Proposed Indiana Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Indiana does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Age verification for online ammunition sales.
Description: Age verification for online ammunition sales. Prohibits the online sale of ammunition unless certain steps are taken to prevent the sale of ammunition to a minor. Makes a violation of the online ammunition sales requirements a Class A misdemeanor, and increases the penalty to a: (1) Level 6 felony for a second or subsequent offense; and (2) Level 5 felony if the violation results in a minor obtaining ammunition.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Technical corrections.
Description: Technical corrections. Addresses technical issues in the Indiana Code, including those related to spelling, tabulation, formatting, grammar, and cross-references. Resolves technical conflicts from the 2024 legislative session. Makes conforming amendments. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the code revision committee.)
Last Action: Second reading: ordered engrossed
Last Action Date: March 10, 2025

Title: Firearms financial transactions.
Description: Firearms financial transactions. Amends the Indiana Code chapter concerning the privacy of firearms financial transactions as follows: (1) Amends the definition of "firearm" to specify that a firearm component includes castings and products used in designing, manufacturing, assembling, or fabricating firearms or firearm components. (2) Prohibits a financial services provider from: (A) refusing to provide to a firearms retailer; (B) terminating an existing business relationship to provide to a firearms retailer; or (C) offering or providing on less favorable terms and conditions to a firearms retailer; any service to facilitate or process payment card transactions, solely on the basis of the firearms retailer's status as a firearms retailer. (3) Provides an exemption from these prohibitions if a prohibited action is taken: (A) to comply with federal or state law or a court order; or (B) at the request of a law enforcement agency in connection with an active criminal investigation.
Last Action: Representative Smith H added as coauthor
Last Action Date: February 3, 2025

Title: Elimination of gun-free zones.
Description: Elimination of gun-free zones. Provides, with some exceptions, that beginning July 1, 2025, the state of Indiana may not regulate: (1) firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; and (2) the ownership, possession, carrying, transportation, registration, transfer, and storage of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories. Specifies that a certain provision of an ordinance, measure, enactment, rule, policy, or exercise of proprietary authority is void. Provides that a person not otherwise prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm under federal or state law may carry or possess a firearm, without restriction, on certain property affiliated with the following state agencies beginning July 1, 2025: (1) The department of natural resources. (2) The state fair commission. (3) The department of administration. (4) The department of workforce development. Prohibits, with some exceptions, a state educational institution (institution) from regulating the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories in particular places. Allows a person to bring an action against an institution if the person is adversely affected by certain rules concerning firearms.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Public Policy
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Self-defense.
Description: Self-defense. Specifies that "reasonable force" includes the pointing of a loaded or unloaded firearm for purposes of arrest or to prevent an escape, or for self-defense.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Surrender of firearms for domestic violence crimes.
Description: Surrender of firearms for domestic violence crimes. Provides that a person who: (1) has been convicted of a crime of domestic violence; and (2) knowingly or intentionally possesses a firearm; commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies certain defenses. Requires a court to issue an order, upon entry of a judgment of conviction for domestic battery or a crime of domestic violence, that: (1) prohibits ownership or possession of a firearm; (2) requires the defendant to surrender: (A) any firearm owned or possessed by the defendant; and (B) any license or permit to carry a handgun (license) owned or possessed by the defendant; and (3) requires confiscation, within 72 hours, of any firearm or license owned or possessed by the defendant. Provides that a domestic batterer who knowingly or intentionally fails to surrender a certain firearm or license commits a Class A misdemeanor, enhanced to a Level 6 felony in specific instances. Provides certain defenses. Specifies how a confiscated firearm or license shall be returned or disposed of if a person's right to possess a firearm is restored. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 13, 2025

Title: Community corrections program.
Description: Community corrections program. Specifies that a community corrections program is a political subdivision for purposes of: (1) the statute prohibiting legal actions by political subdivisions against the firearms industry; and (2) the tort claims act. Makes a conforming change to cross-reference the statute authorizing the establishment of community corrections programs.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 13, 2025

Title: Entertainment zones.
Description: Entertainment zones. Establishes entertainment zones within a consolidated city. Provides that the city-county council may establish a public safety plan for all or a designated part of an entertainment zone. Provides that a public safety plan for an entertainment zone may include a restriction on the possession of firearms within the entertainment zone, or within a particular area of the entertainment zone designated by the public safety plan, during certain hours. Establishes procedures for approving the public safety plan.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Local Government
Last Action Date: January 21, 2025

