Proposed Connecticut Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Connecticut does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: An Act Limiting Orders Related To Firearms And Ammunition During A Civil Preparedness Emergency.
Description: To prohibit the Governor or any municipality from restricting lawful possession of a firearm or ammunition during a civil preparedness emergency.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Sale Of Ammunition At Gun Clubs And Firearm Ranges.
Description: To permit a gun club or firearm range to sell ammunition for use at such club or range.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Regulation Of Firearms By Municipalities.
Description: To prohibit the regulation of firearms by municipalities.
Last Action: Motion Failed (JF)
Last Action Date: April 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Membership Of The Board Of Firearms Permit Examiners.
Description: To reconstitute the membership of the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Certain Persons To Carry Firearms In State Parks.
Description: To allow persons who hold a firearms permit to carry such firearms in state parks.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 15, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Safe Firearm Storage.
Description: To keep children safe from gun violence, ensure greater responsibility by persons storing firearms and increase the opportunity for firearm safety education in public schools.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 15, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Parental Responsibility In The Case Of Stored Firearms.
Description: To increase parental responsibility when an incident results from storage of a loaded firearm or when a firearm is easily accessed by a minor.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 16, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Location Of Firearm Training Facilities.
Description: To limit the locations of state firearms training facilities and to direct the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to conduct a study regarding its firearms training needs.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
Last Action Date: January 16, 2019

Title: An Act Appropriating Funds To The State-wide Firearms Trafficking Task Force.
Description: To provide funding to the state-wide firearms trafficking task force and prevent deaths from illegally trafficked firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations
Last Action Date: January 18, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Bow And Arrow Hunters To Carry A Firearm For Protection.
Description: To allow bow and arrow hunters to carry a firearm for protection.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Increasing The Rate Of The Sales And Use Taxes On Ammunition.
Description: To increase the rate of the sales and use taxes on ammunition.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban ghost guns.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Firearm Storage.
Description: To require safe storage of firearms in homes with a household member who has a psychiatric condition.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Firearms In State Parks.
Description: To allow firearms in state parks.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 23, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing The Use Of Firearms With Sound Suppressors By Hunters.
Description: To authorize hunters to use firearms fitted with sound suppressors.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 23, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Transfer Of Assault Weapons And Large Capacity Magazines.
Description: To allow the legal transfer of an assault weapon possessed under a certificate of possession and large capacity magazines possessed under a declaration of possession between people who already legally possess such weapons or magazines.
Last Action: Motion Failed (JF)
Last Action Date: March 20, 2019

Title: An Act Requiring Safe Storage Of Guns And Ammunition.
Description: To promote "safe homes" by requiring safe storage options for weapons and ammunition.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Extending The Term Of Ammunition Certificates.
Description: To extend the term of an ammunition certificate.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention And Children's Safety.
Description: To help prevent unintentional shootings, suicide and crime-related gun violence.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To limit the spread of unregulated and unregistered firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Carry Permit Reciprocity.
Description: To secure permit or certificate reciprocity between Connecticut and other states that have substantially similar standards for carrying a firearm.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Authority Of A Probate Court Judge To Order That A Conserved Person Surrender Firearms.
Description: To authorize a Probate Court judge to make determinations regarding the removal of firearms from premises shared by a conserved person.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Use Of Firearms By Convicted Stalkers.
Description: To prohibit the purchase, transfer, or possession and use of a firearm by an individual who has been convicted for stalking, threatening or harassing behaviors.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 28, 2019

Title: An Act Prohibiting Weapons At Health Care Facilities.
Description: To ensure the safety of persons at health care facilities.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: An Act Allowing Off-duty Law Enforcement Officers To Carry Firearms On School Grounds.
Description: To allow off-duty law enforcement officers to carry firearms on school grounds.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Individuals Who Possess Firearms While Providing School Security Services.
Description: To (1) ensure that a person who will possess a firearm while providing school security services in a public school satisfactorily completes a child abuse and neglect registry check and a state and national criminal history records check prior to performing any school security duties, and (2) require notification of a local police department when a municipality or local or regional school board employs or enters into an agreement with such a person.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Education
Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those that are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban or restrict the sale, purchase, possession and use of a firearm that was partially assembled or was not marked with a serial number or other unique marking.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Erased Criminal Records And The Review Of Firearm Permit Applications.
Description: To permit chiefs of police and the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners to access arrest records resulting in a nolle in the case of a domestic violence offense in order to determine an applicant's suitability to hold a permit to carry a pistol or revolver.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Criminal Sanctions In Firearms-related Crimes.
Description: To increase criminal penalties for illegally carrying a firearm and other firearms-related crimes.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 29, 2019

