Proposed Connecticut Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Connecticut does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: An Act Establishing A Credit Against The Personal Income Tax For The Purchase Of A Gun Safe.
Description: To establish a credit, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars, against the personal income tax for the purchase of a gun safe for a taxpayer's personal use.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
Last Action Date: February 7, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning A Nonexpiring Ammunition Certificate.
Description: To allow an option for a life-time ammunition permit.
Last Action: File Number 590
Last Action Date: April 19, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Firearms In State Parks.
Description: To permit persons to carry firearms in state parks.
Last Action: File Number 535
Last Action Date: April 17, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those which are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade and to permit local authorities to interview immediate family members as part of a determination of an applicant's suitability.
Last Action: File Number 591
Last Action Date: April 19, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Bump Stocks And Other Means Of Enhancing The Rate Of Fire Of A Firearm.
Description: To ban the sale or transfer, possession, manufacturing or use of bump stocks or other accessories to increase the rate of fire of a firearm.
Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Last Action Date: May 31, 2018

Title: An Act Adjusting The State Budget For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019.
Description: To require the Commissioner of Revenue Services to analyze the revenue streams of the state.
Last Action: File Number 660
Last Action Date: May 1, 2018

Title: An Act Banning Rate Of Fire Enhancements.
Description: To implement the Governor's budget recommendations.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
Last Action Date: February 8, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Dual Arrests And The Training Required Of Law Enforcement Personnel With Respect To Domestic Violence.
Description: To reduce the number of dual arrests that occur in domestic violence cases and enhance domestic violence training offered to state and local law enforcement agencies.
Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Last Action Date: May 14, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Minor And Technical Changes To Various Statutes Concerning The Juvenile Justice System.
Description: To permit disclosure of juvenile arrests when the offense violates school or institution of higher education policy or poses a threat to safety, to provide for the appropriate resolution of violations of sex offender registry orders by juvenile offenders, to provide information on juvenile alcohol and drug offenses to the Department of Motor Vehicles, to delete obsolete provisions of the general statutes, and to include as a qualifier for illegal possession of certain weapons a person who was adjudicated as a youthful offender for an offense that would be a felony for an adult.
Last Action: Public Hearing 03/23
Last Action Date: March 19, 2018

Title: An Act Concerning Revisions To Various Statutes Concerning The Criminal Justice System.
Description: To provide that a qualified person withdrawing blood in the case of a person driving while intoxicated shall not incur any civil liability, to clarify responsibility for penalties imposed for violations of permits issued for nonconforming motor vehicles in response to the ruling of the court in State v. Ginnetti Petroleum Transporters, LLC, A05D-MI16-2758602-S (G.A. 5 at Derby), to make a conforming change to the assault statutes and to provide for criminal lockout protection to tenants of nonresidential properties.
Last Action: File Number 619
Last Action Date: April 19, 2018