Proposed Florida Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Florida does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Immigration
Description: Revises provisions related to immigration including voting by noncitizens, valid identification, driver licenses, offenses committed by unauthorized aliens, unauthorized alien defendants, enforcement of federal immigration laws, immigration detainers, suspension from office, transport of unauthorized aliens, and fee waivers.
Last Action: Laid on Table, refer to SB 2
Last Action Date: February 13, 2025

Title: Storage of Handguns in Private Conveyances and Vessels
Description: Provides requirements for storage of handguns in private conveyances & vessels; requires law enforcement agencies to engage in specified promotional campaign; requires counties to adopt specified ordinances concerning parents of children who have been found to have stolen handgun from conveyances or vessels.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Petition Process
Description: Revising provisions related to constitutional amendments, signature verifications, filing fees, candidate petitions, citizen initiatives, fiscal impact, and petition forms.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: January 27, 2025

Title: Carrying and Possession of Weapons and Firearms
Description: Prohibits carrying of concealed handgun or unconcealed firearm without license & possession of such handgun or firearm without valid identification; repeals provisions relating to arrests without warrant & exemption from licensing requirements for law enforcement officers; allows open carrying of any otherwise legal firearm or electric weapon or device; revises list of places into which person may not carry handgun or concealed weapon or concealed firearm; provides exceptions; deletes provisions relating to open carry, collection of fees for licenses to carry concealed weapons or concealed firearms, allowing school districts to restrict possession of firearm in vehicle, exceptions to statutory protections of right to keep & bear arms in motor vehicles; revises definition of "bump-fire stock"; repeals provisions for risk protection orders.
Last Action: Withdrawn prior to introduction
Last Action Date: January 2, 2025

Title: Sales of Ammunition
Description: Requires background checks for sale or transfer of ammunition.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition
Description: Provides exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Sale, Transfer, and Storage of Firearms
Description: Requires background checks on persons involved in firearm sales or transfers; requires firearm sales or transfers to be conducted through licensed dealer; revises requirements for safe storage of firearms; revises criminal penalties; requires firearms be sold by dealers with trigger locks or gun cases; revises warnings to be posted in gun dealerships; requires certain materials to be given to gun purchasers; prohibits specified acts involving unfinished firearm frames or receivers; prohibits certain activities involving three-dimensional printer or CNC milling machine.
Last Action: Withdrawn prior to introduction
Last Action Date: February 24, 2025

Title: Gun Violence Prevention Pilot Program
Description: Requires IMPACT GNV of City of Gainesville, in collaboration with others, to develop & implement Gun Violence Prevention Pilot Program; provides eligibility & program requirements; provides alternatives to incarceration for specified youth; provides for referrals to specified programs; requires City of Gainesville, in collaboration with Alachua County, to annually submit specified report to IMPACT GNV of City of Gainesville by specified date; requires to IMPACT GNV of City of Gainesville to report specified information to Governor & Legislature by specified date.
Last Action: Withdrawn prior to introduction
Last Action Date: February 18, 2025

Title: Use of Artificial Intelligence to Detect Firearms
Description: Prohibits use of artificial intelligence to detect firearms in public areas; provides exceptions.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Description: Revises and provides provisions related to powers, duties, & functions of DACS.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Minimum Age for Firearm Purchase or Transfer
Description: Reduces minimum age at which person may purchase firearm & age of purchasers to which specified licensees are prohibited from selling or transferring firearm.
Last Action: Added to Criminal Justice Subcommittee agenda
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Enhanced Firearms Training Facilities
Description: Establishes procedures for licensure by DACS; authorizes sheriff to provide supporting documentation to application for licensure; specifies duration of license; specifies conditions under which license must be revoked; authorizes sheriff to enter into agreement with owner of enhanced firearms training facility to conduct training for school guardian program at facility; exempts enhanced firearms training facility from complying with specified local government requirements in certain circumstances.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Weapons and Firearms
Description: Requires background checks on persons involved in firearm sales or transfers; requires firearm sales or transfers to be conducted through licensed dealer; revises requirements for safe storage of firearms; revises criminal penalties; requires firearms be sold by dealers with trigger locks or gun cases; revises warnings to be posted in gun dealerships; requires certain materials to be given to gun purchasers; prohibits specified acts involving unfinished firearm frames or receivers; prohibits certain activities involving three-dimensional printer or CNC milling machine; creates Veteran's Firearm Suicide Reduction Task Force; requiring a report.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Carrying of Handguns or Weapons by Law Enforcement Officers Attending Athletic Events
Description: Provides exception to prohibition on carrying of handguns or concealed weapons or firearms at athletic events when done by sworn law enforcement officers attending as private citizens.
Last Action: Added to Criminal Justice Subcommittee agenda
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Description: Revises provisions related to court hearings related to mental health and substance abuse, guardian advocates, involuntary admissions, placements, treatment, & outpatient services, assessments of patients, access to patient records & data, & disclosure of certain patient data.
Last Action: Now in Human Services Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 5, 2025

