

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 11, 2020

        Introduced by M. of A. SAYEGH -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Codes

        AN  ACT  to amend the penal law, in relation to electronic dart guns and
          electronic stun guns

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision a of section 265.20 of the penal law is amended
     2  by adding two new paragraphs 17 and 18 to read as follows:
     3    17.  Possession in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph of
     4  an electronic dart gun or an electronic stun gun,  as  those  terms  are
     5  defined  in  section  265.00  of  this  article, for the protection of a
     6  person or property on real estate that such person owns  or  leases,  or
     7  where  such  person resides, or within the confines of a business estab-
     8  lishment that such person owns or leases, and  use  of  such  electronic
     9  dart  gun or electronic stun gun under circumstances which would justify
    10  the use of physical force pursuant to article thirty-five of this  chap-
    11  ter.
    12    (a) The exemption provided for under this paragraph shall not apply to
    13  a  person  who:  (i)  is  less than eighteen years of age; (ii) has been
    14  previously convicted in this state of a felony or any assault; or  (iii)
    15  has  been  convicted  of  a crime outside the state of New York which if
    16  committed in New York would constitute a felony or any assault crime.
    17    (b) The department of health, with the cooperation of the division  of
    18  criminal  justice services and the superintendent of state police, shall
    19  develop standards and promulgate regulations regarding the type of elec-
    20  tronic dart gun or electronic stun gun which may lawfully be  purchased,
    21  possessed  and  used pursuant to this paragraph.  Such regulations shall
    22  include a maximum allowable delivered charge for  such  devices,  and  a
    23  requirement  that every electronic dart gun or electronic stun gun which
    24  may be lawfully purchased, possessed or used pursuant to this  paragraph
    25  have  a  label  which  states:  "WARNING: the use of this device for any
    26  purpose other than self-defense is a criminal  offense  under  the  law.
    27  This  device  shall not be sold by another person, other than a licensed
    28  or authorized dealer. Possession of this device by any person under  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9784                             2

     1  age  of  eighteen  or  by  anyone  who has been convicted of a felony or
     2  assault is illegal. Violators may be prosecuted under the law."
     3    18.  Possession  and sale of an electronic dart gun or electronic stun
     4  gun as defined in section  265.00  of  this  article,  by  a  dealer  in
     5  firearms  licensed pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter, or by any
     6  other vendor as may be authorized and approved by the superintendent  of
     7  state police.
     8    (a) Every electronic dart gun or electronic stun gun shall be accompa-
     9  nied by an insert or inserts which include directions for use, first aid
    10  information, safety and storage information and which shall also contain
    11  a  toll  free telephone number for the purpose of allowing any purchaser
    12  to call and receive additional information regarding the availability of
    13  local courses in self-defense training and safety in the use of an elec-
    14  tronic dart gun or electronic stun gun.
    15    (b) Before delivering an electronic dart gun or electronic stun gun to
    16  any person, the licensed or authorized dealer shall require proof of age
    17  and a sworn statement on a form approved by the superintendent of  state
    18  police  that such person has not been convicted of a felony or any crime
    19  involving an assault. Such forms shall be forwarded to the  division  of
    20  state  police  at  such  intervals  as directed by the superintendent of
    21  state police. Absent any such direction the forms shall be maintained on
    22  the premises of the vendor and shall be open at all reasonable hours for
    23  inspection by any peace officer or police officer,  acting  pursuant  to
    24  his  or her special duties. No more than two of any combination of elec-
    25  tronic dart guns or electronic stun guns may be sold at any one time  to
    26  a single purchaser.
    27    §  2.  Section 195.08 of the penal law, as added by chapter 354 of the
    28  laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows:
    29  § 195.08 Obstructing governmental administration by means of a  self-de-
    30             fense  spray  device, electronic dart gun, or electronic stun
    31             gun.
    32    A person is guilty of obstructing governmental administration by means
    33  of a self-defense spray device, electronic dart gun, or electronic  stun
    34  gun  when,  with the intent to prevent a police officer or peace officer
    35  from performing a lawful duty, he causes temporary  physical  impairment
    36  to  a  police  officer  or  peace officer by intentionally discharging a
    37  self-defense spray device, as defined in paragraph fourteen of  subdivi-
    38  sion  a  of section 265.20 of this chapter, or an electronic dart gun or
    39  electronic stun gun, as defined  in  section  265.00  of  this  chapter,
    40  thereby causing such temporary physical impairment.
    41    Obstructing  governmental  administration  by  means of a self-defense
    42  spray device, electronic dart gun, or electronic stun gun is a  class  D
    43  felony.
    44    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.