"
 11  7 under this chapter. Provided, however, that if an employer
 11  8 subject to contributions solely because of the terms of this
 11  9 subsection shall establish proper proof to the satisfaction of
 11 10 the department that the employer's employees have been and will
 11 11 be duly covered and insured under the unemployment compensation
 11 12 law of another jurisdiction such employer shall not be deemed
 11 13 an employer and such services shall not be deemed employment
 11 14 under this chapter.
 11 15    Sec. 26.  Section 96.19, subsection 18, paragraph a,
 11 16 subparagraphs (1), (3), and (5), Code 2016, are amended to read
 11 17 as follows:
 11 18    (1)  Any officer of a corporation.  Provided that the term
 11 19 "employment" shall not include such officer if the officer is a
 11 20 majority stockholder and the officer shall not be considered an
 11 21 employee of the corporation unless such services are subject to
 11 22 a tax to be paid under any federal law imposing a tax against
 11 23 which credit may be taken for contributions required to be paid
 11 24 into a state unemployment fund or such services are required
 11 25 to be covered under this chapter of the Code, as a condition
 11 26 to receipt of a full tax credit against the tax imposed by the
 11 27 federal Federal Unemployment Tax Act (26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3309),
 11 28 26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3309, or
 11 29    (3)  (a)  Any individual other than an individual who
 11 30 is an employee under subparagraphs (1) or (2) who performs
 11 31 services for remuneration for any person as an agent driver
 11 32 or commission driver engaged in distributing meat products,
 11 33 vegetable products, fruit products, bakery products, beverages
 11 34 (other other than milk) milk, or laundry or dry cleaning
 11 35 services for the individual's principal; as a traveling or
 12  1 city salesperson, other than as an agent driver or commission
 12  2 driver, engaged upon a full=time basis in the solicitation on
 12  3 behalf of, and the transmission to, the individual's principal,
 12  4  (except except for sideline sales activities on behalf of some
 12  5 other person) person, of orders from wholesalers, retailers,
 12  6 contractors, or operators of hotels, restaurants, or other
 12  7 similar establishments for merchandise for resale or supplies
 12  8 for use in their business operations.
 12  9    (b)  Provided, that for purposes of this subparagraph (3),
 12 10 the term "employment" shall include services performed after
 12 11 December 31, 1971, only if:
 12 12    (i)  The contract of service contemplates that substantially
 12 13 all of the services are to be performed personally by such
 12 14 individual;
 12 15    (ii)  The individual does not have a substantial investment
 12 16 in facilities used in connection with the performance of the
 12 17 services (other, other than in facilities for transportation)
 12 18  transportation; and
 12 19    (iii)  The services are not in the nature of single
 12 20 transaction that is not part of a continuing relationship with
 12 21 the person for whom the services are performed.
 12 22    (5)  Service performed after December 31, 1971, by
 12 23 an individual in the employ of a religious, charitable,
 12 24 educational, or other organization, but only if the service is
 12 25 excluded from "employment" as defined in the federal Federal
 12 26  Unemployment Tax Act (26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3309), 26 U.S.C. {3301
 12 27 = 3309, solely by reason of section 3306(c)(8) of that Act.
 12 28    Sec. 27.  Section 96.19, subsection 18, paragraph b,
 12 29 subparagraph (5), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 12 30    (5)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
 12 31 subsection, service with respect to which a tax is required
 12 32 to be paid under any federal law imposing a tax against which
 12 33 credit may be taken for contributions required to be paid into
 12 34 a state unemployment fund or which, as a condition for full
 12 35 tax credit against the tax imposed by the Federal Unemployment
 13  1 Tax Act (26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3308), 26 U.S.C. {3301 = 3308, is
 13  2 required to be covered under this chapter.
 13  3    Sec. 28.  Section 96.19, subsection 18, paragraph g,
 13  4 subparagraph (3), subparagraph division (c), Code 2016, is
 13  5 amended to read as follows:
 13  6    (c)  In connection with the production or harvesting of any
 13  7 commodity defined as an agricultural commodity in section 15(g)
 13  8 of the Agricultural Marketing Act, as amended [46 Stat. 1550,
 13  9 {3, 12 U.S.C. {1141j], 46 Stat. 1550, {3, 12 U.S.C. {1141j, or
 13 10 in connection with ginning of cotton, or in connection with the
 13 11 operation or maintenance of ditches, canals, reservoirs, or
 13 12 waterways, not owned or operated for profit, used exclusively
 13 13 for supplying and storing water for farming purposes.
 13 14    Sec. 29.  Section 96.19, subsection 18, paragraph g,
 13 15 subparagraph (3), subparagraph division (d), subparagraph
 13 16 subdivision (ii), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 13 17    (ii)  In the employ of a group of operators of farms (or,
 13 18 or a cooperative organization of which such operators are
 13 19 members) members, in the performance of service described
 13 20 in subparagraph subdivision (i) of division (d) of this
 13 21 subparagraph, but only if such operators produced more than
 13 22 one=half of the commodity with respect to which such service
 13 23 is performed;
 13 24    Sec. 30.  Section 96.19, subsection 20, unnumbered paragraph
 13 25 1, Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 13 26 "Exhaustee" means an individual who, with respect to any
 13 27 week of unemployment in the individual's eligibility period
 13 28 has received, prior to such week, all of the regular benefits
 13 29 that were available to the individual under this chapter or
 13 30 any other state law (including law, including dependents'
 13 31 allowances and benefits payable to federal civilian employees
 13 32 and former armed forces personnel under 5 U.S.C. ch. 85) 5
 13 33 U.S.C. ch. 85, in the individual's current benefit year that
 13 34 includes such weeks. Provided that for the purposes of this
 13 35 subsection an individual shall be deemed to have received all
 14  1 of the regular benefits that were available to the individual,
 14  2 although as a result of a pending appeal with respect to
 14  3 wages that were not considered in the original monetary
 14  4 determination in the individual's benefit year the individual
 14  5 may subsequently be determined to be entitled to add regular
 14  6 benefits, or:
 14  7    Sec. 31.  Section 96.19, subsections 22 and 33, Code 2016,
 14  8 are amended to read as follows:
 14  9    22.  "Extended benefits" means benefits (including benefits,
 14 10 including benefits payable to federal civilian employees and to
 14 11 former armed forces personnel pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ch. 85) 5
 14 12 U.S.C. ch. 85, payable to an individual under the provisions
 14 13 of this section for weeks of unemployment in the individual's
 14 14 eligibility period.
 14 15    33.  "Regular benefits" means benefits payable to an
 14 16 individual under this or under any other state law (including
 14 17  law, including benefits payable to federal civilian employees
 14 18 and to former armed forces personnel pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ch.
 14 19 85) 5 U.S.C. ch. 85, other than extended benefits.
 14 20    Sec. 32.  Section 97B.43, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 14 21 follows:
 14 22    97B.43  Prior service credit.
 14 23    1.  Each member in service on July 4, 1953, who made
 14 24 contributions under the abolished system, and who has not
 14 25 applied for and qualified for benefit payments under the
 14 26 abolished system, shall receive credit for years of prior
 14 27 service in the determination of retirement allowance payments
 14 28 under this chapter, if the member elects to become a member on
 14 29 or before October 1, 1953, the member has not made application
 14 30 for a refund of the part of the member's contributions under
 14 31 the abolished system which are payable under sections 97.50
 14 32 to 97.53, and the member gives written authorization prior to
 14 33 October 1, 1953, to the commission to credit to the retirement
 14 34 fund the amount of the member's contribution which would
 14 35 be subject to a claim for refund. The amount so credited
 15  1 shall, after transfer, be considered as a contribution to the
 15  2 retirement system made as of July 4, 1953, by the member and
 15  3 shall be included in the determination of the amount of moneys
 15  4 payable under this chapter. However, an employee who was under
 15  5 a contract of employment as a teacher in the public schools of
 15  6 the state of Iowa at the end of the school year 1952=1953, or
 15  7 any person covered by section 97B.1A, subsection 20, paragraph
 15  8 "c" or "d", shall be considered as in service as of July 4,
 15  9 1953, if they were members of the abolished system.
 15 10    2.  Any person with a record of thirty years as a public
 15 11 employee in the state of Iowa prior to July 1, 1947, and who is
 15 12 not eligible for prior service credit under other provisions
 15 13 of this section, is entitled to a credit for years of prior
 15 14 service in the determination of the retirement allowance
 15 15 payment under this chapter, provided the public employee makes
 15 16 application to the system for credit for prior public service,
 15 17 accompanied by verification of the person's claim as the system
 15 18 may require. The person's allowance for prior service credits
 15 19 shall be computed in the same manner as otherwise provided in
 15 20 this section, but shall not exceed the sum of four hundred
 15 21 fifty dollars nor be less than three hundred dollars per annum.
 15 22 Any such person is entitled to receive retirement allowances
 15 23 computed as provided by this chapter, effective from the date
 15 24 of application to the system, provided such application is
 15 25 approved. However, beginning July 1, 1975, the amount of such
 15 26 person's retirement allowance payment received during June
 15 27 1975, as computed under this section shall be increased by two
 15 28 hundred percent and the allowance for prior service credits
 15 29 shall not exceed one thousand three hundred fifty dollars nor
 15 30 be less than nine hundred dollars per annum. Effective July
 15 31 1, 1987, there is appropriated for each fiscal year from the
 15 32 Iowa public employees' retirement fund created in section 97B.7
 15 33 to the system an amount sufficient to fund the retirement
 15 34 allowance increases paid under this paragraph subsection.
 15 35 Effective July 1, 1980, a person with a record of thirty years
 16  1 as a public employee in the state of Iowa prior to July 1,
 16  2 1947, receiving retirement allowances under this chapter shall
 16  3 receive the monthly increase in benefits provided in section
 16  4 97B.49G, subsection 3, paragraph "a".
 16  5    3.  Each individual who on or after July 1, 1978, was an
 16  6 active, vested, or retired member and who (1) made application
 16  7 for and received a refund of contributions made under the
 16  8 abolished system or (2) has on deposit with the retirement fund
 16  9 contributions made under the abolished system shall be entitled
 16 10 to credit for years of prior service in the determination of
 16 11 retirement allowance payments by filing a written election
 16 12 with the system on or after July 1, 1978, and by redepositing
 16 13 any withdrawn contributions under the abolished system
 16 14 together with interest as stated in this paragraph subsection.
 16 15 Any individual who on or after July 1, 1978, is a retired
 16 16 member and who made application for and received a refund of
 16 17 contributions made under the abolished system may, by filing
 16 18 a written election with the system on or after July 1, 1978,
 16 19 have the system retain fifty percent of the monthly increase in
 16 20 retiree benefits that will accrue to the individual because of
 16 21 prior service. If the monthly increase in retirement benefits
 16 22 is less than ten dollars, the system shall retain five dollars
 16 23 of the scheduled increase, and if the monthly increase is less
 16 24 than five dollars, the provisions of this paragraph subsection
 16 25  shall not apply. The system shall continue to retain such
 16 26 funds until the withdrawn contributions, together with interest
 16 27 accrued to the month in which the written election is filed,
 16 28 have been repaid. Due notice of this provision shall be sent
 16 29 to all retired members on or after July 1, 1978. However, this
 16 30 paragraph subsection shall not apply to any person who received
 16 31 a refund of any membership service contributions unless the
 16 32 person repaid the membership service contributions pursuant
 16 33 to section 97B.80C; but a refund of contributions remitted
 16 34 for the calendar quarter ending September 30, 1953, which was
 16 35 based entirely upon employment which terminated prior to July
 17  1 4, 1953, shall not be considered as a refund of membership
 17  2 service contributions. The interest to be paid into the fund
 17  3 shall be compounded at the rates credited to member accounts
 17  4 from the date of payment of the refund of contributions under
 17  5 the abolished system to the date the member redeposits the
 17  6 refunded amount. The provisions of the first paragraph of
 17  7 this section subsection 1 relating to the consideration given
 17  8 to credited amounts shall apply to the redeposited amounts
 17  9 or to amounts left on deposit. Effective July 1, 1978, the
 17 10 provisions of this paragraph subsection shall apply to each
 17 11 individual who on or after July 1, 1978, was an active, vested,
 17 12 or retired member, but who was not in service on July 4, 1953.
 17 13 The period for filing the written election with the system and
 17 14 redepositing any withdrawn contributions together with interest
 17 15 accrued shall commence July 1, 1978. A member who is a retired
 17 16 member on or after July 1, 1978, may file written election with
 17 17 the system on or after July 1, 1978, to have the system retain
 17 18 fifty percent of the monthly increase as provided in this
 17 19 paragraph subsection.
 17 20    4.  Effective July 1, 2004, a member eligible for an
 17 21 increased retirement allowance because of the repayment of
 17 22 contributions under this section is entitled to receipt of
 17 23 adjustment payments beginning with the month in which payment
 17 24 was received by the system.
 17 25    Sec. 33.  Section 99B.27, subsection 2, paragraph n, Code
 17 26 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 17 27    n.  No A person receives shall not receive or has have any
 17 28 fixed or contingent right to receive, directly or indirectly,
 17 29 any profit, remuneration, or compensation from or related to
 17 30 a game in a card game tournament, except any amount which the
 17 31 person may win as a participant on the same basis as the other
 17 32 participants.
 17 33    Sec. 34.  Section 99B.27, subsection 2, paragraph p,
 17 34 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 17 35 follows:
 18  1 The person conducting the card game tournament does none
 18  2  shall not do any of the following:
 18  3    Sec. 35.  Section 135B.7, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 18  4 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 18  5    a.  The rules shall state that a hospital shall not deny
 18  6 clinical privileges to physicians and surgeons, podiatric
 18  7 physicians, osteopathic physicians and surgeons, dentists,
 18  8 certified health service providers in psychology, physician
 18  9 assistants, or advanced registered nurse practitioners licensed
 18 10 under chapter 148, 148C, 149, 152, or 153, or section 154B.7,
 18 11 solely by reason of the license held by the practitioner
 18 12 or solely by reason of the school or institution in which
 18 13 the practitioner received medical schooling or postgraduate
 18 14 training if the medical schooling or postgraduate training was
 18 15 accredited by an organization recognized by the council on
 18 16 postsecondary higher education accreditation or an accrediting
 18 17 group recognized by the United States department of education.
 18 18    Sec. 36.  Section 148E.2, subsection 1, paragraphs b and c,
 18 19 Code 2016, are amended to read as follows:
 18 20    b.  Successful completion of a three=year postsecondary
 18 21 training program or acupuncture college program which is
 18 22 accredited by, in candidacy for accreditation by, or which
 18 23 meets the standards of the national accreditation commission
 18 24 for schools and colleges of acupuncture and oriental medicine.
 18 25    c.  Successful completion of a course in clean needle
 18 26 technique approved by the national certification commission for
 18 27 the certification of acupuncturists acupuncture and oriental
 18 28 medicine.
 18 29    Sec. 37.  Section 153.15A, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 18 30 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 18 31    a.  That the applicant possesses a degree or certificate of
 18 32 graduation from a college, university, or institution of higher
 18 33 education, accredited by a national agency recognized by the
 18 34 council on postsecondary higher education accreditation or the
 18 35 United States department of education, in a program of dental
 19  1 hygiene with a minimum of two academic years of curriculum.
 19  2    Sec. 38.  Section 161A.72, subsection 1, Code 2016, is
 19  3 amended to read as follows:
 19  4    1.  Financial incentives provided under this chapter shall
 19  5 be administered by the division. The incentives shall be
 19  6 supported with funds appropriated by the general assembly,
 19  7 and moneys available to or obtained by the division or the
 19  8 committee from public or private sources, including but
 19  9 not limited to the United States, other states, or private
 19 10 organizations. The division shall adopt all rules consistent
 19 11 with chapter 17A necessary to carry out the purpose of this
 19 12 division subchapter as provided in section 161A.70.
 19 13    Sec. 39.  Section 225.24, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 19 14 follows:
 19 15    225.24  Collection of preliminary expense.
 19 16    Unless a committed private patient or those legally
 19 17 responsible for the patient's support offer to settle the
 19 18 amount of the claims, the regional administrator for the
 19 19 person's county of residence shall collect, by action if
 19 20 necessary, the amount of all claims for per diem and expenses
 19 21 that have been approved by the regional administrator for the
 19 22 county and paid by the regional administrator as provided under
 19 23 section 225.21. Any amount collected shall be credited to the
 19 24 county mental health and disabilities services fund created in
 19 25 accordance with section 331.424A.
 19 26    Sec. 40.  Section 234.39, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 19 27 follows:
 19 28    234.39  Responsibility for cost of services.
 19 29    1.  It is the intent of this chapter that an individual
 19 30 receiving foster care services and the individual's parents or
 19 31 guardians shall have primary responsibility for paying the cost
 19 32 of the care and services. The support obligation established
 19 33 and adopted under this section shall be consistent with the
 19 34 limitations on legal liability established under sections
 19 35 222.78 and 230.15, and by any other statute limiting legal
 20  1 responsibility for support which may be imposed on a person for
 20  2 the cost of care and services provided by the department. The
 20  3 department shall notify an individual's parents or guardians,
 20  4 at the time of the placement of an individual in foster care,
 20  5 of the responsibility for paying the cost of care and services.
 20  6 Support obligations shall be established as follows:
 20  7    1.  a.  For an individual to whom section 234.35, subsection
 20  8 1, is applicable, a dispositional order of the juvenile court
 20  9 requiring the provision of foster care, or an administrative
 20 10 order entered pursuant to chapter 252C, or any order
 20 11 establishing paternity and support for a child in foster care,
 20 12 shall establish, after notice and a reasonable opportunity to
 20 13 be heard is provided to a parent or guardian, the amount of
 20 14 the parent's or guardian's support obligation for the cost
 20 15 of foster care provided by the department. The amount of
 20 16 the parent's or guardian's support obligation and the amount
 20 17 of support debt accrued and accruing shall be established in
 20 18 accordance with the child support guidelines prescribed under
 20 19 section 598.21B.  However, the court, or the department of
 20 20 human services in establishing support by administrative order,
 20 21 may deviate from the prescribed obligation after considering
 20 22 a recommendation by the department for expenses related to
 20 23 goals and objectives of a case permanency plan as defined
 20 24 under section 237.15, and upon written findings of fact which
 20 25 specify the reason for deviation and the prescribed guidelines
 20 26 amount. Any order for support shall direct the payment of
 20 27 the support obligation to the collection services center for
 20 28 the use of the department's foster care recovery unit. The
 20 29 order shall be filed with the clerk of the district court
 20 30 in which the responsible parent or guardian resides and has
 20 31 the same force and effect as a judgment when entered in the
 20 32 judgment docket and lien index. The collection services center
 20 33 shall disburse the payments pursuant to the order and record
 20 34 the disbursements. If payments are not made as ordered, the
 20 35 child support recovery unit may certify a default to the court
 21  1 and the court may, on its own motion, proceed under section
 21  2 598.22 or 598.23 or the child support recovery unit may enforce
 21  3 the judgment as allowed by law. An order entered under this
 21  4 subsection paragraph may be modified only in accordance with
 21  5 the guidelines prescribed under section 598.21C, or under
 21  6 chapter 252H.