Title: Criminal Justice
Description: Prohibits use of motor vehicle kill switch; provides minimum mandatory sentence for attempted murder of specified justice system personnel; provides correctional probation officers with same firearms rights as law enforcement officers; creates grant critical infrastructure mapping program within FDLE; provides that specified persons may carry weapons on same basis as law enforcement officers; provides increased criminal penalties for making false report of crime; prohibits use of artificial intelligence for specified purposes in conjunction with data from first responder body cameras; requires certain testing of arrestee & provision of test results to first responder or criminal justice professional who has been exposed to bodily fluids or bloodborne pathogens from arrestee.
Last Action: Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 5, 2025

Title: Safety of Students
Description: Authorizes child care facilities to participate in Chris Hixon, Coach Aaron Feis, & Coach Scott Beigel Guardian Program; revises provisions relating to school safety requirements for school grounds & substitute teachers.
Last Action: Added to Education Administration Subcommittee agenda
Last Action Date: March 7, 2025

Title: Elections
Description: Revising provisions related to elections including elected positions, administration of election law & investigation of violations, voters rights, voter registration, vote-by-mail, ballot types, and Election Day holiday.
Last Action: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 5, 2025

Title: Offenses Involving Firearms with Bump Stocks
Description: Revises definition of term "machine gun" for purposes of firearm statutes.
Last Action: Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 5, 2025

Title: Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Repeals provisions preempting the field of regulation of firearms & ammunition to Legislature, to exclusion of local jurisdictions.
Last Action: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies
Description: Repeals provisions relating to specified automatic restrictions on firearms & ammunition during certain declared emergencies.
Last Action: Added to Criminal Justice Subcommittee agenda
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Memorial Day
Description: Recognizes February 14, 2025, as "Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Memorial Day."
Last Action: Filed
Last Action Date: February 11, 2025

Title: Immigration
Description: Citing this act as the "Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migration Policy (TRUMP) Act"; providing that the Commissioner of Agriculture is the only person responsible for serving as liaison between certain entities regarding federal immigration laws; creating the Local Law Enforcement Immigration Grant Program within the Office of State Immigration Enforcement within the Division of Law Enforcement under the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for specified purposes; creating the Office of State Immigration Enforcement within the Division of Law Enforcement under the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for specified purposes, etc.
Last Action: Vetoed by Governor
Last Action Date: February 20, 2025

Title: Petition Process
Description: Revising the criteria that the Attorney General uses when petitioning the Supreme Court for an advisory opinion related to a proposed revision or amendment to the State Constitution; requiring the Division of Elections to create a uniform petition form for candidates to gather signatures for a candidate petition; authorizing a supervisor of elections to verify certain signatures only if a certain petition form is used; requiring sponsors of an initiative amendment to register as political committees before circulating any initiative petition forms to voters; requiring the division to assign initiative petitions a petition number and create a certain form; authorizing that initiative petition forms approved by the Secretary of State may continue to be circulated, etc.
Last Action: Died in Fiscal Policy
Last Action Date: January 27, 2025

Title: Sales or Transfers of Firearms to Persons Under 21 Years of Age
Description: Deleting a prohibition on sales or transfers of firearms to persons under 21 years of age and exceptions, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Safe Storage of Firearms and Ammunition in Motor Vehicles and Vessels
Description: Defining the terms "motor vehicle," "trunk," and "vessel"; requiring persons who store or leave firearms or ammunition in motor vehicles or vessels under their control to keep the firearms or ammunition locked inside specified locations within the motor vehicles or vessels while not in the motor vehicles or vessels; providing criminal penalties, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Possession or Use of a Firearm in a Sensitive Location
Description: Prohibiting the possession or use of a firearm in a sensitive location; providing criminal penalties; providing exceptions, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Storage of Handguns in Private Conveyances and Vessels
Description: Providing requirements for storage of handguns in private conveyances and vessels; requiring law enforcement agencies to engage in a specified promotional campaign; requiring counties to adopt, by a date certain, specified ordinances concerning the parents of children who have been found to have stolen a handgun from a conveyance or vessel, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition
Description: Repealing a provision relating to the preemption of the field of regulation of firearms and ammunition to the Legislature, to the exclusion of local jurisdictions, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Weapons and Firearms
Description: Citing this act as the "Responsible Gun Ownership Act"; requiring background checks on all persons involved in a firearm sale or other transfer; specifying requirements for firearm sales or transfers through licensed dealers; providing criminal penalties; prohibiting certain actions leading to the manufacture or assembly, sale, importing, purchasing, offering for sale, or transfer of a firearm not imprinted with a valid serial number, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Firearms
Description: Revising the definition of the term "machine gun"; ranking certain offenses related to bump-fire stocks on level 5 of the offense severity ranking chart of the Criminal Punishment Code, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Sale or Transfer of Ammunition
Description: Citing this act as "Jaime's Law"; requiring background checks for the sale or transfer of ammunition, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Public Records/Sale or Transfer of Ammunition
Description: Providing an exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to a buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Carrying Concealed Weapons and Firearms in Courthouses
Description: Revising the list of places into which a person may not carry a handgun or a concealed weapon or concealed firearm to allow judges and magistrates to carry concealed weapons and concealed firearms into any courthouse in the circuit in which they serve in such capacity, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Use of Artificial Intelligence to Detect Firearms
Description: Prohibiting the use of artificial intelligence to detect firearms in public areas; providing criminal penalties, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Enhanced Firearms Training Facilities
Description: Establishing procedures for licensure by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; authorizing a sheriff to enter into an agreement with the owner of an enhanced firearms training facility to conduct training for the school guardian program at the facility; exempting an enhanced firearms training facility from complying with specified local government requirements under certain circumstances, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Description: Providing that certain positions in the department are exempt from the Career Service System; prohibiting a person from knowingly or willfully performing certain actions on lands classified as agricultural; requiring that certain lands owned by an electric utility be offered for sale for less than fee simple acquisition of development rights by this state before certain circumstances; requiring local governmental entities to issue permits for electric vehicle charging stations based on specified standards and provisions of law, etc.
Last Action: On Committee agenda-- Agriculture, 03/11/25, 4:00 pm, 301 Senate Building
Last Action Date: March 6, 2025