Title: Discrimination in providing financial services.
Description: Discrimination in providing financial services. Prohibits a financial services provider from discriminating in providing financial services to a consumer by using a social credit score as a basis for directly or indirectly: (1) declining to provide to the consumer full and equal access to one or more financial services; or (2) providing the consumer with one or more financial services on less favorable terms and conditions than would otherwise apply to the consumer if a social credit score were not used. Defines "social credit score" for purposes of these provisions. Specifies that the term does not include an analysis that involves a financial services provider's evaluation of any quantifiable risks of a consumer's participation in certain business activities or business associations, if the analysis is based on impartial, financial risk based standards that are: (1) established in advance; and (2) publicly disclosed to customers and potential customers; by the financial services provider. Provides that if a financial services provider refuses to provide, terminates, or restricts one or more financial services with respect to a consumer, the consumer may request from the financial services provider a statement of the specific reasons constituting the basis for the refusal, termination, or restriction. Provides that a financial services provider that receives such a request shall transmit to the consumer a written statement setting forth the specific reasons constituting the basis for the refusal, termination, or restriction. Sets forth requirements regarding the: (1) content of; and (2) means and time frame for submitting; a request or statement under these provisions. Provides that a violation of these provisions constitutes a deceptive act that is actionable under the deceptive consumer sales act only by the attorney general. Provides that a consumer aggrieved by a violation of these provisions may bring a civil action (including a class action) for damages, injunctive relief, or both.
Last Action: Representative Judy added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 28, 2025

Title: Tax credit for safe gun storage expenses.
Description: Tax credit for safe gun storage expenses. Provides that a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against the taxpayer's state income tax liability in a taxable year equal to the lesser of: (1) 20% multiplied by the safe gun storage expenses incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year; or (2) $200 (or $100 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return). Defines "safe gun storage expenses" as the purchase price of a qualified firearms storage device. Defines "qualified firearms storage device" as: (1) a safe, lockbox, cabinet, or other container designed to store firearms securely by restricting access to the firearms by a locking device; or (2) a locking device that, when installed on a firearm, is designed to prevent the firearm from being operated without first deactivating the device. Provides that to obtain the credit, the taxpayer must claim the credit in the manner prescribed by the department of state revenue (department). Requires the taxpayer to submit to the department proof of the taxpayer's safe gun storage expenses and all information that the department determines is necessary for the calculation of the credit. Provides that the department shall not share any information submitted by the taxpayer with any other state or federal agency. Prohibits the taxpayer from claiming any carryover, carryback, or refund of any unused credit.
Last Action: Representative Lucas added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 27, 2025

Title: Repeal of involuntary firearm removal process.
Description: Repeal of involuntary firearm removal process. Repeals provisions concerning the: (1) confiscation and retention of firearms from a dangerous person; (2) compilation and publication of statistics related to the confiscation and retention of firearms from a dangerous person; and (3) making of a false report that a person is dangerous. Modifies a provision concerning a petition to find that an individual is no longer dangerous.
Last Action: Representative Sweet added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 27, 2025

Title: Second amendment protection.
Description: Second amendment protection. Provides that no person or entity has the authority to enforce, attempt to enforce, or participate in any way in enforcing particular federal laws concerning firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition against a law abiding citizen. Specifies penalties and causes of action concerning a political subdivision or law enforcement agency that: (1) employs a law enforcement officer who knowingly violates these provisions; or (2) knowingly employs a federal official who knowingly takes certain actions concerning the enforcement or implementation of federal firearms laws. Specifies exceptions. Makes findings and defines terms.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 21, 2025

Title: Firearm storage.
Description: Firearm storage. Provides that a person having the care of a dependent who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally fails to secure a loaded firearm in the person's residence or vehicle commits neglect of a dependent, a Level 6 felony, if the dependent uses the firearm to cause bodily injury or death to any person. Enhances the offense to a Level 5 felony in particular instances. Specifies exceptions and defenses. Specifies sign requirements for retail dealers. Defines terms and makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
Last Action Date: January 21, 2025

Title: Firearm buyback programs.
Description: Firearm buyback programs. Extends, to political subdivisions, the application of current restrictions on firearm buyback programs. Prohibits a firearm buyback program that does not meet certain requirements related to staffing, serial number searches, firearm disposal, and disclosure of identifying information.
Last Action: Senator Doriot added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 21, 2025

Title: Expungement and firearms.
Description: Expungement and firearms. Specifies, for purposes of the expungement statute, that a person whose conviction for a serious violent felony involving the possession or use of a firearm is expunged is entitled to restoration of the person's right to possess a firearm only if the court finds, following a hearing, that restoration of the person's right to possess a firearm is unlikely to present a danger to the public.
Last Action: Senator Tomes added as second author
Last Action Date: January 13, 2025