 21  7    2.  b.  For an individual who is served by the department
 21  8 of human services under section 234.35, and is not subject
 21  9 to a dispositional order of the juvenile court requiring the
 21 10 provision of foster care, the department shall determine the
 21 11 obligation of the individual's parent or guardian pursuant
 21 12 to chapter 252C and in accordance with the child support
 21 13 guidelines prescribed under section 598.21B.  However, the
 21 14 department may adjust the prescribed obligation for expenses
 21 15 related to goals and objectives of a case permanency plan as
 21 16 defined under section 237.15. An obligation determined under
 21 17 this subsection paragraph may be modified only in accordance
 21 18 with conditions under section 598.21C, or under chapter 252H.
 21 19    3.  2.  A person entitled to periodic support payments
 21 20 pursuant to an order or judgment entered in any action for
 21 21 support, who also is or has a child receiving foster care
 21 22 services, is deemed to have assigned to the department
 21 23 current and accruing support payments attributable to the
 21 24 child effective as of the date the child enters foster care
 21 25 placement, to the extent of expenditure of foster care funds.
 21 26 The department shall notify the clerk of the district court
 21 27 when a child entitled to support payments is receiving foster
 21 28 care services pursuant to chapter 234. Upon notification
 21 29 by the department that a child entitled to periodic support
 21 30 payments is receiving foster care services, the clerk of
 21 31 the district court shall make a notation of the automatic
 21 32 assignment in the judgment docket and lien index. The notation
 21 33 constitutes constructive notice of assignment. The clerk of
 21 34 court shall furnish the department with copies of all orders
 21 35 and decrees awarding support when the child is receiving
 22  1 foster care services. At the time the child ceases to receive
 22  2 foster care services, the assignment of support shall be
 22  3 automatically terminated. Unpaid support accrued under the
 22  4 assignment of support rights during the time that the child was
 22  5 in foster care remains due to the department up to the amount
 22  6 of unreimbursed foster care funds expended. The department
 22  7 shall notify the clerk of court of the automatic termination
 22  8 of the assignment. Unless otherwise specified in the support
 22  9 order, an equal and proportionate share of any child support
 22 10 awarded shall be presumed to be payable on behalf of each child
 22 11 subject to the order or judgment for purposes of an assignment
 22 12 under this section.
 22 13    4.  3.  The support debt for the costs of services, for which
 22 14 a support obligation is established pursuant to this section,
 22 15 which accrues prior to the establishment of the support debt,
 22 16 shall be collected, at a maximum, in the amount which is the
 22 17 amount of accrued support debt for the three months preceding
 22 18 the earlier of the following:
 22 19    a.  The provision by the child support recovery unit of the
 22 20 initial notice to the parent or guardian of the amount of the
 22 21 support obligation.
 22 22    b.  The date that the written request for a court hearing
 22 23 is received by the child support recovery unit as provided in
 22 24 section 252C.3 or 252F.3.
 22 25    5.  4.  If the department makes a subsidized guardianship
 22 26 payment for a child, the payment shall be considered a foster
 22 27 care payment for purposes of child support recovery. All
 22 28 provisions of this and other sections, and of rules and orders
 22 29 adopted or entered pursuant to those sections, including
 22 30 for the establishment of a paternity or support order, for
 22 31 the amount of a support obligation, for the modification or
 22 32 adjustment of a support obligation, for the assignment of
 22 33 support, and for enforcement shall apply as if the child
 22 34 were receiving foster care services, or were in foster care
 22 35 placement, or as if foster care funds were being expended for
 23  1 the child. This subsection shall apply regardless of the date
 23  2 of placement in foster care or subsidized guardianship or the
 23  3 date of entry of an order, and foster care and subsidized
 23  4 guardianship shall be considered the same for purposes of child
 23  5 support recovery.
 23  6    Sec. 41.  Section 252H.2, subsection 2, paragraph m, Code
 23  7 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 23  8    m.  "Support order" means an order for support issued
 23  9 pursuant to this chapter, chapter 232, 234, 252A, 252C, 252E,
 23 10 252F, 252H, 598, 600B, or any other applicable chapter, or
 23 11 under a comparable statute of another state or foreign country
 23 12 as registered with the clerk of court or certified to the child
 23 13 support recovery unit.
 23 14    Sec. 42.  Section 256.3, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 23 15 follows:
 23 16    256.3  State board established.
 23 17    1.  The state board of education is established for the
 23 18 department. The state board consists of ten members, nine
 23 19 voting members and one nonvoting student member. The voting
 23 20 members shall be appointed by the governor subject to senate
 23 21 confirmation. The nonvoting student member shall be appointed
 23 22 as provided in section 256.5A.
 23 23    2.  The voting members shall be registered voters of
 23 24 the state and hold no other elective or appointive state
 23 25 office.  Not more than five voting members shall be of the
 23 26 same political party.  Three of the voting members shall
 23 27 have substantial knowledge related to the community college
 23 28 system. The remaining six voting members shall be members of
 23 29 the general public. A voting member shall not be engaged in
 23 30 professional education for a major portion of the member's time
 23 31 nor shall the member derive a major portion of income from any
 23 32 business or activity connected with education. Not more than
 23 33 five voting members shall be of the same political party.
 23 34    3.  The terms of office for voting members are for six years
 23 35 beginning and ending as provided in section 69.19.
 24  1 Three of the voting members shall have substantial knowledge
 24  2 related to the community college system. The remaining six
 24  3 voting members shall be members of the general public.
 24  4    Sec. 43.  Section 257.17, subsection 2, Code 2016, is amended
 24  5 to read as follows:
 24  6    2.  This section does not apply to a school district
 24  7 attendance center that has received approval from the
 24  8 department of education under section 279.10, subsection
 24  9 2, to maintain a year around year=round school calendar
 24 10 that commences classes in advance of the school start date
 24 11 established in section 279.10, subsection 1. The department
 24 12 of management shall prorate the reduction made pursuant to
 24 13 this section to account for an attendance center in a school
 24 14 district that is approved to maintain a year around year=round
 24 15  school calendar under section 279.10, subsection 2.
 24 16    Sec. 44.  Section 279.10, subsection 2, Code 2016, is amended
 24 17 to read as follows:
 24 18    2.  The board of directors of a school district and the
 24 19 authorities in charge of an accredited nonpublic school
 24 20 may apply to the department of education for authorization
 24 21 to maintain a year around year=round school calendar at an
 24 22 attendance center or school for students in prekindergarten
 24 23 through grade eight. However, a board shall hold a public
 24 24 hearing on any proposal relating to authorization for a
 24 25 year around year=round school calendar prior to submitting
 24 26 an application under this subsection to the department of
 24 27 education for approval.
 24 28    a.  The initial application for a year around year=round
 24 29  school calendar shall be submitted to the department of
 24 30 education not later than November 1 of the preceding school
 24 31 year. The department shall notify the board or the authorities
 24 32 of the approval or denial of an application not later than the
 24 33 next following January 15. The application may be approved
 24 34 for one or two years at a time. A board or the authorities in
 24 35 charge may reapply to renew an authorization by November 1 of
 25  1 the year prior to expiration of the authorization.
 25  2    b.  An attendance center or school authorized to maintain
 25  3 a year around year=round calendar must serve all students
 25  4 attending the school and shall not be limited based on student
 25  5 achievement or based on the trait or characteristic of the
 25  6 student as defined in section 280.28.
 25  7    c.  An attendance center or school authorized to maintain a
 25  8 year around year=round school calendar under this subsection
 25  9 shall provide at least ten days of instruction or the hourly
 25 10 equivalent during eleven of the twelve months of the school
 25 11 year. The period of time between instructional days shall not
 25 12 exceed six weeks.
 25 13    d.  A year around year=round school calendar authorized
 25 14 pursuant to this subsection is exempt from the school start
 25 15 date specified in subsection 1.
 25 16    Sec. 45.  Section 307.26, subsection 1, Code 2016, is amended
 25 17 to read as follows:
 25 18    1.  Advise and assist the director in the development
 25 19 of aeronautics, including but not limited to the location
 25 20 of air terminals,; accessibility of air terminals by other
 25 21 modes of public transportation,; protective zoning provisions
 25 22 considering safety factors, noise, and air pollution,;
 25 23  facilities for private and commercial aircraft,; air freight
 25 24 facilities,; and such other physical and technical aspects as
 25 25 may be necessary to meet present and future needs.
 25 26    Sec. 46.  Section 310.27, subsection 3, Code 2016, is amended
 25 27 to read as follows:
 25 28    3.  If in the judgment of the department the anticipated
 25 29 claims against the primary road fund for any month are in
 25 30 excess of moneys available, a temporary transfer for highway
 25 31 construction costs may be made from the farm=to=market road
 25 32 fund to the primary road fund providing provided that there
 25 33 will remain in the transferring fund a sufficient balance
 25 34 to meet the anticipated obligations. All transfers shall
 25 35 be repaid from the primary road fund to the farm=to=market
 26  1 road fund within sixty days from the date of the transfer. A
 26  2 transfer shall be made only with the approval of the director
 26  3 of the department of management and shall comply with the
 26  4 director of the department of management's rules relating to
 26  5 the transfer of funds. Similar transfers may be made by the
 26  6 department from the primary road fund to the farm=to=market
 26  7 road fund and these transfers shall be subject to the same
 26  8 terms and conditions that transfers from the farm=to=market
 26  9 road fund to the primary road fund are subject.
 26 10    Sec. 47.  Section 313.4, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 26 11 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 26 12    a.  Said The primary road fund is hereby appropriated for
 26 13 and shall be used in the establishment, construction, and
 26 14 maintenance of the primary road system, including the drainage,
 26 15 grading, surfacing, and construction of bridges and culverts,;
 26 16  the elimination or improvement of railroad crossings,; the
 26 17 acquiring of additional right=of=way,; and all other expense
 26 18 incurred in the construction and maintenance of said the
 26 19  primary road system and the maintenance and housing of the
 26 20 department.
 26 21    Sec. 48.  Section 321.189, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 26 22 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 26 23    a.  Appearing on the driver's license shall be a
 26 24 distinguishing number assigned to the licensee; the licensee's
 26 25 full name, date of birth, sex, and residence address; a colored
 26 26  color photograph; a physical description of the licensee;
 26 27 the name of the state; the dates of issuance and expiration;
 26 28 and the usual signature of the licensee. The license shall
 26 29 identify the class of vehicle the licensee may operate and the
 26 30 applicable endorsements and restrictions which the department
 26 31 shall require by rule.
 26 32    Sec. 49.  Section 321.190, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 26 33 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 26 34    a.  The department shall, upon application and payment
 26 35 of the required fee, issue to an applicant a nonoperator's
 27  1 identification card. To be valid the card shall bear a
 27  2 distinguishing number other than a social security number
 27  3 assigned to the cardholder, the full name, date of birth,
 27  4 sex, residence address, a physical description and a colored
 27  5  color photograph of the cardholder, the usual signature of
 27  6 the cardholder, and such other information as the department
 27  7 may require by rule. An applicant for a nonoperator's
 27  8 identification card shall apply for the card in the manner
 27  9 provided in section 321.182, subsections 1 through 3. The card
 27 10 shall be issued to the applicant at the time of application
 27 11 pursuant to procedures established by rule. An applicant for a
 27 12 nonoperator's identification card who is required by 50 U.S.C.
 27 13 app. {451 et seq. to register with the United States selective
 27 14 service system shall be registered by the department with the
 27 15 selective service system as provided in section 321.183.
 27 16    Sec. 50.  Section 321.215, subsection 5, Code 2016, is
 27 17 amended to read as follows:
 27 18    5.  Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the
 27 19 contrary, the department may issue a temporary restricted
 27 20 license to a person eligible for a temporary restricted
 27 21 license under this section if the person is also eligible for a
 27 22 temporary restricted license under section 321J.20, provided
 27 23 the requirements of each this section and section 321J.20 are
 27 24 satisfied.
 27 25    Sec. 51.  Section 321.492, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 27 26 follows:
 27 27    321.492  Peace officers' authority.
 27 28    1.  A peace officer is authorized to stop a vehicle to
 27 29 require exhibition of the driver's license of the driver, to
 27 30 serve a summons or memorandum of traffic violation, to inspect
 27 31 the condition of the vehicle, to inspect the vehicle with
 27 32 reference to size, weight, cargo, log book, bills of lading
 27 33 or other manifest of employment, tires, and safety equipment,
 27 34 or to inspect the registration certificate, the compensation
 27 35 certificate, travel order, or permit of the vehicle.
 28  1    2.  A peace officer having probable cause to stop a vehicle
 28  2 may require exhibition of the proof of financial liability
 28  3 coverage card issued for the vehicle if the vehicle is a motor
 28  4 vehicle registered in this state.
 28  5    3.  a.  All peace officers as defined in section 801.4,
 28  6 subsection 11, paragraphs "a", "b", "c", and "h" may, having
 28  7 reasonable grounds that equipment violations exist, conduct
 28  8 spot inspections.
 28  9    b.  The department may designate employees under the
 28 10 supervision of the department's administrator of motor vehicles
 28 11 to conduct spot inspections.
 28 12    Sec. 52.  Section 321A.1, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 28 13 follows:
 28 14    321A.1  Definitions.
 28 15    The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
 28 16 shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings
 28 17 respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those
 28 18 instances where the context clearly indicates a different
 28 19 meaning:
 28 20    1.    County system.  "Book", "list", "record", or "schedule"
 28 21 kept by a county auditor, assessor, treasurer, recorder,
 28 22 sheriff, or other county officer means the county system as
 28 23 defined in section 445.1.
 28 24    2.    Department.  "Department" means the state department of
 28 25 transportation.
 28 26    3.    Judgment.  A "Judgment" means a judgment which has become
 28 27 final by expiration without appeal during the time within
 28 28 which an appeal might have been perfected, or a judgment if
 28 29 an appeal from the judgment has been perfected, which has not
 28 30 been stayed by the execution, filing, and approval of a bond as
 28 31 provided in rule of appellate procedure 6.601(1), or a judgment
 28 32 which has become final by affirmation on appeal, rendered by
 28 33 a court of competent jurisdiction of a state or of the United
 28 34 States, upon a cause of action arising out of the ownership,
 28 35 maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, as defined in this
 29  1 section, for damages, including damages for care and loss of
 29  2 services, because of bodily injury to or death of a person, or
 29  3 for damages because of injury to or destruction of property,
 29  4 including the loss of use of property, or upon a cause of
 29  5 action on an agreement of settlement for such damages.
 29  6    4.    License.  A "License" means a driver's license as defined
 29  7 in section 321.1 issued under the laws of this state.
 29  8    5.    Motor vehicle.  "Motor vehicle" means every vehicle
 29  9 which is self=propelled, but not including vehicles known
 29 10 as trackless trolleys which are propelled by electric power
 29 11 obtained from overhead trolley wires and not operated upon
 29 12 rails. The term "car" or "automobile" shall be synonymous with
 29 13 the term "motor vehicle". "Motor vehicle" does not include
 29 14 special mobile equipment as defined in this section.
 29 15    6.    Nonresident.  Every "Nonresident" means every person who
 29 16 is not a resident of this state.
 29 17    7.    Nonresident operating privilege.  The "Nonresident
 29 18 operating privilege" means the privilege conferred upon a
 29 19 nonresident by the laws of this state pertaining to the
 29 20 operation by the nonresident of a motor vehicle, or the use of
 29 21 a motor vehicle owned by the nonresident, in this state.
 29 22    8.    Operator.  A "Operator" means a person who is in actual
 29 23 physical control of a motor vehicle whether or not that person
 29 24 has a driver's license as required under the laws of this
 29 25 state.
 29 26    9.    Owner.  "Owner" means a person who holds the legal
 29 27 title of a motor vehicle; however, if the motor vehicle is the
 29 28 subject of a security agreement with a right of possession in
 29 29 the debtor, the debtor shall be deemed the owner for purposes
 29 30 of this chapter or if the motor vehicle is leased as defined
 29 31 in section 321.493, the lessee shall be deemed the owner for
 29 32 purposes of this chapter.
 29 33    10.    Person.  Every "Person" means every natural person,
 29 34 firm, partnership, association, or corporation.
 29 35    11.    Proof of financial responsibility.  Proof "Proof of
 30  1 financial responsibility" means proof of ability to respond
 30  2 in damages for liability, on account of accidents occurring
 30  3 subsequent to the effective date of the proof, arising out
 30  4 of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, in
 30  5 amounts as follows:  With respect to accidents occurring on
 30  6 or after January 1, 1981, and prior to January 1, 1983, the
 30  7 amount of fifteen thousand dollars because of bodily injury to
 30  8 or death of one person in any one accident, and, subject to the
 30  9 limit for one person, the amount of thirty thousand dollars
 30 10 because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons
 30 11 in any one accident, and the amount of ten thousand dollars
 30 12 because of injury to or destruction of property of others in
 30 13 any one accident; and with respect to accidents occurring on or
 30 14 after January 1, 1983, the amount of twenty thousand dollars
 30 15 because of bodily injury to or death of one person in any one
 30 16 accident, and, subject to the limit for one person, the amount
 30 17 of forty thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death
 30 18 of two or more persons in any one accident, and the amount of
 30 19 fifteen thousand dollars because of injury to or destruction of
 30 20 property of others in any one accident.
