Proposed Indiana Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Indiana does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Possession of firearms on state property. Prohibits a state agency, including a state supported college or university, from regulating the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories: (1) on land that is; or (2) in buildings and other structures that are; owned or leased by the state. Provides for certain exceptions. Voids, as of July 1, 2016, any rules or policies enacted or undertaken by a state agency before, on, or after June 30, 2016, concerning possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories on land or in structures owned or leased by the state. Allows a
Description: Possession of firearms on state property. Prohibits a state agency, including a state supported college or university, from regulating the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories: (1) on land that is; or (2) in buildings and other structures that are; owned or leased by the state. Provides for certain exceptions. Voids, as of July 1, 2016, any rules or policies enacted or undertaken by a state agency before, on, or after June 30, 2016, concerning possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories on land or in structures owned or leased by the state. Allows a
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 5, 2016

Title: Handgun license repeal and reciprocity licenses. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that a person who may otherwise legally carry a handgun is not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Makes conforming amendments. Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain an Indiana firearms reciprocity license from the superintendent of the state police department.
Description: Handgun license repeal and reciprocity licenses. Repeals the law that requires a person to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Specifies that a person who may otherwise legally carry a handgun is not required to obtain or possess a license or permit from the state to carry a handgun in Indiana. Makes conforming amendments. Allows a resident of Indiana who wishes to carry a firearm in another state under a reciprocity agreement entered into by Indiana and the other state to obtain an Indiana firearms reciprocity license from the superintendent of the state police department.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 5, 2016

Title: Firearms and certification. Defines "chief law enforcement officer" as an official whose certification is required under federal law for a person to manufacture or transfer certain firearms, and requires a chief law enforcement officer to issue a requested certification unless the person requesting the certification is: (1) prohibited by law from receiving or possessing a firearm; or (2) the subject of a proceeding that could result in the person being prohibited by law from receiving or possessing a firearm. Requires a chief law enforcement officer who denies a request for certification to explain the reasons for the denial in writing.
Description: Firearms and certification. Defines "chief law enforcement officer" as an official whose certification is required under federal law for a person to manufacture or transfer certain firearms, and requires a chief law enforcement officer to issue a requested certification unless the person requesting the certification is: (1) prohibited by law from receiving or possessing a firearm; or (2) the subject of a proceeding that could result in the person being prohibited by law from receiving or possessing a firearm. Requires a chief law enforcement officer who denies a request for certification to explain the reasons for the denial in writing.
Last Action: Public Law 66
Last Action Date: March 21, 2016

Title: Private gun sales and transfers. Requires a person who is not a firearms dealer or a holder of a federal firearms license who sells or transfers a firearm to another person to create and electronically transmit a receipt of sale or transfer to the state police department by the end of the business day following the day on which the sale or transfer occurred. Specifies the information to be included in the receipt of sale or transfer, and provides that: (1) failure to transmit the information by the end of the business day following the date of sale or transfer
Description: Private gun sales and transfers. Requires a person who is not a firearms dealer or a holder of a federal firearms license who sells or transfers a firearm to another person to create and electronically transmit a receipt of sale or transfer to the state police department by the end of the business day following the day on which the sale or transfer occurred. Specifies the information to be included in the receipt of sale or transfer, and provides that: (1) failure to transmit the information by the end of the business day following the date of sale or transfer
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 7, 2016

Title: Income tax credit for firearms instruction. Provides a state income tax credit to taxpayers (individuals filing single tax returns or married couples filing joint tax returns) who incur expenses in receiving qualified firearms instruction. Provides that the credit is equal to the amount of the incurred expenses. Provides that the maximum amount allowed as a credit is $100 for individuals filing single returns or $200 for married couples filing joint returns. Provides that a tax credit may not exceed the taxpayer's state income tax liability. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to a carryover, carryback, or refund of any
Description: Income tax credit for firearms instruction. Provides a state income tax credit to taxpayers (individuals filing single tax returns or married couples filing joint tax returns) who incur expenses in receiving qualified firearms instruction. Provides that the credit is equal to the amount of the incurred expenses. Provides that the maximum amount allowed as a credit is $100 for individuals filing single returns or $200 for married couples filing joint returns. Provides that a tax credit may not exceed the taxpayer's state income tax liability. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to a carryover, carryback, or refund of any
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
Last Action Date: January 11, 2016

