Proposed Hawaii Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Any bill pending at the final adjournment of a regular session in an odd-numbered year are reintroduced with the same status to the next regular session. However, regardless of its status at the conclusion of the first regular session, before the carried-over bill is enacted, it shall pass at least one reading in the house in which it originated.

Title: Relating To Public Safety.
Description: Authorizes off-duty corrections officers to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.
Last Action: The committee(s) on PBS recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.
Last Action Date: February 9, 2017

Title: Relating To Public Safety.
Description: Authorizes off-duty corrections officers to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Description: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Last Action: Resolution adopted in final form.
Last Action Date: March 23, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Amends the criteria for issuance of licenses by the respective county chiefs of police for concealed and unconcealed carry of pistols and revolvers.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Amends the criteria for issuance of licenses by the respective county chiefs of police for concealed and unconcealed carry of pistols and revolvers.
Last Action: Re-referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 7
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Description: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: March 27, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Reinstate The Ban On The Manufacture, Transfer, And Possession Of The Ar-15 Rifle And Other Civilian Weapons That Were Designed For Military Use.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Reinstate The Ban On The Manufacture, Transfer, And Possession Of The Ar-15 Rifle And Other Civilian Weapons That Were Designed For Military Use.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 39
Last Action Date: March 13, 2018

Title: Requesting The Attorney General To Review Gun Amnesty Programs In Other States And Their Potential Applicability In This State.
Description: Requesting The Attorney General To Review Gun Amnesty Programs In Other States And Their Potential Applicability In This State.
Last Action: Resolution adopted in final form.
Last Action Date: May 5, 2017

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Reinstate The Ban On The Manufacture, Transfer, And Possession Of The Ar-15 Rifle And Other Civilian Weapons That Were Designed For Military Use.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Reinstate The Ban On The Manufacture, Transfer, And Possession Of The Ar-15 Rifle And Other Civilian Weapons That Were Designed For Military Use.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 39
Last Action Date: March 13, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Last Action: Resolution adopted in final form.
Last Action Date: March 28, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/JDC.
Last Action Date: March 29, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 39
Last Action Date: March 13, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 39
Last Action Date: March 13, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires a county police chief to grant a qualified applicant a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed handgun and ammunition within the county.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires a county police chief to grant a qualified applicant a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed handgun and ammunition within the county.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 2
Last Action Date: January 23, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires written notice to certain law enforcement agencies, the court that issued a protective or restraining order on an applicant, and the applicant's probation or parole officer, as applicable, upon the denial of a permit because of federal or state law. (HB459 CD1)
Last Action: Act 063, 06/29/2017 (Gov. Msg. No. 1164).
Last Action Date: June 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires a person licensed to sell firearms to report to police any unlawful attempt to purchase a firearm from the licensee.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires a person licensed to sell firearms to report to police any unlawful attempt to purchase a firearm from the licensee.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 3
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms Owned, Possessed, Or Controlled By Persons Who Pose A Serious Risk Of Violence Or Harm To Public Safety.
Description: Upon application allows law enforcement to seize and retain firearms or ammunition owned, possessed, or controlled by a person who poses a serious risk of violence or harm to public safety, pursuant to court order.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms Owned, Possessed, Or Controlled By Persons Who Pose A Serious Risk Of Violence Or Harm To Public Safety.
Description: Upon application allows law enforcement to seize and retain firearms or ammunition owned, possessed, or controlled by a person who poses a serious risk of violence or harm to public safety, pursuant to court order.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 5
Last Action Date: January 27, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Clarifies that failure to register a firearm within the required time period does not relieve the owner of the duty to register the firearm. Allows the owner of an unregistered firearm to register the firearm thereafter without penalty.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Clarifies that failure to register a firearm within the required time period does not relieve the owner of the duty to register the firearm. Allows the owner of an unregistered firearm to register the firearm thereafter without penalty.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 6
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Shooting Range Protection.
Description: Provides protections against burdensome retroactive regulation and lawsuits; prevents frivolous claims against shooting range operators and individuals engaging in target shooting.
Last Action: Referred to IAC/HLT, JUD, referral sheet 6
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Shooting Range Protection.
Description: Provides protections against burdensome retroactive regulation and lawsuits; prevents frivolous claims against shooting range operators and individuals engaging in target shooting.
Last Action: Re-referred to IAC/HHS, JUD, referral sheet 1
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits a person listed in the federal Terrorist Screening Database from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm or ammunition. Allows for removal of the disqualification. Requires surrender or disposal of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 6
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits a person listed in the federal Terrorist Screening Database from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm or ammunition. Allows for removal of the disqualification. Requires surrender or disposal of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Gun Violence Protective Orders.
Description: Adds a new part to Chapter 134, HRS, to establish a detailed process allowing law enforcement officers and family or household members to obtain a court order to prevent a person from accessing firearms and ammunition where the person poses a danger of causing bodily injury to the person or another.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 6
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Gun Violence Protective Orders.
Description: Adds a new part to Chapter 134, HRS, to establish a detailed process allowing law enforcement officers and family or household members to obtain a court order to prevent a person from accessing firearms and ammunition where the person poses a danger of causing bodily injury to the person or another.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Hunting Safety.
Description: Authorizes licensed hunters who comply with state firearms law to possess and use firearm noise suppressors while hunting. Authorizes the manufacture and sale of firearm noise suppressors for licensed hunters who comply with state firearms law. (HB1589 HD1)
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Hunting Safety.
Description: Authorizes licensed hunters who comply with state firearms law to possess and use firearm noise suppressors while hunting. Authorizes the manufacture and sale of firearm noise suppressors for licensed hunters who comply with state firearms law. (HB1589 HD1)
Last Action: Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on JUD with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Kobayashi, Oshiro excused (2).
Last Action Date: February 15, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits manufacture, importation, sale, transfer, and possession of bump fire stocks, multiburst trigger activators, and trigger cranks. (HB1908 HD2)
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: March 8, 2018