 30 21    12.    Registration.  Registration "Registration" means a
 30 22 registration certificate or certificates and registration
 30 23 plates issued under the laws of this state pertaining to the
 30 24 registration of motor vehicles.
 30 25    13.    Special mobile equipment.  "Special mobile equipment"
 30 26 means every vehicle not designed or used primarily for the
 30 27 transportation of persons or property and incidentally operated
 30 28 or moved over the highways, including road construction or
 30 29 maintenance machinery, ditch=digging apparatus, and implements
 30 30 of husbandry as defined in section 321.1, subsection 32. This
 30 31 description does not exclude other vehicles which are within
 30 32 the general terms of this subsection.
 30 33    14.    State.  Any "State" means any state, territory, or
 30 34 possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or
 30 35 any province of the Dominion of Canada.
 31  1    Sec. 53.  Section 321A.30, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 31  2 follows:
 31  3    321A.30  Rights not affected.
 31  4 This chapter shall not prevent the owner of a motor vehicle,
 31  5 the registration of which has been suspended hereunder, from
 31  6 effecting a bona fide sale of such motor vehicle to another
 31  7 person whose rights or privileges are not suspended under this
 31  8 chapter nor prevent the registration of such motor vehicle by
 31  9 such transferee. This chapter shall not in any wise way affect
 31 10 the rights of any secured party or lessor of a motor vehicle
 31 11 registered in the name of another as owner who becomes subject
 31 12 to the provisions of this chapter.
 31 13    Sec. 54.  Section 321J.20, subsection 9, Code 2016, is
 31 14 amended to read as follows:
 31 15    9.  Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the
 31 16 contrary, the department may issue a temporary restricted
 31 17 license to a person eligible for a temporary restricted
 31 18 license under this section if the person is also eligible for a
 31 19 temporary restricted license under section 321.215, provided
 31 20 the requirements of each this section and section 321.215 are
 31 21 satisfied.
 31 22    Sec. 55.  Section 331.207, subsection 3, Code 2016, is
 31 23 amended to read as follows:
 31 24    3.  The supervisor representation plans submitted at the
 31 25 special election shall be stated in substantially the following
 31 26 manner:
 31 27 The individual members of the board of supervisors in ......
 31 28 county, Iowa, shall be elected:
 31 29 Plan "one." "one". At large and without district residence
 31 30 requirements for the members.
 31 31 Plan "two." "two". At large but with equal=population
 31 32 district residence requirements for the members.
 31 33 Plan "three." "three". From single=member equal=population
 31 34 districts in which the electors of each district shall elect
 31 35 one member who must reside in that district.
 32  1    Sec. 56.  Section 357A.2, subsection 4, paragraph d,
 32  2 subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (c), Code 2016, is
 32  3 amended to read as follows:
 32  4    (c)  If the city reserving the right to provide service
 32  5 fails to provide service within three years of receipt of the
 32  6 water plan submitted under paragraph "a", the city waives
 32  7 its right to provide water service and shall provide notice
 32  8 to the district or association by certified mail and the
 32  9 district or association may provide service within the area
 32 10 of the water plan submitted under paragraph "a". If the city
 32 11 fails to provide notice to the district or association, the
 32 12 district or association may provide service in accordance with
 32 13 this paragraph "d", regardless of whether the district or
 32 14 association has received such notice.
 32 15    Sec. 57.  Section 357A.2, subsection 4, paragraph d,
 32 16 subparagraph (3), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 32 17    (3)  If the district or association fails to provide
 32 18 service within three years after a city waives the right to
 32 19 provide water service under this paragraph "d", the district
 32 20 or association shall provide notice to the city by certified
 32 21 mail and the city may provide service within the area of the
 32 22 water plan submitted under paragraph "a". If the district
 32 23 or association fails to provide notice to the city, the city
 32 24 may provide service in accordance with this paragraph "d",
 32 25 regardless of whether the city has received such notice.
 32 26    Sec. 58.  Section 384.78, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 32 27 follows:
 32 28    384.78  Prior proceedings.
 32 29    Projects and proceedings for the levy of special assessments
 32 30 and the issuance of special assessment bonds commenced
 32 31 before the effective date of the city code may be hereafter
 32 32 consummated and completed and special assessments levied and
 32 33 special assessment bonds issued as required or permitted by
 32 34 any statute or other law amended or repealed by 64GA 1972 Iowa
 32 35 Acts, chapter ch. 1088, as though such repeal or amendment
 33  1 had not occurred, and the rights, duties, and interests
 33  2 flowing from such projects and proceedings remain valid
 33  3 and enforceable. Without limiting the foregoing, projects
 33  4 commenced prior to said effective date may be financed by the
 33  5 issuance of special assessment bonds and other bonds under any
 33  6 such amended or repealed law or by the issuance of special
 33  7 assessment bonds, or other bonds under the city code. For the
 33  8 purposes of this section, commencement of a project includes
 33  9 but is not limited to action taken by the council or authorized
 33 10 officer to fix a date for a hearing in connection with any part
 33 11 of a public improvement, and commencement of proceedings for
 33 12 the levy of special assessments and the issuance of special
 33 13 assessment bonds includes but is not limited to action taken by
 33 14 the council to fix a date for a hearing in connection with any
 33 15 public improvement proposed to be financed in whole or in part
 33 16 through special assessments.
 33 17    Sec. 59.  Section 384.84, subsection 6, paragraph b, Code
 33 18 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 33 19    b.  A legal entity described in subsection 3, paragraph
 33 20 "e" or "f", shall have the same powers and duties as a city
 33 21 utility or enterprise under paragraph "a" of this subsection
 33 22  with respect to filing suit in an appropriate court against a
 33 23 customer if the customer's account for such services becomes
 33 24 delinquent.
 33 25    Sec. 60.  Section 384.103, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code
 33 26 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 33 27    b.  In that event event, the chief officer or official of the
 33 28 governing body or the governing body may accept, enter into,
 33 29 and make payment under a contract for emergency repairs without
 33 30 holding a public hearing and advertising for bids, and the
 33 31 provisions of chapter 26 do not apply.
 33 32    Sec. 61.  Section 403A.3, subsections 4, 5, and 7, Code 2016,
 33 33 are amended to read as follows:
 33 34    4.  To lease or rent any dwellings, accommodations, lands,
 33 35 buildings, structures, or facilities embraced in any project
 34  1 and, subject to the limitations contained in this chapter with
 34  2 respect to the rental of dwellings in housing projects, to
 34  3 establish and revise the rents or charges therefor; to own,
 34  4 hold, and improve real or personal property; to purchase,
 34  5 lease, obtain options upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest,
 34  6 devise, or otherwise any real or personal property or any
 34  7 interest therein; to acquire by the exercise of the power of
 34  8 eminent domain any real property subject to section 403A.20;
 34  9 to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, or dispose
 34 10 of any real or personal property or any interest therein; to
 34 11 insure or provide for the insurance, in any stock or mutual
 34 12 company of any real or personal property or operations of the
 34 13 municipality against any risks or hazards; and to procure
 34 14 or agree to the procurement of federal or state government
 34 15 insurance or guarantees of the payment of any bonds or parts
 34 16 thereof issued by a municipality, including the power to pay
 34 17 premiums on any such insurance.
 34 18    5.  To invest any funds held in connection with a housing
 34 19 project in reserve or sinking funds, or any fund not required
 34 20 for immediate disbursement, in property or securities which
 34 21 banks designated as state depositories may use to secure
 34 22 the deposit of state funds; and to redeem its bonds at the
 34 23 redemption price established therein or to purchase its bonds
 34 24 at less than such redemption price, all bonds so redeemed or
 34 25 purchased to be canceled.
 34 26    7.  To conduct examinations and investigations and to hear
 34 27 testimony and take proof under oath at public or private
 34 28 hearings on any matter material for its information; to
 34 29 administer oaths, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of
 34 30 witnesses or the production of books and papers and to issue
 34 31 commissions for the examination of witnesses who are outside
 34 32 of the state or unable to attend or excused from attendance;
 34 33 and to make available to appropriate agencies, including those
 34 34 charged with the duty of abating or requiring the correction
 34 35 of nuisances or like conditions or of demolishing unsafe
 35  1 or insanitary structures within its area of operation, its
 35  2 findings and recommendations with regard to any building or
 35  3 property where conditions exist which are dangerous to the
 35  4 public health, morals, safety, or welfare.
 35  5    Sec. 62.  Section 403A.13, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 35  6 follows:
 35  7    403A.13  Form and sale of bonds.
 35  8    1.  Bonds of a municipality shall be authorized by its
 35  9 resolution and may be issued in one or more series and shall
 35 10 bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, bear
 35 11 interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding that permitted by
 35 12 chapter 74A, be in such denomination or denominations, be in
 35 13 such form either coupon or registered, carry such conversion
 35 14 or registration privileges, have such rank or priority, be
 35 15 executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment,
 35 16 at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of
 35 17 redemption (with redemption, with or without premium) premium,
 35 18  as such resolution, its trust indenture or mortgage may
 35 19 provide.
 35 20    2.  The bonds may be sold at public or private sale at not
 35 21 less than par.
 35 22    3.  If the officers of the municipality whose signatures
 35 23 appear on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officers
 35 24 before the delivery of the bonds, their signatures shall,
 35 25 nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes,
 35 26 the same as if the officers had remained in office until
 35 27 such delivery. Any provision of any law to the contrary
 35 28 notwithstanding, any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter
 35 29 shall be fully negotiable.
 35 30    4.  In any suit, action or proceedings involving the validity
 35 31 or enforcement of any bond issued pursuant to this chapter or
 35 32 the security therefor, any such bond reciting in substance that
 35 33 it has been issued by the municipality pursuant to this chapter
 35 34 shall be conclusively deemed to have been issued for such
 35 35 purpose and the housing project in respect to which such bond
 36  1 was issued shall be conclusively deemed to have been planned,
 36  2 located, and carried out in accordance with the purposes and
 36  3 provisions of this chapter.
 36  4    Sec. 63.  Section 403A.14, subsection 1, paragraph j, Code
 36  5 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 36  6    j.  Exercise all or any part or combination of the powers
 36  7 herein granted; make such covenants (other covenants, other
 36  8  than and in addition to the covenants herein expressly
 36  9 authorized) authorized; and do any and all such acts and
 36 10 things as may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order
 36 11 to secure its bonds, or, in the absolute discretion of said
 36 12 municipality, as will tend to make the bonds more marketable
 36 13 notwithstanding that such covenants, acts or things may not be
 36 14 enumerated herein.
 36 15    Sec. 64.  Section 403A.16, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code
 36 16 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 36 17    A municipality shall have power by its resolution, trust
 36 18 indenture, mortgage, lease or other contract to confer upon any
 36 19 obligee the right (in right, in addition to all rights that may
 36 20 otherwise be conferred) conferred, upon the happening of an
 36 21 event of default as defined in such resolution or instrument,
 36 22 by suit, action, or proceeding in any court of competent
 36 23 jurisdiction to:
 36 24    Sec. 65.  Section 403A.17, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 36 25 follows:
 36 26    403A.17  Exemption of property from execution sale.
 36 27    All property (including funds) property, including funds,
 36 28  owned or held by a municipality for the purposes of this
 36 29 chapter shall be exempt from levy and sale by virtue of an
 36 30 execution, and no execution or other judicial process shall
 36 31 issue against the same nor shall any judgment against the
 36 32 municipality be a charge or lien upon such property:  Provided,
 36 33 however property. However, that the provisions of this section
 36 34 shall not apply to or limit the right of obligees to foreclose
 36 35 or otherwise enforce any mortgage or other security executed
 37  1 or issued pursuant to this chapter or the right of obligees
 37  2 to pursue any remedies for the enforcement of any pledge or
 37  3 lien on rents, fees, or revenues or the right of the federal
 37  4 government to pursue any remedies conferred upon it pursuant to
 37  5 the provisions of this chapter.
 37  6    Sec. 66.  Section 403A.18, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 37  7 follows:
 37  8    403A.18  Transfer of possession or title to federal
 37  9 government.
 37 10    In any contract with the federal government for annual
 37 11 contributions to a municipality, the municipality may
 37 12 obligate itself (which itself, which obligation shall be
 37 13 specifically enforceable and shall not constitute a mortgage,
 37 14 notwithstanding any other law) law, to convey to the federal
 37 15 government possession of or title to the housing project
 37 16 to which such contract relates, upon the occurrence of a
 37 17 substantial default (as as defined in such contract) contract
 37 18  with respect to the covenant or conditions to which the
 37 19 municipality is subject; and such contract may further provide
 37 20 that in case of such conveyance, the federal government may
 37 21 complete, operate, manage, lease, convey, or otherwise deal
 37 22 with the housing project and funds in accordance with the
 37 23 terms of such contract:  Provided, that the contract requires
 37 24 that, as soon as practicable after the federal government is
 37 25 satisfied that all defaults with respect to the housing project
 37 26 have been cured and that the housing project will thereafter
 37 27 be operated in accordance with the terms of the contract, the
 37 28 federal government shall reconvey to the municipality the
 37 29 housing project as then constituted.
 37 30    Sec. 67.  Section 404.5, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 37 31 follows:
 37 32    404.5  Physical review of property by assessor.
 37 33    1.  The local assessor shall review each first=year
 37 34 application by making a physical review of the property, to
 37 35 determine if the improvements made increased the actual value
 38  1 of the qualified real estate by at least fifteen percent or
 38  2 at least ten percent in the case of real property assessed
 38  3 as residential property or the applicable percent increase
 38  4 requirement adopted by the city or county under section
 38  5 404.2. If the assessor determines that the actual value of
 38  6 that real estate has increased by at least the requisite
 38  7 percent, the assessor shall proceed to determine the actual
 38  8 value of the property and certify the valuation determined
 38  9 pursuant to section 404.3 to the county auditor at the time of
 38 10 transmitting the assessment rolls. However, if a new structure
 38 11 is erected on land upon which no structure existed at the
 38 12 start of the new construction, the assessor shall proceed to
 38 13 determine the actual value of the property and certify the
 38 14 valuation determined pursuant to section 404.3 to the county
 38 15 auditor at the time of transmitting the assessment rolls. The
 38 16 assessor shall notify the applicant of the determination, and
 38 17 the assessor's decision may be appealed to the local board
 38 18 of review at the times specified in section 441.37. If an
 38 19 application for exemption is denied as a result of failure to
 38 20 sufficiently increase the value of the real estate as provided
 38 21 in section 404.3, the owner may file a first annual application
 38 22 in a subsequent year when additional improvements are made to
 38 23 satisfy requirements of section 404.3, and the provisions of
 38 24 section 404.4 shall apply. After the tax exemption is granted,
 38 25 the local assessor shall continue to grant the tax exemption,
 38 26 with periodic physical review by the assessor, for the time
 38 27 period specified in section 404.3, subsection 1, 2, 3, or 4, or
 38 28 specified in the different schedule if one has been adopted,
 38 29 under which the exemption was granted. The tax exemptions for
 38 30 the succeeding years shall be granted without the taxpayer
 38 31 having to file an application for the succeeding years.
 38 32    2.  For the purposes of this section, the actual value of
 38 33 the property upon which the value of improvements in the form
 38 34 of rehabilitation or additions to existing structures shall
 38 35 be determined shall be the lower of either the amount listed
 39  1 on the assessment rolls in the assessment year in which such
 39  2 improvements are first begun or the price paid by the owner if
 39  3 the improvements in the form of rehabilitation or additions to
 39  4 existing structures were begun within one year of the date the
 39  5 property was purchased and the sale was a fair and reasonable
 39  6 exchange between a willing buyer and a willing seller,
 39  7 neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and each
 39  8 being familiar with all the facts relating to the particular
 39  9 property.
 39 10    Sec. 68.  Section 422.7, subsections 12A, 20, and 37, Code
 39 11 2016, are amended to read as follows:
 39 12    12A.  a.  If the adjusted gross income includes income or
 39 13 loss from a business operated by the taxpayer, and if the
 39 14 business does not qualify for the adjustment under subsection
 39 15 12, an additional deduction shall be allowed in computing the
 39 16 income or loss from the business if the business hired for
 39 17 employment in the state during its annual accounting period
 39 18 ending with or during the taxpayer's tax year either of the
 39 19 following:
 39 20    a.  (1)  An individual domiciled in this state at the time of
 39 21 the hiring who meets any of the following conditions:
 39 22    (1)  (a)  Has been convicted of a felony in this or any other
 39 23 state or the District of Columbia.
 39 24    (2)  (b)  Is on parole pursuant to chapter 906.
 39 25    (3)  (c)  Is on probation pursuant to chapter 907, for an
 39 26 offense other than a simple misdemeanor.
 39 27    (4)  (d)  Is in a work release program pursuant to chapter
 39 28 904, division IX.
 39 29    b.  (2)  An individual, whether or not domiciled in this
 39 30 state at the time of the hiring, who is on parole or probation
 39 31 and to whom the interstate probation and parole compact under
 39 32 section 907A.1, Code 2001, applies, or to whom the interstate
 39 33 compact for adult offender supervision under chapter 907B
 39 34 applies.
 39 35    b.  The amount of the additional deduction is equal to
 40  1 sixty=five percent of the wages paid to individuals, but shall
 40  2 not exceed twenty thousand dollars per individual, named in
 40  3 paragraphs "a" paragraph "a", subparagraphs (1) and "b" (2)
 40  4  who were hired for the first time by that business during the
 40  5 annual accounting period for work done in the state. This
 40  6 additional deduction is allowed for the wages paid to those
 40  7 individuals successfully completing a probationary period
 40  8 during the twelve months following the date of first employment
 40  9 by the business and shall be deducted at the close of the
 40 10 annual accounting period.
 40 11    c.  The additional deduction shall not be allowed for wages
 40 12 paid to an individual who was hired to replace an individual
 40 13 whose employment was terminated within the twelve=month
 40 14 period preceding the date of first employment. However, if
 40 15 the individual being replaced left employment voluntarily
 40 16 without good cause attributable to the employer or if the
 40 17 individual was discharged for misconduct in connection with
 40 18 the individual's employment as determined by the department
 40 19 of workforce development, the additional deduction shall be
 40 20 allowed.
