Proposed Hawaii Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Any bill pending at the final adjournment of a regular session in an odd-numbered year are reintroduced with the same status to the next regular session. However, regardless of its status at the conclusion of the first regular session, before the carried-over bill is enacted, it shall pass at least one reading in the house in which it originated.

Title: Urging the Chiefs of Police of the respective counties to consider Military service records as evidence to demonstrate the completion of A firearmS training course to meet permitting requirements
Description: Urging the Chiefs of Police of the respective counties to consider Military service records as evidence to demonstrate the completion of A firearmS training course to meet permitting requirements
Last Action: Referred to VMI, PBS, referral sheet 27
Last Action Date: February 20, 2013

Title: Firearms; Ammunition Sales or Distribution
Description: Makes it unlawful to sell or distribute ammunition unless the purchaser provides proof that there is a firearm registered to the person with which the ammunition may be used.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Crime; Terroristic Threatening; Robbery; Simulated Firearms
Description: Includes the use of a simulated firearm in the first-degree offenses of terroristic threatening and robbery.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearms Instructors; Exemption from Liability; Repeal
Description: Repeals exemption of National Rifle Association certified firearms instructors from absolute liability for injury or damage caused by discharge of their firearms during the course of providing firearms training at a firing range to persons seeking to acquire a firearms permit.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Simulated Firearms; Terroristic Threatening; Robbery
Description: Amends the offenses of terroristic threatening in the first degree and robbery in the first degree to include the use of simulated firearms.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Justification; Use of Deadly Force
Description: Allows the use of deadly force when protecting one's primary dwelling against an intruder who enters the primary dwelling without invitation. Exempts the actor from civil liability for injuries or damages resulting from the use of deadly force. Repeals section 663-1.57, HRS.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Department of Defense; Emergency Management
Description: Recodifies Hawaii's emergency management statutes by updating the statutes, clarifying the relationship between the state and county emergency management agencies, and delineating the emergency management functions and powers of the Governor and mayors. (HB849 CD1)
Last Action: Act 111, 6/20/2014 (Gov. Msg. No. 1212).
Last Action Date: June 23, 2014

Title: Simulated Firearms; Terroristic Threatening; Robbery
Description: Adds a definition of "simulated firearm" to chapters 707 and 708, HRS. Amends the offenses of terroristic threatening in the first degree and robbery in the first degree to include the use of a simulated firearm.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearms; Ammunition Sales
Description: Makes it unlawful for a person or entity to sell or distribute ammunition unless the purchaser provides proof that the firearm for which the ammunition is to be used is registered, except where ammunition for a firearm is sold at the time of the lawful sale of that firearm.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearm Registration; Amnesty; County Buy-back Programs; Appropriation ($)
Description: Provides for the voluntary surrender of unregistered firearms to law enforcement without the risk of arrest or prosecution. Allows those who surrender unregistered firearms to reclaim the firearms upon compliance with registration requirements if the firearms are not stolen or associated with a crime. Appropriates funds for each county to establish firearm buy-back programs.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, FIN, referral sheet 1
Last Action Date: January 15, 2014

Title: Digital Manufacturing Technology; Firearms
Description: Prohibits the use, sale, and possession of firearms manufactured: (1) Using digital manufacturing technology; and (2) By a person who is not licensed under federal law to do so.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 3
Last Action Date: January 21, 2014

Title: Firearm Permits; Military Veterans; Evidence of Training ($)
Description: Allows applicants for permits to acquire a pistol or revolver to demonstrate requisite training in the safe handling of firearms by presenting an official record of honorable discharge from the U.S. armed forces and training in the use of a service pistol.
Last Action: Passed Second Reading and referred to the committee(s) on JUD with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Cachola, Carroll, Creagan, Nakashima, Takumi excused (5).
Last Action Date: February 14, 2014

Title: Information Charging; Crime; Felony
Description: Authorizes all class B and C felonies to be instituted by written information subject to certain exceptions. Effective July 1, 2014.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 6
Last Action Date: January 27, 2014

Title: Mental Health; Gun Control
Description: Provides for a court-based relief program for persons federally prohibited from owning a firearm based on a finding of mental illness or civil commitment. Requires the courts to provide information relating to involuntary civil commitments to the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to disclose to the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Instant Criminal Background Check System database for gun control purposes. (HB2246 CD1)
Last Action: Act 087, 6/16/2014 (Gov. Msg. No. 1188).
Last Action Date: June 18, 2014