Title: Relating To Gun Violence Protective Orders.
Description: Establishes a detailed process allowing law enforcement officers and family or household members to obtain a court order to prevent a person from accessing firearms and ammunition where the person poses a danger of causing bodily injury to oneself or another.
Last Action: The committee(s) on JUD recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.
Last Action Date: February 1, 2018

Title: Relating To Public Safety.
Description: Requires individuals who are denied a firearm permit or disqualified from firearms and ammunition ownership or possession to voluntarily surrender their firearms and ammunition to the chief of police within forty-eight hours of receiving notice of disqualification. (HB2228 HD1)
Last Action: Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on JUD with Representative(s) DeCoite, Har, Ward voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Choy, Ito, Kong, McDermott, Tokioka, Tupola voting no (6) and Representative(s) Souki excused (1).
Last Action Date: February 14, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Clarifies that authorization to use cannabis for medical purposes under Hawaii law shall not constitute the sole basis for denial of a person's right to own, possess, or control a firearm or ammunition thereof.
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 9
Last Action Date: January 29, 2018

Title: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Description: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Last Action: Report and Resolution Adopted. Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Gabbard. Noes, 0 (none).
Last Action Date: April 5, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.
Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Requires DCCCA, with the assistance of DPS, to create a firearms insurance program. Creates special fund for administrative fees. Effective 1/1/2019.
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms Insurance.
Description: Requires firearms owners to obtain firearms insurance. Requires DCCCA, with the assistance of DPS, to create a firearms insurance program. Creates special fund for administrative fees. Effective 1/1/2019.
Last Action: Referred to PSM/CPH, WAM.
Last Action Date: January 20, 2017

Title: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Description: Requesting The Congressional Delegation Of Hawaii And The United States Congress To Oppose "concealed Carry Reciprocity" Legislation.
Last Action: Referred to PBS, JUD, referral sheet 53
Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

Title: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Submit A Report To The Legislature On All Current State Gun Control Laws, How They Compare With Current Federal Regulations, Data On Firearm Discharges, And Data On Gun Crime In Hawaii.
Description: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Submit A Report To The Legislature On All Current State Gun Control Laws, How They Compare With Current Federal Regulations, Data On Firearm Discharges, And Data On Gun Crime In Hawaii.
Last Action: Report and Resolution Adopted.
Last Action Date: April 2, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Last Action: Report adopted, referred to WAM.
Last Action Date: March 28, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Last Action: Referred to JDC.
Last Action Date: March 15, 2018

Title: Encouraging The Establishment Of A Liability Insurance Requirement For All Purchasers, Owners, And Sellers Of Firearms.
Description: Encouraging The Establishment Of A Liability Insurance Requirement For All Purchasers, Owners, And Sellers Of Firearms.
Last Action: Referred to CPH/JDC.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2018

Title: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Submit A Report To The Legislature On All Current State Gun Control Laws, How They Compare With Current Federal Regulations, Data On Firearm Discharges, And Data On Gun Crime In Hawaii.
Description: Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Submit A Report To The Legislature On All Current State Gun Control Laws, How They Compare With Current Federal Regulations, Data On Firearm Discharges, And Data On Gun Crime In Hawaii.
Last Action: Resolution adopted in final form.
Last Action Date: April 17, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Support And Fund The Scientific Study Of Firearms Violence And Prevention.
Last Action: Report adopted, referred to WAM.
Last Action Date: March 28, 2018

Title: Encouraging The Establishment Of A Liability Insurance Requirement For All Purchasers, Owners, And Sellers Of Firearms.
Description: Encouraging The Establishment Of A Liability Insurance Requirement For All Purchasers, Owners, And Sellers Of Firearms.
Last Action: Referred to CPH/JDC.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2018

