House File 2273 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  WINDSCHITL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the classification or definition of
  2    firearms.
    TLSB 5684YH (8) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  455A.14  Limitation on authority
  1  2 == firearms.
  1  3    The natural resource commission or the department shall not
  1  4 adopt or enforce a rule that discriminates on the basis of
  1  5 action type or configuration between firearms that otherwise
  1  6 meet the requirements of the natural resource commission and
  1  7 the department with respect to ammunition and barrel length,
  1  8 and if the use and possession of the firearm is otherwise
  1  9 lawful.  However, nothing in this section shall be construed to
  1 10 prohibit the natural resource commission or the department from
  1 11 adopting or enforcing other rules or regulations related to the
  1 12 taking of game.
  1 13    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  724.32  Firearm classification or
  1 14 definition == federal regulations.
  1 15    1.  The state or a political subdivision of the state shall
  1 16 adhere to regulations promulgated by the federal bureau of
  1 17 alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives when classifying or
  1 18 defining a firearm.
  1 19    2.  This section applies to any firearm classification or
  1 20 definition adopted prior to, on, or after the effective date
  1 21 of this Act.
  1 22                           EXPLANATION
  1 23 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 24 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 25    This bill relates to the classification or definition of
  1 26 firearms.
  1 27    The bill provides that the natural resource commission
  1 28 or the department of natural resources shall not adopt or
  1 29 enforce a rule that discriminates on the basis of action type
  1 30 or configuration between firearms and that otherwise meet
  1 31 the requirements of the natural resource commission and the
  1 32 department with respect to ammunition and barrel length, and
  1 33 if the use and possession of the firearm is otherwise lawful.
  1 34 However, nothing in the bill shall be construed to prohibit the
  1 35 natural resource commission or the department from adopting or
  2  1 enforcing other rules or regulations related to the taking of
  2  2 game.
  2  3    Under the bill, the state or a political subdivision of the
  2  4 state shall adhere to regulations promulgated by the federal
  2  5 bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives when
  2  6 classifying or defining a firearm.
  2  7    The bill applies to any firearm classification or definition
  2  8 adopted prior to, on, or after the effective date of the bill.
       LSB 5684YH (8) 87