Title: Weapons or Firearms at School-sponsored Events or on School Property
Description: Prohibiting persons from storing, rather than possessing, firearms or weapons at a school-sponsored event or on the property of any school, school bus, or school bus stop; authorizing persons to carry firearms on the property of any college or university; providing that the Department of Law Enforcement may authorize a college or university, while hosting or sponsoring a sporting or athletic event, to designate a campus facility or area as a sensitive location in which the possession of a concealed weapon or a concealed firearm is prohibited; requiring the college or university to submit a security plan to the department to receive such authorization, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Firearm Purchase or Transfer
Description: Reducing the minimum age at which a person may purchase a firearm; reducing the minimum age of purchasers to whom specified licensees are prohibited from selling or transferring a firearm; revising an exception to the mandatory waiting period for the purchase of rifles or shotguns, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies
Description: Repealing provisions relating to specified automatic restrictions on firearms and ammunition during certain declared emergencies, etc.
Last Action: On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/11/25, 1:30 pm, 37 Senate Building
Last Action Date: March 6, 2025

Title: Weapons and Firearms
Description: Citing this act as the "Responsible Gun Ownership Act"; requiring a background check on every sale or other transfer of a firearm; providing criminal penalties; revising requirements for the safe storage of firearms; prohibiting the manufacture, assembly, importing, purchasing, selling, or transferring of any firearm not imprinted with a valid serial number; creating the Veteran's Firearm Suicide Reduction Task Force, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Carrying Concealed Weapons and Firearms into Athletic Events
Description: Revising the list of places into which a person may not carry a handgun or a concealed weapon or concealed firearm to allow actively sworn law enforcement officers to carry concealed weapons and concealed firearms into certain athletic events when attending as a private citizen, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

Title: Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines
Description: Prohibiting the sale or transfer of an assault weapon or a large-capacity magazine; prohibiting possession of an assault weapon or a large-capacity magazine; providing criminal penalties; providing conditions for continued possession of such weapons or large-capacity magazines, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Juvenile Justice
Description: Providing for appointment of counsel in certain circumstances; providing for payment of counsel; revising provisions for a child's punishment for contempt of court; revising provisions related to case staffing and the composition of the case staff committee; authorizing a child to be taken into custody pursuant to a finding of contempt; providing for early truancy intervention; specifying when a guardian ad litem may be appointed for a child, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Criminal Justice
Description: Prohibiting the use of a motor vehicle kill switch; providing an exception; providing a minimum mandatory sentence for attempted murder of specified justice system personnel; providing that a person convicted of manslaughter of a specified officer while the officer was engaged in his or her duties shall be sentenced to life in prison without eligibility for release; providing correctional probation officers with the same firearms rights as law enforcement officers, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Description: Providing exceptions to a provision prohibiting the court from appointing the public defender to represent certain persons who are not indigent; providing that the opinion of a qualified professional, rather than that of a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practicing within the framework of an established protocol with a psychiatrist, may be the basis for the court to grant a petition for the appointment of a guardian advocate; authorizing a qualified professional, rather than a physician or the patient's psychiatric nurse, to restrict a patient's access to his or her clinical records if the qualified professional believes such access to the records is harmful to the patient; requiring the qualified professional who assessed the patient, rather than the treating physician or psychiatric nurse practicing within the framework of an established protocol with a psychiatrist, to document in the patient's clinical record that the patient is able to give express and informed consent for admission, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Elections
Description: Requiring the Florida Commission on Offender Review to develop and maintain a database for a specified purpose; repealing a provision relating to the Office of Election Crimes and Security; authorizing the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to preregister certain individuals to vote; revising the information a third-party voter registration organization is required to provide to the Division of Elections of the Department of State, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Sale and Delivery of Firearms
Description: Deleting a prohibition on a person younger than a certain age purchasing a firearm; deleting a prohibition on the sale or transfer, or the facilitation of a sale or transfer, of a firearm to a person younger than a certain age by specified licensed persons, etc.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025