 40 21    d.  A taxpayer who is a partner of a partnership or a
 40 22 shareholder of a subchapter S corporation, may deduct that
 40 23 portion of wages qualified under this subsection paid by the
 40 24 partnership or subchapter S corporation based on the taxpayer's
 40 25 pro rata share of the profits or losses from the partnership or
 40 26 subchapter S corporation.
 40 27    e.  The department shall develop and distribute information
 40 28 concerning the deduction available for businesses employing
 40 29 persons named in paragraphs "a" paragraph "a", subparagraphs (1)
 40 30  and "b" (2).
 40 31    20.  a.  Subtract, to the extent included, the proceeds
 40 32 received pursuant to a judgment in or settlement of a lawsuit
 40 33 against the manufacturer or distributor of a Vietnam herbicide
 40 34 for damages resulting from exposure to the herbicide. This
 40 35 subsection applies to proceeds received by a taxpayer who is a
 41  1 disabled veteran or who is a beneficiary of a disabled veteran.
 41  2    b.  For purposes of this subsection:
 41  3    a.  (1)  "Vietnam herbicide" means a herbicide, defoliant
 41  4 or other causative agent containing dioxin, including, but
 41  5 not limited to, Agent Orange, used in the Vietnam Conflict
 41  6 beginning December 22, 1961, and ending May 7, 1975, inclusive.
 41  7    b.  (2)  "Agent Orange" means the herbicide composed of
 41  8 trichlorophenoxyacetic acid and dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and
 41  9 the contaminant dioxin (TCDD).
 41 10    37.  a.  Notwithstanding the method for computing income from
 41 11 an installment sale under section 453 of the Internal Revenue
 41 12 Code, as defined in section 422.3, the method to be used in
 41 13 computing income from an installment sale shall be the method
 41 14 under section 453 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended up
 41 15 to and including January 1, 2000. A taxpayer affected by this
 41 16 subsection shall make adjustments in the adjusted gross income
 41 17 pursuant to rules adopted by the director.
 41 18    b.  The adjustment to net income provided in this subsection
 41 19 is repealed for tax years beginning on or after January 1,
 41 20 2002. However, to the extent that a taxpayer using the accrual
 41 21 method of accounting reported the entire capital gain from the
 41 22 sale or exchange of property on the Iowa return for the tax
 41 23 year beginning in the 2001 calendar year and the capital gain
 41 24 was reported on the installment method on the federal income
 41 25 tax return, any additional installment from the capital gain
 41 26 reported for federal income tax purposes is not to be included
 41 27 in net income in tax years beginning on or after January 1,
 41 28 2002.
 41 29    Sec. 69.  Section 441.10, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 41 30 follows:
 41 31    441.10  Deputies == examination and appointment == suspension
 41 32 or discharge.
 41 33    1.  Immediately after the appointment of the assessor,
 41 34 and at other times as the conference board directs, one or
 41 35 more deputy assessors may be appointed by the assessor. Each
 42  1 appointment shall be made from either the list of eligible
 42  2 candidates provided by the director of revenue, which shall
 42  3 contain only the names of those persons who achieve a score of
 42  4 seventy percent or greater on the examination administered by
 42  5 the director of revenue, or the list of candidates eligible
 42  6 for appointment as city or county assessor. Examinations for
 42  7 the position of deputy assessor shall be conducted in the same
 42  8 manner as examinations for the position of city or county
 42  9 assessor.
 42 10    2.  Following the administration of the examination, the
 42 11 director of revenue shall establish a register containing
 42 12 the names, in alphabetical order, of all individuals who are
 42 13 eligible for appointment as a deputy assessor. The test scores
 42 14 of individuals on the register shall be given to a city or
 42 15 county conference board upon request. All eligible individuals
 42 16 shall remain on the register for a period of two years
 42 17 following the date of certification granted by the director.
 42 18    3.  Incumbent deputy assessors who have served six
 42 19 consecutive years shall be placed on the register of
 42 20 individuals eligible for appointment as deputy assessor. In
 42 21 order to be appointed to the position of deputy assessor, the
 42 22 deputy assessor shall comply with the continuing education
 42 23 requirements. The number of credits required for certification
 42 24 as eligible for appointment as a deputy assessor in a
 42 25 jurisdiction other than where the deputy assessor is currently
 42 26 serving shall be prorated according to the percentage of the
 42 27 deputy assessor's term which is covered by the continuing
 42 28 education requirements of section 441.8. The credit necessary
 42 29 for certification for appointment is the product of ninety
 42 30 multiplied by the quotient of the number of months served of
 42 31 a deputy assessor's term covered by the continuing education
 42 32 requirements of section 441.8 divided by seventy=two. If the
 42 33 number of credits necessary for certification for appointment
 42 34 as determined under this paragraph subsection results in a
 42 35 partial credit hour, the credit hour shall be rounded to the
 43  1 nearest whole number.
 43  2    4.  The assessor may peremptorily suspend or discharge
 43  3 any deputy assessor under the assessor's direction upon
 43  4 written charges for neglect of duty, disobedience of orders,
 43  5 misconduct, or failure to properly perform the deputy
 43  6 assessor's duties. Within five days after delivery of written
 43  7 charges to the employee, the deputy assessor may appeal by
 43  8 written notice to the secretary or chairperson of the examining
 43  9 board. The board shall grant the deputy assessor a hearing
 43 10 within fifteen days, and a decision by a majority of the
 43 11 examining board is final. The assessor shall designate one of
 43 12 the deputies as chief deputy, and the assessor shall assign to
 43 13 each deputy the duties, responsibilities, and authority as is
 43 14 proper for the efficient conduct of the assessor's office.
 43 15    Sec. 70.  Section 445.3, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 43 16 follows:
 43 17    445.3  Actions authorized.
 43 18    1.  In addition to all other remedies and proceedings
 43 19 now provided by law for the collection of taxes, the county
 43 20 treasurer may bring or cause an ordinary suit at law to be
 43 21 commenced and prosecuted in the treasurer's name for the use
 43 22 and benefit of the county for the collection of taxes from
 43 23 any person, as shown by the county system in the treasurer's
 43 24 office, and the suit shall be in all respects commenced, tried,
 43 25 and prosecuted to final judgment the same as provided for
 43 26 ordinary actions.
 43 27    2.  The commencement of actions for ad valorem taxes
 43 28 authorized under this section shall not begin until the
 43 29 issuance of a tax sale certificate under the requirements of
 43 30 section 446.19. The commencement of actions for all other
 43 31 taxes authorized under this section shall not begin until ten
 43 32 days after the publication of tax sale under the requirements
 43 33 of section 446.9, subsection 2. This paragraph subsection does
 43 34 not apply to the collection of ad valorem taxes under section
 43 35 445.32, and grain handling taxes under section 428.35.
 44  1    3.  Notwithstanding the provisions in section 535.3,
 44  2 interest on the judgment shall be at the rate provided
 44  3 in section 447.1 and shall commence from the month of the
 44  4 commencement of the action. This interest shall be in lieu of
 44  5 the interest assessed under section 445.39 from and after the
 44  6 month of the commencement of the action.
 44  7    4.  An appeal may be taken to the Iowa supreme court as in
 44  8 other civil cases regardless of the amount involved.
 44  9    5.  Notwithstanding any other provisions in this section,
 44 10 if the treasurer is unable or has reason to believe that the
 44 11 treasurer will be unable to offer land at the annual tax sale
 44 12 to collect the total amount due, the treasurer may immediately
 44 13 collect the total amount due by the commencement of an action
 44 14 under this section.
 44 15    6.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a statute
 44 16 authorizes the collection of a delinquent tax, assessment,
 44 17 rate, or charge by tax sale, the tax, assessment, rate, or
 44 18 charge, including interest, fees, and costs, may also be
 44 19 collected under this section and section 445.4.
 44 20    7.  This section is remedial and shall apply to all
 44 21 delinquent taxes included in a tax sale certificate of purchase
 44 22 issued to a county. Upon assignment of a county=held tax sale
 44 23 certificate, this section shall not apply to the assignee.
 44 24    Sec. 71.  Section 452A.10, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 44 25 follows:
 44 26    452A.10  Required records.
 44 27    1.  a.  A motor fuel or special fuel supplier, restrictive
 44 28 supplier, importer, exporter, blender, dealer, user, common
 44 29 carrier, contract carrier, terminal, or nonterminal storage
 44 30 facility shall maintain, for a period of three years, records
 44 31 of all transactions by which the supplier, restrictive
 44 32 supplier, or importer withdraws from a terminal or a
 44 33 nonterminal storage facility within this state or imports into
 44 34 this state motor fuel or undyed special fuel together with
 44 35 invoices, bills of lading, and other pertinent records and
 45  1 papers as required by the department.
 45  2    b.  If in the normal conduct of a supplier's, restrictive
 45  3 supplier's, importer's, exporter's, blender's, dealer's,
 45  4 user's, common carrier's, contract carrier's, terminal's,
 45  5 or nonterminal storage facility's business the records are
 45  6 maintained and kept at an office outside this state, the
 45  7 records shall be made available for audit and examination by
 45  8 the department at the office outside this state, but the audit
 45  9 and examination shall be without expense to this state.
 45 10    2.  Each distributor handling motor fuel or special fuel in
 45 11 this state shall maintain for a period of three years records
 45 12 of all motor fuel or undyed special fuel purchased or otherwise
 45 13 acquired by the distributor, together with delivery tickets,
 45 14 invoices, and bills of lading, and any other records required
 45 15 by the department.
 45 16    3.  The department, after an audit and examination of records
 45 17 required to be maintained under this section, may authorize
 45 18 their disposal upon the written request of the supplier,
 45 19 restrictive supplier, importer, exporter, blender, dealer,
 45 20 user, carrier, terminal, nonterminal storage facility, or
 45 21 distributor.
 45 22    Sec. 72.  Section 452A.57, subsection 8, Code 2016, is
 45 23 amended to read as follows:
 45 24    8.  "Motor vehicle" shall mean and include all vehicles
 45 25 (except vehicles, except those operated on rails) rails,
 45 26  which are propelled by internal combustion engines and
 45 27 are of such design as to permit their mobile use on public
 45 28 highways for transporting persons or property. A farm tractor
 45 29 while operated on a farm or for the purpose of hauling farm
 45 30 machinery, equipment, or produce shall not be deemed to be
 45 31 a motor vehicle. "Motor vehicle" shall not include "mobile
 45 32 machinery and equipment" as defined in this section.
 45 33    Sec. 73.  Section 452A.66, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 45 34 follows:
 45 35    452A.66  Statutes applicable to motor fuel tax.
 46  1    1.  The appropriate state agency shall administer the taxes
 46  2 imposed by this chapter in the same manner as and subject to
 46  3 section 422.25, subsection 4, and section 423.35.
 46  4    2.  All the provisions of section 422.26 shall apply in
 46  5 respect to the taxes, penalties, interest, and costs imposed
 46  6 by this chapter excepting that as applied to any tax imposed
 46  7 by this chapter, the lien therein provided in section 422.26
 46  8  shall be prior and paramount over all subsequent liens upon any
 46  9 personal property within this state, or right to such personal
 46 10 property, belonging to the taxpayer without the necessity of
 46 11 recording as therein provided. The requirements for recording
 46 12 shall, as applied to the tax imposed by this chapter, apply
 46 13 only to the liens upon real property. When requested to do
 46 14 so by any person from whom a taxpayer is seeking credit,
 46 15 or with whom the taxpayer is negotiating the sale of any
 46 16 personal property, or by any other person having a legitimate
 46 17 interest in such information, the director shall, upon being
 46 18 satisfied that such a situation exists, inform such person as
 46 19 to the amount of unpaid taxes due by such taxpayer under the
 46 20 provisions of this chapter. The giving of such information
 46 21 under such circumstances shall not be deemed a violation of
 46 22 section 452A.63 as applied to this chapter.
 46 23    Sec. 74.  Section 453A.1, subsection 4, Code 2016, is amended
 46 24 to read as follows:
 46 25    4.  "Cigarette" means any roll for smoking made wholly or in
 46 26 part of tobacco, or any substitute for tobacco, irrespective of
 46 27 size or shape and irrespective of tobacco or any substitute for
 46 28 tobacco being flavored, adulterated, or mixed with any other
 46 29 ingredient, where such roll has a wrapper or cover made of
 46 30 paper or any other material. Provided the definition herein
 46 31  However, "cigarette" shall not be construed to include cigars.
 46 32    Sec. 75.  Section 455B.133B, subsection 4, paragraph c,
 46 33 subparagraph (2), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 46 34    (2)  A person invited to attend a stakeholder meeting is not
 46 35 entitled to receive a per diem as specified in section 7E.6
 47  1 and shall not be not reimbursed for expenses incurred while
 47  2 attending the meeting.
 47  3    Sec. 76.  Section 455B.133C, subsection 4, paragraph c,
 47  4 subparagraph (2), Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 47  5    (2)  A person invited to attend a stakeholder meeting is not
 47  6 entitled to receive a per diem as specified in section 7E.6
 47  7 and shall not be not reimbursed for expenses incurred while
 47  8 attending the meeting.
 47  9    Sec. 77.  Section 455B.183, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 47 10 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 47 11    a.  The submitted plans and specifications are in substantial
 47 12 compliance with departmental rules and the Iowa Standards
 47 13  standards for Sewer Systems sewer systems and the Iowa
 47 14 Standards standards for Water Supply Distribution Systems water
 47 15 supply distribution systems.
 47 16    Sec. 78.  Section 455B.187, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 47 17 follows:
 47 18    455B.187  Water well construction.
 47 19    1.  A contractor shall not engage in well construction
 47 20 or reconstruction without first being certified as required
 47 21 in this part and department rules adopted pursuant to this
 47 22 part. Water wells shall not be constructed, reconstructed,
 47 23 or abandoned by a person except as provided in this part or
 47 24 rules adopted pursuant to this part. Within thirty days after
 47 25 construction or reconstruction of a well, a contractor shall
 47 26 provide well information required by rule to the department and
 47 27 the Iowa geological survey.
 47 28    2.  A landowner or the landowner's agent shall not drill
 47 29 for or construct a new water well without first obtaining a
 47 30 permit for this activity from the department. The department
 47 31 shall not issue a permit to any person for this activity unless
 47 32 the person first registers with the department all wells,
 47 33 including abandoned wells, on the property. The department
 47 34 may delegate the authority to issue a permit to a county board
 47 35 of supervisors or the board's designee. In the event of such
 48  1 delegation, the department shall retain concurrent authority.
 48  2 The commission shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to
 48  3 implement this paragraph subsection.
 48  4    3.  The director may charge a fee for permits issued pursuant
 48  5 to this section. All fees collected pursuant to this section
 48  6 shall be deposited into the private water supply system account
 48  7 within the water quality protection fund created in section
 48  8 455B.183A.
 48  9    4.  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a county
 48 10 board of supervisors or the board's designee may grant an
 48 11 exemption from the permit requirements to a landowner or the
 48 12 landowner's agent if an emergency drilling is necessary to meet
 48 13 an immediate need for water. The exemption shall be effective
 48 14 immediately upon approval of the county board of supervisors or
 48 15 the board's designee. The board of supervisors or the board's
 48 16 designee shall notify the director within thirty days of the
 48 17 granting of an exemption.
 48 18    5.  In the case of property owned by a state agency, a person
 48 19 shall not drill for or construct a new water well without
 48 20 first registering with the department the existence of any
 48 21 abandoned wells on the property. The department shall develop
 48 22 a prioritized closure program and time frame for the completion
 48 23 of the program, and shall adopt rules to implement the program.
 48 24    Sec. 79.  Section 455B.474, subsection 3, unnumbered
 48 25 paragraph 1, Code 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 48 26    Standards of performance for new underground storage
 48 27 tanks which shall include but are not limited to design,
 48 28 construction, installation, release detection, and
 48 29 compatibility standards. Until the effective date of the
 48 30 standards adopted by the commission and after January 1, 1986,
 48 31 a person shall not install an underground storage tank for
 48 32 the purpose of storing regulated substances unless the tank
 48 33 (whether tank, whether of single or double wall construction)
 48 34  construction, meets all the following conditions:
 48 35    Sec. 80.  Section 460.305, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 49  1 follows:
 49  2    460.305  Sinkholes == conservation easement programs program.
 49  3    1.  The department shall develop and implement a program for
 49  4 the prevention of groundwater contamination through sinkholes.
 49  5 The program shall provide for education of landowners and
 49  6 encourage responsible chemical and land management practices in
 49  7 areas of the state prone to the formation of sinkholes.
 49  8    2.  The program may provide financial incentives for land
 49  9 management practices and the acquisition of conservation
 49 10 easements around sinkholes. The program may also provide
 49 11 financial assistance for the cleanup of wastes dumped into
 49 12 sinkholes.
 49 13    3.  The program shall be coordinated with the groundwater
 49 14 protection programs of the department of natural resources
 49 15 and other local, state, or federal government agencies which
 49 16 could compensate landowners for resource protection measures.
 49 17 The department shall use moneys appropriated for this purpose
 49 18 from the agriculture management account of the groundwater
 49 19 protection fund created in section 455E.11.
 49 20    Sec. 81.  Section 468.13, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 49 21 follows:
 49 22    468.13  Procedure on report == classification.
 49 23    1.  Upon the filing of the report of the engineer
 49 24 recommending the establishment of the levee or drainage
 49 25 district, the board shall at its first regular, adjourned, or
 49 26 special meeting examine and consider the same, and, if the plan
 49 27 is not approved the board may employ said the same engineer
 49 28 or another disinterested engineer to report another plan or
 49 29 make additional examination and surveys and file an additional
 49 30 report covering such matters as the board may direct.
 49 31 Additional surveys and reports must be made in accordance with
 49 32 the provisions of sections 468.11 and 468.12. At any time
 49 33 prior to the final adoption of the plans they may be amended,
 49 34 and as finally adopted by the board shall be conclusive unless
 49 35 the action of the board in finally adopting them shall be
 50  1 appealed from as hereinafter provided.
