

                    IN SENATE

                                     August 15, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen. HELMING -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to authorizing the possession
          of a firearm, shotgun or rifle in certain sport  shooting  and  target
          practice facilities

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraphs (o) and (p) of subdivision 2 of section 265.01-e
     2  of the penal law, as added by chapter 371  of  the  laws  of  2022,  are
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (o)  any  establishment  issued a license for [on-premise] on-premises
     5  consumption pursuant to article four, four-A, five, or six of the  alco-
     6  holic  beverage control law where alcohol is consumed and any establish-
     7  ment licensed under article four of the cannabis  law  for  [on-premise]
     8  on-premises consumption, provided, however, that such establishment does
     9  not  have  a  primary  purpose of facilitating sport shooting and target
    10  practice activities;
    11    (p) any place used for the performance, art entertainment, gaming,  or
    12  sporting  events such as theaters, stadiums, racetracks, museums, amuse-
    13  ment parks, performance venues, concerts, exhibits, conference  centers,
    14  banquet  halls, and gaming facilities and video lottery terminal facili-
    15  ties as licensed by the gaming commission, provided, however, that noth-
    16  ing in this paragraph shall prohibit the otherwise lawful possession  of
    17  a  firearm,  rifle  or shotgun in such a location when possessed for the
    18  purpose of participating in  shooting  sports,  including  practice  and
    19  competition;
    20    §  2.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    21  if chapter 371 of the laws of 2022 shall not have  taken  effect  on  or
    22  before  such  date then section one of this act shall take effect on the
    23  same date and in the same manner as such chapter of the  laws  of  2022,
    24  takes effect.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.