Title: Possession of firearms.
Description: Possession of firearms. Prohibits a person from carrying a firearm in or near: (1) a chute; (2) polls; (3) certain areas where voters congregate or are likely to congregate; or (4) any room where ballots are being counted. Provides that the offense is a Class C misdemeanor. Enhances the offense to a: (1) Class A misdemeanor if the person has a prior unrelated conviction for the offense; or (2) Level 6 felony if the firearm is pointed at another person. Specifies: (1) a defense; and (2) certain notice requirements. Prohibits other defenses. Defines particular terms. Makes conforming amendments. Changes the minimum age required to carry a handgun to 21 years of age.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Privately made firearms.
Description: Privately made firearms. Defines a "privately made firearm" and other related terms. Makes it a Level 5 felony to possess a privately made firearm. Makes it a Level 5 felony to alter, obliterate, or remove certain marks of firearm identification or to possess a firearm on which those marks of identification have been altered, obliterated, or removed.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Right of lobbyist to carry handgun in capitol.
Description: Right of lobbyist to carry handgun in capitol. Provides that a lobbyist who meets certain training, licensing, and eligibility requirements has the right to carry a handgun within the state capitol building and on the property of the state capitol complex. Makes a technical correction.
Last Action: Senator Doriot added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 21, 2025

Title: Mandatory notification of the presence of firearms.
Description: Mandatory notification of the presence of firearms. Requires a child care home, if there is a firearm on the premises, to disclose to a custodial parent or guardian certain details about how the firearm is being stored. Provides that the disclosure to a custodial parent or guardian does not prevent an individual from lawfully exercising the individual's right to keep and bear arms.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Family and Children Services
Last Action Date: January 8, 2025

Title: Various firearms matters.
Description: Various firearms matters. Requires a person wishing to sell, trade, or transfer (transfer) a firearm to another person to transact the transfer through a dealer and provide the dealer with certain information. Specifies the background checks that a dealer must complete prior to the transaction. Permits a dealer to refuse to transact a firearm transfer. Requires a dealer to abort the transaction in other instances. Specifies requirements for a dealer who refuses to transact or aborts a firearm transfer. Makes a dealer immune from civil liability and damages in certain instances. Makes the offenses of firearm transfer fraud and the unlawful transfer of a firearm Level 6 felonies. Enhances both offenses in particular instances. Specifies exceptions and a defense. Requires a retail dealer to display a sign with language stating that failing to secure a firearm against unauthorized access poses a safety risk to children. Prohibits a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector from selling or delivering a: (1) firearm that is not a handgun to a person who is less than 21 years of age; or (2) semiautomatic assault weapon. Defines terms.
Last Action: Senators Jackson L and Spencer added as coauthors
Last Action Date: January 16, 2025

Title: Firearm storage.
Description: Firearm storage. Provides that a person having the care of a dependent who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally fails to secure a loaded firearm in the person's residence or vehicle commits neglect of a dependent, a Level 6 felony, if the dependent uses the firearm to cause bodily injury or death to any person. Enhances the offense to a Level 5 felony in particular instances. Specifies exceptions and defenses. Specifies sign requirements for retail dealers. Defines terms and makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: Senator Pol added as coauthor
Last Action Date: January 16, 2025

Title: Burglary and robbery of a gun retailer.
Description: Burglary and robbery of a gun retailer. Increases the penalty for burglary and robbery if the offense is committed on the premises of a firearm retail establishment. Makes conforming amendments.
Last Action: Senator Taylor G added as coauthor
Last Action Date: February 6, 2025

Title: Unlawful possession of a firearm by a child.
Description: Unlawful possession of a firearm by a child. Adds felony unlawful possession of a firearm by a child to the list of crimes for which a juvenile court shall, upon motion of the prosecuting attorney, waive jurisdiction under certain circumstances. Removes certain crimes concerning children and firearms from the list of crimes in which a juvenile court does not have jurisdiction for an alleged violation. Removes language in the unlawful carrying of a handgun statute prohibiting a person less than 18 years of age from carrying a handgun. Provides that the unlawful carrying of a handgun statute applies to a person who has been adjudicated as a delinquent child under the statute, and is at least 18 years of age but less than 23 years of age. Renames the "dangerous possession of a firearm" crime to "unlawful possession of a firearm by a child" and provides that the enhanced penalty applies if the offense was committed: (1) on or in school property; (2) within 500 feet of school property; or (3) on a school bus. Removes the reckless mens rea for unlawful possession of a firearm by a child. Makes technical changes.
Last Action: First reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Last Action Date: January 13, 2025