 50  2    2.  If the petition or other landowners requested a
 50  3 classification of the district prior to establishment, the
 50  4 board shall order a classification as provided by sections
 50  5 468.38 through 468.44 after they have approved the report
 50  6 of the engineer as a tentative plan. The notice of hearing
 50  7 provided by section 468.14 shall also include the requirements
 50  8 of the notice of hearing provided in section 468.45 as to this
 50  9 classification, and the hearing on the petition provided in
 50 10 section 468.21 shall also include the matters to be heard as
 50 11 provided in section 468.46.
 50 12    3.  If the board establishes the district as provided in
 50 13 section 468.22, the classification which is finally approved
 50 14 at said the hearing by the board shall remain the basis of
 50 15 all future assessments for the purposes of said district as
 50 16 provided in section 468.49. The landowners shall have the
 50 17 same right of appeal from this classification as they would
 50 18 have if the petition had not requested a classification prior
 50 19 to establishment and the classification had been made after
 50 20 establishment.
 50 21    Sec. 82.  Section 468.35, subsection 2, Code 2016, is amended
 50 22 to read as follows:
 50 23    2.  A bid shall be in writing, specifying the portion
 50 24 of the work upon which the bid is made, and filed with the
 50 25 auditor. The bid shall be accompanied with a bid security.
 50 26 The bid security shall be in the form of a deposit of cash, a
 50 27 certified check on and certified by a bank in Iowa, a certified
 50 28 share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa, or a bid bond
 50 29 with a corporate surety satisfactory to the board as provided
 50 30 in section 73A.20. The bid security must be payable to the
 50 31 auditor or the auditor's order at the auditor's office in a
 50 32 sum equal to five percent of the amount of the bid. However,
 50 33 if the maximum limit on a bid security would cause a denial
 50 34 of funds or services from the federal government which would
 50 35 otherwise be available, or if the maximum limit would otherwise
 51  1 be inconsistent with the requirements of federal law, the
 51  2 maximum limit may be suspended to the extent necessary to
 51  3 prevent denial of federal funds or services or to eliminate
 51  4 the inconsistency with federal requirements. The cash, check,
 51  5 or share draft of an unsuccessful bidder shall be returned,
 51  6 and the bid bond of an unsuccessful bidder shall be canceled.
 51  7 The bid security of a successful bidder shall be maintained
 51  8 as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract in
 51  9 accordance with the bids.
 51 10    Sec. 83.  Section 468.103, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 51 11 follows:
 51 12    468.103  Final settlement == claims for damages.
 51 13    1.  If it the board finds the work under any contract has
 51 14 been completed and accepted, the board shall compute the
 51 15 balance due, and if there are no liens on file against such
 51 16 balance, it shall enter of record an order directing the
 51 17 auditor to draw a warrant in favor of said the contractor upon
 51 18 the levee or drainage fund of said the district or give the
 51 19 contractor an order directing the county treasurer to deliver
 51 20 to the contractor improvement certificates or drainage bonds,
 51 21 as the case may be, for such balance found to be due, but
 51 22 such warrants, improvement certificates or bonds shall not be
 51 23 delivered to the contractor until the expiration of thirty days
 51 24 after the acceptance of the work.
 51 25    2.  If any claims for damages have been filed as provided
 51 26 in section 468.102, the board shall review said claims and
 51 27 determine said the claims. If the determination by the board
 51 28 on any claim for damages results in a finding by the board
 51 29 that the damages resulting to the claimant were due to the
 51 30 negligence of the contractor, then the board shall provide for
 51 31 payment of said the claim out of the remaining funds owing to
 51 32 the contractor. If the determination by the board results
 51 33 in a finding that the damages resulting to the claimant were
 51 34 not due to the negligence of the contractor, but resulted from
 51 35 unavoidable necessity in the performance of the contract, then
 52  1 the board shall allow for payment of said the claim in the
 52  2 amount fixed by the board out of the funds in said the drainage
 52  3 district.
 52  4    Sec. 84.  Section 475A.6, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 52  5 follows:
 52  6    475A.6  Certification of expenses to utilities division.
 52  7    1.  a.  The consumer advocate shall determine the advocate's
 52  8 expenses, including a reasonable allocation of general office
 52  9 expenses, directly attributable to the performance of the
 52 10 advocate's duties involving specific persons subject to direct
 52 11 assessment, and shall certify the expenses to the utilities
 52 12 division not less than quarterly. The expenses shall then be
 52 13 includable in the expenses of the division subject to direct
 52 14 assessment under section 476.10.
 52 15    b.  The consumer advocate shall annually, within ninety days
 52 16 after the close of each fiscal year, determine the advocate's
 52 17 expenses, including a reasonable allocation of general office
 52 18 expenses, attributable to the performance of the advocate's
 52 19 duties generally, and shall certify the expenses to the
 52 20 utilities division. The expenses shall then be includable in
 52 21 the expenses of the division subject to remainder assessment
 52 22 under section 476.10.
 52 23    2.  The consumer advocate is entitled to notice and
 52 24 opportunity to be heard in any utilities board proceeding
 52 25 on objection to an assessment for expenses certified by the
 52 26 consumer advocate. Expenses assessed under this section shall
 52 27 not exceed the amount appropriated for the consumer advocate
 52 28 division of the department of justice.
 52 29    3.  The office of consumer advocate may expend additional
 52 30 funds, including funds for outside consultants, if those
 52 31 additional expenditures are actual expenses which exceed
 52 32 the funds budgeted for the performance of the advocate's
 52 33 duties. Before the office expends or encumbers an amount in
 52 34 excess of the funds budgeted, the director of the department
 52 35 of management shall approve the expenditure or encumbrance.
 53  1 Before approval is given, the director of the department of
 53  2 management shall determine that the expenses exceed the funds
 53  3 budgeted by the general assembly to the office of consumer
 53  4 advocate and that the office does not have other funds from
 53  5 which such expenses can be paid. Upon approval of the director
 53  6 of the department of management, the office may expend and
 53  7 encumber funds for excess expenses. The amounts necessary
 53  8 to fund the excess expenses shall be collected from those
 53  9 utilities or persons which caused the excess expenditures,
 53 10 and the collections shall be treated as repayment receipts as
 53 11 defined in section 8.2, subsection 8.
 53 12    Sec. 85.  Section 476B.6, subsection 5, paragraph d, Code
 53 13 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 53 14    d.  If the tax credit application is filed by a partnership,
 53 15 limited liability company, S corporation, estate, trust, or
 53 16 other reporting entity, all of whose the income of which is
 53 17 taxed directly to its equity holders or beneficiaries for the
 53 18 taxes imposed under chapter 422, division V, or under chapter
 53 19 423, 432, or 437A, the tax credit certificate shall be issued
 53 20 directly to the partnership, limited liability company, S
 53 21 corporation, estate, trust, or other reporting entity.
 53 22    Sec. 86.  Section 476C.4, subsection 4, paragraph d, Code
 53 23 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 53 24    d.  If the tax credit application is filed by a partnership,
 53 25 limited liability company, S corporation, estate, trust, or
 53 26 other reporting entity, all of whose the income of which is
 53 27 taxed directly to its equity holders or beneficiaries for the
 53 28 taxes imposed under chapter 422, division V, or under chapter
 53 29 423, 432, or 437A, the tax credit certificate shall be issued
 53 30 directly to the partnership, limited liability company, S
 53 31 corporation, estate, trust, or other reporting entity.
 53 32    Sec. 87.  Section 478.14, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 53 33 follows:
 53 34    478.14  Service furnished.
 53 35    1.  Any city which owns or operates a system for the
 54  1 distribution of electric light or power, and which has obtained
 54  2 electric energy for such distribution from any person or firm
 54  3 or corporation owning or operating an electric light and power
 54  4 plant or transmission line, shall be entitled to have the
 54  5 service reasonably needed by such municipality and its patrons
 54  6 continued at and for a reasonable rate and charge and under
 54  7 reasonable rules of service.
 54  8    2.  It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of such
 54  9  the light and power plant or transmission line to disconnect
 54 10 or discontinue such service (except service, except during
 54 11 nonpayment of reasonable charges) charges, so long as such the
 54 12  operator holds or enjoys any franchise to go upon or use any
 54 13 public streets, highways, or grounds.
 54 14    3.  Until the municipality and the operator shall agree upon
 54 15 a rate or charge for such the service the municipality shall
 54 16 pay and the operator shall accept the rate provided in the
 54 17 expired contract if any existed, and, if none existed, then the
 54 18 rate before paid. This shall be without prejudice, however,
 54 19 to the right of either party to test in court or before any
 54 20 lawfully constituted rate=making tribunal the reasonableness
 54 21 of such the rate.
 54 22    4.  This section shall not apply if the original service
 54 23 to the municipality was given in case of emergency or for any
 54 24 other temporary purpose.
 54 25    Sec. 88.  Section 481A.22, subsection 4, Code 2016, is
 54 26 amended to read as follows:
 54 27    4.  It is unlawful for any person to hold, conduct, or to
 54 28 participate in a field or retriever trial before the permit
 54 29 required by this section has been secured or for any person to
 54 30 possess or remove from the trial grounds any birds which have
 54 31 not been tagged as required in this section required.
 54 32    Sec. 89.  Section 508.37, subsection 6, paragraph d, Code
 54 33 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 54 34    d.  (1)  All adjusted premiums and present values referred
 54 35 to in this section shall for policies of ordinary insurance
 55  1 be calculated on the basis of the Commissioners 1958 Standard
 55  2 Ordinary Mortality Table commissioners 1958 standard ordinary
 55  3 mortality table, provided that for any category of ordinary
 55  4 insurance issued on female risks, adjusted premiums and present
 55  5 values may be calculated according to an age not more than
 55  6 six years younger than the actual age of the insured. The
 55  7 calculations for all policies of industrial insurance issued
 55  8 before January 1, 1968, shall be made on the basis of the
 55  9 1941 Standard Industrial Mortality Table standard industrial
 55 10 mortality table, except that a company may file with the
 55 11 commissioner a written notice of its election that the adjusted
 55 12 premiums and present values shall be calculated on the basis
 55 13 of the Commissioners 1961 Standard Industrial Mortality Table
 55 14  commissioners 1961 standard industrial mortality table, after
 55 15 a specified date before January 1, 1968. Whether or not
 55 16 any election has been made, the Commissioners 1961 Standard
 55 17 Industrial Mortality Table commissioners 1961 standard
 55 18 industrial mortality table shall be the basis for these
 55 19 calculations as to all policies of industrial insurance issued
 55 20 on or after January 1, 1968. All calculations shall be made
 55 21 on the basis of the rate of interest specified in the policy
 55 22 for calculating cash surrender values and paid=up nonforfeiture
 55 23 benefits, provided that the rate of interest shall not exceed
 55 24 three and one=half percent per annum, except that a rate of
 55 25 interest not exceeding four percent per annum may be used for
 55 26 policies issued on or after July 1, 1974, and prior to January
 55 27 1, 1980, and a rate of interest not exceeding five and one=half
 55 28 percent per annum may be used for policies issued on or after
 55 29 January 1, 1980.
 55 30    (2)  However, in calculating the present value under
 55 31 subparagraph (1) of any paid=up term insurance with
 55 32 accompanying pure endowment, if any, offered as a nonforfeiture
 55 33 benefit, the rates of mortality assumed in the case of policies
 55 34 of ordinary insurance, may be not more than those shown in the
 55 35 Commissioners 1958 Extended Term Insurance Table commissioners
 56  1 1958 extended term insurance table, and in the case of policies
 56  2 of industrial insurance, may be not more than one hundred
 56  3 thirty percent of the rates of mortality according to the
 56  4 1941 Standard Industrial Mortality Table standard industrial
 56  5 mortality table, except that when the Commissioners 1961
 56  6 Standard Industrial Mortality Table commissioners 1961 standard
 56  7 industrial mortality table becomes applicable as specified in
 56  8 this paragraph, the rates of mortality assumed may be not more
 56  9 than those shown in the Commissioners 1961 Industrial Extended
 56 10 Term Insurance Table commissioners 1961 industrial extended
 56 11 term insurance table. In addition, for insurance issued on
 56 12 a substandard basis, the calculation under subparagraph (1)
 56 13 of adjusted premiums and present values may be based on any
 56 14 other table of mortality that is specified by the company and
 56 15 approved by the commissioner.
 56 16    Sec. 90.  Section 508.37, subsection 7, paragraph h,
 56 17 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 56 18 follows:
 56 19    Adjusted premiums and present values referred to in this
 56 20 section shall for all policies of ordinary insurance be
 56 21 calculated on the basis of either the Commissioners 1980
 56 22 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table commissioners 1980 standard
 56 23 ordinary mortality table or, at the election of the company
 56 24 for any one or more specified plans of life insurance, the
 56 25 Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table with
 56 26 Ten=Year Select Mortality Factors commissioners 1980 standard
 56 27 ordinary mortality table with ten=year select mortality
 56 28 factors; shall for all policies of industrial insurance be
 56 29 calculated on the basis of the Commissioners 1961 Standard
 56 30 Industrial Mortality Table commissioners 1961 standard
 56 31 industrial mortality table; and shall for all policies issued
 56 32 in a particular calendar year be calculated on the basis of a
 56 33 rate of interest not exceeding the nonforfeiture interest rate
 56 34 as defined in paragraph "i" for policies issued in that calendar
 56 35 year. However:
 57  1    Sec. 91.  Section 508.37, subsection 7, paragraph h,
 57  2 subparagraphs (4), (6), (7), (8), and (9), Code 2016, are
 57  3 amended to read as follows:
 57  4    (4)  In calculating the present value of any paid=up term
 57  5 insurance with accompanying pure endowment, if any, offered as
 57  6 a nonforfeiture benefit, the rates of mortality assumed may be
 57  7 not more than those shown in the Commissioners 1980 Extended
 57  8 Term Insurance Table commissioners 1980 extended term insurance
 57  9 table for policies of ordinary insurance and not more than the
 57 10 Commissioners 1961 Industrial Extended Term Insurance Table
 57 11  commissioners 1961 industrial extended term insurance table for
 57 12 policies of industrial insurance.
 57 13    (6)   For policies issued prior to the operative date of
 57 14 the valuation manual, any commissioners standard ordinary
 57 15 mortality tables adopted after 1980 by the national association
 57 16 of insurance commissioners and approved by rule adopted by the
 57 17 commissioner for use in determining the minimum nonforfeiture
 57 18 standard may be substituted for the Commissioners 1980
 57 19 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table with or without Ten=Year
 57 20 Select Mortality Factors commissioners 1980 standard ordinary
 57 21 mortality table with or without ten=year select mortality
 57 22 factors or for the Commissioners 1980 Extended Term Insurance
 57 23 Table commissioners 1980 extended term insurance table.
 57 24    (7)  For policies issued on or after the operative date of
 57 25 the valuation manual, the valuation manual shall provide the
 57 26 commissioners standard mortality table for use in determining
 57 27 the minimum forfeiture standard that may be substituted for the
 57 28 Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table with or
 57 29 without Ten=Year Select Mortality Factors commissioners 1980
 57 30 standard ordinary mortality table with or without ten=year
 57 31 select mortality factors or for the Commissioners 1980 Extended
 57 32 Term Insurance Table commissioners 1980 extended term insurance
 57 33 table. If the commissioner approves by rule the Commissioners
 57 34 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table commissioners standard
 57 35 ordinary mortality table adopted by the national association
 58  1 of insurance commissioners for use in determining the minimum
 58  2 nonforfeiture standard for policies or contracts issued on
 58  3 or after the operative date of the valuation manual, then
 58  4 that minimum nonforfeiture standard supersedes the minimum
 58  5 nonforfeiture standard provided by the valuation manual.
 58  6    (8)  Any industrial mortality tables adopted after 1980
 58  7 by the national association of insurance commissioners
 58  8 and approved by rule adopted by the commissioner for use
 58  9 in determining the minimum nonforfeiture standard may be
 58 10 substituted for the Commissioners 1961 Standard Industrial
 58 11 Mortality Table commissioners 1961 standard industrial
 58 12 mortality table or the Commissioners 1961 Industrial Extended
 58 13 Term Insurance Table commissioners 1961 industrial extended
 58 14 term insurance table.
 58 15    (9)  For policies issued on or after the operative date
 58 16 of the valuation manual, the valuation manual shall provide
 58 17 the Commissioners Standard Mortality Table commissioners
 58 18 standard ordinary mortality table for use in determining the
 58 19 minimum nonforfeiture standard that may be substituted for
 58 20 the Commissioners 1961 Standard Industrial Mortality Table
 58 21  commissioners 1961 standard industrial mortality table or
 58 22 the Commissioners 1961 Industrial Extended Term Insurance
 58 23 Table commissioners 1961 industrial extended term insurance
 58 24 table. If the commissioner approves by rule any Commissioners
 58 25 Standard Industrial Mortality Table commissioners standard
 58 26 industrial mortality table adopted by the national association
 58 27 of insurance commissioners for use in determining the minimum
 58 28 nonforfeiture standard for policies issued on or after the
 58 29 operative date of the valuation manual, then that minimum
 58 30 nonforfeiture standard supersedes the minimum nonforfeiture
 58 31 standard provided by the valuation manual.
 58 32    Sec. 92.  Section 508.38, subsection 3, paragraph a,
 58 33 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2016, is amended
 58 34 to read as follows:
 58 35    The minimum nonforfeiture amount at any time at or prior to
 59  1 the commencement of any annuity payments shall be equal to an
 59  2 accumulation up to such time at rates of interest as indicated
 59  3 in paragraph "b" of the net considerations (as considerations,
 59  4 as hereinafter defined) defined, paid prior to such time,
 59  5 decreased by the sum of all of the following:
 59  6    Sec. 93.  Section 509.19, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code
 59  7 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 59  8    e.  A multiple employer welfare arrangement, as defined in
 59  9 section 3 of the federal Employee Retirement Income Security
 59 10 Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C. {1002, paragraph 40 (40), that meets the
 59 11 requirements of section 507A.4, subsection 9, paragraph "a".
 59 12    Sec. 94.  Section 511.34, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 59 13 follows:
 59 14    511.34  Failure to attach == defenses == estoppel.