Title: Civil Liability; Limitation; Justification; Use of Force
Description: Provides that the use of force, justifiable as a defense under sections 703-302 through 703-309 of the Penal Code, shall limit a person's civil liability as to a perpetrator who suffers injury or death; provided that, if injured, the offender is ultimately convicted of a crime.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 7
Last Action Date: January 27, 2014

Title: Pistols or Revolvers; Concealed Carry License
Description: Authorizes chiefs of police to issue licenses to carry a concealed pistol or revolver. Details processes for license applications, renewals, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed pistols or revolvers under certain circumstances. Repeals HRS section 134-9.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 7
Last Action Date: January 27, 2014

Title: Simulated Firearms; Terroristic Threatening; Robbery
Description: Amends the offenses of terroristic threatening in the first degree and robbery in the first degree to include the use of simulated firearms. (SB2 HD1)
Last Action: Act 255, 7/2/2013 (Gov. Msg. No. 1358).
Last Action Date: July 9, 2013

Title: Firearms; Permits; Registration; Storage; Education and Training
Description: Requires annual renewals of firearm registrations. Establishes a firearm registration fee for deposit into a new special fund to pay for mandatory firearm education and training to be attended by firearm owners at least once every two years. Requires any member of a household where a firearm is stored, when applying for a firearm permit to possess a firearm owned by another, to undergo the same evaluation of fitness to acquire a firearm as applicants for a firearm owner permit. Requires firearm owners who have a household member affected by substance abuse or mental disorder to provide annual proof to the police that the household member does not have access to the firearm.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearm Registration
Description: Requires county police departments under certain conditions to fingerprint, photograph, and perform background checks on individuals who wish to register a firearm that was procured out-of-state. Authorizes the police departments to assess a fee for conducting a fingerprint check and specifies the amount of the fee. Extends the time period for registering a firearm procured out-of-state for consistency with the time period for registering firearms obtained in or imported into the State. (CD1)
Last Action: Act 254, 7/2/2013 (Gov. Msg. No. 1357).
Last Action Date: July 9, 2013

Title: Firearms; Assault Weapons; Machine Guns; Ban
Description: Prohibits the distribution, transport, importation into the State, keeping for sale, or offering or exposing for sale assault weapons, or giving to another person assault weapon. Defines assault weapon. Prohibits the possession, sale, transfer, or use of a machine gun in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of certain crimes. Defines machine gun. Makes use of an assault weapon or machine gun in the course of committing murder in the first degree or second degree, manslaughter, kidnapping, sexual assault, assault in the first or second degree, robbery, burglary, or theft subject to criteria for extended term of imprisonment.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: National Rifle Association Certified Firearms Instructors; Exemption; Absolute Liability
Description: Exempts National Rifle Association certified firearms instructors from absolute liability for their firearms during the course of providing training under section 134-2(g)(4), Hawaii Revised Statutes
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearms; Open Carry License
Description: Authorizes chiefs of police to issue licenses to openly carry a firearm. Details processes for license applications, renewals, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits openly carrying firearms under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Pistols or Revolvers; Concealed Carry License
Description: Authorizes chiefs of police to issue licenses to carry a concealed pistol or revolver. Details processes for license applications, renewals, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed pistols or revolvers under certain circumstances. Repeals HRS section 134-9.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Firearms; Ammunition Magazine Capacity
Description: Repeals ten round capacity limit on detachable ammunition magazines.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Civil Liability; Limitation; Justification; Use of Force
Description: Provides that the use of force, justifiable as a defense under sections 703-302 through 703-309 of the Penal Code, shall limit a person's civil liability as to a perpetrator who suffers injury or death; provided that, if injured, the offender is ultimately convicted of a crime.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Honolulu Prosecutor Package; Use of Force by Persons With Special Responsibility for Care, Discipline, or Safety of Others
Description: Establishes types of physical force presumed unjustifiable when used to discipline minors, for purposes of responding to charges of abuse of family or household member, assault, or other criminal charges.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Simulated Firearms; Terroristic Threatening; Robbery
Description: Amends the offenses of terroristic threatening in the first degree and robbery in the first degree to include the use of a simulated firearm.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Use of Force by Persons with Special Responsibility for Care, Discipline, or Safety of Others
Description: Establishes a rebuttable presumption for specified types of physical force used to discipline minors that are presumed unjustifiable for purposes of responding to charges of use of force by a parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care and supervision of a minor without due regard to certain factors. Effective 07/01/50. (SD1)
Last Action: The committees on JUD recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 7 Ayes: Representative(s) Rhoads, Har, Brower, Kawakami, Tsuji, Wooley, Thielen; Ayes with reservations: none; Noes: none; and 6 Excused: Representative(s) Belatti, Cabanilla, Carroll, Ito, C. Lee, McDermott.
Last Action Date: March 7, 2013