Title: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Description: Urging The United States Congress To Propose And Pass A Proposed Amendment To The United States Constitution Pursuant To Article V Of The United States Constitution To Clarify The Constitutional Right To Bear Arms.
Last Action: Referred to JDC.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Authorizes the chief of police from each respective county to issue licenses to carry a concealed firearm. Specifies processes for license applications, renewals, revocations, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed firearms under certain circumstances. Makes various conforming amendments.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Authorizes the chief of police from each respective county to issue licenses to carry a concealed firearm. Specifies processes for license applications, renewals, revocations, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed firearms under certain circumstances. Makes various conforming amendments.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Allows for the owner of a pistol to use any ammunition magazine with a capacity up to 17 rounds.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM , JDC.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Allows for the owner of a pistol to use any ammunition magazine with a capacity up to 17 rounds.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits a person listed in the federal Terrorist Screening Database from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm or ammunition. Allows for removal of the disqualification. Requires surrender or disposal of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.
Last Action Date: February 2, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits a person listed in the federal Terrorist Screening Database from owning, possessing, or controlling a firearm or ammunition. Allows for removal of the disqualification. Requires surrender or disposal of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Provides that owners of previously registered firearms in this State shall not be subject to the existing permit waiting period when seeking a permit to allow for the acquisition of another firearm.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Provides that owners of previously registered firearms in this State shall not be subject to the existing permit waiting period when seeking a permit to allow for the acquisition of another firearm.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDL.
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms Owned, Possessed, Or Controlled By Persons Who Pose A Serious Risk Of Violence Or Harm To Public Safety.
Description: Allows law enforcement to seize and retain firearms or ammunition owned, possessed, or controlled by a person who poses a serious risk of violence or harm to public safety, pursuant to court order. Takes effect on 1/7/2059. (SD2)
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms Owned, Possessed, Or Controlled By Persons Who Pose A Serious Risk Of Violence Or Harm To Public Safety.
Description: Allows law enforcement to seize and retain firearms or ammunition owned, possessed, or controlled by a person who poses a serious risk of violence or harm to public safety, pursuant to court order. Takes effect on 1/7/2059. (SD2)
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 27
Last Action Date: March 9, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Provides state adult corrections officers the same concealed weapon exemptions allowed to state and county law enforcement officers.
Last Action: The committee on PSM deferred the measure.
Last Action Date: February 7, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Provides state adult corrections officers the same concealed weapon exemptions allowed to state and county law enforcement officers.
Last Action: Re-Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Clarifies that failure to register a firearm within the required time period does not relieve the owner of the duty to register the firearm. Allows the owner of an unregistered firearm to register the firearm thereafter without penalty. Takes effect on 1/7/2059. (SD2)
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 27
Last Action Date: March 9, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Clarifies that failure to register a firearm within the required time period does not relieve the owner of the duty to register the firearm. Allows the owner of an unregistered firearm to register the firearm thereafter without penalty. Takes effect on 1/7/2059. (SD2)
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires that certain agencies be notified when a firearm permit application is denied because the applicant is prohibited from owning, possessing, receiving, or controlling a firearm under federal or state law. Requires the firearms permit issuing authority to notify the court that issued a protective or restraining order on an applicant, as applicable, upon notification of a permit denial. Requires the department of public safety to notify the probation or parole officer of an applicant, if applicable, upon notification of a permit denial. Takes effect 5/22/2050. (SD2)
Last Action: Referred to JUD, referral sheet 27
Last Action Date: March 9, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires that certain agencies be notified when a firearm permit application is denied because the applicant is prohibited from owning, possessing, receiving, or controlling a firearm under federal or state law. Requires the firearms permit issuing authority to notify the court that issued a protective or restraining order on an applicant, as applicable, upon notification of a permit denial. Requires the department of public safety to notify the probation or parole officer of an applicant, if applicable, upon notification of a permit denial. Takes effect 5/22/2050. (SD2)
Last Action: Carried over to 2018 Regular Session.
Last Action Date: November 30, 2017

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Prohibits manufacture, importation, sale, transfer, and possession of bump fire stocks, multiburst trigger activators, and trigger cranks. (SB2046 HD1)
Last Action: Act 157, 07/09/2018 (Gov. Msg. No. 1266).
Last Action Date: July 11, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Increases the maximum detachable ammunition magazine capacity for pistols that may be manufactured, possessed, sold, bartered, traded, gifted, transferred, or acquired.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Authorizes the chief of police from each respective county to issue licenses to carry a concealed firearm. Specifies processes for license applications, renewals, revocations, and record keeping. Strictly prohibits carrying concealed firearms under certain circumstances. Makes various conforming amendments.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Electric Guns.
Description: Repeals ban on electric guns.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires firearm registrations to be renewed every five years. Restricts possession, transfer, and acquisition of bump stocks, gat cranks, lighter trigger-pull mechanisms, flash suppressors, and overheat reduction modifications.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Changes the effective period for a permit to acquire a handgun or pistol from ten days to one year.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Restricts manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, and acquisition of bump stocks and gat cranks.
Last Action: Referred to PSM, JDC.
Last Action Date: January 22, 2018

Title: Relating To Firearms.
Description: Requires voluntary surrender of firearms and ammunition, upon disqualification from ownership, possession, or control, within seven days of disqualification. Shortens the time period after failing to voluntarily surrender or dispose of all firearms and ammunition upon disqualification, after which the chief of police may seize all firearms and ammunition, from thirty days to seven days. (CD1)
Last Action: Act 158, 07/09/2018 (Gov. Msg. No. 1267).
Last Action Date: July 11, 2018