S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                    January 9, 2013
       Introduced  by  Sen. SAMPSON -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes
       AN ACT to direct the division of criminal  justice  services  to  study,
         review  and  report, to the governor and the legislature, on the laws,
         rules and regulations relating to air rifles, air  pistols  and  other
         non-powder guns
    1    Section 1. Legislative findings.  The  legislature  hereby  finds  and
    2  declares  that  recent  advances  in  technologies  associated  with air
    3  rifles, air pistols and other non-powder guns have resulted in  products
    4  that  are  substantially  different  than  those common in past decades.
    5  Changes in materials and techniques used to produce  non-powder  weapons
    6  and  ammunition, and the development of guns using carbon dioxide cylin-
    7  ders and external supplies of compressed gas, have resulted in the emer-
    8  gence of air guns that can approach the velocity and  force  of  weapons
    9  using  gunpowder.   The continued development of more powerful and accu-
   10  rate air guns makes it incumbent on the state of New  York  to  reassess
   11  the adequacy of its laws, rules, regulations and policies to ensure that
   12  the public interest continues to be served.
   13    S  2.  (a)  The  division  of criminal justice services shall examine,
   14  evaluate, review and make recommendations concerning:
   15    (1) the current state of and anticipated developments in  technologies
   16  associated  with  the  design,  production  and  use  of air rifles, air
   17  pistols and other similar non-powder guns, including the ammunition  and
   18  ancillary equipment therefor;
   19    (2)  the  current  state  statutes, the current rules, regulations and
   20  policies of state agencies, and any significant laws, codes, ordinances,
   21  rules, regulations and policies of municipalities in the state  relating
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 520                              2
    1  to  air rifles, air pistols and other similar non-powder guns, including
    2  ammunition and ancillary equipment therefor;
    3    (3)  recent  developments in statutes, rules, regulations and policies
    4  in other jurisdictions; and
    5    (4) the extent to which the statutes, rules, regulations and  policies
    6  reviewed  pursuant to paragraph two of this subdivision serve the public
    7  interest.
    8    (b) In conducting its examination, evaluation, review and formation of
    9  recommendations pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section,  the  divi-
   10  sion  of  criminal justice services shall consult with the department of
   11  environmental conservation, the division of state police, the office  of
   12  homeland  security  and  other  appropriate state and local agencies and
   13  offices, and shall solicit and consider input from the public.
   14    S 3. Within one year of the effective date of this act,  the  division
   15  of criminal justice services shall make a report to the governor and the
   16  legislature  of its findings, conclusions and recommendations and shall,
   17  with its report, submit  such  legislative  proposals  and  options  for
   18  changes  in  rules,  regulations  and  policies as it deems necessary to
   19  implement its recommendations.
   20    S 4. This act shall take effect immediately.