 59 15    The omission so to do shall not render the policy invalid,
 59 16 but if any company or association neglects to comply with the
 59 17 requirements of section 511.33, it the company or association
 59 18  shall forever be precluded from pleading, alleging, or proving
 59 19 such application or representations, or any part thereof, or
 59 20 the falsity thereof, or any part thereof, in any action upon
 59 21 such the policy, and the plaintiff in any such action shall
 59 22 not be required, in order to recover against such the company
 59 23 or association, either to plead or prove such application or
 59 24 representation, but may do so at the plaintiff's option.
 59 25    Sec. 95.  Section 514C.27, subsection 5, Code 2016, is
 59 26 amended to read as follows:
 59 27    5.  This section shall not apply to accident only
 59 28  accident=only, specified disease, short=term hospital or
 59 29 medical, hospital confinement indemnity, credit, dental,
 59 30 vision, Medicare supplement, long=term care, basic hospital
 59 31 and medical=surgical expense coverage as defined by the
 59 32 commissioner, disability income insurance coverage, coverage
 59 33 issued as a supplement to liability insurance, workers'
 59 34 compensation or similar insurance, or automobile medical
 59 35 payment insurance, or individual accident and sickness policies
 60  1 issued to individuals or to individual members of a member
 60  2 association.
 60  3    Sec. 96.  Section 514J.107, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code
 60  4 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 60  5    b.  The health care service that is the subject of the
 60  6 adverse determination or of the final adverse determination,
 60  7  determination is a covered service under the covered person's
 60  8 health benefit plan, but for a determination by the health
 60  9 carrier that the health care service is not covered because it
 60 10 does not meet the health carrier's requirements for medical
 60 11 necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care,
 60 12 or effectiveness.
 60 13    Sec. 97.  Section 515.63, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 60 14 follows:
 60 15    515.63  Annual statement.
 60 16    The president or the vice president and secretary of each
 60 17 company organized or authorized to do business in the state
 60 18 shall annually on or before the first day of March of each year
 60 19 prepare under oath and file with the commissioner of insurance
 60 20 or a depository designated by the commissioner a full, true,
 60 21 and complete statement of the condition of such company on
 60 22 the last day of the preceding year, which shall exhibit the
 60 23 following items and facts:
 60 24    1.  First == The amount of capital stock of the company.
 60 25    2.  Second == The names of the officers.
 60 26    3.  Third == The name of the company and where located.
 60 27    4.  Fourth == The amount of its capital stock paid up.
 60 28    5.  Fifth == The property or assets held by the company,
 60 29 specifying:
 60 30    a.  The value of real estate owned by the company.
 60 31    b.  The amount of cash on hand and deposited in banks to the
 60 32 credit of the company, and in what bank deposited.
 60 33    c.  The amount of cash in the hands of agents and in the
 60 34 course of transmission.
 60 35    d.  The amount of loans secured by first mortgage on real
 61  1 estate, with the rate of interest thereon.
 61  2    e.  The amount of all other bonds and loans and how secured,
 61  3 with the rate of interest thereon.
 61  4    f.  The amount due the company on which judgment has been
 61  5 obtained.
 61  6    g.  The amount of bonds of the state, of the United States,
 61  7 of any county or municipal corporation of the state, and of any
 61  8 other bonds owned by the company, specifying the amount and
 61  9 number thereof, and par and market value of each kind.
 61 10    h.  The amount of bonds, stock, and other evidences of
 61 11 indebtedness held by such company as collateral security for
 61 12 loans, with amount loaned on each kind, and its par and market
 61 13 value.
 61 14    i.  The amount of assessments on stock and premium notes,
 61 15 paid and unpaid.
 61 16    j.  The amount of interest actually due and unpaid.
 61 17    k.  All other securities and their value.
 61 18    l.  The amount for which premium notes have been given on
 61 19 which policies have been issued.
 61 20    6.  Sixth == Liabilities of such company, specifying:
 61 21    a.  Losses adjusted and due.
 61 22    b.  Losses adjusted and not due.
 61 23    c.  Losses unadjusted.
 61 24    d.  Losses in suspense and the cause thereof.
 61 25    e.  Losses resisted and in litigation.
 61 26    f.  Dividends in scrip or cash, specifying the amount of
 61 27 each, declared but not due.
 61 28    g.  Dividends declared and due.
 61 29    h.  The amount required to reinsure all outstanding risks on
 61 30 the basis of the unearned premium reserve as required by law.
 61 31    i.  The amount due banks or other creditors.
 61 32    j.  The amount of money borrowed and the security therefor.
 61 33    k.  All other claims against the company.
 61 34    7.  Seventh == The income of the company during the previous
 61 35 year, specifying:
 62  1    a.  The amount received for premiums, exclusive of premium
 62  2 notes.
 62  3    b.  The amount of premium notes received.
 62  4    c.  The amount received for interest.
 62  5    d.  The amount received for assessments or calls on stock
 62  6 notes, or premium notes.
 62  7    e.  The amount received from all other sources.
 62  8    8.  Eighth == The expenditures during the preceding year,
 62  9 specifying:
 62 10    a.  The amount of losses paid during said term, stating how
 62 11 much of the same accrued prior, and how much subsequent, to the
 62 12 date of the preceding statement, and the amount at which such
 62 13 losses were estimated in such statement.
 62 14    b.  The amount paid for dividends.
 62 15    c.  The amount paid for commissions, salaries, expenses, and
 62 16 other charges of agents, clerks, and other employees.
 62 17    d.  The amount paid for salaries, fees, and other charges of
 62 18 officers and directors.
 62 19    e.  The amount paid for local, state, national and other
 62 20 taxes and duties.
 62 21    f.  The amount paid for all other expenses, including
 62 22 printing, stationery, rents, furniture, or otherwise.
 62 23    9.  Ninth == The largest amount insured in any one risk.
 62 24    10.  Tenth == The amount of risks written during the year
 62 25 then ending.
 62 26    11.  Eleventh == The amount of risks in force having less
 62 27 than one year to run.
 62 28    12.  Twelfth == The amount of risks in force having more than
 62 29 one and not over three years to run.
 62 30    13.  Thirteenth == The amount of risks having more than three
 62 31 years to run.
 62 32    14.  Fourteenth == The dividends, if any, declared on
 62 33 premiums received for risks not terminated.
 62 34    15.  Fifteenth == All other information as required by
 62 35 the national association of insurance commissioners' annual
 63  1 statement blank. The annual statement blank shall be prepared
 63  2 in accordance with instructions prescribed by the commissioner.
 63  3 All financial information reflected in the annual report
 63  4 shall be kept and prepared in accordance with accounting
 63  5 practices and procedures prescribed by the commissioner. The
 63  6 commissioner may adopt by reference the annual statement
 63  7 handbook and the accounting practices and procedures manual of
 63  8 the national association of insurance commissioners.
 63  9    Sec. 98.  Section 515.134, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 63 10 follows:
 63 11    515.134  Failure to attach == effect.
 63 12    The omission so to do shall not render the policy invalid,
 63 13 but if any company or association neglects to comply with the
 63 14 requirements of section 515.133 it, the company or association
 63 15  shall forever be precluded from pleading, alleging, or proving
 63 16 any such application or representations, or any part thereof,
 63 17 or falsity thereof, or any parts thereof, in any action upon
 63 18 such the policy, and the plaintiff in any such action shall
 63 19 not be required, in order to recover against such the company
 63 20 or association, either to plead or prove such application or
 63 21 representation, but may do so at the plaintiff's option.
 63 22    Sec. 99.  Section 524.103, subsection 23, Code 2016, is
 63 23 amended to read as follows:
 63 24    23.  "Fiduciary" means an executor, administrator, guardian,
 63 25 conservator, receiver, trustee, or one acting in a similar
 63 26 capacity.
 63 27    Sec. 100.  Section 524.215, subsection 1, Code 2016, is
 63 28 amended to read as follows:
 63 29    1.  All records of the division of banking shall be public
 63 30 records subject to the provisions of chapter 22, except that
 63 31 all papers, documents, reports, reports of examinations,
 63 32  and other writings relating specifically to the supervision
 63 33 and regulation of any state bank or other person by the
 63 34 superintendent pursuant to the laws of this state shall not be
 63 35 public records and shall not be open for examination or copying
 64  1 by the public or for examination or publication by the news
 64  2 media.
 64  3    Sec. 101.  Section 524.911, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 64  4 follows:
 64  5    524.911  Letters of credit.
 64  6    A state bank shall have the power to issue, advise, and
 64  7 confirm letters of credit authorizing a beneficiary thereof
 64  8 to draw on or demand payment of the state bank or its
 64  9 correspondent banks.
 64 10    Sec. 102.  Section 524.1002, subsection 4, Code 2016, is
 64 11 amended to read as follows:
 64 12    4.  A state bank shall not make a loan or extension of
 64 13 credit of any funds held as fiduciary, directly or indirectly,
 64 14 to or for the benefit of a director, officer, or employee of
 64 15 the state bank or of an affiliate, a partnership or other
 64 16 unincorporated association of which such director, officer,
 64 17  or employee is a partner or member, or a corporation in which
 64 18 such officer, director, or employee has a controlling interest,
 64 19 except a loan specifically authorized by the terms upon which
 64 20 the state bank was designated as fiduciary.
 64 21    Sec. 103.  Section 524.1805, subsection 6, Code 2016, is
 64 22 amended to read as follows:
 64 23    6.  An out=of=state bank or out=of=state bank holding
 64 24 company that is organized under laws other than those of this
 64 25 state is subject to and shall comply with the provisions of
 64 26 chapter 490, division XV, relating to foreign corporations, and
 64 27 shall immediately provide the superintendent of banking with a
 64 28 copy of each filing submitted to the secretary of state under
 64 29 that chapter 490, division XV.
 64 30    Sec. 104.  Section 535.12, subsections 1 and 4, Code 2016,
 64 31 are amended to read as follows:
 64 32    1.  An agricultural credit corporation, as defined in
 64 33 subsection 4, may lend money pursuant to a written promissory
 64 34 note or other writing evidencing the loan obligation, at a rate
 64 35 of interest which is not more than four percentage points above
 65  1 the lending rate in effect at the farm credit bank of Omaha,
 65  2 Nebraska, for the month during which the writing evidencing
 65  3 the loan obligation is made, provided that the loan is for an
 65  4 agricultural production purpose as defined in subsection 5 and
 65  5 further provided that the loan would, but for this section, be
 65  6 subject to the maximum rate of interest prescribed by section
 65  7 535.2, subsection 3, paragraph "a".
 65  8    4.  As used in this section,:
 65  9    a.  "agricultural "Agricultural credit corporation" means
 65 10 a corporation which has been designated by the farm credit
 65 11 bank of Omaha, Nebraska, as an agricultural credit corporation
 65 12 eligible to sell or discount loans to that bank pursuant to 12
 65 13 U.S.C. {2075.
 65 14    b.  "Agricultural production purpose" means a purpose related
 65 15 to the production of agricultural products. 
 65 16    c.  "Agricultural products" includes agricultural,
 65 17 horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products, livestock,
 65 18 wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products thereof, and any and
 65 19 all products produced on farms.
 65 20    Sec. 105.  Section 535.12, subsection 5, Code 2016, is
 65 21 amended by striking the subsection.
 65 22    Sec. 106.  Section 536.26, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 65 23 follows:
 65 24    536.26  Insured loans.
 65 25    1.  A licensee shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or
 65 26 offer for sale any life or accident and health insurance in
 65 27 connection with a loan made under this chapter except as and
 65 28 to the extent authorized by this section. Life, accident and
 65 29 health insurance, or any of them, may be written by a licensed
 65 30 insurance producer upon or in connection with any loan for a
 65 31 term not extending beyond the final maturity date of the loan
 65 32 contract, but only upon one obligor on any one loan contract.
 65 33    2.  The amount of life insurance shall at no time exceed
 65 34 the unpaid balance of principal and interest combined which
 65 35 are scheduled to be outstanding under the terms of the loan
 66  1 contract or the actual amount unpaid on the loan contract,
 66  2 whichever is greater.
 66  3    3.  Accident and health insurance shall provide benefits
 66  4 not in excess of the unpaid balance of principal and interest
 66  5 combined which are scheduled to be outstanding under the terms
 66  6 of the loan contract and the amount of each periodic benefit
 66  7 payment shall not exceed the total amount payable divided
 66  8 by the number of installments and shall provide that if the
 66  9 insured obligor is disabled, as defined in the policy, for a
 66 10 period of more than fourteen days, benefits shall commence as
 66 11 of the first day of disability.
 66 12    4.  The premium, which shall be the only charge for such the
 66 13  insurance, shall not exceed that approved by the commissioner
 66 14 of insurance of the state of Iowa as filed in the office of such
 66 15 commissioner. Such charge, computed at the time the loan is
 66 16 made for the full term of the loan contract on the total amount
 66 17 required to pay principal and interest.
 66 18    5.  If a borrower procures insurance by or through a
 66 19 licensee, the licensee shall cause to be delivered to the
 66 20 borrower a copy of the policy within fifteen days from the date
 66 21 such insurance is procured. No licensee shall decline new or
 66 22 existing insurance which meets the standards set out herein nor
 66 23 prevent any obligor from obtaining such insurance coverage from
 66 24 other sources.
 66 25    6.  If the loan contract is prepaid in full by cash, a new
 66 26 loan, or otherwise (except otherwise, except by the insurance)
 66 27  insurance, any life, accident, and health insurance procured
 66 28 by or through a licensee shall be canceled and the unearned
 66 29 premium shall be refunded. The amount of such the refund shall
 66 30 represent at least as great a proportion of the insurance
 66 31 premium or identifiable charge as the sum of the consecutive
 66 32 monthly balances of principal and interest of the loan contract
 66 33 originally scheduled to be outstanding after the installment
 66 34 date nearest the date of prepayment bears to the sum of all
 66 35 such monthly balances of the loan contract originally scheduled
 67  1 to be outstanding.
 67  2    Sec. 107.  Section 554.2602, subsection 3, Code 2016, is
 67  3 amended to read as follows:
 67  4    3.  The seller's rights with respect to goods wrongfully
 67  5 rejected are governed by the provisions of this Article on
 67  6 Seller's seller's remedies in general (section 554.2703).
 67  7    Sec. 108.  Section 600B.22, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 67  8 follows:
 67  9    600B.22  Death of defendant.
 67 10    In case of the death of the defendant the action may be
 67 11 prosecuted against the personal representative of the deceased
 67 12 with like effects as if he the defendant were living, subject
 67 13 as regards the measure of support to the provision of section
 67 14 600B.6.
 67 15    Sec. 109.  Section 600B.37, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 67 16 follows:
 67 17    600B.37  Contempt.
 67 18    If the father fails to comply with or violates the terms or
 67 19 conditions of a support order made pursuant to the provisions
 67 20 of this chapter, he the father shall be punished by the court
 67 21 in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided by law
 67 22 for a contempt of such court in any other suit or proceeding
 67 23 cognizable by such court.
 67 24    Sec. 110.  Section 602.9115, Code 2016, is amended to read
 67 25 as follows:
 67 26    602.9115  Annuity for survivor of annuitant.
 67 27    1.  For the purposes of this article, "survivor" means the
 67 28 surviving spouse of a person who was a judge, if married to the
 67 29 judge for at least one year preceding the judge's death.
 67 30    1.  2.  The survivor of a judge who was qualified for
 67 31 retirement compensation under the system at the time of the
 67 32 judge's death, is entitled to receive an annuity of one=half
 67 33 of the amount of the annuity the judge was receiving or would
 67 34 have been entitled to receive at the time of the judge's death,
 67 35 or if the judge died before age sixty=five, then one=half of
 68  1 the amount the judge would have been entitled to receive at
 68  2 age sixty=five based on the judge's years of service for which
 68  3 contributions were made to the system. The annuity shall begin
 68  4 on the judge's death or upon the survivor's reaching age sixty,
 68  5 whichever is later. However, a survivor less than sixty years
 68  6 old may elect to receive a decreased retirement annuity to
 68  7 begin on the judge's death by filing a written election with
 68  8 the state court administrator. The election is subject to the
 68  9 approval of the state court administrator. The amount of the
 68 10 decreased retirement annuity shall be the actuarial equivalent
 68 11 of the amount of the annuity otherwise payable to the survivor
 68 12 under this section.
 68 13    2.  For the purposes of this article "survivor" means the
 68 14 surviving spouse of a person who was a judge, if married to the
 68 15 judge for at least one year preceding the judge's death.
 68 16    3.  If the judge dies leaving a survivor but without
 68 17 receiving in annuities an amount equal to the judge's credit,
 68 18 the balance shall be credited to the account of the judge's
 68 19 survivor, and if the survivor dies without receiving in
 68 20 annuities an amount equal to the balance, the amount remaining
 68 21 shall be paid to the survivor's legal representatives within
 68 22 one year of the survivor's death.
 68 23    Sec. 111.  Section 614.6, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 68 24 follows:
 68 25    614.6  Nonresident or unknown defendant.
 68 26    1.  The period of limitation specified in sections 614.1
 68 27 through 614.5 shall be computed omitting any time when:
 68 28    1.  a.  The defendant is a nonresident of the state, or
 68 29    2.  b.  In those cases involving personal injuries or death
 68 30 resulting from a felony or indictable misdemeanor, while the
 68 31 identity of the defendant is unknown after diligent effort has
 68 32 been made to discover it.
 68 33    2.  The provisions of this section shall be effective January
 68 34 1, 1970, and to this extent the provisions are retroactive.
 68 35    Sec. 112.  Section 636.21, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 69  1 follows:
 69  2    636.21  Commissioner as process agent.
 69  3    It shall be the duty of the commissioner of insurance, upon
 69  4 service being made upon the commissioner, to immediately mail
 69  5 a copy of such the notice to such the company at their the
 69  6 company's principal place of business, and any notice so served
 69  7 shall be deemed to be good and sufficient service on any such
 69  8 company.
 69  9    Sec. 113.  Section 657A.12, subsection 2, Code 2016, is
 69 10 amended to read as follows:
 69 11    2.  After filing the petition with the clerk of the district
 69 12 court, the governmental entity shall also file the petition
 69 13 in the office of the county treasurer. The county treasurer
 69 14 shall include a notation of the pendency of the action in the
 69 15 county system, as defined in section 445.1, until the judgment
 69 16 of the court is satisfied or until the action is dismissed.