Title: An Act Prohibiting The Regulation Of Firearms By Municipalities.
Description: To prohibit municipalities from adopting ordinances and regulations to regulate firearms.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Safe Storage Of Firearms In The Home And Firearm Safety Programs In Public Schools.
Description: To require the safe storage of all firearms, whether loaded or unloaded, in a home with a minor under eighteen years of age.
Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Last Action Date: June 3, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those which are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade or 3-D printed.
Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Last Action Date: June 3, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Storage Of A Pistol Or Revolver In A Motor Vehicle.
Description: To require safe storage of a pistol or revolver in a motor vehicle.
Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Last Action Date: June 3, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Condition Of Dementia As A Disqualifier For Firearm Permits Or Eligibility Certificates And As A Consideration For Seizure Of A Firearm Or Ammunition Under A Risk Warrant.
Description: To improve public safety.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 16, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Presentation Of A Carry Permit.
Description: To require individuals openly carrying to produce their permit if their firearm is visible and if requested by a law enforcement officer.
Last Action: File Number 439
Last Action Date: April 4, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban or restrict the sale, purchase, possession and use of a firearm that was partially assembled or was not marked with a serial number or other unique marking.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Presentation Of A Carry Permit Upon Request.
Description: To require the holder of a permit for the carrying of any pistol, revolver or other firearm to cooperate with law enforcement's reasonable request to see such permit and to penalize racial profiling by law enforcement.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Firearm Storage Safety Laws.
Description: To require safe storage of firearms in all homes, regardless of the age of the residents.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning 3d-printed Firearms.
Description: To ban or restrict the manufacture of polymer plastic 3D-printed firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Location Of State-operated Firearm Training Facilities.
Description: To ensure local, public input on the location of state firearms training facilities and to direct the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to conduct a study regarding its firearm training needs.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
Last Action Date: January 17, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Presentation Of A Carry Permit Upon Request.
Description: To require individuals who openly carry a pistol or revolver to produce their permit upon request of a law enforcement officer if the firearm is visible to such officer.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those which are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Limiting Multiple Handgun Purchases In A Thirty-day Period.
Description: To prohibit anyone from purchasing more than one handgun within any thirty-day period.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Establishing A Credit Against The Personal Income Tax For The Purchase Of Gun Safes.
Description: To establish a nonrefundable personal income tax credit of up to one hundred fifty dollars for the purchase of gun safes for personal use.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Defense Of A Person's Home, Motor Vehicle Or Business.
Description: To establish a rebuttable presumption in a self-defense claim that, when a person believes it necessary to use deadly force to repel an intruder, such belief is a reasonable belief.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 22, 2019

Title: An Act Limiting Orders Related To Firearms And Ammunition During A Civil Preparedness Emergency.
Description: To prohibit the Governor or any municipality from restricting lawful possession of a firearm or ammunition during a civil preparedness emergency.
Last Action: Change of Reference, House to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Certain Persons To Carry Handguns In State Parks And Forests.
Description: To allow persons to carry handguns in state parks and state forests for the purpose of self-defense.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 23, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Certain Persons To Carry Handguns In State Parks And Forests.
Description: To allow any person with a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver to carry a handgun for self-defense in state parks and state forests.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Last Action Date: January 23, 2019

Title: An Act Eliminating Certain Mandatory Minimum Sentences For Firearms-related Offenses.
Description: To eliminate the mandatory minimum sentences for certain firearms-related offenses.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Serial Numbers On Firearms.
Description: To ban firearms without serial numbers and require those manufactured or assembled by an individual be identifiable by a serial number or other unique marking.
Last Action: Change of Reference, House to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Extending The Term Of Ammunition Certificates.
Description: To extend the term of an ammunition certificate.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Ghost Guns.
Description: To prevent unregulated and dangerous weapons from being distributed in Connecticut.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 24, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Defense Of A Person's Home, Motor Vehicle Or Business.
Description: To establish a rebuttable presumption in a self-defense claim that, when a person believes it necessary to use deadly force to repel an intruder, such belief is a reasonable belief.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 24, 2019

Title: An Act Allowing The Purchase Of Ammunition Upon Presentation Of An Out-of-state License Or Permit To Carry A Firearm.
Description: To allow an individual to purchase ammunition upon presentation of a license or permit to carry a firearm that was issued by another state and displays the individual's picture.
Last Action: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Prohibiting Ghost Guns.
Description: To ensure that the sale of firearms be in adherence with requirements that firearms be marked with serial numbers and to close loopholes contributing to the illegal possession of firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 25, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning The Responsibilities Of The Commissioner Of Emergency Services And Public Protection To Verify That Persons Applying For Certain Firearm Permits Have Not Been Confined In A Hospital Pursuant To A Physician's Emergency Certificate.
Description: To require the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection to verify that persons applying for certain firearm permits have not been confined in a hospital pursuant to a physician's emergency certificate.
Last Action: Change of Reference, House to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 8, 2019

Title: An Act Concerning Sales Of Ammunition Or Ammunition Magazines.
Description: To (1) limit sales of ammunition and ammunition magazines, and (2) require a seller to record sales of ammunition or an ammunition magazine.
Last Action: Change of Reference, House to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: An Act Authorizing Certain Persons To Carry Handguns In State Parks And State Forests.
Description: To allow persons to carry handguns in state parks and state forests for the purpose of self-defense.
Last Action: Motion Failed (JF)
Last Action Date: March 20, 2019