Title: Law enforcement training and education. Repeals certain statutes concerning law enforcement academies and law enforcement training currently located in the state and local administration law (Title 5). Recodifies the repealed statutes in the public safety law (Title 10). Changes the name of the law enforcement training board to the peace officer standards and training commission (commission). Enables individuals to obtain law enforcement training without an appointment by a law enforcement agency. Authorizes a state educational institution to enter into contractual agreements with the commission for specific programs to be wholly supported by the commission without the approval of the commission
Description: Law enforcement training and education. Repeals certain statutes concerning law enforcement academies and law enforcement training currently located in the state and local administration law (Title 5). Recodifies the repealed statutes in the public safety law (Title 10). Changes the name of the law enforcement training board to the peace officer standards and training commission (commission). Enables individuals to obtain law enforcement training without an appointment by a law enforcement agency. Authorizes a state educational institution to enter into contractual agreements with the commission for specific programs to be wholly supported by the commission without the approval of the commission
Last Action: Representative Price added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: Firearms and federalism. Prohibits a state agency, political subdivision, or employee of an agency or political subdivision from: (1) participating in the enforcement of a federal firearms law enacted after January 1, 2016; or (2) using any state funds to aid the federal government in the enforcement of a federal firearms law enacted after January 1, 2016; unless the participation or use of state funds is required by a court order. Provides that a state employee, employee of a political subdivision, or an agent of the state or a political subdivision who participates in the enforcement of a federal firearms
Description: Firearms and federalism. Prohibits a state agency, political subdivision, or employee of an agency or political subdivision from: (1) participating in the enforcement of a federal firearms law enacted after January 1, 2016; or (2) using any state funds to aid the federal government in the enforcement of a federal firearms law enacted after January 1, 2016; unless the participation or use of state funds is required by a court order. Provides that a state employee, employee of a political subdivision, or an agent of the state or a political subdivision who participates in the enforcement of a federal firearms
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: Firearm ownership and medical records. Prohibits a practitioner or medical records custodian from disclosing certain information relating to a patient's ownership of a firearm. Prohibits a political subdivision or the board regulating a practitioner from requiring the practitioner to: (1) inquire whether a patient owns a firearm; (2) document in a patient's medical record whether the patient owns a firearm; or (3) notify any governmental entity of the patient's identification solely on the basis of the patient's ownership of a firearm.
Description: Firearm ownership and medical records. Prohibits a practitioner or medical records custodian from disclosing certain information relating to a patient's ownership of a firearm. Prohibits a political subdivision or the board regulating a practitioner from requiring the practitioner to: (1) inquire whether a patient owns a firearm; (2) document in a patient's medical record whether the patient owns a firearm; or (3) notify any governmental entity of the patient's identification solely on the basis of the patient's ownership of a firearm.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: Retired law enforcement officers and firearms. Provides that a state educational institution may not prohibit a retired law enforcement officer who meets the requirements of: (1) applicable federal law concerning qualified retired law enforcement officers carrying firearms; and (2) applicable state law concerning retired law enforcement officers carrying firearms; from possessing or carrying a firearm on land that is, or in buildings and other structures that are, owned or leased by the state educational institution. Provides for certain exceptions.
Description: Retired law enforcement officers and firearms. Provides that a state educational institution may not prohibit a retired law enforcement officer who meets the requirements of: (1) applicable federal law concerning qualified retired law enforcement officers carrying firearms; and (2) applicable state law concerning retired law enforcement officers carrying firearms; from possessing or carrying a firearm on land that is, or in buildings and other structures that are, owned or leased by the state educational institution. Provides for certain exceptions.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: Handgun licenses and law enforcement officers. Provides that police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have 20 or more years of service are entitled to a lifetime license to carry a handgun in Indiana. (Current law states police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government must have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after 20 or more years of service to be entitled to a lifetime license to carry a handgun.) Provides that these individuals are exempt from
Description: Handgun licenses and law enforcement officers. Provides that police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government who have 20 or more years of service are entitled to a lifetime license to carry a handgun in Indiana. (Current law states police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the United States government must have been honorably retired by a lawfully created pension board or its equivalent after 20 or more years of service to be entitled to a lifetime license to carry a handgun.) Provides that these individuals are exempt from
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: Correctional officers and possession of handguns. Allows an employee of a penal facility: (1) who is a correctional officer; and (2) whose duties include the daily or ongoing supervision and care of persons who are lawfully detained in the penal facility; to possess not more than one handgun in the correctional officer's vehicle while the vehicle is on the property of the penal facility.
Description: Correctional officers and possession of handguns. Allows an employee of a penal facility: (1) who is a correctional officer; and (2) whose duties include the daily or ongoing supervision and care of persons who are lawfully detained in the penal facility; to possess not more than one handgun in the correctional officer's vehicle while the vehicle is on the property of the penal facility.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: February 8, 2016

Title: Carrying of handguns by members and employees of the general assembly. Permits members and certain employees of the general assembly to carry a handgun within the state capitol building and on the property of the state capitol complex if the member or employee: (1) possesses a valid Indiana license to carry a handgun; and (2) is otherwise permitted to possess a handgun.
Description: Carrying of handguns by members and employees of the general assembly. Permits members and certain employees of the general assembly to carry a handgun within the state capitol building and on the property of the state capitol complex if the member or employee: (1) possesses a valid Indiana license to carry a handgun; and (2) is otherwise permitted to possess a handgun.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: February 9, 2016

Title: Adult permanent guardianship cases. Provides that, in a proceeding on a petition for adult permanent guardianship, if the court finds that the appointment of a guardian is necessary and the person subject to the guardianship is a "mental defective" under federal law, the court shall transmit to the division of state court administration certain information for transmission to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in accordance with the federal Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Makes corresponding amendments.
Description: Adult permanent guardianship cases. Provides that, in a proceeding on a petition for adult permanent guardianship, if the court finds that the appointment of a guardian is necessary and the person subject to the guardianship is a "mental defective" under federal law, the court shall transmit to the division of state court administration certain information for transmission to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in accordance with the federal Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Makes corresponding amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 9, 2016

Title: Off duty and retired law officers and firearms. Provides that off duty law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers who meet the requirements of applicable federal and state laws concerning carrying firearms: (1) may possess firearms in the same locations that a law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a firearm may possess a firearm while the law enforcement officer is engaged in the execution of the law enforcement officer's official duties; and (2) may not be prohibited from possessing a firearm on land or in buildings and other structures owned or leased by the state or any
Description: Off duty and retired law officers and firearms. Provides that off duty law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers who meet the requirements of applicable federal and state laws concerning carrying firearms: (1) may possess firearms in the same locations that a law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a firearm may possess a firearm while the law enforcement officer is engaged in the execution of the law enforcement officer's official duties; and (2) may not be prohibited from possessing a firearm on land or in buildings and other structures owned or leased by the state or any
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016