 69 17 Pursuant to section 446.7, an affected property that is subject
 69 18 to a pending action shall not be offered for sale by the county
 69 19 treasurer at a tax sale.
 69 20    Sec. 114.  Section 670.2, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 69 21 follows:
 69 22    670.2  Liability imposed.
 69 23    1.  Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every
 69 24 municipality is subject to liability for its torts and those of
 69 25 its officers and employees, acting within the scope of their
 69 26 employment or duties, whether arising out of a governmental or
 69 27 proprietary function.
 69 28    2.  For the purposes of this chapter, employee "employee"
 69 29  includes a person who performs services for a municipality
 69 30 whether or not the person is compensated for the services,
 69 31 unless the services are performed only as an incident to the
 69 32 person's attendance at a municipality function.
 69 33    3.  A person who performs services for a municipality or
 69 34 an agency or subdivision of a municipality and who does not
 69 35 receive compensation is not personally liable for a claim
 70  1 based upon an act or omission of the person performed in the
 70  2 discharge of the person's duties, except for acts or omissions
 70  3 which involve intentional misconduct or knowing violation of
 70  4 the law, or for a transaction from which the person derives
 70  5 an improper personal benefit. For purposes of this section,
 70  6 "compensation" does not include payments to reimburse a person
 70  7 for expenses.
 70  8    Sec. 115.  Section 670.9, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 70  9 follows:
 70 10    670.9  Compromise and settlement.
 70 11    The governing body of any municipality may compromise,
 70 12 adjust and settle tort claims against the municipality, its
 70 13 officers, employees and agents, for damages under sections
 70 14  section 670.2 or 670.8 and may appropriate money for the
 70 15 payment of amounts agreed upon.
 70 16    Sec. 116.  Section 724.10, subsection 1, Code 2016, is
 70 17 amended to read as follows:
 70 18    1.  A person shall not be issued a permit to carry weapons
 70 19 unless the person has completed and signed an application on
 70 20 a form to be prescribed and published by the commissioner of
 70 21 public safety. The application shall require only the full
 70 22 name, driver's license or nonoperator's identification card
 70 23 number, residence, place of birth, and date of birth of the
 70 24 applicant, and shall state whether the applicant meets the
 70 25 criteria specified in sections 724.8 and 724.9. An applicant
 70 26 may provide the applicant's social security number if the
 70 27 applicant so chooses. The applicant shall also display an
 70 28 identification card that bears a distinguishing number assigned
 70 29 to the cardholder, the full name, date of birth, sex, residence
 70 30 address, and a brief description and colored color photograph
 70 31 of the cardholder.
 70 32    Sec. 117.  Section 724.17, Code 2016, is amended to read as
 70 33 follows:
 70 34    724.17  Application for annual permit to acquire == criminal
 70 35 history check required.
 71  1 The application for an annual permit to acquire pistols
 71  2 or revolvers may be made to the sheriff of the county of
 71  3 the applicant's residence and shall be on a form prescribed
 71  4 and published by the commissioner of public safety. The
 71  5 application shall require only the full name of the applicant,
 71  6 the driver's license or nonoperator's identification card
 71  7 number of the applicant, the residence of the applicant,
 71  8 and the date and place of birth of the applicant. The
 71  9 applicant shall also display an identification card that
 71 10 bears a distinguishing number assigned to the cardholder, the
 71 11 full name, date of birth, sex, residence address, and brief
 71 12 description and colored color photograph of the cardholder, or
 71 13 other identification as specified by rule of the department of
 71 14 public safety. The sheriff shall conduct a criminal history
 71 15 check concerning each applicant by obtaining criminal history
 71 16 data from the department of public safety which shall include
 71 17 an inquiry of the national instant criminal background check
 71 18 system maintained by the federal bureau of investigation or any
 71 19 successor agency. A person who makes what the person knows
 71 20 to be a false statement of material fact on an application
 71 21 submitted under this section or who submits what the person
 71 22 knows to be any materially falsified or forged documentation in
 71 23 connection with such an application commits a class "D" felony.
 71 24    Sec. 118.  Section 724.25, subsection 2, Code 2016, is
 71 25 amended to read as follows:
 71 26    2.  As used in this chapter an "antique firearm" means
 71 27 any firearm (including firearm, including any firearm with
 71 28 a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of
 71 29 ignition system) system, manufactured in or before 1898. An
 71 30 antique firearm also means a replica of a firearm so described
 71 31 if the replica is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire
 71 32 or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition or if the replica
 71 33 uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition which
 71 34 is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not
 71 35 readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
 72  1    Sec. 119.  Section 903A.2, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 72  2 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 72  3    a.  (1)  Category "A" sentences are those sentences which are
 72  4 not subject to a maximum accumulation of earned time of fifteen
 72  5 percent of the total sentence of confinement under section
 72  6 902.12. To the extent provided in subsection 5, category "A"
 72  7 sentences also include life sentences imposed under section
 72  8 902.1. An inmate of an institution under the control of
 72  9 the department of corrections who is serving a category "A"
 72 10 sentence is eligible for a reduction of sentence equal to
 72 11 one and two=tenths days for each day the inmate demonstrates
 72 12 good conduct and satisfactorily participates in any program
 72 13 or placement status identified by the director to earn the
 72 14 reduction. The programs include but are not limited to the
 72 15 following:
 72 16    (1)  (a)  Employment in the institution.
 72 17    (2)  (b)  Iowa state industries.
 72 18    (3)  (c)  An employment program established by the director.
 72 19    (4)  (d)  A treatment program established by the director.
 72 20    (5)  (e)  An inmate educational program approved by the
 72 21 director.
 72 22    (2)  However, an inmate required to participate in a
 72 23 sex offender treatment program shall not be eligible for a
 72 24 reduction of sentence unless the inmate participates in and
 72 25 completes a sex offender treatment program established by the
 72 26 director.
 72 27    (3)  An inmate serving a category "A" sentence is eligible
 72 28 for an additional reduction of sentence of up to three hundred
 72 29 sixty=five days of the full term of the sentence of the inmate
 72 30 for exemplary acts. In accordance with section 903A.4, the
 72 31 director shall by policy identify what constitutes an exemplary
 72 32 act that may warrant an additional reduction of sentence.
 72 33                           DIVISION II
 72 34                      CORRESPONDING CHANGES
 72 35    Sec. 120.  Section 97B.49A, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code
 73  1 2016, is amended to read as follows:
 73  2    b.  For each member employed before January 1, 1976, who
 73  3 has qualified for prior service credit in accordance with the
 73  4 first paragraph of section 97B.43, subsection 1, a formula
 73  5 benefit shall be determined equal to the larger of the benefit
 73  6 determined under this paragraph and paragraph "a" of this
 73  7 subsection, as applicable, the benefit determined under
 73  8 subsection 3, or the benefit determined under section 97B.49G,
 73  9 subsection 1. The amount of the monthly formula benefit under
 73 10 this paragraph shall be equal to eight=tenths of one percent
 73 11 per year of prior service credit multiplied by the monthly
 73 12 rate of the member's total remuneration not in excess of three
 73 13 thousand dollars annually during the twelve consecutive months
 73 14 of the member's prior service for which that total remuneration
 73 15 was the highest. An additional three=tenths of one percent
 73 16 of the remuneration not in excess of three thousand dollars
 73 17 annually shall be payable for prior service during each year
 73 18 in which the accrued liability for benefit payments created by
 73 19 the abolished system is funded by appropriation from the Iowa
 73 20 public employees' retirement fund.
 73 21                          DIVISION III
 73 22                     CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVES
 73 23    Sec. 121.  CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVES
 73 24    1.  Sections 28A.2, 28A.19, 28A.22, 28A.26, 28E.21, 28E.25,
 73 25 103A.1, 103A.54, 103A.56, 103A.57, 189.17, 304A.10, 306C.6,
 73 26 306C.7, 306C.9, 306C.14, and 306C.17, Code 2016, are amended by
 73 27 striking the word "division" and inserting in lieu thereof the
 73 28 word "subchapter".
 73 29    2.  Sections 28A.3, subsection 1; 28A.4, subsection 1;
 73 30 28A.5, subsection 1, paragraph "a"; 28A.7, subsection 1; 28A.9,
 73 31 subsection 1; 28A.10, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 1 and
 73 32 paragraphs "j" and "o"; 28A.10, subsection 2, paragraph "b";
 73 33 28A.18, subsection 1, paragraph "a"; 28A.21, subsection 4;
 73 34 28E.35, unnumbered paragraph 1; 89B.15, subsection 1; 101.21,
 73 35 unnumbered paragraph 1; 101.24, subsection 1, unnumbered
 74  1 paragraph 1; 101.24, subsection 1, paragraph "b", subparagraph
 74  2 (2); 101.24, subsection 3; 101.24, subsection 4, unnumbered
 74  3 paragraph 1; 101.24, subsection 4, paragraph "d", unnumbered
 74  4 paragraph 1; 101.25, subsection 1; 101.26, subsections 1, 2, 3,
 74  5 and 4; 103A.51, unnumbered paragraph 1; 103A.52, subsection 3;
 74  6 161A.42, unnumbered paragraph 1; 237.15, unnumbered paragraph
 74  7 1; 304A.8, unnumbered paragraph 1; 306C.1, unnumbered paragraph
 74  8 1; 306C.10, unnumbered paragraph 1; 306C.10, subsection 4,
 74  9 paragraph "f"; 306C.11, subsection 3, paragraph "a"; 306C.11,
 74 10 subsection 5, paragraph "a", subparagraph (2); 306C.13,
 74 11 unnumbered paragraph 1; 306C.13, subsection 8, paragraph "f";
 74 12 306C.15, unnumbered paragraph 1 and subsection 4; 306C.18,
 74 13 subsection 3; and 306C.19, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2016,
 74 14 are amended by striking the word "division" and inserting in
 74 15 lieu thereof the word "subchapter".
 74 16    3.  The Code editor shall change Code chapter division
 74 17 designations to subchapter designations in the following Code
 74 18 chapters:
 74 19    a.  28A.
 74 20    b.  28E.
 74 21    c.  89B.
 74 22    d.  101.
 74 23    e.  103A.
 74 24    f.  161A.
 74 25    g.  189.
 74 26    h.  237.
 74 27    i.  304A.
 74 28    j.  306C.
 74 29    4.  The Code editor is directed to number unnumbered
 74 30 paragraphs within sections 13C.8, 28F.14, 43.4, 97A.4, 97A.6A,
 74 31 161A.6, 161A.10, 161A.20, 183A.7, 183A.9, 190.2, 192.107,
 74 32 257.5, 303.22, 303.26, 303.30, 303.66, 331.306, 384.19,
 74 33 423B.5, 427.2, 428.4, 452A.58, 455A.8A, 455B.302, 491.112,
 74 34 499.3, 499.79, 499.80, 514.5, 598.17, 622.69, 622.105, 633.89,
 74 35 633.415, 669.10, 714.5, 804.1, and 804.31, Code 2016, in
 75  1 accordance with established Code section hierarchy and correct
 75  2 internal references in the Code and in any enacted Iowa Acts,
 75  3 as necessary.
 75  4    5.  The Code editor is directed to letter unnumbered
 75  5 paragraphs within sections 80A.17, subsection 1, and 97B.1A,
 75  6 subsection 9, Code 2016, in accordance with established Code
 75  7 section hierarchy and correct internal references in the Code
 75  8 and in any enacted Iowa Acts, as necessary.
 75  9    6.  The Code editor shall combine the individual repeal
 75 10 entries into combined repeal entries for the following repealed
 75 11 Code sections:
 75 12    a.  Sections 554.3120, 554.3121, and 554.3122.
 75 13    b.  Sections 554.3506, 554.3507, 554.3508, 554.3509,
 75 14 554.3510, and 554.3511.
 75 15    c.  Sections 554.3802, 554.3803, 554.3804, 554.3805, and
 75 16 554.3806.
 75 17                           EXPLANATION
 75 18 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
 75 19 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
 75 20    This bill makes Code changes and corrections that are
 75 21 considered to be nonsubstantive and noncontroversial, in
 75 22 addition to style changes.  Changes made include updating
 75 23 or correcting names of and references to public and private
 75 24 entities and documents, corrections to citation form to federal
 75 25 Acts and the United States Code, correcting citations to the
 75 26 Iowa Acts, correcting terminology, spelling, capitalization,
 75 27 punctuation, and grammar, and numbering, renumbering, and
 75 28 reorganizing various provisions to eliminate unnumbered
 75 29 paragraphs and to facilitate citation.  The Code sections in
 75 30 which the technical, grammatical, and other nonsubstantive
 75 31 changes are made include the following:
 75 32    DIVISION I
 75 33    Section 8.55:  Adds a citation to the Code section in which
 75 34 the taxpayer's trust fund is established after a reference to
 75 35 that fund by name, to improve hypertext linkage within this
 76  1 provision establishing the Iowa economic emergency fund.
 76  2    Section 13.15:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate
 76  3 citation to this provision relating to rules and forms for the
 76  4 department of justice's farm assistance program.
 76  5    Section 16.92: Strikes the words "Iowa finance" which
 76  6 appear before the term "authority" because "authority" is
 76  7 defined in Code section 16.1 for purposes of Code chapter 16 to
 76  8 mean the Iowa finance authority.
 76  9    Section 19B.2:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and corrects
 76 10 internal references to facilitate citation to this provision
 76 11 relating to equal opportunity in state employment.
 76 12    Section 26.13:  Strikes the words "of transportation" which
 76 13 appear after the word "department" in this provision related
 76 14 to early release of retained funds to contractors working on
 76 15 public improvement projects because the term "department"
 76 16 is defined in this Code section to mean the department of
 76 17 transportation.
 76 18    Section 28F.10: Replaces parentheses with commas to
 76 19 update the punctuation of this provision relating to refunding
 76 20 bonds issued for purposes of calling, retiring, or paying for
 76 21 outstanding bonds or to finance certain improvement projects.
 76 22    Section 29B.6:  Places quotation marks around two terms
 76 23 which are defined and numbers unnumbered paragraphs to
 76 24 facilitate citation to this provision describing when a person
 76 25 may be arrested or confined under the Code chapter relating to
 76 26 military justice.
 76 27    Section 29C.23:  Adds a citation to the Code section in
 76 28 which the state interoperable communications system board is
 76 29 established after a reference to that board by name, to improve
 76 30 hypertext linkage and strikes the word "Iowa" to correct
 76 31 the name of the board within this provision describing the
 76 32 governance of the Iowa radio interoperability platform.
 76 33    Section 39.17:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate
 76 34 citation, adds a comma to a series to improve grammar, and adds
 76 35 the word "each" to conform the internal style of the language
 77  1 of this Code section relating to the election of various county
 77  2 officers.
 77  3    Section 46.6:  Replaces parentheses with commas to update
 77  4 the punctuation of this provision relating to consideration of
 77  5 judges' seniority in the selection of chairpersons for judicial
 77  6 nominating commissions.
 77  7    Section 80B.14:  Rearranges language and replaces "such"
 77  8 with "the" to update the style and improve the readability of
 77  9 this provision regarding the submission of a budget by the
 77 10 Iowa law enforcement academy council to the department of
 77 11 management.
 77 12    Section 84A.4:  Replaces the word "the" with "each" in this
 77 13 provision relating to establishment of workforce development
 77 14 regional advisory boards to reflect the fact that because
 77 15 a regional advisory board is established in each workforce
 77 16 development service delivery area, more than just one board
 77 17 exists.
 77 18    Sections 89B.8 and 89B.12: Replaces "division of the
 77 19 chapter" and "division" with "subchapter" to correct internal
 77 20 references within these provisions, to correspond with a Code
 77 21 editor directive in division III of this bill to convert the
 77 22 Code chapter divisions into subchapters, in this Code chapter
 77 23 governing the provision of warnings and other information
 77 24 regarding hazardous chemicals in the workplace.
 77 25    Section 92.5: Separates a sentence describing an exception
 77 26 that applies to all of the listed types of work from language
 77 27 that describes just one of type of work, and renumbers to
 77 28 eliminate the resulting unanchored unnumbered paragraph, in
 77 29 this subsection describing occupations in which persons 14 and
 77 30 15 years of age may be employed or permitted to work.
 77 31    Section 96.7:  Adds the words "pursuant to chapter 17A" to
 77 32 facilitate hypertext linkage to the Code chapter pursuant to
 77 33 which the various rules described in this section pertaining to
 77 34 employer unemployment compensation contributions are adopted.
 77 35    Section 96.9: Strikes the redundant phrases "of this
 78  1 section" and "of this chapter" the latter of which appears
 78  2 after a citation to another Code section in Code chapter 96, to
 78  3 improve style and to avoid unneeded hypertext linkage in this
 78  4 provision establishing the unemployment compensation fund.
 78  5    Section 96.14:  Adds a terminal comma to a series to improve
 78  6 the punctuation in this provision relating to the operation of
 78  7 a lien for collection of delinquent unemployment compensation
 78  8 contributions owed by a political subdivision or political
 78  9 subdivision instrumentality.
 78 10    Section 96.19: Strikes a redundant subsection headnote and
 78 11 the words "the term" to conform the style of the definition
 78 12 of the term "benefit year" to other definitions and removes
 78 13 parentheses and adds commas within definitions of the terms
 78 14 "employer" and "employment" to update the punctuation within
 78 15 this definitional Code section that applies to the Code chapter
 78 16 governing unemployment compensation.
 78 17    Section 97B.43 and 97B.49A:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs
 78 18 and corrects internal references to the former paragraphs to
 78 19 facilitate citation to this provision relating to credit for
 78 20 prior service in the determination of retirement allowance
 78 21 payments under the Iowa public employees' retirement system.
 78 22 An internal reference to this Code section as numbered is also
 78 23 corrected in Code section 97B.49A in division II of this bill.
 78 24    Section 99B.27: Updates and conforms the internal style of
 78 25 this provision relating to requirements for lawful conduct of
 78 26 card game tournaments by changing two provisions to include
 78 27 the word "shall" within language containing descriptions of
 78 28 prohibited conduct.
 78 29    Sections 135B.7 and 153.15A:  Updates the name of the
 78 30 postsecondary education program accrediting group formerly
 78 31 known as the council on postsecondary accreditation to its
 78 32 current name, "the council on higher education accreditation",
 78 33 in these two provisions relating to recognition of
 78 34 qualifications of certain health care practitioners.