Title: Mental Health and Firearms Task Force
Description: Establishes a mental health and firearms task force to research current state laws, both locally and nationally, relating to mental health and firearms and recommend legislation to address the issue of mental health and firearms. Designates members of the task force. Requires report to the legislature. (SD1)
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Department of Defense; Emergency Management
Description: Recodifies Hawaii's emergency management statutes by updating the statutes, clarifying the relationship between the state and county emergency management agencies, and delineating the emergency management functions and powers of the Governor and mayors.
Last Action: Carried over to 2014 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: December 18, 2013

Title: Kahoolawe Island Reserve; Asset Forfeiture
Description: Clarifies the offenses relating to the Kahoolawe Island Reserve for which property is subject to forfeiture. Clarifies that property seized in accordance with section 199-7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, relating to search and seizure and forfeiture, may be forfeited and any natural resource seized may be disposed of as provided by law. (SB1169 HD1)
Last Action: Re-Referred to WTL/HWN, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Firearms; Registration
Description: Provides that owners of previously registered firearms in this State shall not be subject to the existing permit waiting period when seeking a permit to allow for the acquisition of another firearm. Effective July 1, 2020. (SD1)
Last Action: Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to CPN.
Last Action Date: February 12, 2014

Title: Civil Liability; Limitation; Justification; Use of Force
Description: Provides that the use of force, justifiable as a defense under sections 703-302 through 703-309 of the Penal Code, shall limit a person's civil liability as to a perpetrator who suffers injury or death; provided that, if injured, the offender is ultimately convicted of a crime.
Last Action: Referred to JDL.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2014

Title: Pistols or Revolvers; Concealed Carry License
Description: Authorizes chiefs of police to issue licenses to carry a concealed pistol or revolver. Details processes for license applications, renewals, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed pistols or revolvers under certain circumstances. Repeals HRS section 134-9.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/JDL, WAM.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2014

Title: Mental Health; Gun Control
Description: Provides for a court-based relief program for persons federally prohibited from owning a firearm based on a finding of mental illness. Requires the courts to provide information relating to involuntary civil commitments to the Hawaii criminal justice data center to disclose to the national instant criminal background check system database and to law enforcement for gun control purposes.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/HTH, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 21, 2014

Title: Firearms; Digital Manufacturing Technology; Penalties
Description: Prohibits the manufacturing, use, and sale of digitally manufactured firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.
Last Action Date: February 4, 2014

Title: Firearms; Concealed Carry License
Description: Authorizes the chief of police from each respective county to issue licenses to carry a concealed firearm. Details processes for license applications, renewals, revocations, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed firearms under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/JDL, WAM.
Last Action Date: January 21, 2014

Title: Juvenile Justice Information
Description: Allows the dissemination of information from the juvenile justice information system to law enforcement agencies for purposes of the administration of law enforcement and law enforcement agency employment.
Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.
Last Action Date: February 4, 2014

Title: Mental Health; Gun Control
Description: Provides for a court-based relief program for persons federally prohibited from owning a firearm based on a finding of mental illness. Requires the courts to provide information relating to involuntary civil commitments to the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to disclose to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System database and to law enforcement for gun control purposes.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/HTH, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 23, 2014

Title: Public Safety; Statewide Online Firearms Registration; Working Group ($)
Description: Establishes a working group to study the feasibility of implementing a statewide online firearms registration process. Effective July 1, 2050. (SB2938 HD1)
Last Action: Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on JUD with Representative(s) Hanohano voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Creagan, Say, Tokioka, Yamashita excused (4).
Last Action Date: March 14, 2014

Title: Mental Health; Medical Clearance; Firearms
Description: Requires individuals applying for a permit to acquire a firearm to be cleared by the individual's primary care physician or psychiatrist. Requires the primary care physician or psychiatrist to clear any individual who has no current diagnosis of any medical condition that could make the individual a threat to self of others. Effective 1/1/2015.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/HTH, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 23, 2014