 78 35    Section 148E.2:  Updates the name of the postsecondary
 79  1 education program accrediting group formerly known as the
 79  2 national accreditation commission for schools and colleges
 79  3 of acupuncture and oriental medicine and an acupuncturist
 79  4 certification commission to the current names: the
 79  5 accreditation commission for acupuncture and oriental medicine
 79  6 and the national certification commission for acupuncture and
 79  7 oriental medicine.
 79  8    Section 161A.72:  Replaces "division" with "subchapter"
 79  9 in one instance to distinguish between reference to the Code
 79 10 chapter subunit and replaces references to the division of
 79 11 soil and water conservation of the department of agriculture
 79 12 and land stewardship and to correct the internal reference to
 79 13 correspond with a Code editor directive in division III of this
 79 14 bill to convert the Code chapter divisions into subchapters, in
 79 15 this Code chapter governing soil and water conservation.
 79 16    Section 225.24: Adds the word "county" before the words
 79 17 "mental health" to correct a reference by name to the county
 79 18 mental health and disabilities services fund created in Code
 79 19 section 331.424A in this provision relating to the collection
 79 20 of expenses for the support of a committed private patient.
 79 21    Section 234.39:  Redesignates this provision and corrects
 79 22 internal references to distinguish language relating to the
 79 23 establishment of foster care services support obligations
 79 24 from language relating to assignment, collection, and
 79 25 characterization of payments made pursuant to an order for
 79 26 support.
 79 27    Section 252H.2:  Replaces a numeric Code chapter
 79 28 self=reference with the words "this chapter" to conform
 79 29 to current Code citation style in this definition of the
 79 30 term "support order" in this Code chapter pertaining to the
 79 31 adjustment and modification of child support orders.
 79 32    Section 256.3:  Moves language and numbers unnumbered
 79 33 paragraphs to update the style and facilitate citation to this
 79 34 provision establishing the state board of education.
 79 35    Sections 257.17 and 279.10: Replaces the phrase "year
 80  1 around school" with "year=round school" to improve the usage
 80  2 in language describing the schools which are exempt from state
 80  3 aid payment reductions for an early school start date and
 80  4 in language describing the process established for school
 80  5 districts and accredited nonpublic schools seeking to maintain
 80  6 a year=round school calendar.
 80  7    Section 307.26: Changes certain commas to semicolons
 80  8 to improve the punctuation and readability of a provision
 80  9 describing the duties of the administrator for modal programs
 80 10 within the state department of transportation.
 80 11    Section 310.27: Updates the style of language in this
 80 12 provision relating to temporary transfers of funds to the
 80 13 primary road fund if claims against the fund exceed moneys
 80 14 available.
 80 15    Section 313.4:  Updates the language and punctuation of a
 80 16 series relating to the appropriation and uses of the primary
 80 17 road fund.
 80 18    Sections 321.189, 321.190, 724.10, and 724.17: Replaces
 80 19 the word "colored" with "color" before the word "photograph"
 80 20 to conform the modifier used to describe non=black=and=white
 80 21 photographs in these provisions describing applications
 80 22 for nonoperator's identification cards, driver's licenses,
 80 23 and weapons permits, as well as the contents of cards,
 80 24 licenses, and permits that are issued by the departments of
 80 25 transportation and public safety, to other similar language
 80 26 throughout the Code.
 80 27    Sections 321.215 and 321J.20:  Replaces "each section"
 80 28 with "this section" and a specific Code section reference
 80 29 to facilitate hypertext linkage to language relating to
 80 30 requirements applicable to issuance of a temporary restricted
 80 31 driver's license.
 80 32    Section 321.492: Numbers and letters unnumbered paragraphs
 80 33 to facilitate citation to this provision describing peace
 80 34 officer authority to stop and inspect motor vehicles.
 80 35    Section 321A.1:  Updates the style of this definitions
 81  1 Code section for the Code chapter relating to motor vehicle
 81  2 financial responsibility.
 81  3    Section 321A.30: Updates an expression in language
 81  4 describing the applicability of the Code chapter relating to
 81  5 motor vehicle financial responsibility to rights of secured
 81  6 parties or lessors of a motor vehicle.
 81  7    Section 331.207:  Moves a period to be after quotation marks
 81  8 to correct the punctuation of language describing how board
 81  9 of supervisors representation plans that are submitted at a
 81 10 special election are to be stated.
 81 11    Section 357A.2:  Adds, in two places, the alphanumeric
 81 12 reference "d" after the word "paragraph" to more clearly
 81 13 articulate the location of the paragraph describing when a
 81 14 city is to provide water service to a rural water district and
 81 15 the circumstances that predicate the provision of service by
 81 16 a city.
 81 17    Section 384.78:  Updates the style of a citation to a 1972
 81 18 Iowa Act in this provision relating to the levy of special
 81 19 assessments and the issuance of certain special assessment
 81 20 bonds to conform the citation to the current style for citation
 81 21 to Iowa Acts.
 81 22    Section 384.84:  Adds the words "of this subsection" after a
 81 23 reference to paragraph "a" to distinguish the reference from
 81 24 references to other paragraphs in other subsections in this
 81 25 provision relating to the legal authority of certain entities
 81 26 providing utility services within cities.
 81 27    Section 384.103:  Adds a comma after the word "event" to set
 81 28 off a prefatory clause and improve the readability of language
 81 29 regarding the circumstances under which the chief officer or
 81 30 official of a governing body or a governing body may accept,
 81 31 enter into, and make payment under a contract for emergency
 81 32 repairs without holding a public hearing and advertising for
 81 33 bids.
 81 34    Section 403A.3:  Adds the word "and" in three places to
 81 35 complete three series describing the powers of municipalities
 82  1 with respect to municipal housing projects.
 82  2    Section 403A.13:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs, replaces
 82  3 parentheses with commas, adds a comma to a series to improve
 82  4 citation and punctuation, and updates the style of this
 82  5 provision relating to form and sale of bonds issued by
 82  6 municipalities for municipal housing projects.
 82  7    Section 403A.14: Replaces parentheses with a comma and a
 82  8 semicolon to update the punctuation and style of this provision
 82  9 describing the additional powers possessed by a municipality
 82 10 in connection with the issuance of bonds or the incurring of
 82 11 obligations under municipal housing project leases.
 82 12    Section 403A.16: Replaces parentheses with commas and adds
 82 13 a terminal comma to a series to update the punctuation and
 82 14 style of this provision relating to powers of municipalities to
 82 15 confer upon an obligee certain rights and remedies with respect
 82 16 to municipal housing projects.
 82 17    Section 403A.17: Replaces parentheses with commas and
 82 18 divides a sentence to eliminate a mid=paragraph colon to update
 82 19 the punctuation and style of this provision exempting property
 82 20 owned or held by a municipality for the purposes of a municipal
 82 21 housing project from levy and sale by virtue of an execution.
 82 22    Section 403A.18: Eliminates parentheses and adds commas to
 82 23 update the punctuation and style of this provision relating
 82 24 transfer of possession of or title to a municipal housing
 82 25 project by a municipality to the federal government.
 82 26    Section 404.5:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and adds
 82 27 a terminal comma to a series to facilitate citation to and
 82 28 improve the punctuation of this provision relating to physical
 82 29 review and determinations of value of real property as part of
 82 30 reviews of applications for property tax exemptions.
 82 31    Section 422.7:  Redesignates to eliminate unanchored
 82 32 unnumbered paragraphs, letters unnumbered paragraphs, and
 82 33 corrects internal references to account for the redesignations
 82 34 and to facilitate citation to these provisions which describe
 82 35 the computation of a taxpayer's net income.
 83  1    Section 441.10:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and corrects
 83  2 internal references to facilitate citation to this provision
 83  3 regarding the appointment, examination, suspension, and
 83  4 discharge of deputy county assessors.
 83  5    Section 445.3:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and corrects
 83  6 internal references to facilitate citation to this provision
 83  7 regarding legal actions authorized for the collection of
 83  8 property taxes.
 83  9    Section 452A.10: Numbers and letters paragraphs to
 83 10 facilitate citation to these provisions requiring the
 83 11 maintaining and disposal of records of transactions relating to
 83 12 the importing, withdrawal from storage, sale, or acquisition
 83 13 of  motor fuel or special fuel.
 83 14    Section 452A.57:  Replaces parentheses with commas and
 83 15 adds a terminal comma to a series in this definition of motor
 83 16 vehicle that applies to taxes imposed on motor fuels and
 83 17 special fuels.
 83 18    Section 452A.66:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and replaces
 83 19 "therein" with a specific Code citation to facilitate citation
 83 20 and hypertext linkage in this provision relating to the
 83 21 statutes that apply to the imposition of motor fuel and special
 83 22 fuel taxes.
 83 23    Section 453A.1: Updates the style of an exception to the
 83 24 definition of what constitutes a cigarette for purposes of the
 83 25 chapter governing imposition of taxes on cigarettes, tobacco,
 83 26 and alternative nicotine and vapor products.
 83 27    Sections 455B.133B and 455B.133C:  Updates the word order
 83 28 of two provisions disallowing the reimbursement of expenses
 83 29 for attendees of Title V and air quality fees stakeholder
 83 30 meetings held by the environmental protection commission of the
 83 31 department of natural resources.
 83 32    Section 455B.183: Conforms the capitalization of the name
 83 33 of a publication to current Code style in this provision
 83 34 requiring the securing of a permit prior to constructing,
 83 35 installing, or operating a disposal or public water supply
 84  1 system.
 84  2    Section 455B.187:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and
 84  3 corrects internal references to improve citation to this
 84  4 provision relating to water well construction.
 84  5    Section 455B.474:  Replaces parentheses with commas to
 84  6 update the style of this provision relating to the adoption
 84  7 of rules pertaining to standards of performance for new
 84  8 underground storage tanks used to contain certain regulated
 84  9 substances.
 84 10    Section 460.305:  Corrects a headnote to reflect the
 84 11 fact that only one program is regulated, and then numbers
 84 12 unnumbered paragraphs and adds a citation to the statute
 84 13 establishing the groundwater protection fund, to facilitate
 84 14 citation and hypertext linkage to this provision relating to a
 84 15 conservation easement program for the prevention of groundwater
 84 16 contamination through sinkholes.
 84 17    Section 468.13:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate
 84 18 citation and updates language in this provision relating to
 84 19 board of supervisor's procedures upon the filing of a report
 84 20 recommending the establishment of a levee or drainage district.
 84 21    Section 468.35:  Supplies the missing word "a" before the
 84 22 word "contract" to improve the grammar of a provision relating
 84 23 to bids on construction contracts for improvements within
 84 24 drainage or levee districts.
 84 25    Section 468.103:  Updates the style of language and numbers
 84 26 unnumbered paragraphs to improve citation to this provision
 84 27 relating to final settlement of claims for work completed and
 84 28 damages relating to work performed on a drainage or levee
 84 29 district improvement.
 84 30    Section 475A.6:  Numbers and letters unnumbered paragraphs
 84 31 to facilitate citation to this provision relating to
 84 32 certification of expenses by the consumer advocate to the
 84 33 utilities division of the department of commerce.
 84 34    Sections 476B.6 and 476C.4: Conforms the grammar of
 84 35 language in provisions describing the types of entities to
 85  1 which tax credit certificates are issued directly for purposes
 85  2 of receipt of wind energy production and the renewable energy
 85  3 tax credits to other similar language elsewhere in each of
 85  4 these two Code sections.
 85  5    Section 478.14: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate
 85  6 citation, replaces parentheses with commas, and updates the
 85  7 style of language relating to services furnished by electric
 85  8 light or power distribution systems owned or operated by a
 85  9 city.
 85 10    Section 481A.22: Updates language by changing the word
 85 11 order in this provision regulating the conduct of field or
 85 12 retriever meets or trials.
 85 13    Section 508.37:  Conforms the capitalization of the names
 85 14 of publications to current Code style in this provision
 85 15 establishing nonforfeiture benefits standards for life
 85 16 insurance policies.
 85 17    Section 508.38:  Replaces parentheses with commas in
 85 18 language describing how certain minimum values of benefits
 85 19 available under an annuity contract are to be calculated.
 85 20    Section 509.19:  Updates the citation form for a United
 85 21 States Code citation to a definition of the term "multiple
 85 22 employer welfare arrangement" within a definition of the term
 85 23 "person issuing a policy or contract providing group health
 85 24 benefit coverages".
 85 25    Sections 511.34 and 515.134:  Replaces "it" with "company or
 85 26 association" and "such" with "the" to update the language in
 85 27 these provisions relating to the consequences associated with a
 85 28 company or association's failure to attach the application or
 85 29 representation of an assured which, pursuant to the terms of an
 85 30 insurance policy, are made part of the policy.
 85 31    Section 514C.27: Corrects the hyphenation of the modifier
 85 32 "accident=only" in language excluding certain types of
 85 33 insurance policies from the requirements for coverage benefits
 85 34 for mental illness and substance abuse treatment.
 85 35    Section 514J.107: Strikes a comma to correct the
 86  1 punctuation in language describing one of the determinations
 86  2 that must be made by a health carrier in a preliminary review
 86  3 of a request for external review of a health care coverage
 86  4 decision.
 86  5    Section 515.63: Strikes redundant ordinal expressions which
 86  6 appear after numeric expressions of the same order in this
 86  7 listing of items and facts required for an insurer's annual
 86  8 statement.
 86  9    Section 524.103: Supplies a missing terminal comma within a
 86 10 series describing the individuals who are considered to be a
 86 11 fiduciary within the meaning of the Code chapter pertaining to
 86 12 banking.
 86 13    Section 524.215: Supplies a missing terminal comma within a
 86 14 series describing the confidentiality of certain records of the
 86 15 banking division of the department of commerce.
 86 16    Section 524.911: Supplies a missing terminal comma within a
 86 17 series describing the powers of a state bank to issue, advise,
 86 18 and confirm letters of credit.
 86 19    Section 524.1002:  Supplies missing terminal commas within
 86 20 several series in language placing restrictions on the making
 86 21 of certain loans or extensions of credit by state banks.
 86 22    Section 524.1805:  Replaces "that division" with a numeric
 86 23 division reference to the division within the business
 86 24 corporations Code chapter referenced in language describing
 86 25 requirements that apply to out=of=state banks and bank holding
 86 26 companies.
 86 27    Section 535.12: Strikes internal references to defined
 86 28 terms and combines two subsections to create a single
 86 29 alphabetical definitions subsection within this provision
 86 30 relating to loans made by agricultural credit corporations.
 86 31    Section 536.26:  Numbers and letters unnumbered paragraphs
 86 32 to facilitate citation, updates language, replaces parentheses
 86 33 with commas, and adds a terminal comma to a series in this
 86 34 provision relating to insured loans.
 86 35    Section 554.2602:  Conforms the capitalization of a
 87  1 reference by name to another Code section in this provision
 87  2 relating to rejection of goods under the uniform commercial
 87  3 code to other similar references throughout the Code.
 87  4    Section 600B.22:  Updates the style to eliminate a gender
 87  5 reference in this provision relating to prosecution of deceased
 87  6 persons who are named in actions to establish paternity and
 87  7 support obligations.
 87  8    Section 600B.37:  Updates the style to eliminate a gender
 87  9 reference in this provision relating to punishment of fathers
 87 10 by contempt for failure to comply with or violations of the
 87 11 terms or conditions of support orders.
 87 12    Section 602.9115:  Moves a definition of the term "survivor"
 87 13 to the beginning of the Code section and renumbers an
 87 14 intervening subsection in this provision relating to annuities
 87 15 for survivors of deceased judges under the judicial retirement
 87 16 system.
 87 17    Section 614.6:  Renumbers this Code section relating to
 87 18 the statute of limitations applicable to crimes committed by
 87 19 nonresidents or unknown defendants to eliminate unanchored
 87 20 unnumbered paragraphs.
 87 21    Section 636.21:  Updates the style of language relating to
 87 22 the duty of the commissioner of insurance to mail copies of
 87 23 notices to any company to whom the commissioner has issued a
 87 24 certificate of authority to transact the business of a surety
 87 25 and for whom the commissioner is acting as the agent for
 87 26 service of process.
 87 27    Section 657A.12:  Supplies the missing word "a" before
 87 28 the words "tax sale" in language relating to notations to be
 87 29 made by the county treasurer in the county system regarding
 87 30 petitions for title to abandoned property that have been filed
 87 31 by a governmental entity.
 87 32    Section 670.2:  Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate
 87 33 citation and places quotation marks around a term that is
 87 34 defined in this provision relating to the liability of a
 87 35 municipality for torts committed by officers or employees of
 88  1 the municipality.
 88  2    Section 670.9:  Corrects the style of a disjunctive string
 88  3 citation to conform to current Code style in this provision
 88  4 relating to adjustment and settlement of municipal tort claims.
 88  5    Section 724.25:  Replaces parentheses with commas in
 88  6 language defining the meaning of the term "antique firearm" in
 88  7 the Code chapter regulating possession and use of weapons.
 88  8    Section 903A.2: Redesignates within a paragraph to
 88  9 eliminate unanchored unnumbered paragraphs within language
 88 10 describing category "A" sentences served by inmates of
 88 11 institutions under the control of the department of
 88 12 corrections.
 88 13    DIVISION II
 88 14    This division contains a correction to an internal reference
 88 15 to Code section 97B.43, which is redesignated in division I of
 88 16 the bill.
 88 17    DIVISION III
 88 18    This division contains Code editor directives to change the
 88 19 word "division" to "subchapter" in various enumerated Code
 88 20 sections in the Code and to change the Code chapter division
 88 21 designations to subchapter designations within a corresponding
 88 22 list of enumerated Code chapters.
 88 23    The division also requires the Code editor to number the
 88 24 unnumbered paragraphs in various enumerated provisions in
 88 25 accordance with established Code section hierarchy and to
 88 26 correct internal references as necessary.
 88 27    The division also directs the Code editor to combine
 88 28 individual repeal entries for several series of repealed
 88 29 Code sections within the Code chapter containing the uniform
 88 30 commercial code.
       LSB 5540HV (1) 86